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JUNE    1884    TO    JUNE    1898 

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The  Catalogue  of  the  Society's  Library  containing  references 
to  works  received  to  June  1884  was  published  in  1886. 

The  present  Supplement  to  the  Catalogue  was  undertaken 
in  1897,  and  has  been  prepared  under  the  direction  of  the 
Library  Committee  by  the  Assistant  Secretary,  Mr.  W.  H. 
''^  Wesley.  It  embodies  references  in  a  single  list  to  all  works 
V  added  to  the  Library  between  June  1884  and  June  1898, 
summarising  the  references  published  in  the  twelve  appendices 
issued  in  the  Supplementary  Numbers  of  the  Monthly  Notices 
between  1884  and  1896,  and  contains  in  addition  references 
to  works  which  have  been  added  to  the  Library  in  the  years 

\      1897-1898,  when  no  such  appendices  were  issued. 

Excerpts  or  separate  copies  are  indicated  by  an  asterisk. 
October  1900. 


Abbadie  (Antoine  d') : 

:  Sui-  le  luagnetisme  terrestre  et  la  geodt'sie  expi'ditive. 

8vo.  Le  Caire,  1887 
■ :  ^Reconnaissances  magne'tiques.  4to.  Paris,  1890 

Abel  (N.  H.) : 

G:']uvres    completes  ....  avec  dos  notes  et  developpements, 
redige'es  par  ordre  du  Roi  par  B.  J  Lolmboe. 

2  vols.  4to.  Christiania,  i8y) 
Abetti  CAntonio) : 

;  "^Osservaziuni  astronomiclie  fatto  all'  Osservatorio  di  Padova 

coir  equatoriale  Dembowski  [1883-86]. 

8vo.  Yenezia,  1884  87 

:  *Osservazioni  delle  Comete  eseguito  a  Padova,  1884-86. 

8vo.  Venezia,  1885-87 

:  ■••■Esperimento  per  le  determinazioni  di  latitudine  fatto  collo 

struniento  dei  passaggi  di  Bamberg  all'  Osservatorio  di  Padova 
neir  Ottobre  1885.  4to.  Roma,  1886 

:  *Osservazioni  astronomiclie  fatte  a  Padova  nel  1890. 

8vo.  Venezia,  iS9r 

:  *Seguito  e   fine  delle  osservazioni    astronomiclie    fatte    nel 

1893  nel  R.  Osservatoiio  di  Padova.     Appendice  sull'  orbita 
del  pianeta  1893  A=(354).  8vo.  Venezia,  1894 

:  *I1    primo    istante    della    gran    scossa    di    terremoto    dtd 

18  Maggio  189^  notato  in  Arcetri.  8vo.  Roma,  1895 
:  *Cometa  I.  1896  (Perrine-Lamp).  4to.  Roma,  1896 

Abney  (William  do  W.) : 

■ :  Photography  with  emulsions.      3rd  edition. 

8vo.  London,  1885 
• :  Instructions  in  photography.     7th  edition. 

8vo.  London,  18S6 
:  A   treatise  on  photography,     l-'ifth  edition. 

8vo.  London,  1S88 

:  *Chemical  action  and  cxposui'e,  or  a  failure  in  a  photographic 

law.  8vo    London,   1893 

Adams  (George) : 

A  treatise  describing  the  construction,  and  explaining  the  use, 
of   new  celestial   and    terrestrial    globes.       Second    edition. 

8vo.  London,   i  769 


Adams  (.John  Couch) : 

:  Scientific  papers,  Vol.  i.     Edited  by  W.  G.  Adams  ;  with  a 

niemoii' by  J.  W.  L.  Glaisher.  410.  Cambridge,  1896 
:  Life,  see  Downing  (A.  M.  W.) 

Adelaido,  Government  Observatory : 

Meteorological  Observations  made  ....  during  the  year   1881- 
94,  under  the  direction  of  Charles  Todd. 

fol.  Adelaide,  1884-97 

Adelaide,  Post  Office,  Telegraph  and   Observatory  Depart- 
ments : 

Report,  by  Charles  Todd.  fol.  Adelaide,  1885 

Adelaide,  Royal  Society  of  South  Australia : 

Transactions  and  Proceedings  and  Report,  1883-85.     Vol.  7.  8, 

8vo.  Adelaide,  1885-86 
Aguilonius  (Yr.) : 

Opticorum  libri  sex,  philosophis  iuxta  ac  mathematicis  vtiles. 

fol.  Antverpije,  1613 
Airy  (George  Biddell) : 

:  Instructions  and  chart  for  o])servervations  of  Mars  in  Right 

Ascension    at   the    opposition    of    i860,    for   obtaining    the 
measure  of  the  Sun's  distance.  8vo.  London,  185S 

:  Numerical  lunar  theory.  4to.   London,  1886 

:  Autobiography.  .  .   .  Edited  by  Wilfrid  Airy. 

8vo.  Cambridge,  1896 
Albany,  Dudley  Observatory : 

Catalogue  of  8,241  stars  between  +  o'^  50'  and  5°  10'  .  .  .  for 
the  epoch  1875,  deduced  from  observations  made  according 
to  the  programme  of  the  Astronomische  Gesellschaft  .  .  . 
1878-82.     By  Lewis  Boss.  4to.   Leipzig,  1890 

Albategniiis  [El  Battani] : 

De  scientia  stellarum  liber,  cum  aliquot  additionibus  Joannis 
Regiomontani,  ex  Bililiotheca  Vaticana  transcriptus. 

4to.  Bononise,  1645 
Albohazen  Haly  filius  Abenragel : 

Liber  de  judiciis  astrorum.  :fol.  Basilese,  15  71 

Albrecht  (Ph.  Aug.) : 

Astronomical  doctrines  presented  in  new  aspects  :  second 
edition.  Svo.  Baltimore,  1897 

Alembert  (Jean  le  Rond  D') : 

:  Recherches  sur  la  precession  des  equinoxes,  et  sur  la  nutation 

de  I'axe  de  la  terre^  dans  le  systeme  Kewtonien. 

4to.  Paris,  1749 
:  Elements   of   philosophy,  translated  by    Richard    Lowndes. 

[MS.].  2  vols.  4to.   1838 

Alexander  (Stephen) : 

^[Obituary  notice  ofj.  8vo. 

Alfonso  X.  (of  Castille). 

Alfontij  regis  castelle  illustrissimi  celestiu  motuu  tabule  :  noc 
no  stellarum  tixarii  logitudines  ac  latitudines  alfontij  tpe  ad 
motus  veritate  niira  diligetia  reducte.  .  .  .  [prtt'fati  sum] 
Joanis  saxoniesis  in  tabulas  alfontij  canoes  ordinati. 

4to.  [Venetiis],  E.  Ratdolt,  14S3 
Alfragantis : 

Muhammedis  fil.  Ketiri  Ferganensis,  qui  vulgo  Alfraganus 
dicitur,  Elementa  astronomica  :  Arabice  6z  Latino.  Cum  notis 
....  opera  Jacobi  Golii.  4to.  Amstelodanii,  1669 

All  past  time,  New  series,  ISTos.  i-ii.  4to.  London,  1886-S7 

Ambronn  (Leopold) : 

:  Beitrag     zur     Bestimmung    der    Refraktions  -  Konstanten. 

Inaugural-Dissertation.  4to.  Hamburg,  1887 
:  *Messungen  des  Lowenbogens  zum  Zwecke  der  Untersuchung 

systematischer  Feliler  bei  Heliometermessungen. 

4to.  Kiel,  1897 

American  Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences : 

:  Memoirs.     Vol.    10-12.  4to.  Cambridge,  1885-96 

:  Proceedings,  new  series,  1883-98.     Vol.  11-25. 

8vo.  Boston,  1884-9S 

American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science : 

*Report  of  the  Committee  on  standards  of  stellar  magnitudes. 

!-•?.  Svo. 

American  Journal  of  Mathematics:   Edited  by  Simon  Newcomb 

and  T.   Craig.     Published  under  the  auspices  of  the  Johns 

Hopkins  University.     Vol.  7-20.       4to.  Baltimore,  1884-98 

American  Journal  of  Science  : 

Third  series,  edited  by  J.  D.[  and  E.  S.]  Dana  [and  others]. 
Vol.  28-50.  Svo.  New  Haven,  1884-95 

Fourth  series,  edited  by  E.  S.  Dana  [and  others].      Vol.  i-  5. 

8vo.  New  Haven,  1896-  98 
General  Index  to  Vol.  31-50  (third  series). 

Svo.  New  Haven,  1891-96 

Amsterdam,  Koninklijke  Akademie  van  Wetenschappen  : 

:  Jaarboek  voor  1883-96.  Svo.  Amsterdam,  1884-97 

:  Processen-Verbaal,  1883-84.  Svo.  Amsterdam,  1884 

. :  Verhandelingen,  Afdeeling  Natuurkunde,  Deel  24-  29. 

4to.  Amsterdam,  18S6-92 

:  Eerste  Sectie,  Deel  1-5.  4to.  Amsterdam,  1S93-96 

:  Verslagen     en     Mededeelingen,     Afdeeling     Natuurkunde. 

Tweede  Reeks.     Deel  19.  Svo.  Amsterdam,  1SS4 

:  Naam-  en  Zaakregister,  Deel  1-20. 

Svo.  Amsterdam,  1884 

:  Derde  Reeks.     Deel  1-9.         Svo.  Amsterdam,  1S85-92 

:  Register.  .  .  .  Deel  1-9.  Svo.  Amsterdam,  1893 

:  Verslagen  der    Zittingen   van    de   Wis-   en  Natuurkundige 

Afdeeling,  1892  95.  Svo.  Amsterdam,  1S93-97 


Anderson  (A.  A.) : 

Terra.     On  .-i  hitherto  unsuspected  second  axial  rotation  of  our 
earth.  8vo.  London,  1S87 

Anding  (Ernst) : 

Photometrisclie  Untersuchungen  ueber  die  Verfinsterungen  der 
Jupiterstrabanten.     Gekronte  Preisschrift. 

4to.  Miinchen,  1S89 
Andr6  (Ch.) : 

:  *  Elements  magnetiques  a  Lyon,  i  Jan.,  1889.  8vo. 

:  Description  du  service  horaire  de  la  Ville  de  Lyon. 

4to.  Lyon,  1889 
:   *Comparaison  des  efFets  optiques  des  petits  et  grands  instru- 
ments d'astronomie.  8vo.  Lyon,  1890 

Angelis  (Johannes  de) : 

Astrolabium  planii  in  tabulis  Ascendens  cotinens  qualibet  hora 
atque  mito.  Equationes  domorum  celi.  Hora  nati  in  vtero 
matris  cum  quoda  tractatu  natiuitatu  vtili  ac  ornato.  Nee 
no  horas  inequales  p  quo  libet  climate  mundi. 

4to.  Augustfe  Vindelicorum  (E.  Ratdolt)  1488 
Angelitti  (Filippo) : 

■ :  *Distanze  zenitali  circummeridiane  di  alcune  stelle  principal i 

osservate  nell'  anno  1821  dall'  astronomo  Carlo  Brioschi 

4to.  Napoli,  1889 

:  *Sopra  una  modificazione  al    metodo   detto  di  Talcott  per 

determinare  la  latitude  geografica.  4to.  Roma,  1890 

:  *Nuova     determinazione    della     latitudine     geografica    del 

R.  Osservatorio  di  Capodimonte.  4to.  Napoli,  1892 

:  *Sulla  connessione  tra  1'  escursione  diurna  della  declinazione 

magnetica  a  Capodimonte  e  la  frequenza  delle  macchie  solari. 

4to.  Napoli,  1893 

:  *Distanze  zenitali  circummeridiane  del  Sole  osservate  nell' 

anno  182 1  dall'  astronomo  Carlo  Brioschi.    4to.  Napoli,  1894 

<- :  *Sulla  data  del  Viaggio  Dantesco,  desunta  dai  dati  crono- 

logici  e  confermata  dalle  osservazioui  astronomiche. 

4to.  Napoli,  1897 

Annals  of  Mathematics,  Ormond  Stone,  editor,  Vol.  3,  No.  1-5. 

4to.  Charlottesville,  Va.,  1887 

Annuaire  Astronomique  et  Meteorologique,  par   Camille  Flam- 
marion,  1893-98.  8vo.  Paris 

Anton  (Ferdinand) : 

:  *Specielle  Storungen  uiid  Ephemeriden  fiir  die  Planeten  (114) 

Cassandra  und  (154)  Bertha.  8vo.  Wien,  1887 

:  *Bestimmung  der  Polhohe  des  astronomisch-meteorologischen 

Observatoriums  in  Triest  durch  Beobachtung  von  Stern- 
passagen  im  ersten  Vertical.  8vo.  Wien,  1889 

See  also  Trieste,  Astron.-Meteorol.  Observatorium. 

Antoniazzi  (Antonio  Maria) : 

:  *Su  alcune  espressioni  dei  rapporti  i/,  e:l  r/g,  proposte  per  la 

seconda  approssimazione  nel  calcolo  di  un'  orbita  ellittica  su 
tre  osservazioni.  8vo.  A^enezia,  1893 

Antoniazzi  (Antonio  'M.ariSi)— continued. 

:  *Equazioni    di    condizione   per    le    occultazioni   osservate   a 

Padova  nel  1894  e  nel  1895.  8vo.  V^enezia,  1896 

Apianus  (Petrus) : 

:  Ein  kurtzer  bericht  d'  Obseruatioii  unnd  vrtels,  des  jiingst 

erschinnen  Cometen,  jm  weinnion  vu  winternion  xxxii. 
Jars.  _  ...  4to.  (1532) 

:  Instrvmentvm  sinvvm,  sev  primi  mobilis,  nvper  .  .  .  inventuiu, 

nvnc  avtem  ab  eodem  diligenter  recognitum  A:  locupletatuin. 

fol.  Koriinbergte,  1541 

Apianus  (Petrus),  et  Gemma  Frisius  : 

CosiDographia  Petri  Apiani,  per  (iemmam  Frisivm  .  .  .  iani 
demum  ab  omnibus  viiulicata  mendis,  ae  noiinuUis  (|UO<[ue 
locis  aucta.  Additis  eiusdem  argumenti  libellis  ip.sius 
Gemmpe  Frisij.  4to.  Antuerpije,  1550 

Aratus  Solensis : 

:  The  Phenomena  and  Diosemeia  of  Aratus,   translated  into 

English  verse,  -with  notes.     By  John  Lamb. 

8vo.  Cambridge  and  London,  1848 
:  The  Phainomena  or  Heavenly  Display  of  Aratos,  done  into 

English  verse  by  Robert  Brown,  Jan.        4to.  London,  1S85 
:  The  celestial  equator  of  Aratus.  By  Robert  Brown,  J  un.  «vo. 

:  A  literal  translation  of  the  Astronomy  and  meteorology  of 

Aratus  ;  with  some  bibliographical  remarks.       By  C.  Leeson 
Prince.  sq.  8vo.  Lewes,  1895 

Arcetri,  R.  Osservatorio,  see  Florence. 

Areidiacono  (SO: 

*Sul  terremoto  del  13  aprile  1895,  avvenuta  in  provincia  di 
Siracusa.  4to.  Roma,   1S95 

Armagh  Observatory: 

Second  Armagh  Catalogue  of  3300  stars  for  the  epoch  1S75, 
deduced  from  observations  made.  .  .  1859  to  1883,  under 
the  direction  of  T.  R.  Robinson,  and  prepared  for  publication 
by  J.  L.  E.  Dreyer.  8vo.  Dublin,  1886 

Armani  (P) : 

Francesco  Denza  :  cenni  necrologioi.  8vo.  Roma,  1S94 

Arquier  (A.  d') : 

^Observations  de  la  lune  et  des  planetes  pour  I'annee  1763. 

4to.  Palis 

Asp  in  (Jehoshaphat) : 

A  familiar  treatise  on  Astronomy,  explaining  the  general 
phenomena  of  the  celestial  bodies.  8vo.  London,  18.-5 

Association  Frangaise  pour  I'avancement  des  Sciences : 

Compte  rendu,  session  18,  20.  8vo.  Paris,  1889-92 

Association   G6od6sique  Internationale,  ■•^"e  Europe,  Central 
bureau  der  Internationaleu  Erdmessung. 

Associazione    Italiana    per   le    Osservazioni   delle   Meteore 
Luminose : 

:  Le  stelle  cadenti  del  periodo  di  Agosto,  1885-88  ;  1890-91. 

8vo.  Torino,  1886-92 
:  Osservazioni,  1886-89,  1892-93.  8vo.  Torino 


Astrand  (Joh.  Julius) : 

:  Mindre  Afhandlinger,  I.  De  jordmagnetiske  elementers  ap- 
proximative starrelse  og  aarlige  forandring  i  Bergen,  samt 
den  magnetiske  deklinations  sekulsere  periode. 

4to.  Bergen,  1885 

:  Mindre  Afhandlinger,  II.  Om  en  auxilisertabel  til  losning  af 

Kepler's  problem.  4to.  Bergen,  1887 

:  Hiilfstafeln  zur  leichten  und  genauen  Auflosung  des  Kepler- 

'schen  Problems  .  .  .  Mit  einer  Einleitung  von  H.  Bruns. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1890 

:  IS"y  seismometer.  4to.  Bergen,  1895 

Astrological  predictions : 

Elender  betriibter  Zustand  :  das  ist  Genawe  Ausrechnungen, 
gewisse  Meynungen,  ein&timmige  Muthmassungen,  vom 
Kriege  unnd  grossen  Blutvergiessen  .  .  .   1630.       4to.  1630 

Astronomica  Vetervm  scripta  isagogiea  Grseea  &  Latina  : 

(Proclus,  Aratus,  Leontius,  Cicero,  Rufus,  Gei'manicus,  Hy- 
ginus.)  8vo.  [Heidelbergse],   1589 

Astronomical  Extracts : 

:  Scrap  book  of  prints,  extracts,  photographs,  &c.,  collected  by 

Mrs.  Jackson  Gwilt.      i  vol. 
:  Cuttings,  prints,  &c.   of  various  dates.     Mounted  in  folio. 

I  vol. 

Astronomical  Journal  (the) : 

Edited  by  B.  A.  Gould  (S.  C.  Chandlei-,  and  others).    Yol.  7-19. 

4to.  Boston,  1886-98 

Astronomical  Observations  [MSS.]  : 

Two  volumes,  containing  copies  of  observations  made  at  the 
Cape  of  Good  Hope,  St.  Helena,  &c.,  by  Mason  and  Dixon, 
Rev.  N.  Maskelyne,  &c.,  including  observations  of  the 
transit  of  Venus,  1761  ;  also  observations  of  stars  made  at 
the  (Royal  British  Observatory),  1749-58  ;  also  a  history  of 
telescopic  discoveries.     (MSS.)  2  vols.  4to. 

Astronomical  Register  (the) : 

Vol.  22-24.  Svo.  London,  1884-86 

Astronomical  Revelations  :  8 vo.  London,  1887 

Astronomic  (1') : 

Revue  mensuelle  d'astronomie  populaire,  de  mdteorologie  et  de 
physique  du  globe,  publiee  par  Camille  Flammarion.  Annee 
4-^3-  8vo.  Paris,  1884-94 

Astronomische  Mittheilungen : 

*von  R.  Wolf  (und  A.  Wolfer).     No.  60-89. 

8vo.  Zurich,  1884-98 

Astronomische  Nachrichten : 

:  Begriindet  von   H.  C.   Schumacher,   herausgegeben  von  A. 

Krueger  (und  H.  Kreutz).     Band  109-146. 

4to.  Kiel,  1884-98 

:  General-Register  der  Bande  81-120,  verfasst  von  H.  Kreutz 

und  R.  Schorr;  herausgegeben  von  A.  Krueger. 

4to.  Hamburg,  1891 

Astronomy,  a   new   departure   in  :   the   revolution   of   the   solar 
system,  by  E.  H.  8vo.  London,  1892 

Astronomy  and.  Astro-Physics : 

Edited    by   W.   W.    Payne  and  G.   E.  Hale.      1892-94.     Vol. 
11-13.  8vo.  Nortliliekl,  Minn.,  1892-94 

(Continuation  of  the  '  Sidereal  Messenger.') 

Astrophysical  Journal  (the) : 

:  An  International  review  of  spectroscopy  and  astronomical 

physics,  Edited  by  G.  E.  Hale  and  J.  E.  Keeler.     A^ol.  1-7. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1895-98 
:  Action  of  the  editorial  board  with  regard  to  standards  in 

astrophysics  and  spectrography.  8vo.  Chicago,  1S96 

Athenseum  (the) : 

Journal  of   literature,    science,   the   fine  arts,  music  and    the 
drama,  1884-98.  4to.  London,  1884-98 

Athens  (Observatoire  National): 

Bulletin  Mensuel  Geodynamique,  1896.  fol.  Athenes,  1896 

Atlas  Coelestis,  containing  the  systems  and  theoryes  of  the  planets 
and  constellations  of  the  starrs.  8vo.  London,  n.d. 

Atlas  (the  National),  containing  elaborate  topographical  maps  of 
the  United  States  and  the  Dominion  of  Canada,  with  plans  of 
cities  and  general  maps  of  the  world.        fol.  Philadelphia,  1885 

Aticoc  (Leon) : 

Lois,  statuts  et  reglements  concernant  les  anciennes  Academies 
et  rinstitut  [de  France]  de  1635  a  1889.         8vo.  Paris.  1889 

Auria  (Luigi  d") : 

*Stellar  dynamics.  8vo.  Philadelphia,  1897 

Australasian  Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science : 
Report  1888-95.  8vo.  Sydney,  1889-96 

,A.uwers  (Arthur) : 

■ :  Neue  Reduction  der  Bradley'schen  Beobachtungen  aus  den 

Jahren  1750  bis  1762.    Band  3.  St.  Petersburg,  1888 
:  *Neue  Untersuchungen  ilber  den  Durchmesser  der  Sonne. 

I-III.  '  8vo.  Berlin,  1886-89 


Auwors  (AnhnT)-continHcd.  ^    ,      ^     x        i 

.  *Tafc-Iii  zur  lieduction  von  Sternortern  aut  das  bystem  des 

'  Fundamcntaloatalogs  fiir  die  Zonenbeobachtungen  der  As- 
tronomischen  Gesellschaft.  4to.  Kiel,  1893 

:  Tol)ias  Mayer's  Stcrnvcrzeichniss,  nacli   den  Beobachtungen 

auf  der  tJottingcr  Sternwarte  in  den  Jahren  1756  bis  1760. 

4to.  Leipzig,  1894 

:  *Fandaineiital-Catalog    fiir  Zonenbeobachtungen   am    Siid- 

himmel ;  luul  sudlicher  Polar-Catalog  fur  die  Epoche  1900. 

4to.  Kiel,  1897 

:  *Tafcln  zur  Pioduction  von  siidlichen  Sterncatalogen  auf  ein 

\orlautigcs  .Mittclsystem  ;  und  weitere  Tafeln  zur  Reduction 
von  Sterncatalogen  auf  das  System  des  Fundamentalcatalogs 

4to.  Kiel,  1897 
See  a/f^n  Berlin,  Ktinigl.  Sternwarte. 

Avianus  (Wilhelm): 

Directorium  universale  ad  niullifaria  matheseos  problemata  in 
toto  terrarum  orbe,  sine  discrimine  latitudinis  locoruni, 
uniformi  metliodo,  sine  calculo,  expedite  resolvenda. 

4to.  Lipsipe,  1665 
Bachmeyer  (Wolfigang) : 

Griindliche  und  auszflihrliche  astrononiische  Beschreibung  der 
bevorstelienden  Sonnen-Finsternuss,  wie  dieselbige  auff  den 
nechst-kommnden  22  Junii  oder  2  Julii  dieses  1666  Jahrs 
.   .  .  zu  ersehen  seyn  wird.  4to.  Franckfurt,  1666 

Backhouse  (Thomas  William) : 

Publications  of  West  Hendon  House  Observatory,  Sunderland. 
No.    I.  The  structure  of  the  sidereal  universe. 

4to.  Sunderland,  1891 
Backlund  (O.) 

:  *Zur  Entwickclung  der  Storungsfunction. 

4to.  St.  Petersbourg,  1884 

:  *Untersuchungen     iiber    die    Bewegung    des    Encke'schen 

Cometen  1871-1881.  4to.  St.  Petersbourg,  1884 

:  *Dr.  Harzei-'s  XTntersuchungen  iiber  einen  speciellen  Fall 

des  Problems  der  drei  Korper.  8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1886 

:  *Comet  Encke.  I.  ;  Bearbeitung  der  Erscheinung  1885,  und 

die   Verbindung   derselben  mit    den   vier    vorhergehenderi 
Erscheinungon.  8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1886 

:  *Comet  Encke,  1865-1885.  4to.  St.  Petersbourg,  1886 

• :  *Studien  iiber  den  Sterncatalog  '  Positions  moyennes  de  3542 

rtoiles,  d('torminees  a  I'aide  du  cercle  meridien  de  Poulkova 
dans  les  annces  1840-69.'  4to.  St.  Petersbourg,  1887 

:  *Uber  die  Herleitung  der  im    achten  Bande  der  '  Observa- 

tions de  Poulkova  '  enthalteuen  Stern- Cataloge,  nebst  einigen 
Untersuchungen  iiber  den  Pulkowaer  Meridiankreis. 

4to.  St.  Petersbourg,  1888 

:  *Calculs  et  recherchcs  sur  la  comete  d'Encke.  I. 

4to.  St.  Petersbourg,  1S92 

• :  "Uber  die  Bewegung  einer  gewissen   Gruppe   der   kleinen 

Planeten.  4to.  St.  Petersbourg,  1892 


Baillaud  (B.) 

Cours  d'Astronomic  a  I'usage  des  etudiants  des  facultcs  des 
sciences.     Premiere  partie.  8vo.  Paris,  1895 

Bailly  (Jean  Sylvain) : 

Histoire  de  rAstronomie  inoderne  depuis  la  fondation  de 
I'Ecole  d'Alexandrie  jusqu'a  I'epoque  de  mdccxxx.  Nouvelle 
t'dition.  3  vols.  4to.  Paris,  17.S5 

Bailey  (Solon  I.) : 

*0n  the  forms  of  the  disks  of  Jupiter's  satellites. 

Svo.  Chicago,  i<S95 
Bainbridge  (John) : 

An  astronomicall  description  of  the  late  comet  from  the   1 8  of 

Nouemb.  161 8  to  the  16  of  December  following.    With  certain. 

morall  prognosticks  or  applications  drawne  from  the  comft's 

motion  and  irradiation  amongst  the  celestiall  hieroglyphicks. 

8vo.  London,  1619  [i8th  century  reprint]. 

Baker  (D.  W.): 

History  of  the  Harvard  College  Observatory  during  the  period 
1840-1890.  Svo.  Cambridge  [Mass.]  1890 

Bakhuyzen  (H.  G.  van  de  Sande) : 

:  *Beschreibung  eines  Apparats  zur  Bestimmung  des  absolutcn 

personlichen   Fehlers  bei   Durchgangsbeobachtungen,   nebst 
Mittheilung  der  damit  erhaltenen  Resultate. 

4to.  Haag  (1889) 

:  *Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Rotationszeit  des  planeten  Mars, 

und  liber  Aenderungen  seiner  Flecke.  4to.  Haarlem 

See  also  Leiden,  Sternwarte. 

Bakhuyzen  (H.  G.  van  de  Sande)  et  Bassot : 

Determination  de  la  difference  de  longitude  entre  Leyde  et 
Paris.  4to.  Paris,  1889 

Balde  (Jacob) : 

De  eclipsi  solari,  anno  jidcliv.,  die  xii.  Augusti,  in  Europa  a 
pluribus  spectata  tubo  optico  :  nunc  iterum  .  .  .  tubo  satyrico- 
perlustrata  :  libri  duo.  i2mo.  Monachii,  1662 

Ball  (L60  de) : 

^Determination  de  la  parallaxe  relative  de  I'etoile  principale  du 
couple  optique  S  15 16  ab,  a  I'aide  d'observations  faites  a 
rinstitut  astrononiique  annexe  a  I'Universite  de  Liege. 

4to.  Bruxelles,  1887 

Ball  (Robert  Stawell): 

The  story  of  the  heavens.  Svo.  London,  18S5 

The  cause  of  an  ice  age.  8vo.  London,  iSgr 

An  atlas  of  astronomy  :  a  series  of  seventy-two  plates  with 
introduction  and  index.  8vo.  London,  1892 

In  starry  realms.  8vo.  London,  1892 

In  the  high  heavens.  8vo.  London,  1893 

The  story  of  the  Sun.  Svo.  London,  1893 

Great  Astronomers.  Svo.  London,  1895 


Ball  (Robert  StavrQlD-contimicd.  o       t      i 
I_     *The  -Meat  Astronomers  :  Tycho  Brahe.  8vo   London 
:  •The  "twelftli   and   concluding   memoir  on    the   theory   of 

■  screws  ;  with  a  summary.  4to.  Dublin,  1898 

Ball  t Walter  W.  Rouse): 

:  A  short  account  of  the  history  of  mathematics 

8vo.  London  [and  CambridgeJ,  1888 

.    \  history  of  the  study  of  mathematics  at  Cambridge. 

■  ^  J  "  gvo.  Cambridge,  1889 

Balmer  <Hans  Friedrich) :  . 

Studien  liber  den  Seeweg  zwischen  Europa  und  \\  est-feibirien 
Inaugural-Dissertation.  4^0.  (Bern)  1886 

Baltimore,  Johns  Hopkins  University: 

Circular,  v.  «.,  No.  36-134.  4to.  Baltimore,  1884-98 

Bamberg,  Sternwarte  :  _     ,  .  . 

Jahresbericht  iiber  die  Thatigkeit  der  Sternwarte  bis  Fruhjahr 
1892,  von  E.  Hartwig.  «vo.  Bonn,  1892 

Baracchi  (Pietro) : 

*0n  the  most  probable  value  and  error  of  Australian  longitudes. 

8vo.  Brisbane,  1895 

Barker  (George  P.): 

Memoir  of  Henry  Draper,  1837-1882.  8vo.  Washington 

Barlow  (C.  W.  C).  and  G.  H.  Bryan: 

:  Elementary    mathematical   astronomy,  with   examples  and 

examination  papers.  8vo.  London  (1892) 
: Second  edition.  8vo.  London,  1893 

Barnard  (Edward  Emerson) : 

:  ^Physical  and  niicrometrical  observations  of  the  companions 

to  comet  1889  V.  (Brooks).  4to.  Kiel,  1890 

:  *  Photographing  with  a  non-photographic  telescope. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1891 

• :    ■Relative  motions  of  spots  and  markings  on  Jupiter ;  the 

great  red  spot  and  other  markings. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1891-94 

:  *  Observations  of  Jupiter  and  its  satellites,  1890  ;  phenomena 

of  transits  of  the  first  satellite  [&c.].      8vo.  London,  1891-95 

:  *0n  the  diameter  of  Ceres,  Pallas,  and  Yesta. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

:  *Pliotograph  of  a  remarkable  comet  ;  of   M.    8   and   tritid 

nebula  ;  great  photographic  nebula  of  Orion  ;  disc  of  Jupiter's 
satellite  III.  [].  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

:  *0n  the  forms  of  the  discs  of  the  satellites  of  Jupiter  as  seen 

with  the  36-inch  Equatorial  of  the  Lick  Observatory. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

:  •'^Exterior  nebulosities  of  the  Pleiades. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

:  *Micronietrical  observations  of  Nova  (T)  Aurigse. 

4to.  Kiel,  1894 

1 1 

Barnard  (Edward  Emerson)    continued. 

*The  Gegenschein  or  zodiacal  counter  glow. 

8vo,  Northfield,  Minn.,  1S94 
*Photographs  of  Gale's  comet.  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 
■'Photographs  of  Swift's  nebula  in  Monoceros  (X.G.C.  2237) 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 
*Photographic  nebulosities  and  star  clusters  connected  with 
the  Milky  Way.  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

*Micrometrical  observations  of  the  fifth  satellite  of  Jupiter 
[tfec]  4to.  Boston,  1894 

*Micrometrical  measures  of  diameters  of  Minor  Planets. 

8vo.  London,  1894-95 
*Photographs  of  the  Milky  Way.  8vo.  Chicago,  1895 

*Photograph  of  the  nebula  N.G.C  1499,  '"^^ar  i  Persei. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1895 
"■'■Celestial  photographs  with  a  *  magic  lantern '  lens. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1895 
*Micrometrical  measures  of  the  diameters  of  the  south  polar 
caps  of  Mars,  1892  and  1894  [ifec] 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1895 
*Observations  of  the  transits  of  Mercury,  1891  and  1894. 

4to.  Boston,  1895 
*0n  a  photographic  search  for  a  satellite  to  the  Moon. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1895 
^Astronomical  photography.  4to.  New  York,  1895 

*Micrometer  measures  of  8aturn  [&c.]. 

8v.    London,  1895-96 
*Photogi\aphic  and  visual  observations  of  Holmes'  comet. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1896 
*Micrometrical  determination  of  the  dimensions  of  the 
planets  and  satellites  of  the  solar  system. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1897 
*0n  the  third  and  fourth  satellites  of  Jupiter. 

4to.  Kiel,  1S97 
*0n  the  photography  of  meteors. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1897 
*Physical  and  micrometrical  observations  of  Venus  made  at 
the  Lick  Observatory.  8vo.  Chicago,  1897 

*The  great  nebula  of  p  Ophiuchi,   and  the  smallness  of  the 
stars  forming  the  groundwork  of  the  Milky  Way. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1897 
*The  Milky  Way  and  the  great  nebula  of  Andromeda. 

8vo.  New  York,  189S 
Life,  see  Burnham  (S.  W.) 

Barrow  (Isaac) : 

Lectiones  XVIII.,  Cantab rigiaj  in  scholis  publicis  habita>,  in 
quibus  opticorum  phiT^nomenwn  genuina^  rationes  investi- 
gantur  ac  exponuntur.  Annexaj  sunt  lectiones  aliquot 
geometries  (in  quibus,  prpesertim,  generalia  curvarum 
linearum  symptomata  declarantur.) 

2  parts  in  i  vol.  4to.,  Londini,  1669-70 


Bartholini  i  Caspar^ :  .  ,      •  -i. 

Sneciiuen  philosophiii"  naturalis  prajcipua  physices  capita  ex- 
poncns.  121110.  Arastelnedami,  1697 

Bartlott  (W.  H.  C.) :  ,r   o  ,      •     ,   a   . 

Klnnriits  of  N.itural  riiilosophy.  IV.  Spherical  Astronomy. 

8vo.  New  York,  1855 

Bashforth  (Francis)  :  ,    ^    ,  .    ,,  r.i  i, 

.  Reports  oil  exjieriniciits  made  with  the  Bashforth  Chronograph 

'  to  dftcrmiiie  the  lesistance  of  the  air  to  the  motion  of  pro- 
jectiles, part  2,  1878-79.  Svo.  London,  1879 

:    |)o.scription  of  a  macliinc  for  finding  the   numerical   roots  of 

equations  and  tracing  a  variety  of  useful  curves. 

Svo.  Cambridge,  1892 

Bassantinus  <  J.) : 

Astrononiia  1.  Bassantini  Scoti.  Opus  absolutissimum,  in  quo, 
(|uidquid  vnquam  peritiores  mathematici  in  cselis  obseruarunt, 
eo  ordine,  eaq;  niethodo  traditur,  vt  cuiuis  posthac  facile 
innotescant  quax^uinquc  de  Astris  ac  Planetis,  necnon  de 
eorum  variis  orbibus,  niotibus,  passionibus,  &c.  dici  possunt. 

fol.  Tornaesium  [LugduniJ,   1599 

Batavia,  Magnetical  and  Meteorological  Observatory : 

:  Regenwaarneniingcii  in  Nederlandsch-Indie,  1883-96 

Svo.  Batavia,  18S4-97 

:  ^Nlagnctical  and  meteorological  observations,    1881-96.   Vol. 

6-19.  fol.  Batavia,  18S5-97 

Batavia,  Natuiirkundige  Vereeniging  in  Wederlandsch- Indie  : 
:   r.oekwerken  ter  tafel  gebracht  in  de  Vergaderingen  van  de 

I  )irectie,  1893-96  Svo.  Batavia,  1894-97 

:  Catalogus  der  Bibliothek  Svo.  Batavia,  1884 

:  Natuurkundig   Tijdschrift   voor    Nederlandsch-Indie,    Deel 

44  56  Svo.  Batavia,  1885-97 

Batcmau  (.John  Frederick) : 

'Meteorology  :  llainfall.  Svo.  London,  [1880] 

Battermann  (H.) 

:  *Untersuchungen   uber    die    Gestalt   der   Bilder,    und    die 

Tlieorie  der  ]\Iossungen  ausserhalb  der  optischen  Axe  von 

astronomisclien  Instrumenten.  4to.  Kiel,  1S89 
;  *Triangulation    zwischen     den     8     hellsten     Sternen     der 

Plejadengruppe.  4to.  Kiel,  1889 
:  *]ndividuelle  Corrcctioncn  von  388  Fundamentalsternen  des 

Berliner  Jahrbuchs.  4to.  Kiel,  1897 
:  *Tafeln  zur   Berechnung   der   Mondparallaxe   fur   Voraus- 

bcrechnung  von  Sternbcdeckungen.  4to.  Kiel,  1897 

Baucrnfeind  {Carl  Max  von) : 

:  Codachtnisrede  auf  Joseph  von  Fraunhofer  zur  Feier  seines 

hundertsten  Geburtstags.  4to.  Miinchen,  1887 
:  ]  )a.s     Bayerische     Pracisions-Nivellement.       Siebente    Mit- 

^'"-'•""&'-  4to.  Miinchen,  1888 


Bauschinger  (Julius) : 

:  *Uber  die  Biegung  von  Meridianfernrohi'cn. 

4I0.  Miinclion,  18SS 

:  *Untersuchungen   iil)er  die  astronomische    Refraction,   mit 

einer  Bestimmung  der  Polhohe  von  Miinchen  und  iln-er 
Schwankungen  ....  1891-93,  und  einem  Katalog  der 
absoluten  Declinationen  von  116  Fundamental-Sternen. 

4to.  Miinchen,  1896 
See  also  Berlin,    K.    Sternwarte   Rechen  Inst.  ;  and    Munich, 
K.  Sternwarte. 

Baxendell  (Joseph^ : 

:  Borough  of  8outhport,  meteorological  department  :   Report 

of  the  Fernley  Observatory  and  results  of  observations  for 
the  year  1895-96.  4to.  Southport,  1S96-97 

:  An      account    of    the    investigation    by    the    late    Joseph 

Baxendell,  as  to  short-period  cyclical  changes  in  the 
magnetic  condition  of  the  earth,  and  in  the  distribution  of 
temperature  on  its  surface.  Svo.  Liverpool,  1S97 

Bayer  (Joannes) : 

Uranometria,  omnium  asterismorum  continens  schemata,  nova 
methodo  delineata,  aereis  laminis  expressa.     fol.  Ulmse    1723 

Becker  (E.) 

:  Bestimmung  des  Zeitunterschiedes  zwischen  dem  Meridian 

von  Berlin    und  den   Meridianen  von  Greenwich   und  von 

Wien.  4to.  Berlin,  1881 
:  "*Resultateaus  Beobachtungen  von  521  Bradloy'schen  Sternen 

am  grossen  Berliner  Meridiankreise.  4to.  Berlin,  18S1 
:  Logarithmisch-trigonometrisches   Handbuch  auf  fiinf  Deci- 

malen.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1S82 

tSee  also  Berlin,  Iv.  Sternwarte. 

Becker  (Ludwig) : 

:  *The  Solar  Spectrum  at  medium  and  low  altitudes.  Observa- 
tions of  the  region  between  wave-lengths  6024  and  4S61 
A.  U.  4to.  Edinburgh,  1S90 

:  *Observations  of  the  new  star  in  Auriga. 

4to.  Edinburgh,  1892 
Beckius  (Mathias  Frid.) : 

Ephemerides  Pei'saruin  per  totiuu  annum,  juxta  epochas 
celebriores  orientis,  Alexandream,  Christi,  Diocletiani, 
Hegine,  Jesdegirdicam,  et  Gelahvam  .  .  .  e  libello  Arabice, 
Persice  atque  Turcice  ....  nunc  Latine  vers;e  et  v.  Com- 
mentariorum  libris  illustrata'. 

fol.  Augusta^  Yindelicorum,  1696 
Beglinger  (Johannes) : 

Das  Wcltgesetz,  oder  neue  Theorie  der  allgemeinen  Sclnvere. 

8vo.  Zurich,  18S5 

Belfast  Natural  History  and  Philosophical  Society: 

Report  and  Proceedings, 1 883-97.  Svo   Belfast,  1SS4-97 


B61opolsky  (A.):  .      „o  i.     T\/r  qqq 

•L'eclipse  totale  de  soleil  du  19  aout  1887.     4^0.  Moscou,  1888 

B61opolsky  (A.),  et  M.  Morine  :  ,.,.-□, 

♦Positions  apparentes  des  taches  solaires  photographiees  a  Jr'oul- 
kovo  par  B.  Hasselberg  1881-88.      4^0.  St.-Petersbourg,  7894. 

Borgstrand  (Osten): 

.  *,Sur  la   reduction  des  mesures  micrometriques  des  cliches 

'  photoirraphiques  stellaires.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1896 

.  »Sur  Tinilucnce  de  la  refraction  et  de  I'aberration  sur  les 

mesures  photogrammctriques  des  etoiles. 

8vo.  Stockholm,  1897 

Berlin,  Astronomisclies  Jahrbuch,  see  Berlin,   K.  Sternwarte, 

Berlin,  Centralbureau  der  Internationalen  Erdmessung,  see 

Berlin,  Konigliche  Akademie  der  Wissenschaften : 

:  Abhandlungen,  1884-96.  4to.  Berlin,  1885-96 

:  Sitzungsberichte,  Jahrgang  1884-98.      8vo.  Berlin,  1884-98 

Berlin,  Konigl.  Preuss.  Geodatlsches  Institut: 

:  Astronomisch-geodiitische  Arbeiten,  1883-84. 

4to.  Berlin,  1885 
:  Das  Mittelwasser  der  Ostsee  bei  Travemiinde.    W.  Seibt. 

4to.  1885 
:  Uebersicht  der  Arbeiten  .  .  .  unter  Gen.  Lieut.  J.  J.  Baeyer. 

4to.  1886 
:  Lothabweichungen.     Heft  i.     Formeln  und  Tafeln. 

4to.  1 886 

:   Astronoraisch-geodatische    Arbeiten.       I.    Ordnung.     Tele- 

graphische  Liingenbestimmungen,  1885-86.  4to.  1887 
:  Pracisions-Nivellement  der  Elbe.  III.     W.  Seibt. 

4to.  1887 
:  Gradmessungs-Nivellement  zwischen  Anclam  und  Cuxhaven. 

4to.  1888 

:  Astronomisch-geodatische  Arbeiten,  I.  Ordnung  :  telegraph- 

ische  Liingenbestimmungen,  1887  [&c.].  4to.  1889 

:  Das  Milrkisch-Thiiringische  Dreiecksnetz.  4to.  1889 

:  Gewichtsbestiramungen   fiir    Seitenverhiiltnisse   in   schema- 

tischen  Dreiecksnetzen.  4to.  1889 

:  Polhohenbestimmungen,  1886.  4to.  1889 

:  Lotabweichungen  in  der  Umgebung  von  Berlin.       4to.  1889 

:  Astronomisch-geodatische     Arbeiten,     I.     Ordnung ;     tele- 

graphische  Langenbestimmungen  1888-89  ['^c.]        4to.  1890 

:  Das  Mittelwasser  der  Ostsee  bei  Swinemiinde.  IL    4to.  1890 

:  Die  Schwerkraft  im  Hochgebirge.     F.  R.  Helmert. 

4to.  1890 

:  Das  Berliner  Basisnetz.  j^to.  1891 

:  Die    Europaische    Langengradmessung   in    52''    breite   von 

Greenwich  bis  Warschau.     Heft  I.,  II.  4to.  1893-96 
:  Polhohenbestimmungen  im  Harzgebiet,  1887-91.      4to.  1894 


Berlin,  Konigl.  Preuss.  Geodatisches  Inatitvit— continued. 

■ :  Astronomisch-geodutische     Arbeiten,     I.     Orclnung ;      tele- 

graphische  Langenbestimmungen,  1890-93.  4to.  1895 
:  Zenitclistanzen  zur  Bestimmung  der  Hoheulage  der  Nordsee- 

Inseln  Helgoland  [etc.].  4to.  1895 
:  Bestimmung  der  Polhoheund  der  Tntensitat  der  Schwerkraft 

auf  22  8tationen.  8vo.  1896 
:  Die  Neumessung  der  Grundlinieu  bei  Strehlen,  Berlin  und 

Bonn.  4to.  1897 

. :  Jahresbericlit  des  Direktors,  1891-97.  8vo.  1892-97 

Berlin,  Konigliclie  Sternwarte : 

:  Bcobaclitungs-Ergebnisse,  Heft  1-7.        4to.  Berlin,  1881-97 

:  Astronomische     Beobachtungen,     herausgegeben     von    W. 

Foerster,  Band  5.  fol.  Berlin,  1884 

:  Astronomische     Beobachtungen.       Zweite    Serie,     Band    I. 

Zonenbeobachtungen  der  Sterne  zwischen  20  und  25  Grad 
nordlicher  Declination,  ausgefiihrt  und  bearbeitet  von  E. 
Becker  ;  herausgegeben  von  W.  Foerster.     Band  I. 

4to.  Berlin,  1892-95 

:  Catalog  von  920S  Sternen  zwischen  +  20'^  o'  und  +   25°  lo'^ 

fiir  das  ^quinoctium  1875,  nach  Zonenbeobachtungen  in 
den  Jahren  1879-83,  von  E.  Becker.  4to.  Leipzig,  1895 

:  Catalog  von  9789  Sternen  zwischen  +  14''  50' und  -|-  20'^  10', 

und  Catalog  von  372  grosstentheils  der  noi^dlichen  berliner 
Zone  angehorigen  Sternen  fiir  das  -^quinoctium  1875,  nach 
Zonen-Beobachtungen  ...  in  den  Jahren  1869  74,  von 
A.  Auwers.  4to.  Leipzig,  1896 

Berlin,  Konigliclie  Sternwarte  ;  Rechen-Institut : 

:  Berliner  Astronomisches  Jahrbuch  fiir  1887-1900.     Heraus- 
gegeben von  F.  Tietjen  (und  J.  Bauschinger). 

8vo.  Berlin,  1885-9S 

:  Circular.     No.  230-335.  8vo.  Berlin,  1884-91 

Veroffentlichungen  ;  No.  1-6.  4to.  Berlin,  1892-98 

No.  I.  Tafel  zur  Berechnung  der  wahron  Anomalie,  ttc. 

2.  C.  M('>nnichmeyer.     Allgenieine  Storungen  der  Themis. 

3.  F.  K.  Giuzel.     Uber  die  Bahn  des  Olbers'schen  Cometen. 

4.  J.    Bauschinger,     Genaherte      Oppositions-Ephemeriden      xon 

62  Kleinen  Planeten.     1S97  Jan.-Juli. 

5.  Ditto,  von  78  Kleinen  Planeten.     1897  Aug.-Dec. 

6.  Ditto,  von  45  Kleinen  Planeten.     1898  Jan.-Aug. 

Berlin,  Nautisches  Jalirbuch,  oder  Ephemeriden  xmd  Tafeln 
fiir  das  Jahr  1890,  zur  Bestimmung  der  Zeit,  Liinge  und: 
Breite  zur  See,  nach  asti'onomischen  Beobachtungen  .  .  ,  , 
unter  Redaction  von  F.  Tietjen.  8vo.  Berlin,  1887 

Berlin,  Physikalische  Gesellsehaft : 

:  Die  Fortschritte  der  Physik  in  den  Jahren  1881-96.     Jahr- 

gang  34,  35,  37-52-  8vo.  Berlin,  1886-97 


Berlin,  Physikalische  Gesellschaft— con/!iu2/cJ. 

•  j)i,>  Fortschritte  der  Physik  :    Namen-   und  Sach-Register 

'  (Band  21-43).  ^^°'  ^^^^i"'  1897-98 

:  Verhandlungen,  1886-97.     Jahrgang,  5-17. 

Svo.  Berlin,  1887-98 

Berlin,    Vereinigung   von   Preunden   der   Astronomie    und 
Ko'smiachen  Physik : 

Mittheilungen.     Jahrgang  6-8.  8vo.  Berlin,  1896-98 

Bernoulli  (Jean),  junior : 

T^cttres  astronoiniques,  ou  Ton  donne  une  idee  de  I'etat  actuel 
de  I'astronoinie  pratique  dans  plusieurs  villes  de  I'Europe. 

8vo.  Berlin,  1771 
Berry  (Arthur) : 

Clalileo.  Svo.  Oxford,  1896 

Berthold  (Gerhard)  : 

Der  Magister  Johann  Fabricius  und  die  Sonnenflecken  ;  nebst 
einem  Excurse  iiber  David  Fabricius.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1894 

Berthoud  (Ferdinand) : 

Eclaircissemens  sur  rinventir.11,  la  theorie,  la  construction  et  les 
epreuves  des  nouvelles  machines  proposees  en  France  pour  la 
determination  des  longitudes  en  mer  parlamesure  du  temps. 

4to.  Paris,  177.^ 

'  Beutel  (Tobias)  : 

■ :Arboretum  jVIathematicum  :  darinnen  zu  befinden  Himmels- 

Figuren  und  Geburts-Stunden  hoher  Hiiupter,  auch  ausz- 
gerechnete  Finsterniisze,  Sonnen-  Mond-  und  Sternen-Uhren, 
Astrologia,  Themata,  und  richtig  calculirte  Longitudines  & 
Latitudiiies.  .  .  .  4to.  Dreszden,  1669 

:  Dissertatio  astronoraica  de  eclipsibus  Solis,  pra^eipue  instanti 

d.  II.  Julii  [Inaugural  Dissertation].  ^to.  Lipsite    1684 

Beveridge  (William) : 

Institutionum  chronologicarum  libri  I.,  II.,  una  cum  totidem 
arithmetices  chronologicre  libellis.     Editio  altera. 

4to.  Londini,  1705 
Beyer  (Johann  Hartmann) : 

-Stereometriio  inanivm  nova  et  facilis  ratio,  geometricis  demon- 
strationibus  condrmata.  4to.  Francofvrti,  160- 

Bezold  (Wilhelm  von) : 

Ueber  Wolkenbildung.  Svo.  Berlin,  1894 

Bickerton  (A.  W.) : 

:  Copy  of  letters  sent  to  'Xature'  ou  partial  impact. 

Svo.  Christchurch,  N.Z.,  1S79 

:  Genesis  of  worlds  and  systems. 

.  Svo.  Christchurch,  N.Z.,  1879 
:  A  new  story  of  the  stars.  Svo.  Christclmrch,  N.Z.,  1894 


Bigelow  (Frank  H.) : 

:  *The  Solar  corona,  discussed  by  spherical  harmonics. 

4to.  Wasliington,  1S89 

:  *Terrestrial  magnetism.  4to.  189c 

:  *A  solution  of  the  aurora  problem.     Svo.  Xew  Haven,  1S91 

Biggs  (A.  B.)  : 

•  :  *a  Centauri,  with  a  graphic  projection  of  its  orbit  from  its 

apparent  curve.  Svo.  Tasmania,  18S7 

'  :  *The  transit  of  Mercury,  May  10,  1S91  :  Observations  taken 

at  Launceston  [Tasmania].  Svo.  Hobart 

Bigler  (Ulrich) : 

Potential  einer  elliptischen  Walze  :  Inaugural  Dissertation 

Svo.  Greifswald,  18S9 
Bigourdan  (G.)  : 

:  *Mesures  d'etoiles  doubles  faites  a  I'equatorial  de  la  tour  de 

I'ouest  de  iSSo  a  18S4.  4to.  Paris  [18S3] 

:  *Histoire  de  I'astronomie  a  Toulouse,  de  I'origine  a  la  fonda- 

tion  de  I'Observatoire  actuel.  4to.  Paris,  1883 

:  *Observations  pour  determiner  la  parallaxe  de  (12)  Victoria. 

4to.  Paris  [1883 J 

:  *Nebuleuses  nouvelles  decouvertes  a  I'Observatoire  de  Paris. 

4to.  Paris,  1891 

:  *Observations  de  nebuleuses  et  d'amas  stellaires. 

4to.  Paris  [1892] 
Bion  (Nicolas) : 

Traite  de  la  construction  et  des  principaux  usages  des  instru- 
mens  de  mathematique  .  .   .  Troisieme  edition 

4to.  Paris,  1725 

Birmingham  (-1.) : 

*The  Red  Stars  :  observations  and  catalogue.  Xew  edition,  by 
Rev.  T.  E.  Espin.  4to.  Dublin,  1890 

Birmingham,  Natural  History  and  Philosophical  Society : 

Proceedings,  vol.  4-9.  Svo.  Birmingham,  1883-95 

Bischof  ( Johann) : 

Untersuchungen  liber  die  Eigenbewegung  des  Sonnensystems 
auf  Grund  von  4S0  Argelander'schen  Fixsternen.  Inau<^ural- 
Dissertation.  Svo.  Bonn,  1S84 

Bischoflfsheim  (R.  L.) :  See  Nice,  Observatoire. 

Bishop  (George) : 

Views  and  description  of  Mr.  Bishop's  Observatory,  Twicken- 
ham. 4to.  n.d. 

Blaekstone  (Dodge  Pierce) : 

The  attraction  and  the  iigure  of  equilibrium  of  a  rotating  fluid 
mass,  and  the  interior  density  and  temperature  of  the  earth 

Svo.  Madison,  Wis.,  1S85 



Blaeuw  (Willem  Janz) : 

Jnstilutio  Astrouomica  de  usugloborum  &  spliferarum  cselestium 
ac  terrestriuni  ;  duabus  partibus  adornata,  una  secundum 
hypotliesin  Ptoleina'i  .  .  .  altera  juxta  mentem  IST.  Copernici 
.  .  .  Latinu  redditaaM.  Hortensio.  8vo.  Amstelsedami,  1652 

Blagrave  (John) : 

..^strolabium  Uranicum  generale.  A  necessary  and  pleasaunt 
solace  and  recreation  for  nauigators  in  their  long  iorneying, 
containing  the  vse  of  an  instrument  or  generall  Astrolabe. 

4to.  London,  1595 

Blaueanxis  (Josephus) : 

Sphfera  Mundi,  sev  Cosmographia  demonstratiua,  ac  facile 
methodo  tradita  :  in  quatotius  mundi  fabrica,  vna  cum  nouis, 
Tychonis,  Kepleri,  Galihei,  aliorumq  ;  astronomorum  adin- 
uentis  continetur.  4to.  Mvtinse,  1635 

Elanchinus  (Joannes) : 

Tabule  Joa.  Blanchini  Bononiensis,  cu  plerisq.  additionibus  ac 
novis  tabellis  nup.  impresse,  Per  L.  Gauricii  neapolit. 
castigate.  4to.  Venetiis,  1526 

Blass  (Friedrich) : 

Eudoxi  ars  astronomica  qualis  in  charta  Aegyptiaca  superest, 
denuo  edita.     [University  Programme.]         4to.  Kiliae,  1887 

Blater  (Joseph) : 

Table  of  quarter-squares  of  all  whole  numbers  from  i  to 
200000,  for  simplifying  multiplication,  squaring,  and  extrac- 
tion of  the  square-root,  and  to  render  the  results  of  these 
operations  more  certain.  4to.  London,  1888 

Blue  Hill  Meteorological  Observatory,  [Readvillel,  Mass. : 

Results  of  the  meteorological  observations  made  ...  in  the 
year  1886,  under  the  direction  of  A.  L.  Rotch. 

4to.  Boston,  1887 
See  also  Harvard  College  Astronomical  Observatory. 

Boaventura-Martins-Pereira  (Rodrigo  de)  : 

La  rotation  et  le  mouvement  curviligne  :  nouvelle  theorie  de 
I'attraction  et  de  la  repulsion  des  corps,  appliquees  a  la  gravi- 
tation, a  la  gravite,  a  la  cohesion  et  a  I'ailinite. 

4to.  Lisbonne,  1885 

Bobrinskoy  (Comtesse  Nadejda) : 

^Determination  de  I'orbite  de  la  comete  1890  VI. 

4to.  St.-P^tersbourg,  1894 
Bode  (Johann  Elert) : 

Claudius  Ptolemiius  .  .  .  Beobachtung  und  Beschreibun^  der 
Gestirne  und  der  Bewegung  der  himmlischen  Sphare.  *Mit 
Erlauterungen,  Vergleichungen  der  neuern  Beobachtungen, 
und  einera  stereographischen  Entwurf  der  beyden  Halbkugeln 
des  gestirnten  Himmels  fur  die  Zeit  des  Ptolemaus. 

8vo.  Berlin  und  Stettin,  1795 



Boeddicker  (Otto)  : 

:  *Notes  on  the  physical  appearance  of  the  planet  Mars  during 

the  opposition  in  iSSi,  accompanied  by  sketches  made  at  the 
Observatory,  Birr  Castle.  4to.  Dublin,  1S82 

.  :  *0n  the  changes  of   the  radiation  of   heat  from  the  moon 

during  the  total  eclipse  of  18S4  Oct.   4,  as  measured  at  the 
Observatory,  Birr  Castle.  4to.  Dublin,  1885 

:  *Observations  of  the  planet  Jupiter,  made  with  the  reflector 

of  three  feet  aperture,  at  Birr  Castle  Observatory. 

4to.  Dublin,  1889 

:  ■•■•Lunar  radiant  heat,   measured  at  Birr  Castle  Observatoiy 

during  the  total  eclipse  of  January  28,  1888. 

4to.  Dublin,  i8gi 

:  The  Milky  Way,  from  the  north  pole  to  ten  degrees  of  south 

declination,  drawn  at  the  Earl  of  Rosse's  Observatory  at  Birr 
Castle.  fol.  London,  1S93 

B03rseli  (O.) : 

"■••Bibliographie  Geodcsique.        4to.  Berlin  und  ISTeuchatel,  1S89 

Bogovlensky  (P.) : 

Observations  of  variable  stars  of  the  Algol  type,  1891-92   [in 
Russian].  8vo.  Kasan,  1893 

Bohlin  (Karl)  : 

:  *0m  betydelsen  af  lefvande  kraftens  princip  for  frfigan  om 

dynamiska  systems  stabilitet.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1887 
■  :  *0m    en  grupp    af   differentialeqvationer   hvilkas    solution 

medfor  s.  k.  sma  divisorer.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1887 
:  "*0m  bestamningen  af   konstanterna  vid  den  dagliga  nuta- 

tionen.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1888 

:  ^'Ueber  eine  neue  Annaherungsmetode  in  der  Storungstheorie. 

8vo.  Stockholm,  1888 
. :  *En  generalisation  af  Laplace's  undersokning  af  librationen 

af  planetteorien.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1888 
:  *Formeln  und   Tafeln   zur   Gruppenweise  Berechnung   der 

allsemeinen  Storungen  benachbarter  Planeten. 

4to.  Upsala,  1896 

BoMin  (Karl)  und  C.  A.  Seliultz-Steinheil : 

■■•■Om  lakttagelserna  vid  Upsala  Observatorium  for  equinoktiets 
bestamning  varen  och  hosten  1889.         4to.  Stockholm,  1890 

Bologna : 

:  Ephemerides  Bononienses  Mediceorum  Syderum  ex  hypothe- 

sibus  et  tabulis  Jo.  Dominici  Cassini  .  .  .  deductfe 

4to.  Bononife,  1668 

:  Eustachii  Manfredii  introductio  in  Ephemerides,  cum  oppor- 

tunis  tabulis  .  .  .  Editio  altera  .  .  .  ad  Ephemerides  1751-62 
.  .  .  accommodata  .  .  4to  Bononite,  1750 

:  Ephemerides  motuum  ccelestium  ex  anno  1751  in  annum  1762 

.   .   .  supputata?,  a  Eustachio  Zanotto         4to.  BonoDite,  1750 

:  Ephemerides   motuum  coelestium  ab  anno    1823  ad  annum 

1828  .  .  .  supputatae  a  Petro  Catureglio.    4to.  Bononia?,  1822 
See  also  Ghisler  (M.A.). 

c  2 


Bologna,  R.  Aceademia  dello  Scienze  dell'  Istituto : 

Memoric,  sciie  4  .  .  tomo  4-10.  4to.  Bologna,  1883-89 

Ditto,  scrie  5  tomo  1-5.  4^0.  Bologna,  1891-96 

Inclici  general!  dei  clieci  tomi  component!  la  serie  4,    1880- 
^(.^  4to.  Bologna,  1890 

:  llendiconto,  Nuova  Serie,  Vol.  i.  _  8vo.  Bologna,_  1897 

:  Note  sur  les  derniers  progres  de  la  question  de  I'unification  du 

calendrier  dansses  rapports  avec  I'heure  universelle. 

Svo.  Bologne,  1SS8 

:  Rapport  de  la  Commission  de  I'unification  du  calenclrier. 

4to.  Bologne,  18S9 

:  Expose  dcs    raisons    appuyant    la  transaction   proposee   par 

rAcadomie,  au  sujet  du  meridien  initial  et  de  I'heure  uni- 
verselle. 4*0-  Bologne,  1890 

:  Del  meridiano  iniziale  e  dell'  ora  universale. 

8vo.  Bologna,  1890 
Bombay  Branch  of  the  Royal  Asiatic  Society : 

:  Journal,  Vol.  17-19  8vo.  Bombay,  1884-97 

:  Index  to  the  Transactions  of  the  Literary  Society  of  Bombay, 

Vols.  1-3,  and  to  the  Journals  of  the  Bombay  Branch  of  the 
Royal  Asiatic  Society,  Vols.  1-17  ;  with  a  historical  sketch 
of  the  Society.  8vo.  Bombay,  1886 

Bombay,  Government  Observatory : 

:  Magnetical  and  meteorological  observations,  1879-96,  made 

under  the  superintendence  of  F.  and  C.  Chambers  [&c.] 

fol.  Bombay,  1883-97 
:  lirief  sketch  of  the  meteorology  of  the  Bombay  Presidency, 

1893-95.  .  foi. 
:  Report,  1896-97.                                        fol.  Bombay,  1S96-97 

Bond  (W.  C.  and  G.  P.) :  Life,  see  Holden  (E.  S.) 

Bone  (John) : 

Tlie  Greg  Observatory.  8vo.  Lancaster,  1892 

Bonn,  Stcrn\varte   der  k.  Rheinischen   Friedrich-Wllhelms 
Universitat : 

:  Atlas  des  nordlichen  gestirnten  Himmels  fiir  den  Anfang  des 

Jahres  1885,  unter  Mitwirkung  des  HerrenE.  Schonfeld  und 
A.  Krueger  ,  .  .  herausgegeben  von  F.  W.  A.  Argelander. 

fol.  Bonn,  1863 

:  Bonner  Sternkarten,  zweite  Serie.     Atlas  der  Himmelszone 

zwischcn  1°  und  23°  siidlicher  Declination  .  .  .  bearbeitet 
von  E.  Schonfeld.  fol.  Bonn.  1887 

:  Astrononiische  Beobachtungen,  angestellt  und  herausgegeben 

von  E.  Schonfeld,  Band  8.  Bonner  Sternverzeichniss,  4te 
Section,  4to.  Bonn,  1886 

:  Catalog  von  18457  Sternen  zwischen  +39°  50'  und  +50°  10 

fiir  das  iEquinoctium    1875,  ^*^ch   Zonenbeobachtungen  .   ^ 
in  den  Jahren   1869-91.  4to.  Leipzig,  1894 

• :   V^eruffcntlichungcn,  herausgegeben   vom   Director,  Fnedrich 

Kiistner.     No.  i,  2.  4to.  Bonn,  1897 

No.  I.  Beobachtungen  von  Nebelflecken.     C.  Monnichmeyer. 
No.  2.  Eigonbcwegungen  von  335  Sternen. 


Bonomi  (Joseph) : 

Observations  of  the  Solar  eclipse  of  i860  :  scrap-book  of  letters, 
drawings,  &c.,  relating  to  tlie  expedition  to  Spain.  4to. 

Bordeaux,  Observatoire : 

Annales,  pnbliees  par  G.  Rayet.     Tome  1-7. 

4to.  Paris  et  Bordeaux,  1SS5-97 

Bordeaux,  Soci6t6  des  Sciences  physiques  et  naturelles : 

M^moires,  ^me  serie.     Tome  1-5.       8vo.  Boi'deaux,  1884-90 

4me  serie.     Tome  1-5.  8vo.  Bordeaux,  1890-95 

5me  serie.     Tome  i,  2.  8vo.  Bordeaux,  1895   96 

Proces-Verbaux  des  seances.     Annee  1894-97. 

8vo.  Paris  et  Bordeaux,  1894-97 

Bornmeister  (Simon): 

Christlich-verniinft'tige  Cometen-Betrachtung,  aus  Gelegenheit 
desz  im  Monat  December  1680  erschienenen  grossen 
Cometen.  4to.  Niii^nberg,  i68r 

Bortz  (Georg  Heini'ich) : 

Praecipua  astronomiae  pliysicae  principia  ad  motus  lunae  una 
cum  inaequalitatibus  eius  explicandos  necessaria  exponit. 
[Inaugui-al  Dissertation.]  4to.  Lipsiae,  17S3 

Bosanquet  (R.  H.  M.) : 

Three  papers  on  a  fixed  system  of  star  co-ordinates  (MS.)     fol. 

Bosanquet  (S.  R.) : 

Hindu  chronology  and  antediluvian  history.  Svo.  London,  1880 

Boss  (Lewis) : 

*0n  the  solar  motion,  and  other  researches,  founded  upon  a 
comparison  of  star-positions  with  those  of  tlie  Albany  A.  G. 
Zone.  4to.  Boston,  1890 

See  also  Albany,  Dudley  Observatory. 

Bossert  (J.) : 

:  *Catalogue  de  3950  etoiles,  dont  les  coordonnees  moyennes 

sont    ramenees    a    I'equinoxe    de     i8oo-o.       (Supplement    a 
I'histoire  celeste  de  Lalande.)  4to.  Paris,  1893 

:  '^Catalogue  des  mouvements  projires  de  2641  t'toiles. 

4to.  Paris,  1895 

Boston,  American  Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences  : 

:  Memoirs.     A^ol.  10-12.     4to.  Cambridge,  1885-96. 

— — :  Proceedings,  new  series,  1883-98.     Vol.  11-25. 

8vo.  Boston,  18S4-98 

Bouin  (J.  T.): 

^Observation  du  passage  de  la  lune  par  les  Hyades  .  .  .    1757. 

4to.  Paris 
Brace  (De  Witt  B.) : 

*0n  the  transparency  of  the  ether. 

8vo.  Lincoln,  Nebraska   18S8 


Brachetti  (Napoleone) : 

Una  teorica  cosmogonica  e  suo  rapporto  coll'  astronoinia,  ossia 
nuove  basi  fondamentali  per  lo  studio  dell'  astronomia. 

8vo.  Trieste,  1881 

Bradley  (James),  Observations,  see  Auwers  (A.) 

Brahe  (Tycho) : 

Tyc'lionis  Braliei  et  ad  cum  doctorum  virorum  epistolae,  nunc 
primum  collecta3  et  edita?  a  F.  R.  Friis,  fasc.  4. 

4to.  Havniae,  1886 

:  Life,  see  Dreyer  (J.  L.  E.). 

Braim  (Carl): 

Berichte  von  dem  erzbischoflichen  Haynald'schen  Observatorium 
zu  Kalocsa  in  Ungarn.  4*0-  Miinster,  1886 

Braunmuhl  (  —  von) : 

*Galileo  Galilei.  8vo.  Berlin,  1895 

Brazil,  Commissao  Exploradora  do  Planalto  Central : 

llelatorio   apresentado  ....  por    L.    Cruls,    Cliefe  da    Com- 
missao. 4to.,  and  Atlas  in  £ol.,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1894 

Breach  (E.) : 

Dauntless  Astronomy.  i6mo.  Portsmouth,  1894 

Br^dikliine  (Theodorj : 

•'Sur  la  queue  du  premier  type  de  la  comete  cle  1744. 

4to.  Moscou,  1884 
*Les  sj'ndynames  et  les  synchrones  cle  la  comete  Pons-Brooks 
(1883-84).  4to.  Moscou,  1884 

'•■Quelques  formules  de  la  tlieorie  des  cometes. 

8vo.  Moscou,  1884 
*Sur  les  tetes  des  cometes.  8vo.  Moscou,  1884 

*Sur  la  grande  comete  de  iSii.  8vo.  Moscou,  1884 

■■'Revision  des  valeurs  numeriques  de  la  force  repulsive. 

8vo.  Moscou,  1885 
*Sur  les  oscillations  des  jets  d'emission  dans  les  cometes. 

8vo.  Moscou,  1885 
"•■■Sur  les  grandes  cometes  cle  1886.  8vo.  Moscou,  1886 

*Sur  la  grande  comete  de  1887  I.  8vo.  Moscou,  1888 

*8ur  I'origine  des  etoiles  filantes.  8vo.  Moscou,  i888- 

*Sur  I'origine  des  cometes  periodiques.  8vo.  Moscou,  1889 
*Sur  les  phenomenes  extraoi'dinaires  presentes  par  la  grande 
comete  de  1882.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1890 

*Sur  les  proprietes  importantes  des  courants  meteoriques. 

8vo.  Moscou,  1890. 
*Sur  les  radiants  des  Andromeclides. 

4to.  St.-Pe'tersbourg,  1S91 
*Sur  les  Perseides  observes  en  Russie  en  1890-92,  1894, 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1891-95 
*Sur  la  dispersion  des  points  radiants  de  meteoresl 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1892 
*Sur  les  orbites  des  Bielidcs  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1893 


Br^dikhine  (Th.codov)—coniimied. 

:  *]\Iouvenient  des  substances  emises  par  les  conu'tes    1 803  IT. 

et  1893  IV.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1895 

:  *  Variations  seculaires  de  I'orbite  de  la  comete  1862  III.  et 

de  ses  orbites  deriv^es  [2  Memoirs]. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1895-96 

:  *Sur  quelques  systemes  de  meteores. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1896 

:  *Sur  I'origine  et  les  orbites  du  systeme  des  Aquarides. 

4to.  Bt.-Petersbourg,  1S96 

:  *Sur  les  valeurs  de  la  repulsion  solaire  subie  par  la  substance 

cometaire.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1897 

Breen  (James)  : 

:  The    planetary    worlds  :    the    topography    and     telescopic 

appearances  of  the  Sun,  Planets,  Moon,  and  Comets. 

i2mo.  London,  1854 

Brendel  (Martin) : 

:  *0m  anvandningen    af   den  absoluta  storingsteorien  pti  en 

grupp  af  smdplaneterna  med  numerisk  tillampning  p5, 
planeten  (46)  Hestia.  4to.  Stockholm,  1889 

:  *Sur  les  perturbations  de  la  planete  (46)  Hestia,  d'apres  la 

theorie  de  M.  Gylde'n.  4to.  Paris,  i88g 

:   Ueber  die  Anwendung  der  Gylde'n'schen  absoluten  Storungs- 

tlieorie  auf  die  Breitenstorungen  einer  gewissen  Klasse 
kleiner  Planeten,  nebst  numerischem  Beispiel  fiir  den 
Planeten  (46)  Hestia.     Inaugural-Dissertation. 

4to.  Gottingen,  1892 

Brennand  (W.) : 

Hindu  Astronomy.  8vo.  London,  1896 

Brenner  (Leo) : 

:  *Thatigkeit  der  Manora-Sternwarte,  1894-97. 

4to.  Berlin,  1895-98 
:  *Veranderungen  auf  dem  Monde.  4to.  Berlin,  1896 

Brester  (A.) : 

:  Essai  d'une  the'orie  du  soleil  et  des  etoiles  variables. 

8vo.  Delft,  1889 
:  *Theorie  du  soleil.  8vo.  Amsterdam,  1892 

Brewster  (David) : 

A  treatise  on  Optics  [Lardner's  Cabinet  Cycloptedia]. 

8vo.  London,  1831 

Briggs  (William)  and  G.  H.  Bryan: 

The  elements  of  co-ordinate  geometry.     Part  I,  the  equations 
and  properties  of  the  right  line  and  circle.  Second  edition. 

Svo.  London,  [1891] 
Brioschi  (Carlo),  see  Angelitti  (F.) 

Brisbane,  Queensland  Branch  of  the  Geographical  Society  of 
Australasia  : 

Proceedings,  1885-92.     Vol.  1-12.  Svo.  Brisbane,  1886-97 


Bristol  Museum  and  Library : 

Report  of  proceedings,  1885-96.  8vo.  Bristol,  1885-96 

British  Almanac  (and  Companion)  for  the  years  1859-60  : 
[Containing  a  history  of  comets  to  a.d.  773,  by  J.  E.  Hind.] 

1 2 mo.  London 

British  Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science : 

Reports  of  meetings,  53-67.  8vo.  London,  1884-9S 

Britten  (F.  J.) : 

The  watch  and  clockmakers'  handbook,  dictionary,  and  guide. 
Seventh  edition.  8vo.  London,  1889 

Brockmann  (F.  J.) 

System  der  Chronologic.  Svo.  Stuttgart,  1883 

Brosinsky  (Adolf) : 

iJber  die  Yergrosserung  des  Erdschattens  bei  Mondfinsternissen. 
Inaugural -Dissertation.  4to.  Berlin  [1889] 

Brougham  (Henry,  Lord),  and  E.  J.  Routh : 

Analytical  view  of  Sir  Isaac  Newton's  Principia. 

Svo.  London,  1S55 
Brown  (Allan  D)  and  Albert  G.  Winterhalter  : 
*Annular  eclipse  of  the  Sun,  March  15-16,  1885. 

4to.  Washington,  1885 
[Brown  (Elizabeth)] : 

In  pursuit  of  a  shadow,  by  a  lady  astronomer. 

Svo.  Gloucester,  [1887] 
Brown  (Ernest  William) : 

An  introductory  treatise  on  the  lunar  theory. 

Svo.  Cambridge,  1896 
Brown  (Robert,  Jun.) : 

:  The  great  Dionysiak  myth.  2  vols.  London,  1877-7S 

:  The  Unicorn  :  a  mythological  investigation. 

Svo.  London,  iSSr 

:  The  law  of  kosmic  order  :  an  investigation  of  the  physical 

aspect  of  time.  Svo.  London,  1882 

:  The  myth  of  Kirke  ;  including  the  visit  of  Odysseus  to  the 

Shades.  An  Homerik  study.  Svo.  London,  1S83 
:  The  Phainomena,  or  '  Heavenly  display  '  of  Aratos  :  done  into 

English  verse.  4to.  London,  1885 
:  The  celestial  equator  of  Aratos.  Svo. 

:  *Pv,emarks  on  the  Euphratean   astronomical  names  of  the 

Signs  of  the  Zodiac.  8vo.  London,  1891 

Brown's  Comprehensive  Nautical  Almanac,  Harbour  and  dock 
guide  and  advertiser,  and  tide  tables  for  1S90. 

Svo.  Glasgow  and  London 

Brussels,  Academic  Royale  des  Sciences,  des  Lettres,  et  des 
Beaux-arts  de  Belgique : 

:  Annuaire,  annee  50-63.  i2mo.  Bruxelles,  1S84-97 

:  Bulletins,  3me  serie,  annee  51-54.     Tome  6-33. 

Svo.  Bruxelles,  1883-97 

Brussels,  Acad^mie  Eoyale  des  Sciences,  8z,c.— continued. 

:  Meinoire.s.      Tome  45-54.  4to.   Bruxelles,  1884-96 

:  Memoires    couroiuK's    et    nu'nioircs    des    savants   etrangers. 

Tome  45"53.  4to.  Bruxelles,  1884-94 
:  Memoires  couronnes  et  autres  memoires  (collection  in-Svo.) 

Tome  36-54.  8vo.   Bruxelles,  1884-96 

:  Catalogue  des  livres  de  la  Bibliotlieque.     3  parts. 

8vo.  Bruxelles,  1881-90 
Brussels,  Obssrvatoire  Royal : 

:  Annales,  nouvelle  serie  :  annales  astronomiques.    Tome  4-7. 

.  4to.  Bruxelles,  1884-96 
:  Annexe  aux  Annales  (Cli.  Lagrange,  exposition  critique  dela 

methode  de  Wronski,  partie  I.)  4to.  Bruxelles,  1882 
:  Annuaire,  1885-98      Annee  52-65.  i2mo.  Bruxelles. 

Brussels,  Soci6t6  Beige  d'Astronomie  : 

:  Bulletin,  1896.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1896 

:  Publications,  1895  ii.,  1896  iii.      Bibliographia  Astronomica. 

8vo.  Bruxelles,  1895-96 
Bryan  (G.  H.)  and  C,  W.  C.  Barlow : 

Elementary  mathematical  astronomy,  with  examples  and 
examination  ])apers.  8vo.  London,  [1892] 

See  also  Briggs  and  Bryan. 

Bryant  (Robert) : 

The  orbit  of  the  planet  Sappho  (80).  8vo.  London,  1889 

Budapest,  Koniglich  Ungarische  Central- Anstaltfiir  Meteoro- 
logie  und  Erdmagnetismus : 

Jahrbiicher,  1888-97.     Band  18-27.       4to.  Budapest,  1S90-98 

Budapest,  Koniglich  Ungarische  Reichsanstalt  fiir  Meteoro- 
logie  und  Erdmagnetismus : 

Publicationen,  Band  1.  Die  K.  Ung.  Reichsanstalt  und  das  K. 
Ung.  meteorologische  und  physikalische  Obser\atorium  in 
0-Gyalla,  von  N.  von  Konkoly.  4to.  Budapest,  1898 

Budapest,  Magyar  Tudomanyos  Akad^mia  : 

:  Almanach,  1885-97  8vo.  Budapest,  1885-97 

:  Erdmairnetische  Messungen  in  den  Landern  dei'  ungarischen 

Krone   in    den   Jahren    1892-94  ....  ausgefiihrt    von    I 
Kurliinder.  4to.  Budapest,  1896 

:  Ertekezesek  a  mathematikai  tudomanyok  Korebol,  9-15. 

8vo.  Budapest,  1882-94 

:  Ertekezesek  a  termeszettudomanyok  Korebol.      13-23. 

8vo.  Budapest,  1883-95 
:  Legtiineti  Eszleletek,  2.  Obi.  fol.  Budapest,  1885 

:  Mathematikai  es  termeszettudomanyi  Ertesito.     3-15. 

8vo.  Budapest,  18S4-97 

:  Mathematikai  es  termeszettudomanyi  Kcizlemenyek.      18-26. 

Svo.  Budapest,  1883-95 
;  Mathematische  und  naturwissenschaftliehe  Berichte  aus  Un- 

garn,  Band  1-13.  Svo.  Budapest  und  Berlin,  1882-97 
:  Rapport  sur  I'activite  de  I'Academie  Hongroise  des  Sciences, 

1891-96.  Svo.  Budapest,  1892-97 


Bullei"  (Ernest  Wentworth) : 

JSemi-Azimutlis  :  a  new  method  of  navigation  ...  by  which 
the  true  latitude  and  hour  angle  .  .  .  can  be  accurately 
found  and  verified  from  a  single  observation  made  at  any 
time.     Part  I.  8vo.  London,  1893 

Bulletin  Astronomique,  publie  sous  les  auspices  de  I'Obser- 
vatoire  de  Paris,  par  F.  Tisserand  (H.  Poincare  &c.).  Tome 
i_i^.  Svo.  Paris,  1884-98 

Bulletin  des  Sciences  Mathematiques : 

Serie  ii.     Tome  8-22.  8vo.  Paris,  1884-98 

Burckhalter  (Charles) : 

•■'On  a  method  of  photographing  the  corona  during  a  total  eclipse, 
by  which   each   jaart   may  be  given  any  exposure  desired, 
on  the  same  photographic  plate.     8vo.     San  Francisco,  1895 
Burder  ((jeorge  F.) : 

*The  illumination  of  the  eclipsed  Moon.  Svo.  Bristol,  1888 

Burgess  (James) : 

rt  f- 

^On  the  definite  integral      -^ 

^"  J 

£       dt,  with  extended  tables 


of  values.  4to.  Edinburgh,  1898 

Burnham  (Sherburne  Wesley) : 

:  *  Double  star  observations  made  in  1877-8  at  Chicago  with 

the  i8!i  inch  refractor  of  the  Dearborn  Observatory,  com- 
prising : 

I.  A  catalogue  of  251  new  double  stars,  -with  measures. 

II.  Micrometrical  measures  of  500  double  stars. 

4to.  London,  1879 

:  *]Srew    binary    star  ft  416  Scorpii  ;    /B  627  Herculis  ;  New 

binary  star  /3  208  ;  Double  star  tt'-^  Ursfe  Minoris  ;  Double 
stars  Oi;  224  and  S  1216  ;  proper  motion  of  2  1604. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1 89 1-92 

:  *Double  star  discoveries  and  measures  made  in  1890-92  with 

the  36-inch  equatorial  of  the  Lick  Observatory. 

4to.  Kiel,  1891-93 

:  *The  periods  of  %  1785  and  /3  524  Persei ;  Orbit  of /?  loi 

Argus  ;  Orbits  of  70  Ophiuchi  and  O^  285  ;  motion  of  6 
Eridani  ;  orbit  of  /3  416  ;  Double  star  95  Ceti ;  orbit  of  37 
Pegasi  ;  System  of  4  Cancri  ;  Variable  proper  motion  of 
Procyon.  Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1893-94 

:   Double  star  observations  made  with  the  36-inch  and  12-inch 

refractors  of  the  Lick  Observatory,  18S8-92.  [Publications 
of  the  Lick  Observatory,  vol.  2.]  4to.  Sacramento,  1894 

:  *How    to    find    the    orbit  of  a    double  star  by  a  graphical 

method.  Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

:  '*Life  and  work  of  E.  E.  Barnard. 

Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1S94 

:  *The  binary  systems.     ISTew  ellipsograph  and  protractor. 

Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1896 

:  *The  orbits  of  Castor  ;  -  Ophiuchi,  X  Cygni,  't.  Aquarii,  02  215. 

Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1896-97 


Burnet  (Thomas): 

Tellui^is  theoria  sacra  :  orbis  nostri  originem  <.t  mutationes 
generales,  quas  aut  jam  subiit,  aut  olini  subiturus  est, 
coiuplectens.     Editio  secunda.  2  parts  4to.  Londini,  1689 

Burrard  (Sidney  Gerald)  : 

Report  on  the  recent  determination  of  the  longitude  of  Madras 
.  .   .  under  direction  of  St.  G.  C.  Gore.       fol.  Calcutta,  1897 

Burrau  (Carl) : 

Undersogelser  over  Instrunientkonstanter  ved  ,  ,  .  maale- 
apparat  for  fotografiske  plader.     [Inaugural  Dissertation]. 

4to.  Kjobenhavn,  1895 
Burrau  (Carl),  et  T.  W.  Thiele  : 

■*Recherches  numeriques  concernant  des  solutions  pe'riodiquea 
d'un  cas  special  du  probleme  des  trois  corps.     T-III. 

4to.  Kiel,  1894-95 
Burroughs  (Joseph) : 

A  sermon  occasional  by  the  total  eclipse  of  the  Sun,  upon  April 
the  22nd,  1715.  8vo.  London,  1715 

Buschbaum  (Carl) : 

Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Bahn  des  Kometen  1S86  IX.  [Bar- 
nard-Hartwig.]     Inaugural-Dissertation. 

4to.  Gottingen,  18S9 
Buszczynski  (Boleslaus): 

Ueber  hyperbolische  Bahnen  heller  ^Meteore.  Inaugural- 
Dissertation.  8vo.  Thorn,  1890 

Blitzberger  (F.) : 

Ein  mit  der  Theorie  algebraischer  Flachen  zusammenhangendes- 
planimetrisches  Problem.     Inaugural-Dissertation. 

8vo.  Bern,  i8Sg 
[Bygrave,  Colonel]: 

The  Moon  is  the  image  of  the  earth,  and  is  not  a  solid  body 
By  The  Longitude.     Pamphlet  the  fifth. 

8vo.  Calcutta,   1858 
Calcutta.  Asiatic  Society  of  Bengal : 

:   Journal.      Vol.  52-66.  Svo.  Calcutta,  1884-97 

:    Proceedings,  18S4-97.  8vo.  Calcutta,  1884-97 

:    Annual  address  by  the  President,  189 1.    Svo.  Calcutta,  1891 

:    Centenary  review  of  the  Society  from  1784  to  1883. 

8vo.  Calcutta,  1885 

Calemard  (M.  N.)  : 

Abrege  dAstronomie  a  la  portee  des  jeunes  demoiselles. 

8vo.  Londres,  1801 

Callandreau  (Octave) : 

:  *  Etude  sur  la  theorie  des  cometes  periodiques  [2  memoirs]. 

4  to.  Paris,  1892-97 

:  *  Memoire  sur  la  theorie  de  la  figure  des  planetes. 

4to.  Paris 
Calvert  (John)  : 

Meteoric  papers.     No.  i.  S\o.  London,  1895 


Cambridge  Observatory : 

:  Astronomical  Observations,  made  .  .  .  under  tlie  superin- 
tendence of  J.  C.  Adams.  1866-69,  ^^•-*^-  --• 

4to.  Cambridge,  1890 

:  Catalogue  of  14,464  stars  bet',veen    +24°  15' and    +30°  57' 

for  the  epoch  1875,  from  observations  made  according  to  the 
programme  of  the  Astronomische  Gesellschaft  .  .  .  1872-96, 
by  A.  Graham.  4to.  Leipzig,  1897 

Cambridge  Philosophical  Society : 

:  Transactions,  A^ol.  14-16.  4to.  Cambridge,  1885-98 

:  Proceedings,  Vol.  5-9.  Svo.  Cambridge,  1884-98 

(Cameron  (Alexander  M.) : 

Light  as  the  inter2:)retation  of  the  law  of  gravity. 

Svo.  Sydney,  1895 

Campidoglio  (R.  Osservatorio  del) :  8P.e  Rome. 

Canada,  Dominion  of : 

:  Documents  relating  to  the  fixing  of  a  standard  of  time  and  the 

legalisation  thereof.  Svo.  Ottawa,  1891 

:  Circular  respecting  proposed  change  in  I'eckoning  the  astro- 
nomical day.  4to.  Toronto,  1893 

Canada,  Meteorological  Service : 

■ :  Report,  by  C.  Carpmael  (and  R.  F.  Stupart),  1882-90. 

8vo.  Ottawa,  1882-95 

:  Ditto,  1895.  4to.  Ottawa,  1897 

Canada,  Royal  Society : 

:  Proceedings  and  Transactions,  1884-94.     Vol.  2-12. 

4to.  Montreal  and  Ottawa,  1885-95 

• :  Ditto,  2nd  series,  1895-96.     Vol.  i,  2. 

Svo.  Montreal,  1895-96 

Canadian  Institute,  s''-''  Toronto. 
Cahete  del  Pinar  (Conde) : 

Observaciones  de  precision  con  el  sextante.     Svo.  Madrid,  1895 

Cape  of  Good  Hope,  Geodetic  Survey  of  South  Africa  : 

:  Report  of  the  Surveyor-General  for  the  year  1885. 

fol.  Cape  Town,  1886 

:  Report,  by  D.  Gill.  Svo.  Cape  Town,  1S92 

:  Report  of  the  Geodetic  Survey  of  South  Africa  executed  by 

Lieut.-Col.  Morris  in  18S3-92,  under  the  direction  of  David 
Gill  ;  together  with  a  rediscussion  of  the  survey  executed  by 
Sir  Thomas  Maclear  in  1 84 1-48,  by  David  Gill. 

fol.  Cape  Town,  1896 

Cape  of  Good  Hope,  Royal  Observatory  : 

:  Annals.     Vol.  1-7.  4to.  London,  1886-97 

Vol.  I,  pts.  2-4.  Telegraphic  determinations  of  longitude. 

I,  pt.        5.  Instrumental  adjustments  of  the  Cape  transit  circle. 
Vol.  2,  pt.  2.  Observations  of  the  great  comet  18S2  II. 

3,  4  The  Cape   photographic   Durchmusterung   for    1875. 

Gill  &  Kapteyn.    Part  i,  2,  zones  -  18°  to  -  52°. 


Cape  of  Good  Hope,  Eoyal  Observatory— conCni^^rcZ. 

6,  7  Dctevminiilion  of  the  solar  parallax  and  mass   of  tlio 

Moon  from  holiomcter  observations  of  Victoria  aiul 
Sapplio.     Vol.  I,  2. 

:  Catalogue  of  4810  stars  for  tlie  epncli  1S50,  from  observa- 
tions made  .  .  .  during  the  years  [849  to  1852,  under  the; 
direction  of  Sir  T.  Maclear  ;  reduced  and  published  under 
tlie  direction  of  David  Gill.  Svo.  London  [1884] 

:  Catalogue  of  1713  stars  for  the  equinox  1885.0,  from  obser- 
vations made  .  .  .  during  the  years  1879  to  1885,  under  the 
direction  of  David  (lill.  4to.  London,  1894 

:   Results  of  meridian  observations  made  .  .  .  during  the  years 

1861-1S65  under  the  direction  of  Sir  T.  Maclear.     llcduced 
and  printed  under  the  direction  of  David  Uill. 

8vo.  London,  1897 

■ :  Results  of  meridian  observations  of  stars,  made  .   .  .    1879- 

91,  under  the  direction  of  David  Gill. 

8vo.  and  4to.  London,  18S4-95 

:  Ajjpendix  to  Cape  meridian  observations,  1 890-1 891.     Star 

correction  tables,  l)y  W.  H.  Finlay.  4to.  London  [1895] 

:  Heliometer     observations     for      determination     of     stellar 

parallax  made  ...  by  David  Gill.  8vo.  London,  1S93 

:  Independent  day-numbers  for  the  year  1897. 

8vo.  London,  1897 

:  Report  of  Her  Majesty's  Astronomer,  1879-96. 

4to.  London,  1889-97 

Cape  Town,  South  African  Philosophical  Society  : 

Transactions, 1 88 1-9 7.     Vol.  2-10.     8vo.  Cape  Town,  1884  97 

Capelli  (Angelo) : 

Astrosophia  numerica,  sive  astronomica  supputandi  ratio. 

4  vols,  in  I,  4to.  Venetiis,  1733-48- 

Cappelletti  (Enrique  M.) : 

Dictamen  sobre  la  impr()l)al)ilidad  del  trendjlor  anunciado  en 
Mexico  para  el  10  de  Agosto. 

Svo.  Puebia  de  los  Angeles,  1S87 

Capron  (J.  Rand)  : 

A  plea  for  the  rainband,  and  the  rainband  vindicated. 

8vo.  London  [j886] 

Cardiff,  Astronomical  Society  of  Wales  : 

:  Journal,  Vol.    1-3.  i6mo.  Cardiff,  1895   97 

Continued  as 

:  The  Cambrian  Natural  Observer,  Vol.  i,  New  Series,  No.  i,  2. 

i6mo.  Cardiff,  1898 
Cardilucius : 

Historische  Exempel  was  auf  die  meisten  Cometen  von  Christi 
Geburt  hero  erfolget  .  .  .  nebst  ein  Discurs  iiber  den  zu  End 
des  i68osten  Jahrs  erschienenen  .  .   .  Cometen. 

8vo.  Niirnberg,  i6Sr 


Carey  (George  G.) : 

Astronomy,  as  it  is  known  at  the  present  day ;  to  which  is 
added  a  supplement,  containing  an  account  of  the  nature  and 
use  of  astronomical  instruments  [&c.]  8vo.  London,  1824 

Carl  (.Ph.)  : 

Beobachtungen  der  Sonnenflecken  angestellt  auf  der  kgl.  Stern- 
warte  zu  Bogenhausen,  1858-64  ;   1875-S0  [MS.] 

8  vols,  and  4  folios  of  loose  sheets,  4to 

Carlini  (Francesco) : 

Esposizione  di  un  nuovo  metodo  di  costruire  le  tavole  astrono- 
miche,  applicato  alle  tavole  del  Sole.  8vo.  Milano,  18 10 

Carruthers  (G.  T.) : 

New  solar  elements.  8vo.  ISTagpur,  1879 

The  Sun's  great  waterfall.  8vo.  1887 

The  cause  of  magnetism.  8vo.  1888 

The  cause  of  light.  8vo.  Roorkee,  1888 

The  cause  of  terrestrial  magnetism.  8vo.  1888 

The  earth's  polar  floods  in  perihelion.  8vo.  1888 

Magnetic  disturbances.  8vo.  1889 

The  cause  of  gravity.  8vo.  Inverness,  1892 

The  origin  of  the  celestial  laws  and  motions. 

8vo.  London,  1897 

:  A  formula  by  which  the  declination  of  the  magnetic  needle 

at  Paris  may  be  found  for  any  year. 

Caspari  (E.)  : 

Cours  d'Astronomie  pratique  :  application  a  la  geographic  et 
a  la  navigation.  Partie  i,  2.     8vo.  Paris,  1888-89 

Cassini  (Jacques) : 

*Observation  du  passage  de  Mercure  dans  le  soleil  .  .  .   1723. 

4to.  Paris  [172 3] 
Cassini  (Jean  Dominique)  : 

:  Ephemerides  Bononienses  Mediceorum  Syderum. 

4to.  Bononiae,  1668 
:  Meridiana  di  San  Petronio,  see  Zanotti. 

Cassini  de  Thury  (Cesar  Pranpois) : 

*Reflexions  sur  les  observations  de  la  lune  publiees  par  M.  de 
la  Caille,  1765-75,  et  sur  les  tables  du  soleil  qu'il  a  donnees 
en  1758.  4to.  Paris 

Catania,  Osservatorio,  see  Mascari  (A.)  ;  Eicco  (A.) ;  Zona  (T.) 
Caussin  ( Nicolas) : 

Ephemeris  astrologica  et  historica  ;  cvm  observationibvs  ad- 
versvs  superstitiosa  de  astris  judicia. 

4to.  Colonire  Agrippinte,  1652 
Cayley  (Arthur)  : 

Collected  mathematical  papers.     Yol.  1-13. 

4to.  Cambridge,  1889-98 
With  supplementary  vol.,  containing  index,  &c. 


Cellarius  (Andreas) : 

Harmonia  niacrocosmica,  seu  atlas  universalis  et  novus,  totius 
universi  creati  cosmographiam  generalem  et  novum  exhibens. 

fol.  Amstelodami,  i  708 
Cellerier  (Gustave) : 

:  Concours  National  de  compensation  de  chronoiiiL'tres  pour  les 

temperatures.     Methode  de  classement ;  calcul  des  bulletins, 
et  etude  numerique  de  I'erreur  secondaire  de  compensation. 

4to.  Geneve,  18S5 

:  *Etude  numerique  des  concours  de  comijensation  de  Chrono- 

metres  faits  a  I'Observatoire  de  Geneve  en  1884  et  1886. 

4to.  Geneve,  1887 
Celoria  (Giovanni) : 

:  *Cometa  del  1457.  4to.  Kiel,  1884 

:  *Sull'  eclisse  totale  di  luna  avvenuto  il  4  ottobre  del  1884. 

8vo.  Milano,  1884 

:  *Suir  apparizione  della  cometa  di  Halley  avvenuta  nell'  anno 

1456.  8vo.  Milano,  1885 

Chambers  (George  Frederick) : 

:  A   handbook   of   descriptive    and  jDractical   astronomy  .   .   . 

Fourth  edition.  3  vols.  8vo.  Oxford,  1889-90 

Vol.  I.  The  sun,  planets,  and  comets. 

2.  Instruments  and  practical  astronomy. 

3.  The  starry  heavens. 

:  Pictorial  astronomy  for  general  readers.     8vo.  London,  1891 

:  The  story  of  the  solar  system,  simply  told  for  general  readers. 

8vo.  London,  1895 

:  The  story  of  the  stars,  simply  told  for  general  readers. 

8vo.  London,  1895 
Chambers's  Educational  Course: 

Mathematical  tables,  consisting  of  logarithms  of  numbers  i  to 
108,000  ;  trigonometrical,  nautical,  and  other  tables  ;  edited 
by  James  Pryde.     New  edition. 

8vo.  London  and  Edinburgh,  1895 
Chandler  (Seth  C.) : 

:  *0n  the  square  bar  micrometer.  4to.  Cambridge,  18S5 

:  *'0n  the  observation  of  the  fainter  minima  of  the  telescopic 

variables.  4to.  Boston,  1888 

*Catalogue  of  variable  stars.  4to.  Boston,  1888 

*Second  catalogue  of  variable  stars.  4to.  Boston,  1893 

*Third  catalogue  of  variable  stars.  4to.  Boston,  1896 

*Synthetical  statement  of  the  theory  of  the  polar  motion. 

4to.  Lynn,  Mass.,  1897 
Chaney  (Henry  James) : 

*Re-determination  of  the  true  weight  of  a  cubic  inch  of  distilled 
water.  8vo.  Loudon,  1890 

Chapman  (John) : 

:  Phlegon  examined  critically  and  impartially,  in  answer  to  the 

late  dissertation  and  defence  of  Dr.  Sykes. 

Svo.  Cambridge,  1734 


Chapman  (John)— continued. 

:  Phlegon  re-examined,  in  answer  to  Dr.  Sykes's  second  defense 

of  his  dissertation  concerning  Phlegon. 

Sv'o.  Cambridge,  1735 
S^'e  also  Sykes  (A.  A.) 

Chappe  d'Auteroche  (J.) : 

*Memoire   du   passage   de    Venus    sur   le  soleil  .   .   .  faites  a 
Tobolsk  en  Siberie,  1 761  4to  St.-Petersbourg  [1762] 

Charkow,  Uiiiversitatssternwarte : 

Publication,  1-3.  Svo.  Charkow,  1891-95 

1.  Ueber  eine  PolhObenbestimmungsmethode.     G.  Lewitzky. 

2.  Bestimmung  der  Liingendifferenz  zwischeu  Nicolajew  und  Charkow 


3.  Beobachtungen  von  Sonnenfiecken  und  Protuberanzen  [&c.] 
See  also  Levitzky  (G.) 

Charlier  (C.  V.  L.) : 

■ :  *En  metod  att  foroka  konvergensen  hos  en   trigonometrisk 

.serie.  Svo.  Stockholm,  1886 
:  *Untersuc]mng  liber  die  allgemeinen  Jupiter-Storungen  des 

Planeten  Themis.  4to.  Stockholm,  18S7 
:  *Ueberdie  Anwendung  der  Sternphotogi'aphie  zu  Helligkeits- 

messungen  der  Sterne.  4to.  Leipzig,  1889 

Chase  (Pliny  Earle) : 

Some  principles  and  results  of  harmonic  motion. 

Svo.  Philadelphia,  1885 

Chaucer  (GeofiTrey): 

The  treatise  on  the  Astrolabe  of  Geoffrey  Chaucei',  edited,  with 
notes  and  illustrations,  by  Andrew  Edmund  Brae. 

Svo.  London,  1870 
Chauvenet  CWilliam )  : 

A  manual  of  spherical  and  practical  astronomy  .  .  .  fifth 
edition.  2  vols.  Svo,  Philadelphia,  1S93 

Cherbourg,  Soci^te    Rationale   des    Sciences    Ifaturelles  et 
Math6matiques : 

:  Memoires.     Tome  24-30  (3me  serie,  tome  4-10). 

Svo.  Paris  et  Cherbourg,  1882-97 

:  Catalogue  de  la  Bibliotheque,  2me  partie,  livraison  3. 

Svo.  Cherbourg,  1883 

Chicago,  Dearborn  Observatory  : 

Annual  Report,  1SS4-86.  Svo.  Chicago,  1884-87 

Chree  (Charles) : 

■'■■Description  of  the  Kew  Observatory.  Svo.  London 

Christiania,  Tnternational-Polarforschung  : 

Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse  der  norwegischen  Polarstation  Bosse- 
kop  in  Alten.  Theil  i  ;  Historische  Einleitung  ;  Astrono- 
mic ;  Meteorologie.  4to.  Christiania,  1887 

-1  t 

Christiania,  Norwegian  North  Atlantic  Expedition,   1S76-78  ; 
Part  11-23.  4to.  Cliristiania,  1884-97. 

Christiania,    Norwegische     Commission    der   Europiiischen 
Gradmessung : 

Vandstandsobservationer,  Heft  3-5.  4to.  Christiania,  1SS5  93 
Geodatische  Arbeiten,  Heft  4-7.  4to.  Cliristiania,  1887  90 
Publicationen  :  AstronomisclieBeobachtungenund  Vergleich- 
ung  der  astronomischen  und  geodatischen  Resultate. 

4to.  Christiania,  1895 

:  Resultate  der  im  Somnier   1894  .  .  .  ausgefiihrten  Pendel- 

beobachtungeii,  von  O.  E.  Schiotz.         8vo.  Christiania,  1895 

Christiania,  Norwegisches  meteorologisches  Institut : 
Jahrbuch,  1882-84.     Herausgegeben  von  H.  Mohn. 

4to.  Christiania,  1883  85 

Christiania,  Universitats-Sternwarte : 

:  Catalog  von  3949  Sternen  zwischen  +64°  50'  und  +70°  10' 

fiir  das  ^quinoctium  1875,  nach  Zonen-Beobachtungen  in 
den  Jahren  1870-81,  von  C.  Fearnley  undH.  Geelmuyden. 

4to.  Leipzig,  1890 

:  Zonen-Beobachtungen  der  Sterne  zwischen  64°  50'  und  70°  10' 

nordlicher  Declination  .  .  .  herausgegeben  von  C.  Fearnley 
und  H.  Geelmuyden.  4to.  Christiania,  188S 

:  Supplement  .  .  .  enthaltend  Einzelwerthe  der  Uhrcorrec- 

tion  und  des  Aequatorpunctes,  verschiedene  Reductionstafeln, 
und  eine  Untersuchung  der  Grossenschatzungen. 

4to.  Christiania,  1891 

:  Magnetische    Beobachtungen   und    stiindliche    Temperatur- 

beobachtungen  .  .  .  1882-83  angestellt,  herausgegeben  von 
H.  Geelmuyden.  4to.  Christiania,  1891 

:  Meteorologische  Beobachtungen,    1882-83.      Herausgegeben 

von  H.  Geelmuyden.  4to.  Christiania,  1891 

Christie  (Alexander  Smyth) : 

*The  latitude- variation  tide.  8vo.  Washington,  1895 

Ciel  et  Terre  :  Revue  populaire  d'astronomie,  de  mt'teorologie  et  de 
physique  du  globe.     Annee  6-19.     8vo.  Bruxelles,  1885-98 

Cincinnati  Observatory : 

' :  Publications,  Nos.  8-13.  8vo.  andsm.  4to.  Cincinnati,  18S5-95 

8.  Observations  of  comets.     Wilson. 

9.  Zone  catalogue  of  4050  stars.     Porter. 

10.  Measures  of  double  stars,  1882-86.     Wilson. 

11.  Charts  and  micrometrical  measures  of  nebulae,  1884-S6.     Porter. 

12.  Catalogue  of  proper  motion  stars.     Porter. 

13.  Catalogue  of  2000  stars  for  the  epoch  1890.     Porter. 

:  Historical  sketch  of,  1843-93  i^J  J-  ^-  Porter). 

8vo.  Cincinnati,  1S93 
Cirera  (R.) : 

En  magnetismo  terrestre  en  Filipinas.  4to.  Manila,  1S93 

Ciscato  (Giuseppe)  : 

:  *Sulle  formole  fondamentali  della  trigonometria  sferoidica  date 

da  G.  H.  Halphen.  8vo.  Venezia,  1892 
:  *Osservazioni  di  pianeti  e  comete  fatte  alia  Specola  di  Padova 

nel  1894,  e  calcoli  relativi  all'  orlnta  del  pianota  (354). 

8vo.  Venezia,  1893 
:  Determinazione   della   latitudine   dell'   Osservatorio   Astro- 

iiomico  di  Padova  fatta  nel  1892.  4to.  Venezia,  1894 
:  Nuova    determinazione    della    latitudine    dell'    Osservatorio 

Astronomico  di  Padova,  fatta  nel  1893.     4*0-  Venezia,  1894 
:  *Osservazioni   di   pianeti    e    comete   fatte   alia   Specola   di 

Padova  nel  1895.  8vo.  Venezia,  1S96. 

Clancey  (John  Charles)  : 

:  Aid  to  land-surveying  (larger  edition  :  in  English  only)  ;  con- 
taining complete  sets  of  logarithmic,  traverse,  levelling,  and 
other  tables.  folio,  Calcutta,  1882 

:  Aid    to    land-surveying     (small    edition),  in    English    and 

Burmese  ;  accompanied  by  237  illustrations  on  the  subject, 
and  containing  numerous  useful  tables.     Tliird  edition. 

fol.  Rangoon,  1895 

:  Examination   questions   in  Surveying  .  .  .  second    edition, 

revised  and  enlarged  [English  and  Burmese]. 

folio,  Rangoon,  1892 

:  Calculating  tables  in  English  and  Burmese  for  use  in  Burma. 

Third  edition.  fol.  Rangoon,  1896 

Clark  (Latimer)  : 

Transit  tables  for  1885-87,  giving  the  Greenwich  mean  time  of 
the  transit  of  the  sun  and  certain  stars  for  every  day  in  the 
year  ;  with  an  ephemeris  of  the  sun,  moon,  and  planets. 

8vo.  London,  1885-86 
Clark  (Latimer)  and  Herbert  Sadler : 

The  Star-guide  :  a  list  of  the  most  remarkable  celestial  objects 
visible  with  small  telescopes,  with  their  positions  for  every 
tenth  day  in  the  year.  8vo.  London,  1886 

Clarke  (Alexander  Hoss) : 

Geodesy.  Svo.  Oxford,  1880 

Claviiis  ( Christ ophorus)  : 

■ — —  :  Gnomonices  libri  octo,  in  quibvs  non  solum  horologiorum 
solariu,  sed  aliarum  quoq :  rerum,  qure  ex  gnonionis  umbra 
cognosci  possunt,  descriptiones  geometrice  demonstrantur. 

fol.  Roma?,  1581 

:  Epitome  arithmetics  practicte,  nunc  quinto  .  .   .  recognita, 

&  multis  in  locis  locupletata.      8vo.  Colonise  Agrippinte,  1607 

Clements  (Hugh)  : 

Weather  prediction  No.  2  ;  or  the  mistakes  of  the  Greenwich 
observers  and  the  Washington  International  Meteorological 
Conference,  &c.  &c.  8vo.  n.d. 

Gierke  (  A.gnes  M.)  : 

:  A    popular   history    of   astronomy    during    the   nineteenth 

century.  Svo.  Edinburgh,  1885 



Gierke  (Agnes  "M..)— continued. 

:  A   populai-    history   of    astronomy    during   the    nineteenth 

century,  second  edition.  8vo.  Edinburgh,  1887 

Ditto,  third  edition.  8vo.  London,  1893 

The  system  of  the  stars.  8vo.  London,  1890 

The  Herschels  and  modern  astronomy.       8vo.  London,  1895 

Gierke  (Agnes  M.),  Alfred  Fowler,  and  J.  Ellard  Gore : 

The  concise  knowledge  astronomy.  8vo.  London,  1898 

Gierke  (Ellen  M.) : 

:  Jupiter  and  his  system.  8v().  London,  1892 

:  The  planet  Venus.  8vo.  London,  1893 

Gleverley  (G.  W.) : 

The  law  of  the  universe  ;  an  undelivered  lecture. 

8vo.  Hull,  18SS 
Coakley  (George  W.) : 

On  the  nebular  hypothesis  of  La  Place.     Svo.  New  York,  1888 

Gomn  (J.  H.  G.) : 

Reports  of  observations  of  the  total  eclipse  of  the  Sun,  Aug.  7, 
1869,  made  by  parties  under  the  general  direction  of  J.  H.  C. 
Coffin.  4to.  Washington  [1SS5] 

Cohen  (L.) : 

New  system  of  astronomy,  comprehending  the  discovery  of  the 
gravitating  power  ;  the  efficient  cause  which  actuates  the 
planetary  system  [ttc]  Svo.  London,  1825 

Goimbra,  Observatorio  Real  da  XJniversidade : 

:  Ephemerides  astronomicas  calculadas  para   o  meridiano   do 

Observatorio  da  XJniversidade,  1886-97. 

4to.  Coimbra,  1885-96 
:  Estudos  instrumentaes.  4to.  Coimbra,  1887-90 

Gole  (William): 

Observations  and  conjectures  on  the  nature  and  properties  of 
light,  and  on  the  theory  of  comets.  4to.  Colchester,  1777 

Gollins  (Henry) : 

A  treatise  on  Nature,  as  exhibiting  the  works  and  goodness  of 
God  in  the  aspects  and  modes  of  its  operations. 

8vo.  London,  18S6 
Gollins  (John) : 

The  sector  on  a  quadrant,  or  a  treatise  containing  the  descrip- 
tion and  use  of  four  several  quadrants.  .  .  .  Also  an  Appen- 
dix [by  John  Lyon]  touching  reflected  dyalling. 

3  parts,  4to.  London,  16=; 9-^8 
Gollins  (J.  R.):  '      o>  d 

■'•"Theories  of  universal  gravitation.  Svo.  Toronto,  1895 

Gomet,  1664-65  : 

Muthmaszliehe  Gedancken,  die  Bedeutung  des  jiingsten  im 
Decembri,  A.  1664  erschienenen  Cometen  betrefiende. 

4to.  Niirnberg,  1665 


Comet,  1680: 

Historische  Exempel,  was  auf  die  meisten  Cometen  von  Christi 
Geburt  hero  eifolget  .  .  .  nebst  einem  Discurs  iiber  den  zu 
End  des  i68osten  Jahrs  erschienenen  sehr  langgeschweiften 
Cometen.  i2mo.  Niirnberg,  1681 

Commandinus  (Federicus) : 

Liber  de  centro  gravitatis  solidorvm.  4to.  Bononise,  1565 

Comstoek  (George  Gary): 

• :  *Determination  of  the  latitude  of  the  Washburn  Observatory. 

Svo.  Madison,  Wisconsin,  1885 

:  *Studies  in  spherical  and  practical  astronomy  (Bulletin  of  the 

University  of  Wisconsin,  Vol.  i.  No.  3). 

8vo.  Madison,  Wisconsin,  1895 

Condorcet,  Antoine  Nicolas  Caritat,  Marquis  de: 

Essai  sur  la  theorie  des  Cometes.  4to.  Utrecht,  1780 

Connaissance  des  Temps,  see  Paris,  Bureau  des  Longitudes. 
Contarino  (Francesco) : 

*Sulla  determinazione  della  latitudine  col  metodo  di  Dollen. 

4to.  Kiel,  1894 
Cooke  (T.)  and  Sons : 

On  the  adjustment  and  testing  of  telescopic  objectives. 

8vo.  York,  1891 
Cooper  (Alfred  J.): 

How  to  forecast  the  weather  months  in  advance  :  a  theory  of 
meteorological  forecasts  and  seismic  disturbances. 

8vo.  London,  1890 
Copeland  (Ralph)  and  Ludwig  Becker : 

*0n  the  new  star  in  the  constellation  Auriga,  by  R.  .  C.  .  ; 
together  with  observations  of  the  same  by  L.  .  .  B.  . 

4to.  Edinburgh,  1892 

Copenhagen,  Kongelige  Danske  Videnskabernes  Selskab : 

:  Oversigt  over  det  .  .  .  Forhandlinger,  1884-98. 

Svo.  Kjobenhavn,  1884-98 

:  Fortegnelse,  1742-1891.  Svo.  Kjobenhavn,  1892 

• :  Skrifter,    6te    Rsekke,  naturvidenskabelig   og   mathematisk 

Afdeling,  Bind  2-8.  4to.  Kjobenhavn,  1S84-97 

Copernicus  (W.):  see  Prowe  (L.) 

Coppernicus-Verein  fiir  Wissenschaft  und  Kunst  zu  Thorn : 

Mittheilungen,  Heft  i,  2,  4,  6. 

Svo.  Leipzig  und  Thorn,  1878-87 
Cordoba,  Observatorio  Nacional  Argentino : 

:  Resultados  .  .  ,  Benjamin   A.    Gould    [y  Juan  M.  Thome] 

Director.     Vol.  3-17.  4to.  Buenos  Aires   1884-96 

Vol.  3-6.  Observations,  1873-75. 
7,  8.  Cordoba  Zone  Catalogue. 
9-13.  Observations,  1876-80. 
Vol.  14.  Argentine  General  Catalogue. 
15.  Observations,  1881-84. 
16,  17.  Cordoba  Durchmusterung  Catalogue,  —22°  to  —42 
(With  atlas,  fol.) 


Cordoba,  Observatorio  Nacional  Argentino— continued. 
• :  Cordoba  photographs  ;    photographic  observations  of   star- 
clusters.     By  1>.  A.  (lould.  4to.  Lynn,  Mass.  1897 

Cordoba,  Oficina  Meteorologica  Argentina: 

:  Anales.   .  .  por  su   Director  13.  A.   (iould  (y  G.   G.   Davis). 

Tome  4-1 1.  4to.  Buenos  Aires,  1886-97 

:  Informes  anuales  y  documentos.         4to.  Buenos  Aires,  1885 

■ :  Ligeros  apuntes  sobre  el  clima  de  la  Repiiblica  Argentina,  por 

el  Director  G.  G.  Davis.  4to.  Buenos  Aires,  1889 

Cornu  (Alfred)  : 

■ :  *  Etude  des  bandes  telluriques  a,  B  et  A  du  spectre  solaire. 

8vo.  Paris,  1886 

:  *Sur  les  raies  spectrales  spontanement  renversables,  et  I'ana- 

logie  de  leurs  lois  de  repartition  et  d'intensite  avec  celles  de 
I'hydrogene.  8vo.  Paris,  1886 

:  *Sur  le  halo  photographique.  8vo.  Paris,  1890 

■ :  *Sur  la  methode  Doppler-Fizeau,  permettant  la  determination, 

par   I'analyse   spectrale,    de   la   vitesse   des   astres    dans   la 

direction  du  rayon  visuel.  8vo.  Paris,  1891 

:  La  synchronisation  electromagnetique.  Svo.  Paris,  1894 

Coronelli  (Vincenzo) : 

Epitome  cosmografica,  o  compendiosa  introduttione  all'  Astro- 
nomia,  Geogratia,  &  Idrografia,  per  V  uso,  dilucidatione,  e 
fabbrica  delle  sfere,  globi,  planisferj,  astrolabj,  e  tavole  geo- 
grafiche.  4to.  Colonia,  1693 

Cortie  (Aloysius  L.) : 

■ :  Father  Perry,  the  Jesuit  Astronomer.         8vo.  London,  1890 

:  *Some  recent  studies  on  the  solar  spectrum. 

8vo.  London,  1891 

:  The  temporary  star  in  Auriga.  Svo.  [1892] 

:  *Baby Ionian  astronomy.  8vo.  London,  1892 

Cottam  (Arthur)  : 

Charts  of  the  Constellations  from  the  north  pole  to  between  35 
and  40  degi'ees  of  south  declination.  fol.  London,  1889 

Cracow,  Acad^mie  des  Sciences : 

Bulletin  International  :  Comptes  Rendus  des  seances,  1889-98 

8vo.  Cracovie,  1889-98 
Craig  (Joseph.  Edgar) : 

Azimuth  :  a  treatise  on  this  subject,  with  a  study  of  the  astro- 
nomical triangle  and  of  the  effect  of  errors  in  the  data. 

4to.  New  York,  1887 
Crelle  (A.  L.) : 

Rechentafeln,  welche  alles  Multipliciren  und  Dividiren  mit 
Zahlen  unter  Tausend  gajiz  ersparen  .  .  .  mit  einen  Vor- 
worte  von  C.  Bremiker.  fol.  Berlin,  1857 

Crellier  (Louis) : 

Sur  quelques  proprietes  des  fonctions  Besseliennes  tirees  de  la 
theorie  des  fractions  continues.     [Inaugural  Dissertation.] 

4to.  Milan,  1896 

1 0  (S  5  !^  4 


CroU  (James)  : 

:  Stellar  evolution  and  its  relation  to  geological  time. 

8vo.  London,  1889 
:  Discussions  on  climate  and  cosmology.       8vo.  London,  1889 

Crookes  (William) : 

Elements  et  raeta-elements.     Traduit  par  W.  Lewy. 

8vo.  Paris,  1888 

Crouch.  (Walter)  : 

Astronomy  in  Wanstead.  8vo.   1893 

Cruls  (Luiz) : 

Le  climat  de  Rio  de  Janeiro.  4to.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1892 

O  clima  de  Eio  de  Janeiro.  4to.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1892 

Determina^ao  das  posicoes  geographicas. 

4to.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1894 

:  Methodes   grapliiques    pour    la    determination    des   heures 

approchees  des  eclipses  du  soleil  et  des  occultations. 

4to.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1894 

Cudworth  (William) : 

Life  and  correspondence  of  Abraham  Sharp  .  .  .  with  memorials 
of  his  family,  and  associa'^ed  families.        4to.  Bradford,  1889 

Cunelius  (Georg) : 

Facilis  et  expeditvs  modvs  constitvendarvm  figvrarvm  coeles- 
tium,  seUj  ut  vulgo  vocant,  thematum  Natalitiorum. 

4to.  Lipsise,  1582 

Cyclometria:  [15th-century  MS.]  4to. 

Cysat  (Joannes  Baptista) : 

Mathemata  astronomica  de  loco,  motu,  magnitudine  et  causis 
cometfe  qui  sub  finem  anni  161S  et  initium  anni  16 19  in 
ccelo  fulsit.  [Inaugural-Dissertation.]     4to.  Ingolstadii,  16 19 

Czapski  (Siegfried) : 

Theorie  der  optischen  Instrumente  nach  Abbe. 

8vo.  Breslau,  1893 


Les  merveilles  du  ciel.  8vo.  Paris,  1888 

Dallmeyer  (Thomas  R.) : 

:  The  telephotographic  lens.  8vo.  London,  1892 

:  A  simple  guide  to  the  choice  of  a  photographic  lens. 

4to.  London,  1898 
Dannewaldt  (Matthias) : 

Cometologia  ;  oder  historischer  Discurs  was  von  vielen  seculis 
her,  auflf  Cometische  Erscheinungen  sich  begeben.  Ingleichen 
deroselben  klirtzliche  Betrachtung  .  .  .  dieses  i664sten 
Jahrs  entstandene  Comet  ,  .  .  4to.  Leipzig,  n.d.  [1665] 

Daubr^e  (Auguste) : 

Les  regions  invisibles  du  globe  et  des  espaces  celestes,  eaux 
souterraines,  tremblements  de  terre,  meteorites. 

8vo.  Paris,  1888 

Davidson  (George)  and  E.  D.  Preston : 

*The  constant  of  aberration  as  determined  from  observations  of 
latitude  at  San  Francisco,  California. 

Svo.  Washington,  1895 

Davidson  (George)  and  Charles  A.  Schott: 

■■H)n  the  variation  of  latitude    at    8an    Francisco,    California, 

from  observations  made  in  cooperation  with  the  International 

Geodetic  Association.  Svo.  Washington,  1894 

Davis  (Charles  Henry),  JohnAlexr.  Norris,  and  Charles  Laird  : 

Telegraphic  determination  of  longitudes  in  Mexico  and  Central 
America,  and  on  the  West  Coast  of  South  America.  (U.S. 
Hydrographic  Office.)  4*0.  Washington,  1885 

Davis  (Herman  S,),  see  New  York,  Columbia  College. 

Davis  (James) : 

Evidences  natural  and  revealed  concerning  earthquakes, 
volcanic  eruptions,  and  meteors  or  shooting  stars. 

1 2 mo.  London,  1887 
Davis  (J.  Woodbridge) : 

Theoretical  Astronomy  :  dynamics  of  the  Sun.  (Woodbridge 
School  Essay.s,  number  i.)  4to.  New  York,  1891 

Deichmiiller  (Fr.) : 

:  *Uber  die  Yorausberechnung  der  Leuchtkraft  der  Cometen. 

Svo.  Bonn,  1893 
:  *Die  Masse  und  die  BeschafFenheit  des  Saturnringes. 

Svo.  Bonn,  1895 
■ :  *Das  Grundmaass  in  der  Himmelsmechanik. 

Svo.  Bonn,  1S95 
Delauney  (— ) : 

:  Explication  des  taches  du  soleil.  Svo.  Paris,  1S86 

:  Nouvelles  recherches  astronomiques.       Svo.  Pv,ochefort,  189S 

Delft,  Ecole  Polytechnique : 

Annales,  1S85-97.  4to.  Leide,  1885-97 

Delisle  (Joseph  Nicolas): 

*Observations  du  passage  de  Mercure  sur  le  soleil  .  .  .   1723. 

4to.  Paris  [1723] 
De  Lisle  (Major- General) : 

Reduction  of  latitude  and  logarithm  of  the  earth's  radius. 

[single  sheet,  Svo.] 
Dembowski  (Hercules): 

*Misure  micrometriche  di  stelle  doppie  e  multiple  fatte  negli 
anni  1S52-7S.     Yol.  2.  4to.  lloma,  1884 

De  Moivre  (Abraham) : 

Animadversiones  in  D.  Georgii  Cheyna;i  tractatum  de  fluxionum 
methodo  inversa.  Svo.  Londini,  1704 

De  Morgan  (Augustus) : 

Newton  ;  his  friend,  and  his  niece.  By  the  late  Augustus  De 
Morgan.  Edited  by  his  wife,  and  by  his  pupil,  A.  C.  Ran- 
yard.  Svo.  London,  1885 


Denning  (William  Frederick) : 

. :  Observations  of  shooting  stars  made  during  the  years  1873-  89, 

[MS.]  folio 

• :  Telescopic  work  for  starlight  evenings.       8vo.  London,  1891 

• :  *The  groat  meteoric  shower  of  November. 

8vo.  London,  1897 

Denores  (Jason) : 

—  :  Breve   trattato   del  niondo,  et  delle  sve  parti,  semplici,  et 

raiste.  8vo.  Venetia,  15  71 

• —  :  Tavole  .  .  .  del  mondo,  et  della  sphera  .  .  .  con  la  spheretta 

del  clarissimo  M.  Triphon  Gabriele.  4to.  Padoua,  1582 

Le  osservazioni  meteorologiche  eseguite  da  Giacomo  Bove  nel 

Denza  (Francesco) 

:  Le  osservazioi 

territorio  Argentino  delle  missioni,  ed  il  clima  del  Pai'ana. 

i2mo.  Torino,  1886 

:  Le  stelle  cadenti,  del  periodo  di  Agosto,  osservate  in  Italia, 

1885-S8,  1890-91.  8vo.  Torino,  1886-92 

■ :  *I  teri-emoti  di  Novembre  e  di  Dicembre  1887  in  Italia. 

8vo.  Torino,  1888 
*I  primi  cultori  Italiani  dell' aeronautica.  8vo.  Torino,  1889 
*Le  valanghe  degli  inverni  1885  e  1888.  8vo.  Torino,  1889 
*La  inclinazione  magnetica  a  Roma.  4to.  Roma,  1S90 

*Variazioni  della  temperatura  a  diverse  altezze. 

4to.  Roma,  1S90 

:  *Piogge  singolari.  4to.  Roma  [1890] 

■ :  *Le  alte  pressioni  del  Dicembre  18S9  e  Gennaio  1890. 

4to.  Roma,  1890 

■ :  *L'  anticiclone  del  Novembre  1889.  4to.  Roma,  1890 

;  *Le  stelle  cadenti  di  Agosto  e  di  Novembre  [1890]. 

4to.  Roma;  1891 

' :  *Sulle  osservazioni  della  declinazione  magnetica  eseguite  .  .  .. 

alia   tSpecola  Vaticana  ;    e  sulla  declinazione  magnetica  in 
Roma.  4to.  Roma,  1891 

' :  *Stelle  cadenti  di  Novembre  1892.  4to.  Roma,  1893. 

:  Life,  see  Armani  (P.) 

Depenning  (G.  A.) : 

• :  A  paper  on  the  nature  of  gravity,  disclosing  that  flotation 

necessarily  developes  two  centres  of  gravity. 

8vo.  Calcutta,  1885 

• :  A  paper  on  the  effect  of  gravity,  disclosing  how  wondrous  is 

the  wisdom  that  gave  salt  to  our  seas  and  oceans. 

8vo.  Calcutta,  1885 
Des-Cartes  (Ren6) : 

Admiranda  methodus  nova?  philosophi;c. 

i2mo.  Ultrajecti,  1643 
Des  Crutes  (Fontaine) : 

Traite  complet  sur  I'aberration  des  etoiles  fixes,  avec  une 
histoire  generale  de  I'astronomie  .  .  .  suivies  d'un  abrege  de 
la  sphere  k  d'une  methode  pour  determiner  les  differences  en 
longitude  des  villes  k,  des  ports  de  mer.  8vo.  Paris,  1744 


Deslandres  (Henri) ; 

*Spectre  du  pole  negatif  de  Fazoto  :  loi  generale  de  repartition 
des  raies  dans  les  spectres  de  bandes.  4to.  Paris,  1886 

*Loi  de  repartition  des  raies  et  des  bandes,  commune  k 
plusieurs  spectres  de  bandes  :  analogie  avec  la  loi  de  suc- 
cession des  sons  d'un  corps  solide.  4to.  Paris,  1887 
*Spectre  de  bandes  idtra-A'iolet  des  composes  liydrogenes  ct 
oxygenes  du  carbone.  4to.  Paris,  1888 
*Spectres  de  bandes  ultra-violets  des  mctalloides  avec  uno 
faible  dispersion.  4to.  Paris,  1888 
*Organisation  des  reclierclies  spectroscopiques  avec  le  grand 
telescope  de  TObservatoire  do  Paris.  4to.  Paris,  1890 
*Propriete  fondamentale  commune  aux  deux  classes  de 
spectres.  4to.  Paris,  1890 
*ilecherches  sur  lemouvemcnt  radial  des  astres  avec  lesidero- 
stat  de  I'Observatoire  de  Paris.  4to.  Paris,  1891 
*Methode  nouvelle  pour  la  recherche  des  bandes  faibles  dans 
les  spectres  de  bandes.  Application  au  spectre  des  hydro- 
carbures.  4to.  Paris,  1S91 
*Sur  les  spectres  de  bandes  du  carbone  dans  Tare  electrique  : 
r^ponse  a  une  note  de  MM.  Kayser  et  Runge.  8vo.  Paris,  i8gi 
*Ilecherches  nouvelles  sur  I'atmosphere  solaire.   [2  Memoirs.] 

4to.  Paris,  1 891  92 
*Transformation  du  grand  telescope  de  I'Observatoire  de 
Pai'is  pour  I'etude  des  vitesses  radiales  des  astres  :  resultats 
obtenus.  4to.  Paris,  1892 

*Resultats  nouveaux  sur  I'hydrogene  obtenus  jaar  I'etude 
spectrale  du  soleil  :  rapprochements  avec  I'etoile  nouvelle  du 
Cocher.  4to.  Paris,  1892 

*Sur  une  protuberance  remarquable.  4to.  Paris,  1892 

*Sur  la  recherche  de  la  partie  de  I'atmosphere  coronale  du 
soleil  projetee  sur  le  disque.  4to.  Paris,  1893 

*Contribution  a  la  recherche  de  la  couronne  solaire  en  diehors 
des  eclipses  totales.     [2  INfemoirs.]  4to.  Paris,  1S93 

:  *Sur  I'observation  de  I'eclipse  totale  de  soleil  du    16  avril, 
faite  a  Foundiougue  (Senegal).  4to.  Paris,  1893 

*Sur  I'enregistrement  des  elements  variables  du  soleil. 

4 to.  Paris,  1893 
*Recherches  photographiques  sur  les  fiammes  de  ratmosphero 
solaire.  8vo.  Paris,  1894 

•■■Appareils  enregistreurs  de  I'atmosphere  solaire. 

8vo.  Paris,  1894 
*.Sur  la  photographic  de  la  chromosphere  du  soleil. 

4to.  Paris,  1894 
*Sur  I'enregistrement  de  la  chromosphere  et  de  la  photosphere 
du  soleil  par  la  methode  des  sections  successives. 

8vo.  Paris,  1894 
"*Sur  I'origine  electrique  de  la  chromosphere  solaire. 

8vo.  Paris,  1894 
*Etudes  des  gaz  et  vapeurs  du  soleil  :  comparaisoii  entre  les 
appareils  et  les  methodes  employes  recemment. 

8vo.  Paris,  1894 


Deslandres  CHenri)— continued. 

■ :  *8ur  la  chromosphere  du  soleil  :  reponse  a  la  derniere  note  de    ■ 

M.  Hale.  4*0.  Paris,  1894 

:  *Images  speciales  du  soleil  donnees  par  les  rayons  simples 

qui  correspondent  aux  raies  noires  du  spectre  solaire. 

4to.  Paris,  1894 

:  *Recherches  sur  les  mouvements  de  I'atmosphere  solaire. 

4to.  Paris,  1894 

:  ^Observations  de  Teclipse  totale  du  soleil  du  16  avril  1893  : 

rapport  de  la  mission  envoyee  au  Senegal  par  le  Bureau  des 
Longitudes.  4*0-  Paris,  1896 

:  *Specimens  de  photographies  astronomiques. 

4to.  Paris,  1897 

Dick  (Thomas) : 

The  telescope  and  microscope.  i6mo,  London,  n.d. 

Dictionaries :  English-Danish. 

:  Ferrall  (.J,  S.),  T.  G.  Repp,  and  S.  Rosing  ;  A  dictionary  of 

the  Danish  and  English  languages. 

4  vols.  8vo.  Kobenhavn,  1863-83 

:  English-Dutch. 

Picard    (H.)  ;    Pocket   dictionary   of  the   English-Dutch   and 
Dutch- English  languages  ;  sixth  edition. 

i2mo.  Gouda  [1881] 

:  English-French. 

Spiers  (A.)  ;  Dictionnaire  general  fran9ais-anglais  et  anglais- 
frangais.      I4me  edition.  2  vols.  4to.  Paris,  1861 

:  English- German. 

Eger  (G.),   and   O.   Brandes  ;   Technological  dictionary  in  the 
English  and  German  languages.       2  vols.  8vo.  London,  1884 
Hilpert  (J.  L.)  ;  A  dictionary  of  die  English  and  German  and 
the  German  and  English  languages. 

4  vols.  4to.  Carlsruhe,  1857 

. :  English-Spanish. 

Seoane,  Neuman  and  Baretti  ;  A  dictionary  of  the  Spanish  and 
English  languages  :  abridged  by  M.  Velazquez  de  la  Cadena. 

8vo.  New  York,  1883 
:  French. 

Littre  (E.)  ;   Dictionnaire  de  la  langue  frangaise,  abrege  .   .   . 
par  A.  Beaujean.     8me  edition.  4to.  Paris,  1886 

:   Greek-English. 

Liddell  (H.  G.)  and  R.  Scott  ;  A   Greek-English  lexicon.     6th 
edition.  4to.  Oxford,  1869 

:  Russian-English. 

Alexandrow,  A.  ;  Complete  Russian-English  dictionary. 

St.  Petersburg,  1885 
Diesterweg  ( Adolph) : 

Populiire  Himmelskunde  und  astronomische  Geographie.    Achte 
AuHage,  herausgegeben  von  F.  Striibing.      8vo.  Berlin,  1873 


Dijon,  Academie  des  Sciences,  Arts  et  Belles-lettres : 

:  Memoires,  3me  seric,  Annee  1883-S7.     Tome  8-10. 

8vo.  Dijon,  1885-88 

:  4me  serie,  Annee  1888-96.     Tome  1-5. 

8vo.  Dijon,  1 880-96 
Dimbleby  (J.  B.) : 

The  historical  bible,  with  straightforward  A.M.  years  and  dates. 

8vo.  London,  1895 
Dingle  (Edward)  : 

:  The  balance  of  physics,  the  squai-e  of  the  circle,  and  tlie  earth's 

true  solai'  and  lunar  distances,  discovered  and  demonstrated, 
and  by  astronomical  facts  seen  in  the  ecliijses. 

8vo.  London,  1885 

:  The  earth's  ecliptic  angle  demonstrated  to  be  the  standard 

universal.  8vo.  London,  1887 

:  The  square   of  the  circle   (x),  demonstrated   from  the  cube 

rational.  8vo.  Plymouth,  1891 

:  The  square  of  the  circle  considered  under  the  principle  of 

action  to  reaction  equal.  8vo.  Tavistock,  n.d. 

:  A  final  effort  on  physics,  in  a  supplement. 

8vo.  Tavistock,  n.d. 
Dissett  (M.  R.) : 

The  explanation  of  the  t)rigin  of  solar  and  stellar  light,  and 
the  minor  phenomena  connected  therewith. 

i6mo.  Tralee  (1897) 
Doberck  (William) : 

*Binary  stars.  8vo.  London,  1878 

*Markree  Observatory.  Svo.  London,  1884 

*The  law  of  storms  in  the  eastern  seas. 

Svo.  Hong  Kong,  1886 
See  also  Hong  Kong  Observatory. 

Dollen  (Wilhelm)  : 

:  Stern-Ephemeriden  .  .  .   1886-9S,  zur  Bestimmung  von  Zeit 

und  Azimut  mittelst  des  trasrbaren  Durchfjangsinstruments 
im  Verticale  des  Polarsterns.    [1895-189S  in  French.] 

4to.  &  8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1886-97 

:  Aufruf  zur  Umgestaltung  der  nautischen  Astronomie,  nebst 

Anhang,  1896.     Festschrift.  4to.  Dorpat,  1893 

Domke  (F.): 

Nautische,  astronomische,  und  logarithmische  Tafeln  ;  nebst 
Erklarung  und  Gebrauchs-Anweisung  fiir  die  Koniglich- 
Preussischen  Navigations-Schulen.     Neunte  Auflage. 

Svo.  Berlin,  1892 
Donner  (Anders) : 

:  *Beobachtungen  von  Cometen  angestellt  auf  der  Sternwarte 

zu  Helsingfors,  18S5-86.  4to.  Helsingfors,  1889 

:  Formeln  und  Tafeln  zur  Berechnung  von   Zeitbestimmungen 

durch  Hohen  in  der  Niihe  des  ersten  Vertikals. 

4to.  Helsingfors,  1S90 


Donner  (Anders) -contimicd. 

:  *Bestamningar  af  polhojden  for  observatorium  i  Helsingfors.  I. 

8vo.  Helsingfors,  1891 

. :  *Deterraination  des  constantes  necessaires  pour  la  reduction 

des  cliches  pris  a  Helsingfors  pour  la  construction  du  cata- 
logue des  etoiles  jusqu'a  la  onzieme  grandeur. 

4to.  Helsingfors,  1894 

:  *8ur  Ic  rattachement  des  cliches  photographiques. 

4to.  Helsingfors,  1896 
:  *Ueber  die  Herstellung  von  Photographieen  zur  Bestimmung 

der  Lage  des  Himmelspols.  8vo.  Helsingfors,  1897 
:  *Ueber    einen     neuen    ^Messapparat    fiir    photographische 

Flatten.  '  Svo.  Helsingfors,  1897 

Doolittle  (C.  L.) : 

:  A  treatise  on  practical  astronomy,  as  applied  to  geodesy  and 

navigation.  8 vo.  New  York,  1885 

:  *  Variations  of  latitude  (Address  before  the  American  Associa- 
tion). 8vo.  Salem,  Mass.,  1894 

Dorp  at  (Jurjew),  Kaiserliclie  Universitats- Stern  warte  : 

Beobachtungen,    angestellt    und    heiausgegeben   von    Ludwig 
Schwarz,  Band  17-20.  4to.  Dorpat  (Jurjew),  1887-93 

Douglass  (Andrew  Ellicott) : 

:  *A  cloud-like  spot  on  the  terminator  of  Mars. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1895 
:  *The  study  of  atmospheric  currents  by  the  aid  of  large  tele- 
scopes, and  the  effect  of  such  curi'ents  on  the  quality  of  the 
seeing.  8vo.  1895 

:  *The  '  astronomer's  '  globe.  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1897 

• :  *The  Lowell  Observatory  in  Mexico. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1897 

:  *Atmosphere,  telescope,  and  observer. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1897 
• :  *Drawings  of  Jupiter's  third  satellite.  4to.  Kiel,  1897 

Downes  (Robert  Henry  Burnside)  : 

*Practical  Astronomy  as  applied  to  land-surveying. 

8vo.  London,  1891 

Downing  (Arthur  M.  W.) : 

:  *Prof.  Glasenapp's  work  on  the  eclipses  of  Jupiter's  satellites. 

8vo.  London,  1889 
:  *Obituary  notice  of  John  Couch  Adams. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1892 
■ :  *How  to  find  Easter.  Svo.  London,  1893 

Draper  (Henry) : 

• :  *0n  the  use  of  carbon  bisulphide  in  prisms,  being  an  account 

of  experiments  made  by  the  late  Dr.  H.  Draper.  [Edited  by 
G.  F.  Barker.]  8vo.  New  Haven,  1885 

:  Life,  see  Barker  (G.  F.) 


Drayson  (A.  W.)  : 

:  Thirty  thousand  years  of  the  earth's  past  history  read  by  the 

aid  of  the  discoveiy  of  the  second  rotation  of  the  earth. 

Svo.  London,  1888 
:  Important   facts  and  calculations    for  the  consideration  of 

astronomers  and  geologists.  Svo.  London,  1896 

Dreyer  (John  L.  E.) : 

:  *A  new  general  catalogue  of  nebulae  and  clusters  of  stars,  being 

the  catalogue  of  the  late  Sir  John  F.  W.  Herschel,  revised, 

coi'rected,  and  enlarged.  4to.  London,  1888 
:  Tycho  Brahe  :    a  picture  of  scientific  life  and  work  in  the 

sixteenth  century.  Svo.  Edinburgh,  1890 
:  *Micrometric  observations  of  nebulas   made  at  the  Armagh 

Observatory.  4to.  Dublin,  1894 

Dublin,  Royal  Irish  Academy : 

:  Cunningham  Memoirs,  2-5.  4to.  Dublin,  1886-90 

:  Proceedings,  series  2.     Vol.  4  (Science). 

Svo.  Dublin,  1884-89 

:  sei'ies  3.     Vol.  1-4.  Svo.  Dublin,  1889-97 

:  Transactions  (Science).     Vol.  29-31.     4to.  Dublin,  1887-98 

Dublin,  Royai  Society : 

:  Scientific  Proceedings,  New  Series.     Vol.  4-8. 

Svo.  Dublin,  1885-95 

:  Scientific  Transactions,  series  2.    Vol.  3-6. 

4to.  Dublin,  1883-97 
Duditius  (Andreas)  et  Thomas  Erastus : 

De  cometarum  signiticatione  .  .   .   Elias  Maior  Vratislaviensis 
denu6  edidit.  Svo.  Breslse,  1619 

Eliaj  Majoris  -rrapaSo^oy  added  in  MS. 

Dudley  Observatory  :  see  Albany. 

Dufour  (Charles)  : 

:  *Les  lueurs  crepusculaires  de  I'hiver  1883-84. 

Svo.  Geneve,  1885 
:  *La  scintillation  des  etoiles.  4to.  Lausanne,  1892 

Diihring  (E.) : 

Robert   Mayer  ;    der  Galilei  des   neunzehnten  Jahrhunderts. 
Eine  Einfiihrung  in  seine  Leistungen  und  Schicksale. 

2  pai-ts,  Svo.  Chemnitz  und  Leipzig,  1880-95 

Dumas  (Guillaume  Auguste) : 

De  motu  penduli  sphserici  rotatione  terrae  perturbato.     Disser- 
tatio  Inauguralis  mathematica.  4to.  Regiomonti,  1857 

Dulwich  College  Science  Society: 

Annual  report,  18S3-85.  Svo.  Sydenham,  1S83  85 

Dun  Echt  Observatory: 

Publications,  Vol.  3  :  Mauritius  expedition,  1S74,  division  IT.  ; 
determinations  of  longitude  and  latitude. 

4to.  Dun  Echt,  1885 


Dun^r  (Nils  Cliristian) : 

:  *Sur  les  etoiles  a  spectres  de  la  troisieme  classe. 

4to.  Stockholm,  1885 

:  *Sur  la  rotation  du  soleil.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1890 

■  :  *Recheixhes  sur  la  rotation  du  soleil.  4to.  Upsal,  1891 

:  *Sur  les  elements  de  I'etoile  variable  Y  Cygni. 

8vo.  Stockholm,  1893 

:  *Observations  of  variable  stai'S  at  the  observatory  of  Upsala. 

4to.  Boston,  1893 

:  *0n  the  periodic  changes  of  the  variable  star  Z  Herculis. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1895 

Dunkin  (Edwin): 

*Notes  on  some  points  connected  with  the  early  history  of  the 
'  Nautical  Almanac'  8vo.  Truro,  1886 

The  midnight  sky  :  familiar  notes  on  the  stars  and  planets. 
New  edition.  4*0-  London,  1S91 

Presidential  address  (Roy.  Inst,  of  Cornwall),  1890,  1891. 

8vo.  Truro,  1891-92 

Dunlop  (James),   Life,  see  Service  (John). 

Dunn  (Samuel) : 

A  new  and  easy  method  of  linding  the  latitude  on  sea  or  land, 
having  two  altitudes  of  the  Sun  and  the  time  elapsed  between 
the  two  observations.  i2mo.  London,  1778 

Dunsink,  Observatory  of  Trinity  College,  Dublin  : 

Astronomical  observations  and  researches.  (R.  S.  Ball  and 
A.  A.  Rambaut.)     Part  5-7.  4to.  Dublin,  1884-96 

Du  Sejour  (Ach.  P.  Dionis) : 

Sonnen-  und  Mondfinsternisse,  see  Riidiger  (C.  F.) 

Dyck  (Walther) : 

:  UeberdiewechselseitigenBeziehungenzwischender  reinenund 

der  angewandten  Mathematik.  Festrede.  [Munich  Academy.] 

4to.  Miinchen,  1897 

Dynamic  Action  and  ponderosity  of  matter,  fresh  light  on  the, 
by  '  Waterdale.'  8vo.  London,  1891 

Dziobek  (Otto): 

:  Die  mathematischen  Theorien  der  Planeten-Bewegungen. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1888 

:  Mathematical  theories  of  planetary  motions.     Translated  by 

M.  W.  Harrington  and  W.  J.  Hussey. 

8vo.  Ann  Arbor,  Michigan,  1892 

Eastman  (John  Hobie) : 

*Assumption  and  fact  in  the  theories  of  solar  and  stellar  proper 
motions.  8vo.  Washington,  1889 

*The   relation   between   stellar   magnitudes,   distances   and 
motions.  8vo.  Salem,  Mass.,  1889 

'The  progress  of  meteoric  astronomy  in  America. 

8vo.  Washington,  1890 


Easton  (C.)  '• 

:  La  Voie  Lactt^e  dans  I'hemisphere  boreal  :  cinq  planches  litho- 

graphiees,  description  detaillee,  catalogue  et  notice  historique. 

Avec  una  preface  par  H.  G.  van  de  tSande  Bakhuyzen. 

fol.  Dordrecht,  1893 
• :  *Sur  la  distribution  apparente  dcs  ctoiles  dans  une  partie  de 

la  Yoie  Lactee.  4to.  Kiel,  1894 

Edinburgh,  Royal  Observatory: 

:  Astronomical  observations,  Vol.  15,  for  1S7S-86  ;  Edinburgh 

star  catalogue,  R.A.  4''  —  24''.  fol.  Edinburgh,  1886 
:  Catalogue  of  the  Crawford  Ld^rary  of   the  Royal  Observa- 
tory, Edinburgh.                                            4to.  Edinburgh,  1890 

Edinburgh,  Royal  Society : 

:  Proceedings,  iSSi-97.  8vo.  Edinburgh,  1884-97 

:  Transactions.     Vol.  31-39.  4to.  Edinburgh,  188S-9S 

Elger  (Thomas  Gwyn) : 

:  *Recent  observations  on  the  planet  Ju])iter. 

Svo.  Bedford  [1880] 

:  The    INIoon  :  a    full    description    and    map    of   its    principal 

physical  features.  Svo.  London,  1895 

Eliot  (John) : 

Meteorological  note  in  connection  with  the  total  eclipse  of  the 
Sun,  visible  in  India  in  January  1S98.  fol. 

Ellerbeck  (Ernest  W.) : 

Borough  of    Scarborough  ;  meteorological  report  for  the  year 
1896,  Svo.  Scarborough,  1897 

Ellery  (R.  L.  J.),  see  Melbourne  Observatory. 

Ellery  (R.  L.  J.),  H.  C.  Russell,  and  C.  Todd  : 

Report  on  the  telegraphic  determination  of  Australian  longi- 
tudes. 4to.  Melbourne,  1S86 

Ellis  (William) : 

:  *Brief  historical  account  of  the  barometer. 

Svo.  London,  18S6 

:  '■■Addresses  delivered  at  the  Annual  Genei-al  Meetincjs  of  the 

Royal  Meteorological  Society,  1887-88. 

Svo.  London,  1S87-88 

:  *0n  the  variation  of  the  temperature  of  the  air  in  England, 

1S49-S8.  Svo.  London,  1889 

:  *0n  the  difference  produced  in  the  mean  temperature  derived 

from  daily  maximum  and  minimum  readings,  as  depending 
on  the  time  at  which  the  thermometers  are  read. 

Svo.  London,  1S90 

:  *0n  the  diurnal  variations  of  magnetic  elements,  as  depending 

on  the  method  of  tabulation.  Svo.  London,  1891 
:  '*0n  the  mean  temperature  of  the  air  at  the  Royal  Observa- 
tory, Greenwich  .  .  .  1S49  to  iSSS  ;  and  on  the  comparison 
of  thermometrical  observations  made  in  a  Stevenson  screen 
with  corresponding  observations  made  on  the  revolving 
stand.  Svo.  London,  1891 


Ellis  (William)— co?i/in?(etZ. 

:  *0n  the  relation  between    the  diurnal  range    of   magnetic 

declination  and  horizontal  force  and  the  period  of  solar  spot 
frequency.  8vo.  London,  1898 

Emerson  (William) : 

:  The  mathematical  principles  of  geography.  [Geography,  Use 

of  the  globes,  Navigation,  Dialling.]  8vo.  London,  1770 
:  Dialling  ;  or  the  art  of  drawing  dials  on  all  sorts  of  planes 

whatsoever.  8vo.  London  (710  title) 

With  Emerson's  Geography. 

Emmens  (Stephen  H.) : 

The  Argentaurum   papers,  No.    i,  Some  remarks   concerning 
cravitation.  8vo.  n.d. 


Enoke,  (Johann  Franz) : 

Gesammelte  mathematische  und  astronomische  Abhandlungen. 

3  vols.      8vo.  Berlin,  1888-89 

Band    i.   Allgememes  betreffend  Eeehnungsmethoden. 

2.  Methode  der  kleinstea  Quadrate.     Fehlertheoretische  Unter- 


3.  Astronomische  und  optische  Abhandlungen. 

Encyclopaedia  Britannica  (the) :  a  dictionary  of  arts,  sciences, 
and  general  literature.     Ninth  edition. 

25  vols.  4to.  London,  1875-89 
Engelhardt  (B.  d')  : 

Observations  astronomiques  faites  par  B.  d'Engelhardt  dans  son 
observatoire  a  Dresde.  Partie  1-3.  4to.  Dresde,  1886-95 

Engelmann  (Th.  W.) 

Tafeln  und  Tabellen  zur  Darstellung  der  Ergebnisse  spectro- 

skopischer  und  spectrophotometrischer  Beobachtungen  : 
(Separate  sheets  in  case.)  8vo.  Leipzig,  1897 

Engineering,  v.  n.  fol.  London,  v.d. 

English  Mechanic  (the)  and  World  of  Science.     Vol.  38-67. 

fol.  London,  1884-98 
Engstrom  (Folke) : 
:  *Beobachtungen  der  Planeten  Victoria  und  Sappho. 

4to.  Lund,  1884 
:  *Bestamning  af  Lunds  Observatorii  polhijjd. 

4to.  Lund,  i88g 
Epping  (J.)  and  J.  N.  Strassmaier  : 

•Astronomisches  aus  Babylon,  oder  das  Wissen  der  Chaldiier 
iiber  den  gestirnten  Himmel.  8  vo.  Freiburg,  1889 

Erastus  (Thomas),  see  Duditius  et  Erastus. 
Eratosthenes  : 

Catasterismi,  cum  interpretatione  Latina  et  commentario, 
curavit  Jo.  Conrad  Schaubach.  Epistola  C.  G.  Heyne,  cum 
animadversionibus  in  Eratosthenem.        8vo.  Gottingae,  1795 


Ericsson  (Gustaf) : 

:  Bestamning  a£  Upsala  Observatorii  polluljd.    [Inaugural  dis- 
sertation.] 8vo.  Upsala,  1885 

"■'Definitive  Bahnelemente  des  Cometen  1S63  III. 

8vo.  Upsala,  1888 
Ermerins  (Janus  Gulielmus) : 

Dissertatio  Inauguralis  de  refractione  astronomica. 

4to.  Lugduni  Batavorum,  1824 

Escary  (J.) 

Memoire  sur  le  probleme  des  trois  corps.     [Lithographed  MS.] 

4to.  Constantine,  1889 
Esehuid  (Johannes) : 

Summa  astrologiae  iudicialis  de  accidentibus  mudi  quae  angli 
cana  uulgo  nuncupatur  .  .  .  Opera  quoq  ;    &   cui'a  diligenti 
qua  fieri  potuit  lohannis  lucilii.  .  .  .  fol.  Venetiis,  1489 

Espin  (T.  H.  E.  C.)  : 

:  ^Practical  work  with  the  telescope.  8vo.  Lancaster,  1890 

:  The  distribution  of  stars  of  type  III.,  and  of  stellar  spectra 

in  space.     (Walsingham  Observatory  Publications.) 

8vo.  Crook,  1894 

:  Red  Stars,  see  Birmingham  (J.) 

■ :  See  also  Liverpool  Astronomical  Society's  Observatory. 

Euclid : 

EvkAciSou  ^TOi)(eLU)v  fSijSX.  u'.  cV-  Tcov  ©eoji'os  'Stwovcrcwv.  Ei's  tou 
avTov  TO  TTpuiTov,  i$7]yr] [xuLTiDV  UpoKXov  jSifiX.  8'.  Adieeta  prfe- 
fatiuncula  [S.  Grynseij  in  qua  de  disciplinis  mathematicis 
nonnihil.  fol,  Basilete,  1533 

Europe,  Centralbureau  der  Internationalen  Erdmessung : 

:  Verhandlungen    der    .  .  .    allgemeinen    Conferenzen    .    .    . 

1883-96.  4to.  Berlin,  1884-97 

:  Geodatische  Literatur  (Bibliographie  geodesique)    .   .  .  von 

O.  Boersch.  4to.  Berlin  und  Neuchatel,  1889 

:  Rapport  sur  les  triangulations,  par  A,  Ferrero  (suite  aux 

Coniptes-rendus  de  la  lome.  Conference)  4to.  Berlin 

:  Bericht  iiber  den  Stand  der  Erforschungder  Breitenvariation 

im  Dezember  1897.     Von  Th.  Albrecht.       4to.  Berlin,  1898 

Faber  Stapulensis  (Jacobus)  [J.  Lefevre  d'Etaples] : 

Opus  nouum  astronomicii  .  .  .  cum  lucidissima  explanatoe 
Christiani  Sculpini  Sageltesis  bonaru  arfiu  magistri  et  astro- 
nomia  in  alma  vniuersitate  Coloniensi  ad  studiosorum  omniu 
vtilitatem  pfitentis.  4to.  Colonial,  1516 

Pabricius  (David  und  Johann),  see  Berthold  (G.) 

Fabricius  (David)  und  Johann  Kepler : 

Vom  neuen  Stern  (1604).  Facsimiledruck  mit  einem  Nach- 
worte  ;  herausgegeben  von  Gerhard  Bertliold. 

8vo.  Norden  und  Norderney,  1897 



Fabry  (Louis) : 

Etude  sur  la  probabilite  des  cometes  hyperboliques,  et  I'origine 
des  cometes.  (Theses  presentees  a  la  Faculte  des  Sciences  de 
Paris.)  4to.  Marseille,  1893 

Fairclougti  (P.  W.) : 

*0n  the  constitution  of  comets.  8vo.  [New  Zealand] 

Faiith  (Phil.) : 

:  Astronomische  Beobachtungen  und  Resultate  aus  den  Jahren 

1890-91,  erhalten  auf  seiner  Privatsternwarte  zu  Kaisers- 
lautern.  4to.  Kaiserslautern,  1893 

:  Ditto,    1893-94.       Neue    Beitrage    zur    Begriindung    einer 

modernen  Selenographie  und  Selenologie.  II.  :  mit  einem 
Atlas.  4to.  &  fol.  Kaiserslautern,  1895 

■ :  Beobachtungen   der  Planeten  Jupiter   und   Mars    aus    den 

Oppositionen  von  1896-97  auf  der  Privatsternwarte  zu 
Landstuhl.     III.  4to.  Kaiserslautern,  1898 

Favaro  (Antonio): 

Vent'  anni  di  studi  Galileiani.  8vo.  Firenze  e  Roma,  1896 

Faye  (Herve  Aug.  Et.) : 

:  Sur  I'origine  du  monde  ;  theories  cosmogoniques  des  anciens 

et  des  modernes.  8vo.  Paris,  1884 

;  Sur  les  tempetes  :  theories  et  discussions  nouvelles. 

8vo.  Paris,  1887 
Fayrer  (Joseph) : 

^Rainfall  and  climate  in  India.  8vo.  London,  [1880] 

Feddersen  (B.  W.)  und  A.  J.  von  Oettingen  : 

J.  C  Poggendorff's  biographisch-literarisches  Handworterbuch 
.  .  .  Band  3  (1858-83).  4to.  Leipzig,  1897-98 

Feind  (Barthold) : 

Cosmographia  ;  das  ist,  Griindliche  Anleitung  zur  Betrachtung 
des  gantzen  Welt-Kreises,  in  zwey  Theile  A^erfasset.  Vierde 
Edition.  i2mo.  Erffurth,  1692 

Fenyi  (Jtilius): 

:  *Metallische  Eruption  beobachtet  am  2.  Mai  1891. 

4to.  Roma,  1891 

.  ^Protuberances  observees  sur  le  disque  solaire. 

4to.  Roma,  1891 
:  *Rapport  sur  les  mouvements  aussi  singuliers  qu'extraordi- 

naires  d'une  protuberance  observee  a  I'Observatoire  Haynald 

le  17  juin  1891.  4to.  Roma,  1892 
:  ^Phenomena  observed  on  the  great  spot-group  of  February 

1892.  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 
:  *0n  a  prominence  of  extraordinary  height  observed  May  5, 

1892.  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 
:  *Note  sur  una  protuberance  excessivement  grande  observee 

le  3  oct.  1892  a  I'Observatoire  Haynald.        4to.  Roma,  1892 

:  *Sur  I'eclipse  de  soleil  du  16  avril  1893.        4^0-  Roma,  1893 


Penyi  (Julius) — continued. 

*Sur  deux  grandes  protuberances  de  septeiubre  1893,  ol)- 
servees  a  Kalocsa.  4to.  llonia,  1894 

'*0n  a  very  large  protuberance  observed  December  24,  1894. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1895 
*A  new  point  of  view  for  regarding  solar  phenomena,  and  a 
new  explanation  of  the  appearances  on  the  surface  of  the 
sun.  8vo.  Chicago,  1896 

:  *0n  two  solar  protuberances  observed  July  25  and  September 

30,  1895.  .  8vo.  Chicago,  1896 

See  also  Kalocsa,  Haynald-Observatorium. 

Fergola  (Emanuele) : 

*Osservazioni  del  pianeta  Vittoria  e  di  41  stelle  di  paragone 
nella  oppositione  del  1889.  4to.  Napoli,  1893 

*Posizioni  apparent!  di  alcune  stelle  dell'  Eridano,  osservate  al 
E,.  Osservatorio  di  Capodimonte.  4to.  Napoli,  1S87 

Novella  determinazione  della  costante  dell'  aberrazione  e 
della  latitudine  di  Napoli  da  osservazioni  fatte  nel  E.  Osser- 
vatorio di  Capodimonte,  1893-94.  8vo.  Napoli,  1897 

Ferguson  (James) : 

Lectures  on  select  subjects  in  mechanics,  hydrostatics,  pneu- 
matics, optics,  and  astronomy.  A  new  and  improved  edition, 
adapted  to  the  present  state  of  science,  by  C.  F.  Partington. 

8vo.  London,  1837 

rield  (Arthur  Mostyn),  F.  C.  Learmonth,  E.  C.  Hardy,  and 
W.  H.  D.  Margesson  : 

Longitude  of  Malacca,  Straits  Settlements,  determined  by 
means  of  telegraphic  signals  with  Singapore,  1S93. 

fol.  London,  1894 

Field  (A.  M.),  W.  H.  D.  Margesson,  and  A.  Sutherland : 

Longitude  of  Penang,  Straits  Settlements,  determined  by 
means  of  telegi'aphic  signals  exchanged  with  Singapore, 
1893.  fol.  London,  1S94 

Field  (Osgood): 

The  Fields  of  Sowerby,  near  Halifax,  England,  and  of  Flushing, 

New  York,  4to.  London,  1895 

Contains  a  brief  account  of  John  Field,  author  of  an  Ephemeria  for  1557. 

Fi6vez  (Charles) : 

:  *De  I'influence  du  magnetisme  sur  les  caracttTes  des  raies 

spectrales.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1S85 

:  *Recherches  sur  le  spectre  du  carbone  dans  Tare  electrique, 

en  rapport  avec  le  spectre  des  cometes  et  le  spectre  solaire. 

4to.  Bi'uxelles,  18S5 

:  *Essai  sur  I'origine  des  raies  de  Fraunhofer  en  rapport  avec 

la  constitution  du  soleil.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1886 

:  *Nouvelles  recherclies  sur  I'origine  optique  des  raies  spectrales 

en  rajjport  avec  la  tln'orie  ondulatoire  de  la  lumiere. 

8vo.  Bruxelles,  18SS 


Finaeus  [Fineus,  Fin6]  (Orontius) : 

. :  Aeqvatorivm    planetaruni,    vnico   instrumeto    coprehensum^ 

omnium  antehac  excogitatorii,  &.  intellectu  &  vsu  facijlimum  : 
Quo  (medijs  tatumodo  supputatis  motibus)  vera  singuloru 
erratiu  loca  proptissime  capiuntur. 

4to.  Luteciae  Parisiorvm,  1526 

:  Protomathesis  :  opus  uarium,  ac  scitu  non  minus  utile  quam 

iucundum,  nunc  primum  in  lucem  focliciter  emissum. 

fol.  Parisiis,  1532 

Finella  [Phinella]  (Philippus) : 

:  De  Planetaria  natvrali  phisonomia,  4to.  Neapoli,  1649 

:  Specvlvm  Astronomicvm,  tripartitum,  medicis  necessarium, 

agriculturse  &  nauigationi  valde  proficuum. 

4to.  Neapoli,  1649 
:  De  duodecim  ccelestibus  signis,  in  360  gradibus  diuisis,  cum 

eorum  inclinationibus  &,  naturis.  8vo.  Antuerpia,  1650 

Finkius  (Thomas) : 

Geometrise  rotvndi  libri  xiiir.  4to.  Basilese,  1583 

Fixlmillner  (Placidus) : 

Meridianus  specnlae  astronomicae  Cremifanensis,  seu  longitudo 
eius  geograpliica  per  magnum  illud  Solis  deliquium,  ipsis 
calendis  Aprilis  anni  1764.  4to.  Styrae,  1765 

Flammarion  (Camille) : 

. :  Discours  prononce   a   la   seance   generale    annuelle    de   la 

Societe  Astronomique  de  France,  le  4  avril  1888. 

Svo.  Paris,  1SS8 

:  L'atmosphere  ;  meteorologie  populaire.  4to.  Paris,  1888 

:  L'astronomie  et  ses  fondateurs.      Copernic  et  la  decouverte 

du  systeme  du  monde.  T6mo,  Paris  [1891] 

— —  :  La  planete  Mars  et  ses  conditions  d'habitabilite.     Synthese 

generale  detoutes  les  observations.  Svo.  Paris,  1892 

:  Annuaire  Astronomique  et  Meteorologique  pour  1893-98. 

8vo.  Paris 
*Les  radiations  solaires  et  les  couleurs.  Svo.  Paris,  1897 

Les  merveilles  celestes  ;  lectures  du  soir.        Svo.  Paris,  1897 
La  planete  Venus  ;  discussion  generale  des  observations. 

Svo.  Paris,  1897 

Fl^cheux  ( ) : 

Planetaire,  ou  planisphere  nouveau,    rendu   aise   &  mis  a   la 
portee  de  la  jeunesse.     Nouvelle  edition.        4to.  Paris,  1780 

Fleming  (M.) 

:  *Seven  new  variable  stars.  Svo.  Chicago,  1895 

:  *Stars  having  peculiar  spectra.  Svo.  Chicago,  1895 

Fleming  (Sandford) : 

:  *Time-reckoning  for  the  twentieth  century. 

Svo.  Washington,  1889 

:  The  general  adoption  of  the  twenty-four  o'clock  notation  on 

the  railways  of  America.  Svo.  1892 


Berlin,  1891 
A'^ielheit  der 
Berlin,  1891 

Fletcher  (L.) 

An  introducti(.)n  to  the  study  of  meteorites,  witli  a  list  of  tho 
meteorites  i-epresented  in  the  collection  (British  Museum, 
Natural  History).  8vo.  London,  1890 

Flint  (A.  S.) : 

*A  brief  control  for  general  solutions  of  normal  equations. 

4to.  Charlottesville,  Va.,  1SS8 

Florence,  R.  Istittito  di  Studi  Pratici  e  di  Perfezionamento : 
Pubblicazioni,  R.  Osservatorio  di  Arcetri.     Fasc.    1-6. 

8vo.  Firenze,  1896-97 

Foerster  (Wilhelm) : 

Studien  zur  Astrometrie.     Gesammelte  Abhandlungen. 

8vo.  Berlin,  18SS 
*Die  leuchtenden  Schweife,  Ringe  una  Wolken  im  Gebiete 
der  Feuerkugeln  und  Sternschnuppen.  4to.  Berlin,  1S90 

*Die  Erforsehung  der  obersten  Schichien  der  Atmosphare. 

8vo.  Berlin,  1891 
*Uber  periodische  Anderungen  der  Lage  der  Drehungsaxe 
der  Erde,  und  iiber  die  zur  naheren  Ergriindung  dieser 
Erscheinuno'en  seitens  der  internationalen 
getrofFenen  Veranstalten.  Svo. 

*Weltzeit  und    Ortzeit  im    Bunde   gegen   die 
sogenannten  Einheits-  oiler  Zonen-Zeiten.    8vo. 
*I)ie   Einfuhrung    der   mitteleuropaisehen    Zeit  :    kritische 
Betrachtungen.  Svo.  Berlin,  1891 

Rede  bei  tj  bernahnie  des  Rectorats   der  K.  Universitiit  zu 
Berlin.  4to.  Berlin,  1S91 

Folic  (Frangois) : 

:  *Preuves  de  la  nutation  diurne  ;  determination  approxima- 
tive de  ses  constantes.  i2mo.  Bruxelles,  188S 

■  :  Revision  des  constantes  de  I'astronomie  stellaire  ;    premiere 

partie,  4to.  Bruxelles,  1S96 

Fontenelle  (Bernard  le  Bovier  de) : 

The  life  of  Sir  Isaac  Newton  ;  with  an  account  of  his  writings. 

4to.  London,  17 28 

Fonvielle  (W.  de) : 

*Chronique  de  I'electricite.  4to.  Prague,  1S90 

Forbes  (Duncan) : 

Deviation  of  the  compass  .  .  .  with  numerous  examples. 

8vo.  Southampton,  1S95 

Forbes  (George) : 

On  comets  and  ultra-Neptunian  planets 

4to.  Edinburgh,  18S0 

Fordham  (H.  George) : 

*The  meteorite  of  the  20th  of  November,  1S87. 

Svo.  Hertford,  188S 


Foster  (H.)  : 

Original  entries  of  experiments  made  with  the  ii'on  and  copper 
pendulums  and  brass  invariable  pendulums  belonging  to  the 
Royal  Astronomical  Society,  in  the  years  182S-31. 
[MS.]  2  vols.  4to. 

Foster  (Samuel) : 

The  description  and  use  of  the  Nocturnal.  4to.  n.d. 

Fowler  (Alfred) : 

Popular  telescopic  astronomy  ;  how  to  make  a  2 -inch  telescope, 
and  what  to  see  with  it.    "  8vo.  London,  1896 

Fowler  (Alfred),  Agnes  M.  Gierke,  and  J.  Ellard  Gore  : 

The  concise  knowledge  astronomy.  8vo.  London,  1898 

Franks  (William  Sadler) : 

:  Catalogue  of  the  colours  of  1730  stars,  with  their  approximate 

right  ascension  and  declination.     [MS.]  obi.  fol.  1886. 
:  Catalogue  of  the  mean  colours  of   75S  stars,  and  appendix, 

with  the  colours  of  26  southern  stars.     [MS.]       obi.  fol.  1887 

Franz  (Julius) : 

:  *Beobachtung  von  W.  Struve's  256  weiten  Doppelsternen 

mit  dem  Konigsberger  Heliometer.     Erste  Zone  von    +  50° 

Declination  bis  zum  Pol.  4to.  Kiel,  1885 
:  *Anleitung  zur  Beobachtung  der  totalen   Sonnenfinsterniss 

im  Ost-  und  Westpreussen  am  Preitag  den  19    August  1887. 

4to.  Konigsbei-g,  1886 
:  Gedachtnisrede    auf   den    .  .  .    Konigsberger    Astronomen 

Eduard  Luther.  4to.  Konigsberg,  1887 
:  *]Sreue    Berechnung    von     Hartwig's    Beobachtungen     der 

physischen  Libration  des  Mondes.         4to.  Konigsberg,  1887 
■ :  *  Die   Konstanten   der   physischen  Libration   des  Mondes, 

abgeleitet  aus  Schliiters  Konigsberger  Heliometer-Beobach- 

tungen.  fol.  Konigsberg,  1889 

:  *Ueber  die  astronomischen  Beobachtungen  des  Mondes. 

4to.  Konigsberg,  1889 

:  ■•■'Die  jiihrliche  Parallaxe  des  Sterns  Oeltzen  11677  bestimmt 

mit  dem  Konigsberger  Heliometer.         fol.  Konigsberg,  1891 
:  '*Ephemeride  zur  Beobachtung  des  Mondk^aters  Mcisting  A 

(1893-95).  8vo.  Berlin 

• :  *Der   Einfluss   der   Phase  auf    die   scheinbare    Lage    von 

Mcisting  A.  4to.  Kiel,  1894 

:   *Darlegung  der  Ephemeridenrechnung  von  Mosting  A. 

4to.  Kiel,  1894 

• :  ^Konigsberger  Meridianbeobachtungen  von  Mosting  A. 

4to.  Kiel,  1894 
Fraser  (J.) : 

The  mystery  of  gravity,  the  solution  of  which  gives  the  key 
to  various  other  mysteries.  8vo.  London,  1887 


Fraunhofer  (Joseph  von) 

:  Gesammelte    Schriften.     Im    Auftrage    der    .    .    .    Kcinigl. 

Bayerischen  Akademie  der  Wissenschaften  herausgegeben 
von  E.  Lommel.  4to.  Miinchen,  1 888 

■ :  Life,  &c.,  see  Bauernfeind  (C.  M.  von), 

Friedlaender  (Benedict  und  Immanuel) : 

Absolute  oder  relative  Bcwegung  ?  8vo.  Berlin,  1 8y6 

Frischauf  (Johannes) : 

Grundriss  der  theoretischen  Astronomic  und   der  Geschichte 
der  Planetentlieorien.  8vo.  Graz,  1871 

Fritsch  (Karl) : 

*Ein  neues  Universalstativ  fixr  astronomisehe  Fernrohre. 

4to.  Berlin,  1893 
Fritsehe  (H.) : 
■ :  *Die  magnetischen  Localabweichungen  bei  Moskau  und  ihre 

Beziehungen  zur  dortigen  Local-Attraction. 

8vo.  Moscou,  1893 

:  Ueber   die    Bestimmung    der   geographischen    Lange    und 

Breite,  und  der  drei  Elemente  des  Erdraagnestismus  .  .  . 
sowie  erdmagnetische  und  geographische  Messungen  .  .  . 
ausgefiihrt  1867-91.  8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1893 

:  *Ueber  den  Zusammenhang  zwischen  der  erdmagnetischen 

Horizontalintensitat  und  der  Inclination. 

8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1895 

:  '^Observations  magnetiques  sur  509  lieux,  faites  en  Asia  et  en 

Europe  pendant  la  periode  de  1867-94. 

8vo.  St.-Petersbourg,  1897 

• :  *Ueber  die  Bestimmung  der  Coefficienten  der  Gaussischen  all- 

gemeinen  Theorie  des  Erdmagnetismus  fiir  das  Jahr  1885  ; 
und  ueber  den  Zusammenhang  der  drei  erdmagnetischen 
Elemente  untereinander.  Svo.  St.  Petersburg,  1897 

Frost  (Williani  and  George) : 

A  new  system  of  geography  and  astronomy,  or  a  view  of  the 
earth  and  heavens.  i2mo.  Hackney,  1831 

Gadbury  (John) : 

A  diary  astronomical,  astrological,  meteorological,  for  the  year 

1684.  8vo.  London,  1684 
Galliot  (A.) : 
:  *Influence  de  I'attraction  luni-solaire  sur  la  direction  de  la 

verticale  et  sur  I'intensite  de  la  pesanteur. 

8vo.  Paris,  1S84 
• :  *Theorie  analytique  du  mouvement  des  planetes  :  expression 

gen^rale  des  perturbations  qui  sont  du  troisieme  ordre  par 

rapport  aux  masses.  8vo.  Paris,  1S88 

■ :  ^"Addition  a  la  theorie  du  mouvement  de   Saturne  par  Le 

Verrier,  et  rectification  des  tables.  4to.  Paris,  1895 
Galilei  (Galileo)  : 
:  Sydereus  Nuncius  ;  magna,  longeque  admirabilia  Spectacula 

pandens,  suspiciendaque  proponens  unicuique,  pnvsertim  vero 

Philosophis,  atque  Astronomis.  4to,  Bononiaj,  1655 


Galilei  CGSi\ileo)—contimicd. 

:  XJnterredungen  unci   mathematische   Demonstrationen   liber 

zwei  neue  Wissenszweige,  die  Mechanik  und  die  Fallgesetze 
betreffend  .  .  .  erster-sechster  Tag  (1638)  .  .  .  Ubersetzt 
und  herausgegeben  von  Arthur  von  Oettingen. 

3  parts,  8vo.  Leipzig,  1890-91 

:  Opere    .    .    .    Edizione  nazionale,   sotto  gli  auspicii  di  Sua 

Maesta  il  Re  d' Italia.     Yol.  1-7.  4to.  Firenze,  1890-97 

' :  Terzo  centenario  dalla   sua  prelezione   dell'  Universita   di 

Padova  :  narrazione  e  documenti.  4to.  Padova,  1896 

:  Bibliography,  life,  &c.,  see  Berry  (A.)  ;  Braunmiihl  (Dr.  von)  ; 

Favaro  (Ant.)  ;  Padua  (R.  Universita).    Wegg  Prosser  (F.R.) 

Gall  (James) : 

The  people's  atlas  of  the  stars,  with  key  maps. 

4to.  London  and  Edinburgh,  n.d. 

Galle  (Johann  Gottfried) : 

:  *Ueber  die  Bahn  des  am  4  December  1893  vornehmlich  in 

Schlesien  beobachteten  hellen  Meteors.       8vo.  Breslau,  1894 
:  Verzeichniss  der  Elemente  der  bisher  berechneten  Cometen- 

bahnen  ;    nebst   Anmerkungen   und   Literatur-Nachweisen. 

Neu  bearbeitet,  ergjinzt,  und  fortgesetzt  bis  zum  Jahre  1894. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1894 
:  *Nachtrage  und  Berichtigungen  zu  den  im  Jahre  1857  .  .  . 

herausgegebenen  '  Grundziige  der  schlesischen  Klimatologie.' 

8vo.  Breslau,  1895 

Gallucci  (Gio.  Paolo) : 

:  Theatrvm  mvndi  et  temporis.  4to.  Yenetiis,  1588 

:  Delia  fabrica  et  vso  di  diversi  stromenti  di  astronomia  et 

cosmografia.  4to.  Venetia,  1598 

Galois  (Evariste) : 

(Euvres  mathe'matiques  .  .  .  publiees  sous  les  auspices  de  la 
Societe  Mathematique  de  France  :  avec  une  introduction  par 
E.  Picard.  8vo.  Paris,  1897 

Ganot  (Adolphe) : 

Elementary  treatise  on  Physics  experimental  and  applied  .  .  . 
Translated  and  edited  ...  by  E.  Atkinson.      13th  edition. 

8vo.  London,  1890 
Garcseus  (Johannes  : 

Tractatvs  brevis  et  vtilis,  de  erigendis  figvris  cceli,  verifica- 
tionibvs,  reuolutionibus  tt  directionibus. 

8vo.  Witebergse,  1573 
Garrard  (William) : 

Lunar  tablets  ;  being  a  new  and  concise  method  of  reducing 
lunar  observations,  and  finding  the  longitude  at  sea. 

4to.  London,  n.d. 
Gaury  (— ) : 

Commentary  on  the  Astronomy  of  Maimonides  [Hebrew]. 

4to.  1743 

Gauss  (C.  F.)  und  F.  H.  A.  von  Humboldt : 

Briefe  .  .  .  herausgegeben  vun  K.  Bruhns.    Svo.  Leipzig,  1877 


Gaussin  (L.) : 

*Lois  concernant  la  distribution  des  astres  du  systeme  solaire. 

4to.  Paris,  1880 
Gautier  (Emile) : 

*Rapport  sur  le  concours  [international]  pour  le  reglage  des 
chronometres,  1884-97.  8vo.  Geneve,  1885-98 

Gautier  (Emile  et  Raoul) : 

*]Srouvelles  moyennes  pour  les  prineipaux  elements  meteorolo- 
giques  de  Geneve  de  1826  a  1895.  8vo.  Geneve,  1897 

Gautier  (Raoul) : 

:  *La  premiere  comete  periodique  de  Tempel,  1867  II.  :  etude 

consacree  specialement  aux  apparitions  de  1873  et  de  1879, 

4to.  Geneve,  1888 

:  Le  service  chronometrique  a  I'Observatoire  de  Geneve  [ifec] 

8vo.  Geneve,  1894 
Gazan  (A.) : 

Constitution  physique  du  soleil  :  explication  de  la  formation  et 
de  la  disparitiun  des  taches.  8vo.  Antibes,  1873 

Geelmuyden  (H.) : 

:  *Stedbestemmelse  paa  hoie  bredder.      8vo.  Christiania,  1892 

■ :  See  also  Christiania,  Universitats-Sternwarte. 

Gehler  (Johann  Samuel  Traugott) : 

Physikalisches  Worterbuch,  neu  Ijearbeitet  von  Brandos, 
Gmelin,  Hoi-ner,  Littrow,  Munck,  Pfaff'.      1 1  vols,  (in  25.) 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1825-45 
Gemeiner  (Andreas  Theodor) : 

Beobachtung  der  am  24  Junius  1797  ISTachmittags  eingetre- 
tenen  Sonnenfinsterniss  .  .  .  nebst  einem  Anhang  iiber  den 
Bau  und  die  Bewohnbarkeit  der  Sonne  und  des  Mondes. 

8vo.  Regensburg.  1798 
Gemma  Frisius : 

:  Arithmetics  practicje method vsfacilis.     8vo.  Vitebergse,  1544 

:  Arithmeticas  practical  methodus  facilis.    8vo.  Witebergpe,  1563 

See  also  Apianus  (P.) 

Geneva,  Observatoire : 

Resume  meteorologique  pour  Geneve  et  le  Grand  Saint-Bernard, 
par  A.  Kammermann,  1883-96.  8vo.  Geneve,  1884-97 

Geneva,  Soci6t6  de  Physique  et  d'Histoire  Naturelle: 

Meraoires.     Tome  28-32.  4to.  Geneve,  1883-97 

Georgetown  College  Observatory : 

:  The  Photochronograph  and  its  applications. 

4to.  Washington,  1894  [1891-94] 

:  Photographic  transits  of  one  hundred  and  sixty- one  stars. 

4to.  Washington,  1896 
Geret  (Andreas) : 

De  Sole  tempore  Hiskiae  retrogrado.    [Inaugural-  Dissertation.] 

4to.  Wittenberga^,  17 19 


Gerland  (G.): 

Propositions  relatives  a,  I'organisation  d'un  systeme  inter- 
national de  stations  seismiques.  8vo.  Strasbourg  (1895) 

Ghisler  (Marco  Antonio): 

Ephemerides  motuum  coelestium  ab  anno  1721  ad  annum  1738, 
e  tabulis  de  la  Hire,  Streetii  et  Flamstedii  ad  meridianum 
Bononiae  supputatae.  4to.  Bononiee,  1720 

Giberne  (Agnes) : 

:  Sun,  moon,  and  stars  ;  astronomy  for  beginners  .  .  .  with 

a   preface   by   the    Rev.    C.    Pritchard.     New    and   revised 
edition.  8vo.  London,  1893 

:  The  starry  skies  :  first  lessons  on  the  sun,  inoon,  and  stars. 

i2mo.  London,  1894 

:  Radiant  suns  ;  a  sequel  to  '  Sun,  moon,  and  stars.' 

8vo.  London,  1895 

Gilbert  (G.  K.) : 

The  moon's  face  ;  a  study  of  the  origin  of  its  features.  (Address 
as  retiring  President  of  the  Philosophical  Society  of 
Washington).  8vo.  Washington,  1S93 

Gill  (David) : 

:  *Parallax.     [Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  9th  Edition.] 

4to.  Edinburgh 

:  *Telescope.     [Encyclopaedia  Britannica,  9th  Edition.] 

4to.  Edinburgh 

:  Programme  for  observation  of   the   minor   planet  Victoria 

(1889).  4to.  Cape  Town  [1889] 

:  *An  astronomer's  work  in  a  modern  Observatory  (R.  Inst. 

Lecture).  8vo.  London,  1891 

■ :  *The  Cape  astronomers  and  their  work. 

i6mo.  Cape  Town,  1892 

■ :  ■•■•'Kote  accompagnant  I'envoi  d'un  memoire  de  M.  Kapteyn 

relatif  aux  grandeurs  stellaires.  4to.  Paris,  1892 

See  also  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  Geodetic  Survey  ;  Royal  Obser- 

Ginzel  (F.  K.) : 

:  *Astronomische    Untersuchungen   liber    Finsternisse.     Ab- 

Imndlung  1-3.  8vo.  Wien,  1882-83 
:  ■*Uber      einige      historische,     besonders     in     altspanischen 

Geschichtsquellen  erwahnte  Sonnenfinsternisse. 

8vo.  Berlin,  1886 
• :  *Uber  einige  von  persischen  und  arabischen  Schriftstellern 

erwahnte  Sonnen-  und  Mondfinsternisse.      8vo.  Berlin,  1887 
:  ■••■Finsterniss-Canon  fiir  das  Untersuchungsgebiet  der  romi 

schen  Chronologie.  8vo.  Berlin,  1887 

• :  *Die  Entstehung  der  Welt,  nach  Ansichten  von  Kant  bis  auf 

die  Gegenwart.  8vo.  Berlin,  1893 

■ :  *Uber  einen  Versuch  das  Alter  der  Vedischen  Schriften  aus 

historischen  Sonnenfinsternissen  zu  bestimmen. 

8vo.  Prag,  1894 


Giraxat  (Ch.) : 

Indicateur  planetaire,  ou  recueil  de  tables  calculdes  dans 
riiypothcse  du  mouvement  elliptiquCj  et  fournissant,  du  ler 
Janvier  1865  au  ler  Janvier  1900,  la  distance  angulaire  du 
soleil  aux  planetes  principales,  evaluee  en  ascension  droite. 

8vo.  Caen,  1S67 
GiuflBL  (Jo.  Antonio) : 

Tractatvs  de  Eclipsibvs  .  .  .  per  quern  videtur,  quid  debent 
considerare  in  prognosticatione  Eclipsium  .  .  .  et  quid  sig- 
nificat  dicta  Eclipsis  in  quolibet  signo,  &  domo,  &  de 
nonnullis  alijs  rebus  digne  merentibus         4to.  Neapoli,  1623 

Glaisher  (J.  W.  L.) : 

'^Mathematical  papers,  chiefly  connected  with  the  (/-Series  in 
elliptic  functions,  1883-85.  8vo.  Cambridge,  1885 

Glasenapp  (Sergius  de): 

:  Comparison  of  the  observations  of  the  eclipses  of  the  satellites 

of  Jupiter  between  themselves,  and  with  the  tables  of  the 
eclipses  [in  Russian].  8vo.  tSt.  Petersburg,  1874 

:  — ;S'ee  Downing  (A.  M.  W.) 

:  *St.  Petersburg  expedition  for  the   observation  of  the  total 

solar  eclipse  of  August  iS,  1887  [in  Russian.] 

4to.  St.  Petersburg,  1SS8 

:  Orbites  des  etoiles  doubles  du  Catalogue  de  Poulkova. 

8vo.  St.-Petersbourg,  1889 

:  Mesures  d'etoiles  doubles  faites  a  Hovirsouf. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1892 

:  Observations  astronomiques  faites  a  Abastouman.  (Deuxieme 

s^rie  des  mesures  d'etoiles  doubles.) 

8vo.  St.-Petersbourg,  1894 
:  Mesures  micrometriqiies  d'etoiles  doubles  faites  a  St.-Peters- 
bourg et  a  Domkino.     (Troisieme  serie  des  mesures  d'etoiles 
doubles.)  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1895 
:  quatrieme  serie.                         4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1897 

Glasgow  (David) : 

Watch  and  clock  making.  8vo.  London,  1885 

Glasgow  Observatory : 

Second  Glasgow  Catalogue  of  2156  stars  for  the  epoch  1890, 
deduced  from  observations  made  .  .  .  during  the  years  1886 
to  1892.     By  Robert  Grant.  4to.  Glasgow,  1892 

Glasgow,  Philosophical  Society : 

Proceedings,  1883-85.     Vol.  15,  16.         8vo.  Glasgow,  18S4-85 

Glasgow,  Missouri ;  Morrison  Observatory : 

Publications,  No.  i,  containing  description  of  the  instruments, 
determination  of  position  [&c.]  Prepared  for  publication  by 
C.  W.  Pritchett.  4to.  Lynn,  Mass.,  1887 

G-lobes  (a  Companion  to  the),  comprising  the  various  problems 
that  may  be  performed  by  the  globes  ...  to  which  is  added 
a  concise  astronomical  introduction,  and  an  appendix. 

i2mo.  London,  181 7 


Globes  (the  Construction  of  maps  and),  in  two  parts  ...  to 
which  is  added  an  appendix.  8vo.  London,  171 7 

Gogou  (Constantin) : 

*  Sur   une   objection    presentee    par  M.    Stockwell    contre   la 
theorie  du  mouvement  de  la  lune  de  Delauuay.         4to.  Paris 

Goode  (George  Brown) : 

The  Smithsonian  Institution,  1S46-96.     The  history  of  its  first 
half-century.  4to.  Washington,  1897 
:  Life,  see  Langley,  8.  P. 

Gore  (John  Ellard) : 

:  *A  catalogue  of  known  variable  stars,  with  notes  and  obser- 
vations. Svo.  Dublin,  1884 

:  *A  catalogue  of  suspected  variable  stars,   with   notes  and 

observations.  Svo.  Dublin,  1885 

:  *0n  the  orbit  of  the  binary  star  /3  Delphini. 

8vo.  Dublin,  1886 

:  Planetary   and   stellar   studios  ;    or   short    papers    on    the 

planets,  stars,  and  nebula;.  Svo.  London,  1888 

:   *A   revised   catalogue    of    variable   stars,  with   notes   and 

observations.  Svo.  Dublin,  1S88 

:  *0n  the  variable  star  /<  Cephei.  Svo.  Dublin,  1S88 

:  *0n  the  double  star  Struve  2120.     On  the  double  star  45 

Geminorum  =  02  165.  Svo.  Dublin,  1888 
:  The  scenery  of    the   heavens  ;  a  popular  account  of  astro- 
nomical wonders.                                               Svo.  London,  iSgo 

:  *A   catalogue  of  binary  stars  for  which  orbits  have   been 

computed  ;  with  notes.  Svo.  Dublin,  1891 

:  Star  groups  ;  a  student's  guide  to  the  constellations. 

Svo.  London,  1891 

:  An  astronomical  glossary,  or  dictionary  of  terms  used   in 

astronomy,  with  tables  of  data  and  lists  of  remarkable  and 
interesting  celestial  objects.  Svo.  London,  1893 

:  The  visible  universe  ;  chapters  on  the  origin  and  construction 

of  the  heavens.  Svo.  London,  1893 
:  The  worlds  of  space.                                       Svo.  London,  1894 

Gore  (John  Ellard),  Agnes  M.  Gierke,  and  Alfred  Fowler : 

The  concise  knowledge  astronomy.  Svo.  London,  1898 

Gothard  (Alexander  von) : 

■■■■Adatok  Jupiter  es  Mars  bolyg('>k  physikajiihoz. 

Svo.  Budapest,  1S84 
Gothard  (Eugen  von) : 

:  *Einfacher  Apparat  zur  Demonstration  des  Foucault'schen 

Pendelversuches.  4to.  Berlin,  1885 
:  *Ein  Meteoroskop  mit  Beleuchtungslaterne. 

4to.  Berlin,  18S5 
:  *Keilphotoraeter  mit  Typendruck-Apparat. 

4to.  Berlin,  1S87 
:  *Universalcamera  fiir  Himmelsphotographie. 

Svo.  Berlin,  tSSS 


Gothard  (Eugen  yon)— cojitimicd. 

:  *Das  Spectrum  des  neuen  Sternes  in  Auriga  iin   Vergleicli 

mit  demjenigen  einiger  planetarischer  Nebcin. 

8vo.  Berlin  und  Budapest,  1S93 

:  *Erfahrungen  auf  dem  Gebiete  der  Himuielsphotographie. 

S^■o.  Halle,  1894 
:  See  aha  Hereny,  Astrophys.  Obse)-\atorium. 

Gottingen,  Konigliche  Gesellschaft  der  Wissensehaften : 

:  Abhandlungen,  18S4-91.     Band  31-37. 

4to.  Gottingen,  1885-91 

:  Nachrichten,  mathematiscli-physikalische  Klasse,  1884-97. 

8vo.  &.  4to.  Gottingen,  1884-97 

Gottingen  (Konigliche  Sternwarte) : 

Astronomische  Mittheilungen,    herausgegeben  von   W.  Schur. 

Theil  2-4  4to.  Gottingen,  1891-95 

Theil  2.  Gottinper  Stcrn-Catalog  fiir  1S60,  nach  Beobachtungcn  von 
W.  Kli)ikerfues. 

3.  L.  Ambronn,  Triangtilation  der  PIcjadengruppe. 

4.  W.  Schur,  Die  Oerter  der  helleren  Sterne  der  Praesepe. 

Gould  (Benjamin  Apthorp) : 

:  Las    constantes   del   magnetismo    terrestre    en    Cordoba   y 

Rosario.  Svo. 

:  *Reduction  of  photographic  observations  of  the  Prjesepe. 

4to.  Washington,  1870 

:  *0n    the    reduction    of   photographic    observations,    with   a 

determination  of   the  position  of  the  Pleiades  from  photo- 
graphs by  Mr.  Rutherfurd.  4to.  Washington,  1870 

:  Cordoba  photographs  ;  photographic  observations  of  star- 
clusters,  from  impressions  made  at  the  Argentine  National 
Observatory.   [Spanish  and  English,]    4to.  Lynn,  Mass.,  1897 

:  See  also  Cordoba,  Observatorio  Nacional  Argentino. 

Graf  (J.  H.) : 

:  Das   Leben    und    Wirken    des    Physikers  und    Astronomen 

Johann  Jakob  Huber  aus  Basel  (1733-98}.     Svo.  Bern,  189" 

:  *Prof.  Dr.  Rudolf  Wolf,  1816-93.  8vo.  Bern,  1894 

Grandi  (Luigi) : 

Lettera  aperta  agli  astronomi.  4to.  1894 

Grant  (Robert),  see  Glasgow  Observatory. 

Grant  (S.  C.  N.) : 

*Diagram  for  determining  the  parallaxes  in  declination  and 
right  ascension  of  a  heavenly  body,  and  its  application  to  the 
prediction  of  occultations.  Svo.  London,  1S96 

Grassi  (H.) : 

De   tribus   cometis  anni  mdcxviii.  :    Disputatio   Astronomica, 

4to.  Bononia?,  1655 
Graves  (Robert  Perceval) : 

Life  of  Sir  William  Rowan  Hamilton  .   .   .  including  selections 

from  his  poems,  correspondence,  and  miscellaneous  writinf^s. 

3  vols.  Svo.  Dublin,  1882*89 


Gravesande  (Guill.  Jac.  's) : 

Philosophia3  Kewtonianse  institutiones,  in  usus  academicos. 

8vo.  Venetiis,  1749 

Green  (Wathaniel  E.) : 

*0n  the  belts  and  markings  of  Jupiter.  4to.  London,  1889 

Green  (Robert) : 

:  The  principles  of  natural  philosophy  ;  in  which  is  shown  the 

insufficiency  of  the  present  systems  to  give  us  any  just  account 
of  that  science  ;  and  the  necessity  there  is  of  some  new  prin- 
ciples, in  order  to  furnish  us  with  a  true  and  real  knowledge 
of  nature.  8vo.  Cambridge,  1712 

:  Geometria  solidorum,   sive  materia? ;    seu    de  varia   compo- 

sitione,  progressione,  rationeque  velocitatum. 

8vo.  Cantabrigia?,  17 12 

Greensted  (Fred.  F.)  and  T.  Mellard  Reade : 

*A  theory  to  account  for  the  airless  and  waterless  condition  of 
the  Moon,  by  F.  F.  G.  .  .  .,  Avith  geological  and  physical 
notes  by  T.  M.  R.  .  8vo.  Liverpool,  1888 

Greenwieti,  Royal  Observatory : 

:  Astronomical  and  magnetical  and  meteorological  observations 

made  ...  in   the   years    1882-94,    under   the    direction  of 
W.  H.  M.  Christie.  4to.  London,  18S4-97 
:  Appendices  : — 

1884.  Diagrams  representing  the  diurnal  change  in  magnitude  and 
direction  of  the  magnetic  forces  in  the  horizontal  plane, 
1841-76,  by  G.  B.  Airy. 

1887.  I.  Eeduction  of  photographic  records  of  barometer,  1874-76, 
and  of  thermometers,  1S69-76. 

II.  Ten-year    catalogue    of    4059   stars,   from    observations 
1877-86, reduced  to  i88o-o. 

III.  Eecomputation  of  position  of  ecliptic,  and  corrections  to 

1889.  Eesults  of  the  observations  of  the  time  of  swing  of  the  Indian 

invariable  pendulums,  1889. 
1 89 1.  Five-year  catalogue  of  25S  fundamental  stars  for  1890. 
Eesults  of  astronomical  observations,  1882-94. 
Eesults  of  magnetical  and  meteorological  observations,  1882-94. 
Eesults  of  sjiectroscopic  and  photographic  observations,  1882-94. 
Eeport  of  the  Astronomer  Eoyal  to  the  Board  of  Visitors,  1885-98. 

:  Reduction  of  Greenwich  meteorological  observations.     Part 

III.  :  Temperature  of  the  air,  as  determined  from  the  obser- 
vations and  records  of  the  fifty  years  1841  to  1890.  .  .  .  Col- 
lected and  discussed  under  the  direction  of  W.  H.  M.  Christie. 

4to.  London,  1895 
Gregorie  (John) : 

De   -^ris  &    epochis  ;  shewing  the  several  accounts   of  time 
among  all  nations,  from  the  creation  to  the  present  age. 

4to.  London,  167 1 
Gregory  (Richard  A.) : 

The  vault  of    heaven  ;    an   elementary  text  book  of   modern 
physical  astronomy.  8vo.  London,  1893 


Griflath  (Alexander) : 

The  Cycle  Calenclai'  (C.  C),  or  12S  years'  cycle  system  of 
measuring  time.  4to.  London,  1892 

Grimmer  (C.  A.): 

The  voice  of  the  stars  ;  an  account  of  the  coming  perihelia  of 
Jupiter,  Uranus,  Neptune  and  Saturn,  which  will  cause 
plagues,  storms  and  fires  from  iSSo  to  1887. 

8vo.  London  and  Manchester  [1879] 
Grimthorpe  (Lord) : 

A  rudimentary  treatise  on  clocks  and  watches  and  bells. 
Seventh  edition.  8vo.  London,  1883 

Grosse  (Theodore) : 

The  aspect  of  the  starry  heavens  at  any  time  of  any  night  all 
the  year  round  ;  description  of  a  new  mechanical  star  map, 
and  examples  illustrating  its  use.  8vo.  Manchester,  18S3 

Grossmann  (Ernst) : 

Untersuchung  iiber  systematische  Fehler  bei  Doppelsternbeo- 
bachtungen,  ausgefiihrt  in  Verbindung  mit  einer  Bahnbestim- 
mung  des  Doppelsterns  7]  Coronte  Borealis.      Inaugural-Dis- 
sertation. 4to.  Gottingen,  1892 
Groth  (Paul) : 

Ueber  die  Molekularbeschaflenheit  der  Krystalle.  Festrede. 
[Munich  Academy.]  4to,  Miinchen,  1888 

Grover  (D.  A.  N.)  : 

New  principles.     Parts  2  and  3  [matter  and  gravitation]. 

i6mo.  Chicago  and  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  n.d. 
Grubb  (Howard) : 

:  *Description  of  the  great  27-inch   refracting  telescope  and 

revolving  dome  for  the  Imperial  and  Ptoyal  Observatory  of 
Vienna.  fol.  London,  1881 

:  *Telescopic   objectives  and  mirrors  :  their  preparation  and 

testing.  8vo.  London,  1886 

:  *The  development  of  the  astronomical  telescope. 

8vo.  London,  1894 
Gruey  (L.  J.)  : 

Exercices  astronomiques  a  I'usage  des  eleves  des  Facultes  et 
des  Observatoires.  Svo.  Paris,  1889 

Grlineberg  (Christian) : 

Pandora  mathematicarum  Tabularum.  (Canon  Sinuum  &; 
Tangen.,  nee  non  Logarithmorum.) 

i2mo.  Francof.  ad  Viadrum,  1684 
Gruson  (Hermann) : 

Im  Reiche  des  Lichtes  :  Sonneji,  Zodiakallichte,  Kometen, 
Dammerungslicht-Pyramiden,  nach  der  altesten  iigyptischen 
Quellen.     Zweite  Auflage.  8vo.  Braunschweig,  1895 

Gubler  (Eduard) : 

Yerwandlung  einer  hypergeometrischen  Reihe  im  Anschluss  an 
das  Integral  ''J(x)e''''-^x'^''^dx.      Inaugural-Dissertation. 

J  o  8vo.  Uster,  1894 


Guepratte  (C.) : 

Probl ernes  d'Astronoraie  nautique  et  de  navigation,  precedes 

de  la  description  et  de  I'usage  des  instrumens,  et  suivis  d'un 

recueil  de  tables  ne'cessaire  a  la  resolution  de  ces  problemes, 

2me  edition.  2  vols.  8vo.  Brest,  1825 

Guglielmini    (Domenico):    Meridiana     di    San     Petronio,    see 

Zanotti  (E.) 
Guiducci  (Mario) : 

Discorso  delle  Comete.  4to.  Bologna,  1655, 

Guilhaumon  (J.  B.) : 

Elements  de   navigation    et    de   calcul    nautique,    ire.  par  tie : 
Astronomie  et  navigation.  8vo.  Paris  et  Nancy,  i8gi 

Guillaume  (J.) : 

;  *Observations  physiques  de  la  planete  Mars  en  1890. 

8vo.  Bruxelles,  iSgc 

:  Observations  du  soleil  faites  a  I'Observatoire  de  Lyon,  1893- 

95.  8vo.  Lyon,  1896 

Guillemin  (Amed6e) : 

:  Le  nionde  physique.    Tome  5.    La  meteorologie  :  la  physique 

raoleculaire.  4to.  Paris,  1885 

:  Les  etoiles  filantes  et  les  pierres  qui  tombent  du  ciel. 

8vo.  Paris,  1889 

:  Les  planetes  et  leurs  satellites.  8vo.  Paris,  1891 

:  Autres  mondes.     (Esquisses  astronomiques.) 

i2mo.  Paris,  1892 
Guinness  (H.  Grattan): 

Creation  centred  in  Christ.    2  vols.  8vo.  London,  1896 

Vol.  2.  Tables  of  Vernal  Equinoxes  and  New  Moons  for  3555  years. 
Giitner  (Raphael) : 

Fundamentalis,  eaque  astronomica  &  astrologica  doctrina  de 
conjunctionibus  magnis  ;  .  .  .  nee  non  speciatim  de  con- 
junctione  magna,  qufe  nostra  nunc  tetate  est  novissima,  & 
secundum  supputationem  astronomicam  haut  fallacem  uni- 
verse mundo  sese  exhibebit  die  xii.  Octob.  anni  currentis 
MDCLXiii.  4to.  Chemnitii,  1663 

Gylden  (Hugo) : 

:  *Theoretische     Untersuchungen     iiber     die     intermediaren 

Bahnen  der  Cometen  in  der  Nahe  eines  storenden  Korpers. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1884 
:  *Die  intermediare  Bahn  des  Mondes.      4to.  Stockholm,  1885 

:  *Untersuchungen  liber  die   Convergenz  der  Reihen  welche 

zur  Darstellung  der  Coordinaten  der  Planeten  angewendet 

werden.  4to.  Stockholm,  1887 
:   *  Om  sannolikheten  af  att  patraffa  stora  tal  vid  utvecklingen 

af  irrationela  decimalbnlk  i  kedjebrak. 

8vo.  Stockholm,  1888 
■ :  *Ueber   die  Convergenz  einer  in  der  Storungstheorie   vor- 

kommenden  Reihe.  4to.  Kiel,  1888 
:  *Bewis  for  en  sats,  som   beror  fragan   om   planetsystemet 

stabilitet.  8vo.  Stockholm,  188S 


Gyld.6n  (Hugo)— coH^iintccZ.    '"  '-"^ 

:  *0m  sannolikheten  af  intriidande  divergens  vid  anv;idande 

af  de  hittils  brukliga  methoclerna  att  analytiskt  fi-amstalla 
planetariska  storingai'.  8vo.  Stockliolni,  1888 

:  *Nouvelles   reclierches    sur   les    series   employt'es   dans   le.s 

theories  des  planetes.  4to.  Stockholm,  1892 

:  Traite   analytique   des   orbites   absolues    des   huit    planetes 

principales.     Tome    i.     Theoi'ie  gene'rale    des  orbites  abso- 
lues. 4to.  Stockholm,  1893 

•  :  *Zur  Transformation  der  periodischen  Aggregate. 

4to.  St.  Petersburg,  1894 

:  *Hiilfstafeln  zur  Berechnung  der  Hauptungleichheitenindeu 

absoluten  Bewegungstheorien  der  kleinen  Planeten. 

4to.  Leipzig,  1896 

Haarlem,  Mus^e  Teyler : 

:  Archives,  serie  2.     Vol.  1-4.  8vo.  Haarlem,  1883-95 

:  Catalogue  de  la  Bibliotheque.     Vol.  1-3. 

8vo.  Haarlem,  1 88 5 -89 

Habrecht  (Isaac) : 

:  Planiglobium  coeleste  ac  terrestre,  Argentorati  quondam,  nunc 

opera  J.  .  .  C .  . .  Sturraii  Norimliergaj  emendatius,  auctius  ac 
universalius  editum.  4to.  Norimberga?  [1663] 

:  Planiglobium     coeleste    et    terrestre.     Platte     Stern-    und 

Lander-Kugel  ;  vor  diesem  zu  Strassburg  lateinisch,  jetzund 
durch  J.  C.  Sturm  verteutschet,  verbessert,  vermehret,  und 
allgemeiner  herausgegeben.  4to.  Niirnberg,  1666 

Hadden  (David  Edward) : 

Solar  observations,  1896.  8vo.  Alta,  Iowa,  1S97 

Haerdtl  (Eduard  von) : 

*Astronomische  Beitrage  zur  assyrischen  Chronologie. 

4to.  Wien,  1SS4 
Hagen  (Joliann  G.) : 

:  *Die  Astronomie  in  der  letzten  Jahrzehnten. 

8vo.  Freiburg,  1889 

:  Synopsis  der  hoeheren  Mathematik.     Zweiter  Band,  II.    Geo- 

metrie  der  algebraischen  Gebilde.  4to.  Berlin,  1894 

Hagen  (J.  G.)  and  E.  S.  Holden : 

*A  catalogue  of   looi  southern  stars  for  i850"o,  from  observa- 
tions   by    Tacchini    at    Palermo,     1867-69.     List    of    437 
southern  stars  for  1850.0  derived  from  Washington  transit- 
circle  observations.  8 vo.  Madison,  Wis.,  1885 
Hager  (Giuseppe) : 

Illustrazione  d'  uno  Zodiaco  orientale  .  .  .  scoperto  recente- 
mente  presso  le  sponde  del  Tigri,  in  vicinanza  dell'  antica 
Babilonia.  f ol.  Milano,  1 8 1 1 

Hague  (The),  Commission  G6odesique  TTeerlandaise  : 

Werken,  II.  Uitkomsten  der  Rijkswaterpassingontworpen  en 
aangevangen  door  L.  Cohen  Stuart  ;  voortgezet  en  voltooid 
door  H.  G.  van  de  Sande  Bakhuyzen  en  G.  van  Diesen, 
1875-85.  4to,  's  Gravenhage,  t888 


Haintzel  (Tobias  Jacob) : 

Judicium  Astrologicum  von  clem  newen  Cometa,  welcher  den 
ID  alien  Cal.  unci  20  newen  Cal.  Decembris  1664  .  .  .  all- 
hier  zu  Memingen  von  vilen  Personen  gesehen  worden. 

4to.  [1665] 
Hale  (George  E.): 

:  *The  ultra-violet  spectrum  of  the  solar  prominences. 

8vo.  London,  1891 

:  *Some  results  and  conclusions  derived  from  a  photographic 

study  of  the  sun.  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 

• :  ■'■The  ultra-violet  spectrum  of  the  solar  prominence.     (II.» 

III.)  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 

:  *Recent  results  in  solar  prominence  photography. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 

:  *Spectroscopic  observations  of  the  great  sun-spot  group  of 

February  1892.  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 

■ :  *Solar  photography  at  the  Kenwood  Astrophysical  Observa- 
tory. 8vo.  Northtield,  Minn.,  1892 

:  *0n  the  condition  of  the  sun's  surface  in  June  and  July  1892, 

as  compared  with  the  record  of  terrestrial  magnetism. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 

• :  *A  remarkable  solar  disturbance. 

8vo.  iSTorthfield,  Minn.,  1892 

• :  "*Pliotographs  of  solar  phenomena  obtained  with  the  spectro- 

heliograph  of  the  Kenwood  Astrophysical  observatory. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 
:  *0n  tlie  probability  of  chance  coincidence  of  solar  and  ter- 
restrial phenomena.  8vo.  Northiield,  Minn.,  1892 

:  *Photography  of  the  corona  without  an  eclipse. 

Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 

:  ■••'Specti'oscopic  notes  from  the  Kenwood  Observatory. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1893 

:  *0n  some  attempts  to  photograph  the  solar  corona  without 

an  eclipse.  Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

■ :  *The  solar  faculse.  Svo.  London,  1894 

:  *Organisation  of  the  Yerkes  Observatory. 

Svo.  Chicago,  1896 

;  *The  effect  of  a  total  eclipse  of  the  sun  on  the  visibility  of  the 

solar  prominences.  Svo.  Chicago,  1896 

:  *'(\nnparative  value  of  refracting  and  reflecting  telescopes  for 

astrophysical  investigations.     Note  on  the  Ranyard  mount- 
ing for  reflecting  telescopes.  Svo.  Chicago,  1897 

Halifax,  Nova  Seotian  Institute  of  Science : 

Proceedings   and    Transactions,    session    1S93-97.     Vol.    8-9. 
(Series  2,  Vol.  i,  2.)  Svo.  Halifax,  IsT.S.,  1S95-97 

Hall  (A. ) : 

The  international  calendar  :  a  new  almanack  for  igoo. 

Svo.  London,  1897 
Hall  (Asa::li) : 

:  '•The  orbits  of  Oberon  and  Titanin,  the  outer  satellites  of 

Uranus.  4to.  Washington,  1885 


Hall  (Asaiph)— continued. 

:  *The  orbit  of  lapetus,  the  outer  satellite  of  Saturn. 

4to.  Washington,  18S5 
*Orbit  of  the  satellite  of  Neptune.  4to.  Washington,  1885 
■^Observations  for  stellar  parallax.  4to.  Washington,  1886 
*The  six  inner  satellites  of  Saturn.  4to.  Washington,  1886 
*The  constant  of  aberration.  4to.  Boston,  18S8 

*8aturn  and  its  ring,  1875-89.  4to.  Washington,  1889 

*The  orbit  of  lapetus.  4to.  Boston,  1892 

*Observations  of  double  stars  made  at  the  United  States 
Naval  Observatory,  part  second,  1 880-1 891. 

4to.  Washington,  1892 

Halle,    Kaiserliche     Leopoldinisch  -  Carolinische     deutsche 
Akademie  der  Naturforscher : 

:  Leopoldina.     Heft  19-32. 

4to.  Halle,  1883-96 

:  Nova  Acta  (Verhandlungen). 

Band  45-67. 

4to.  Halle,  1S84-96 

:  Katalog  der  Bibliothek.      1-3. 

Svo.  Halle,  1887-91 

:  Geschichte  der  .  .  .  Akademie 

.   .  .  wahrend  der  Jahre  1852- 

1887  .  .  .  verfasst  von  Willi  Ule.  4to.  Halle,  1S89 

Halley  (Edmund),  Life,  ic,  see  Rigaud  (S.  J.) 

Halma  (N.) : 

:  Supplement   de   I'examen    et   explication   du    Zodiaque    de 

Denderah.  8vo.  Paris,  1822 
:  Examen  historique  et  critique  des  monumens  astronomiques 

des  anciens.  Svo.  Paris,  1830 

See  also  Ptolemy. 

Hamburg,  Sternwarte : 

:  *Bericht  des  Direktors,  1894-95.  Svo.  Hamburg 

:  Mittheilungen,  No.  1-4.  Svo.  Hamburg,  1895-98 

No.  I.  G.  Eiimker.  Positionsbestimmungen  von  Nebelflecken  und  Stern- 

2.  C.  Stecliert.  Bahnbestimmung  des  Planeten  (258). 

3.  R.  Schorr.     Bemerkungen  und  Bericbtigungen  zu  Carl  Eiimker's 

Sterncatalogen  1836-0  und  1850-0. 

4.  W.  Luther.   Catalog  von  636  Sternen. 
See  also  Schorr  (Pi,.) 

Hamilton  (William  Kowan),  Life,  see  Graves  (R.  P.) 

Hancock  (Blyth) : 

The  astronomy  of  Comets,  in  two  parts,  Part  i,  .  .  . 
theory  of  comets  ;  Part  2,  containing  the  practical  methods 
of  calculation.  Svo.  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  1786 

Hansky  (Alexis)  et  S.  Kostinsky  : 

*L'eclipse  totale  du  soleil  du  27  juillet  (8  aout)  1896. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1807 

Harkness  (William) : 

:  On   the    flexure   of   meridian  instruments,  and   the    means 

available  for  eliminating  its  effects  from  star  places. 

4to.  AVashington,  1886 


Harkness  (WilliSim)—co7itinued 

:  *0n    the   progress   of   science  as   exemplified  in  the  art  of 

weighing  and  measuring  ...  to  which  are  added  some 
historical  notes  and  a  bibliography.      4to.  Washington,  1888 

:  *The  solar  parallax  and  its  related  constants,  including  the 

figure  and  density  of  the  earth.  4to.  Washington,  1891 

Harley  (Timothy) : 

:  Moon  lore.  8vo.  London,  1885 

:  Lunar  science,  ancient  and  modern.  8vo.  London,  1886 

Harris  (John) : 

The   laws  of   force  and   motion,   being  a   revision  of   certain 

prominent   doctrines  and   theories  of  conventional  science. 

In  two  parts,  with  an  appendix.  4to.  London,  1890 

Harris  (Joseph) : 

The  description  and  use  of  the  globes,  and  the  Orrery  ;  to 
which  is  prefixed  ...  a  brief  account  of  the  solar  system. 
Tenth  edition.  8vo.  London,  1768 

Hartmann  ( Johann  Wilhelm) : 

Dissertationum  physicarum  de  natura  stellarum  prior  (et  pos- 
terior).    [Liaugural  Dissertations.]     2  parts,  4to.  Jense,  17 15 

flartwig  (Ernst) : 

*Ephemeriden  veranderlicher  Sterne  fiir  1893,  1896-98. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1892-97 
See  also  Bamberg,  Sternwarte. 

Harvard  College  Astronomical  Observatory : 

:  Annals.    Vol.  13,  part  2  ;  Vol.  23,  part  i;  Vol.  24-28,  part  i  ; 

Vol.  29-32,  part  I  ;   Vol.  34-36  ;  Vol.  40,  41. 

4to.  Cambridge  (Mass.),  1888-98 

Vol.  13.  Part  2.  Zone  observations  made  with  the  transit  wedge  photo- 
meter, 1882-86. 

14.  Observations  with  the  meridian  photometer,  1879-82.     E.  C. 

Pickering,  A.  Searle,  and  0.  C.  Wendell. 

15.  Part  I.  Catalogue  of  12 13  stars.     W.  A.  Rogers. 
Part  2.  Catalogue  of  8627  stars.     W.  A.  Eogers. 

16.  Meridian  circle  observations  of  fundamental  stars,  1870-86. 

W.  A.  Rogers. 

17.  The  Almucantar.    S.  C.  Chandler. 

18.  Miscellaneous  researches,  1886-90. 

19.  Part  I.  Meteorological  observations,  1 840-88. 

Part  2.  Researches  on   the  Zodiacal  Light  and  atmospheric 

20.  Blue  Hill  meteorological  observations. 

21.  New  England  Meteorological  Society. 

22.  Meteorological  observations  on  Pike's  Peak. 

23.  Part  I.  Discussion  of  observations  made  with   the  meridian 

photometer,  1SS2-S8.     E.  C.  Pickering  and  0.  C.  Wendell. 

24.  Results    of     observations    with    the     meridian    photometer, 

1882-88.     E.  C.  Pickering  and  0.  C.  Wendell. 

25.  Comparison    of    positions    of    stars    ...    in    1855-0,    .    . 

observed  with  the  meridian  circle,  1 870-84.     W.  A.  Rogers. 
26.>Part  I.  Preparation  and  discussion  of  the  Draper  Catalogue. 
E.  C.  Pickering. 
Part  2.  Miscellaneous   investigations   of    the    Henry   Draper 
Memorial.     E.  C.  Pickering  and  M.  Fleming. 


Harvard  College  Astronomical  Observatory— con^iuwed 

Vol.  27.  The  Draper  Catalogue  of  stellar  spectra. 

28.  Part  I.  Spectra  of  bright  stars.  .  .  .  Henry  Draper  Memorial. 

Discussed  by  A.  C.  Maury. 

29.  Miscellaneous  researches,  1883-93. 

30.  Blue  Hill  meteorological  observations. 

31.  New  England  Meteorological  Society. 

32.  Part  I.  Investigations  in  astronomical  photography.     W.  H. 


34.  Catalogue  of  7922  southern  stars,  observed  with  the  meridian 

photometer,  1S89-91.     S.  I.  Bailey. 

35.  Journal  of  the  Zone  observations,  .  .  .  1870-75.    W.  A.  Eogers. 

36.  „     _      „         „      „  _        1^75-^5-   W.  A.  Rogers. 

40.  Blue  Hill  meteorological  observations. 

41.  New  England  Weather  Service,  1892-95,  and  meteoric  shower 

of  November  1897. 

:  Annual  Report  ,  .  .  by  E.  C.  Pickering.     1885-97. 

8vo.  Cambridge,  1885-97 

:  Circular,  No.  1-28.  4to.  Cambridge,  1895-98 

:  Henry  Draper  Memorial.     Reports  1-4  of  the  photographic 

study  of  stellar  spectra.  4to.  Cambridge,  1887-90 

• — r--  :  History   of   the   Harvard    College    Observatory   during  the 
period  1840- 1890.     By  D.  W.  Baker. 

8vo.  Cambridge,  1890 
Variable  stars  of  long  period.  4to.  Cambridge,  1891 

*Miscellaneous  papers,  1877-87.  8vo.  v.d. 

*Ditto,  1888-96.  8vo.  v.d. 

'^Miscellaneous  quarto  publications,  1877  to  1896,  with  a  list 
of  the  published  references  to  the  work  of  the  Blue  Hill 
Observatory,  1885  to  1895.  4to.  Cambridge,  1896  \y.d.'\ 

Harzer  (Paul) : 

:  *Untersuchungen  iiber  einen  speciellen  Fall  des    Problems 

der  drei  Korper.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1886 
:  *Die   sacularen    Veranderungen    der    Bahnen    der    grossen 

Planeten.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1895 
:  *Uber  geographische  Ortsbestimmungen  ohne  astronomische 

Instrumente.  8vo.  Berlin,  1896 

Hasselfcerg  (B.) : 

■ :  *Zur   Spectroskopie   des    Stickstoffs.      I.     Untersuchungen 

iiber  das  Bandenspectrum.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1885 

■ :  *Ueber  das  Linienspectrum  des  Sauerstoffs. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1894 

:  *Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Spectra  der  Metalle  im  electrischen 

Fiammenbogen.    I.  Spectrum  des  Chroms.     II.  Titan.     III-. 
Cobalt  und  Nickel.     IV.  Mangan.    4to.  Stockholm,  1894-97 

:  *Sur  les  observations  spectroscopiques  des  nebuleuses  faites 

a  Mount  Hamilton  par  3.  E.  Keeler. 

4to.  Roma.  1895 

:  *Ueber  das  Vorkommen  des  Vanads  in  den  Skandinavischen 

Rutilarten.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1897 

:  *Zur  cliemischen  Constitution  des  Rutils. 

8vo.  Stockholm,  1897 


Haug  (H.) : 

Yerdeichende  Erdkunde  und  Alttestamentlich  geographisclie 
Weltgeschichte.  4to.  Gotha,  1894 

Haughton  (Samuel) : 

*Kew  views  of  Mr.  G.  H.  Darwin's  theory  of  the  evolution  of 
the  Earth-Moon  system,  considered  as  to  its  bearing  on  the 
question  of  the  duration  of  geological  time. 

8vo.  Salem,  1882 

Haverford  College  Observatory : 

:  *Micrometrical   measurements   of   double    stars,   and    other 

observations,  made  .  .  .  under  the  direction  of  F.  P.  Leaven- 
worth. 8vo.     [1889] 

. :  ^Proceedings,  1891-92.  8vo. 

Hayn  (Friedrich) : 

Bahn-Bestimmung  des  Cometen  1862  III.  .  .   .  Inaugural-Dis- 
•»  sertation.  4*0.  Leipzig,  1889 

Heath  (R.  S.) : 

A  treatise  on  geometrical  Optics.  8vo.  Cambridge,  1887 

Heath  (Thomas) : 

*Solar  eclipses.  8vo.  Edinburgh,  1897 

[Hector  (James)] : 

*The  total  eclipse  of  the  Sun  of  the  9th  September  1885  ;  being 
a  digest  of  [six]  communications  on  the  subject.  [Edited  by 
J.  H.]  8vo. 

Heinrichs  (A.)  et  E.  Biese  : 

isme  terrestre. 

8vo.  Helsingfors,  1895 

Heinsius  (Gottfried) : 

:  De    eclipsis   solis    d.     I.    April,     1764,    Lipsiae    observata. 

[Inaugural  Dissertation.]  4to.  Lipsiae,  1765 

:  De  apparentiis  annuli  Saturni.     [Inaugural  Dissertation.] 

4to.  Lipsiae,  1745 
:  De  apparentia  aequatoris  lunaris  in  disco  lunae.     [Inaugural 

Dissertation.]  4to.  Lipsiae,  1745 

Hell  (Maximilian) : 

:  Transitus  Veneris  perdiscum  solis  anni  1761. 

8vo.  Vindobonje 

:  Drey  neue  Sternbilder,   die   als  ewige   Denkmaler  am   ge- 

stirnten  Himmel  errichtet  werden  sollten ;  Das  eine,  seiner 
Majestat  .  .  .  Georg  III.  ;  die  zwey  Andern  dem  beriihmten 
Herrn  F.  W.  Herschel  .  .  .  iibersetzt  von  A.  Jungnitz. 

8vo.  Wien  [1789] 

Helsingfors,  Exploration  Internationale  des  Regions  Polaires, 
,.      1882-84: 

Expedition  polaire  Finlandaise.     Tome  i,  Meteorologie.     Tome 
2,  Magnetisme  terrestre.  4to.  Helsingfors,  1886-87 

*Meteorologie  et  magnetisme  terrestre. 


Helsingfors,  Finska  Vetenskaps  Societet: 

:  Acta  Hocietatis  scientiarum  Fennicae.     Tonius  13-21. 

4to.  Helsingforsioe,  18S4-96 

:    Ufversigt  af  .  .  .  Forhandlingar,  1882-96.     Vol.  25-38. 

8vo.  Helsingfors,  1883-96 

:  Pinska   Yetenskaps  Societeten    1838-88  :  dess  organisation 

och  verksarohet,  af  A.  E.  Arppe.         8vo.  Helsingfors,  1888 

Helsingfors,  Institut  Met6orologique  Central: 

:  Observations  mt'teorologiques,  1881-90. 

4to.  Kuopio,  1893-97 

:  Ditto,  1 88 2-86.  4to.  Helsingfors,  1886-97 

:  Ditto,  Resume  des  annees  1 88 1-90.  4to.  Kuopio,  1897 

Helsingfors,  Soci6t6  de  G^ographie  Finlandaise : 
Fennia.     (Bulletins  de  la  Societe.)     1-13. 

8vo.  Helsingfors,  1889-96 

Helsingfors  und  Gotha  (Sternwarten) : 

:  Zonenbeobachtungen  der  Sterne  zwischen  +55°  und    +65°, 

von  A.  Krueger.  2  vols.  4to.  Helsingfors,  1883-85 

• :  Catalog  von  14680  Sternen  zwischen  +  54°  55'  und  +  65°  10' 

fiir  das  ^quinoctium  1875,  nach  Beobachtungen  ...  in  den 
Jahren  1869-76  und  .  .  .   1877-80.     Von  A.  Krueger. 

4to.  Leipzig,  1890 
H6nient  (F61ix): 

Les  etoiles  filantes  et  les  Ijolides.  Svo.  Paris,  1888 

Hennert  (— ): 

Dissertation  sur  le  probleme  ou  il  s'agit  de  determiner  I'orbite 
parabolique  d'une  comete.  4to.  Utrecht,  1780 

Hennessy  (Henry) : 

:  *0n  the  fluid  state  of  bodies  composing  our  planetaiy  system. 

8vo.  Dublin,  1886 
:  *0n  the  physical  structure  of  the  earth.     8vo.  London,  18S6 

Henry  (Prosper) : 

*Mesure  et  reduction  des  cliches  photographiques  du  catalogue 
de  la  carte  du  ciel  a  I'Obsex'vatoire  de  Paris. 

4to.  Paris,   1S93 

Hereny,  Astrophysikalisches  Observatorium : 

Meteorologische  Beobachtungen,  herausgegeben  von  E.  von 
Gothard,  1890-91.  4to.  Budapest,  1892-94 

Herlicitis  (D.) : 

Prognostica  von  befiihrlichen  verenderungen  in  dieser  Welt, 
welche  in  diesem  1628  Jahr  angehen,  und  bisz  aufF  1640  sich 
erstrecken  sollen.  4to.  1628 

Herr  (Jos.  Ph.)  und  Wilhelm  Tinter : 

Lehrbuch  der  sphiirischen  Astronomie  in  ihrer  Anwendung  auf 
geographische  Ortsbestimmung,  von  J.  P.  H.  .  .  .  vol- 
lendet  yon  W.  T  .  .  Svo.  Wien,  1887 


Herschel  (John  Frederick  "William) : 

• — —  :  Outlines  of  astronomy,  translated  into  Chinese  by  A.  AVylie, 

3  vols.  8vo. 

• :  The  telescope.     [Encyclopaedia  Britannica.] 

8vo.  Edinburgh,  1861 

:  *General  Catalogue  of  nebul?e  and  clusters  of  stars,  revised, 

corrected,  and  enlarged  by  J.  L.  E.  Dreyer. 

4to.  London,  iSSS- 

■ :  Some  account  of  the  great  astronomical   discoveries  lately 

made  by,  at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope.     [Astronomical  Hoax.] 

i2mo.  London,  1836 
Life,  see  Holden  (E.  8.) 

Hertslet  (W.  L.) : 

Spiegelungen  zwischen  Arithmetik  and  Geometric. 

8vo.  Berlin,  n.d. 
Herz  (Norbert) : 

■ :  Geschichte  der  Bahnbestinimuiig  von  Planeten  und  Kometen. 

Theil  I,  2.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1887-94 

1.  Die  Theorien  des  Alterthums. 

2.  Die  enipirischen  Methoden. 

:  See  also  v.  KufFner'sche  Sternwarte. 

Hesse  (Ludwig  Otto) : 

Gcsammelte  Werke  ;  herausgegeben  von  der  mathematisch- 
physikalischen  Classe  der  K.  Bayerischen  Akademie  der 
Wissenschaften.  4to.  Miinchen,  1897 

Hevelius  (Johannes) : 

^Nlachinse  Coelestis  pars  prior  :  oi'ganographiam,  sive  instru- 
mentorum  astronomicorum  omnium,  quibus  auctor  hactenus 
sidera  rimatus  ac  dimensus  est,  accuratam  delineationem  e^ 
descriptionem  .  .  .  exhibens.  .  .  .  fol.  Gedani,  1673 


Tlie  new  astrology  ;  or,  the  art  of  predicting  or  foretelling 
future  events  by  the  aspects,  positions,  and  influences  of  the 
heavenly  bodies.  ...  In  two  parts.  .  .  .  Second  edition. 

i2mo.  London,  1786 

Higgs  (George): 

A  photographic  atlas  of  the  normal  Solar  Spectrum  (44  photo- 
graphic plates  in  portfolio). 

Hilflker  (J.) : 

*Vergleichung  des  detinitiven  Cataloges  der  Mondsterne  von 
Loewy  mit  dem  System  des  Berliner  Jahrbuches  und  der 
Astr.  Gesellschaft.  4to.  Kiel,  1891 

Hill  (George  William) : 

:  *Determination  of  the  inequalities  of  the  Moon's  motion  which 

are  produced  by  the  figure  of  the  earth. 

4to.  Washington,  1884 
:  *0n  certain  lunar  inequalities  due  to  the  action  of  Jupiter, 

and  discovered  by  Mi\  E.  Neison.         4to.  Washington,  1885, 



Hill  (George  William) -contimicd. 

:  *0n  the  part  of  the  motion  of  the  lunar  perigee  which  is  a 

function  of  the  mean  motions  of  the  sun  and  moon. 

4to.  Stockhohn,  1 886 

:    ''Coplanar  motion  of  two  planets,  one  having  a  zero  mass. 

4to.  Charlottesville,  Ya.,  1887 

:  *0n  the  orbit  of  Hyperion.       410.  Charlottesville,  Ya.,  1887 

:  *0n  differential  equations  with  periodic  integiuls. 

4to.  Charlottesville,  Ya.,  1887 

:  *0n  the  interior  constitution  of  the  earth  as  respects  density. 

Svo.,  t888 

• •  :  *The  secular  perturbations  of   two  planets  moving  in   the 

same  plane  ;  with  application  to  Jupiter  and  Saturn. 

4to.  Charlottesville,  Ya.,  1890 

:  *0n  intermediate  orbits.  4to.,  1893 

:  ''Literal  expression  for  the  motion  of  the  moon's  perigee. 

4to.,  1894 

• :  *Remarks  on  the  progress  of  celestial  mechanics  since  the 

middle  of  the  century.  Svo.  New  York,  1896 

:  *0n  the  convergence  of  the   series  used   in  the  subject  of 

perturbations.  Svo.  New  Y'ork,  1896 

Himmel  und  Erde  :  populjire  illustrieite  Monatsschrift.  Heraus- 
gegeben  von  der  Gesellschaft  Urania.  Redacteur  M.  W.  Meyer 
(und  P.  Schwahn).     Jahrgang  i-io.  Svo.  Berlin,  1888-98 

Hind  (John  Russell) : 

:  On  the  past  history  of  the  Comet  of  Halley.     [MS.] 


:  The  illustrated   London  Astronomy,  for  the  use  of  schools 

and  students.  Svo.  London,  1853 

Hirn(G.  A.): 

:  *Expose   d'un   moyen    de   determiner    la    tempe'rature    des 

parties  du  soleil  inferieures  a  la  photosphere. 

Svo.  Paris,  18S5 
■  :  Constitution  de  I'espace  celeste.  4to.  Paris,  1889 

Hirsch  (Adolphe)  et  E.  Plantamour  : 

Nivellement  de  precision  de  la  Suisse,  execute  par  la  Commission 
geodesique  F^derale.     Livraison  9,  10. 

4to.  Geneve  et  Bale,  1891 
Hirsch  (Meyer) : 

Integral  tables,   or  a  collection  of    integral  formulae.     Trans- 
lated from  the  German.  Svo.  London,  182,^ 

Hobart  Town,  Royal  Society  of  Tasmania : 

:  Papers  and  proceedings,  1S82   97.  Svo.  Hobart,  18S3-9S 

■ :   Catalogue  of  the  Library.  Svo.  Hobart,  1S85 

Hodgson  (Richard) : 

Collection  of  letters  to,   from  W.   de  la    Rue,    C.    Pritchard, 
F.  Hewlett,  <tc.,  mostly  between  1863  and  1S67.     (MS.) 

I  vol.  Svov 


Hofmann  (Andreas) : 

Disputatio  astronomica  .  .  .  de  eclipsibus  terrestribus,  in 
specie  vero  de  famosa  ilia  ad  ^-|  Sept.  1699.  [Inaugural 
Dissertation.]  4to.  Lipsise,  1699 

Holden  (Edward  Singleton) : 

■ :  *The  three  Herschels.  8vo.  Ne%y  York,  1886 

:  List  of  recorded  earthquakes  in  California,  Lower  California, 

Oregon,  and  Washington  Territory.     8vo.  Sacramento,  1S87 

:  *Astronomical  photography  at  the  Lick  Observatory. 

4to.  New  York,  1888 

:  Handbook  of   the  Lick  Observatory  of   the  University  of 

California.  Sa^o.  San  Francisco,  1888 

:  Suggestions  for   observing  the  total  eclipse  of   the  sun  on 

January  i,  1889.  8vo.  Sacramento,  1SS8 

:  *Earthquakes  in  California  in  1890  and  1891. 

8vo.  Washington,  1892 

:  "'••'Earthquakes  in  California  and  elsewhere.  8vo. 

:  A  brief  account  of  the  Lick  Observatory  of  the  University 

of  California.     Second  Edition.  8vo.  Sacramento,  1895 

:  *Mountain  Observatories  in  America  and  Europe. 

8vo.  Washington,  1896 

:  *The  work  of  the  Lick  Observatory,  1888-97. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1897 

:  Memorials   of  William   Cranch  Bond  and    George  Phillips 

Bond.  8vo.  San  Francisco  and  New  York,  1S97 

:   Catalogue  of  earthquakes  on  the  Pacific  coast,  1 769-1897. 

8vo.  Washington,  1898 
See  also  Lick  Observatory. 

Holden  (Edward  Singleton)  and  J.  G.  Hagen : 

*A  catalogue  of  looi  southern  stars  for  i850"o  from  obser- 
vations .  .  at  Palermo,  1867-69.  List  of  437  southern  stars 
derived  from  Washington  transit-circle  observations. 

8vo.  Madison,  Wis.,  1885 

Holden  (Edward  Singleton)  [and  others] : 

■■'•Report  of  the  eclipse  expedition  to  Cai-oline  Island,  May  1883. 

4to.  Washington 
Holder  (William) : 

A  discourse  concerning  Time  ;  wdth  application  of  the  natural 
day  and  lunar  month  and  solar  year,  as  natural  ;  and  of  such 
as  are  derived  from  them  as  artificial  parts  of  time,  for 
measures  in  civil  and  common  use.  8vo.  London,  1694 

Hong  Kong  Observatory: 

Observations  (and  researches)  made  ...  in  the  years  1884-96. 
By  W.  Doberck.  fol.  Hong  Kong,  1885-97 

Honold  (Jacob) : 

Cometographia,  oder  kurtzer  Bericht  von  den  Zweyen  iiingst- 
erschienenen  Cometen,  wie  dieselbe  alhier  zu  Ulm  sub.  elev. 
poli  48°  30'  observirt  worden.  4to.  Ulm,  1665 


Hoover  (Williani) :' 

*Cometary  perturbations.     [University  Thesis.] 

8vo.  Wooster,  Ohio,  1887 
Hopkins  (Benjamin  John) : 

Astronomy  for  every-day  readers.  8vo.  London,  1893 

Horological  Journal  (the).  Vol.  27-40.        8vo.  London,  18S4-98 

Horrebow  (Christian) : 

Elementa  astronomia^  sphpericte,  in  visum  praslectionum  con- 
scripta.  8vo.  Hafniae,  1762 

Horrins  (Johan) : 

Memoirs  of  a  trait  in  the  character  of  George  III.  of  these 
United  Kingdoms,  authenticated  by  official  papers  and 
private  letters  in  possession  of  the  author  [relating  to  the 
Board  of  Longitude  and  Harrison's  time-keeper]. 

8vo.  London,  1835 
Horrox  (Jeremiah) : 

Letters,  pamphlets,  and  extracts  relating  to  a  memorial  to, 
in  Westminster  Abbey  ;  collected  by  A.  C.  Ranyard. 

I  vol.  8vo. 
Horta  (F.  P.) : 

Estudo  elementar  dos  determinantes,  seguido  de  iima  parte 
complementar  relativa,  principalmente,  aos  determinantes 
funccionaes.  8vo.  Lisboa,  1S89 

Hough  (George  W.) : 

*Catalogue  of  94  new  double  stars  discovered  with  the  18^-inch 
refractor  of  the  Dearborn  Observatory.  4to.  Kiel,  1890 

Houzeau  (Jean  Charles),  Life,  &c.,  see  Lancaster  (A.) 
Houzeaii  (Jean  Charles)  et  A.  Lancaster : 

Bibliographie  generale  de  I'astronomie.     Tome  i,  2  (in  3  parts). 

4to.  Bruxelles,  1887,  1889,  1S82 
Howarth  (Elijah) : 

Meteorology  of  Sheffield,  1S85.  4to.  Sheffield,  1S86 

Howlett  (Frederick) : 

Drawings  of  sun-spots,  from  1S72  to  1S92  (MS.) 

3  vols.  obi.  fol. 

Howe  (Herbert  A.): 

:  Elements  of  descriptive  astronomy  :  a  text-book. 

8vo.  London,  1897 
:  A  study  of  the  sky.  8vo.  London,  1897 

Huber  ( Johann  Jakob),  Life,  see  Graf  (J.  H.) 

Huberinus  (Mauritius) : 

Globorum  coelestis  et  terrestris  fabrica  et  usus  :  das  ist,  eygent- 
liche  und  grundtliche  Unterwesung  wie  man  beyde  Kugeln, 
so  wol  die  Himlische  als  Irdische,  kUnstlich  zurichten  und 
niitzlich  gebrauchen  soil.  4to.  Niirnberg,  16 15 

Hixet  (J.  M.): 

Les  lois  de  la  nature  ;  les  causes  materielles  de  I'attraction 
devoilees.  i2mo.  Londres,  iSoi 

76  • 

Huggins  (Margaret  Lindsay) : 

*The  astrolabe.  Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

Huggins  (William) : 

:   *0n  comets.  Svo.  London  [1882] 

:  *0n  the  photograpliic  spectrum  of  comet  (Wells)  I.  1882. 

8vo.  London,  1882 

:  *The  solar  corona.  8vo.  London,  1885 

:  *0n  the  limits  of  solar  and  stellar  light  in  the  ultra-violet 

part  of  the  specti'um.  8vo.  London,  1889 
:  *0n  the  wave-length  of  the  principal  line  in  the  spectrum  of 

the  aurora.  Svo.  London,  1889 
:  *0n  the  spectrum,  visible  and  photographic,  of  the  great 

nebula  in  Orion.  Svo.  London,  1S89 
:  Presidential  Address  at  the   Cardiff  meeting  of  the  British 

Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science,  1891. 

Svo.  London,  1891 
■ :  *Die   Physik    der   Himmelskorper   (Astrophysik    und    ihre 

Methoden).  4to.  Frankfurt,  1897 

:  *The  new  astronomy  ;  a  personal  retrospect. 

Svo.  London,  1897 

Huggins  (William)  and  Margaret  Lindsay  Huggins  : 
*0n  Wolf  and  Rayet's  bright-line  stars  in  Cygnus. 

Svo.  London,  1890 
Hughes  (William) : 

A  manual  of  mathematical  geography  ;  comprehending  an 
enquiry  into  the  construction  of  maps,  with  rules  for  the 
formation  of  map-projections.     Second  edition. 

Svo.  London,  1852 

Humbla  (Gudmund) : 

Dissertatio  [Inauguralis]  physico-astronomica,  astrorum  con- 
templationem  breviter  complectens  Svo.  Upsaliee,  1722 

Humboldt  (F.  H.  A.  von)  und  C.    F.  Gauss : 
Briefe  .  .  .  Herausgegeben  von  K.  Bruhns. 

Svo.  Leipzig,  1877 
Humphreys  (R.) : 

:  Do  we  get  heat  from  the  sun  ?     No  !         i2mo.  London,  n.d. 

:  The  fallacy  of  supposing  that  heat  comes  from  the  sun. 

Svo.  London,  n.d. 
Huygens  (Christiaan) : 

:  Traite  de  la  lumiere  ;  ou  sont  expliquees  les  causes  de  ce  qui 

luy  arrive  dans  la  reflexion  &  dans  la  refraction,  et  particu- 
lierement  dans  I'etrange  refraction  du  cristal  d'Islande  .  .  . 
avec  un  discours  de  la  cause  de  la  pesanteur. 

4to.  Leide,  1690 

:  Opuscula  posthuma.     Tomus  I.   qui  continet  dioptricam  et 

commentarios  de  vitris  figurandis.  Tomus  II.  Dissertatio 
de  coronis  et  parheliis  ;  tractatus  de  motu  et  vi  centrifuga  ; 
descriptio  automati  planetarii. 

2  vols,  in  I,  4to.  Amstelodami,  172S 

.  77 

Huygens  CCh.ristia.a.n}— continued 

:  OEuvres  completes  .  .  .  puV)liees  par  la  Societe  Hullandaise 

des  Sciences.  Tome  1-7,  4to.  La  Haye,  1888-97 

Hyginus  (C  Julius) : 

Clarissimi  viri  Hyginii  poetieon  astronoinicou,  opvs  vtilissimvin. 

4to.  VenetiLs  (E.  llatdolt),  14S5 

Hymers  (J.) : 

The  elements  of  the  theory  of  astronomy.     Second  edition. 

Svo.  Cambridge,  1S40 

Ilmerus  (Georgius)  et  Andreas  Krellius  : 

Dissertatio  physica  de  Sole.     [Inaugural  Dissertation.] 

4to.  Lipsiae,  1669 

India,  Survey  Department : 

:  Account  of  the  operations  of  the  Great  Trigonometrical  Sur- 
vey of  India.  Prepared  under  the  direction  of  Col.  C.  T. 
Haig  (and  Col.  G.  Strahan).       \^ol.  10-15. 

4to.  Dehra  Dun,  1886-93 

:  General  Report  on   the  operations  of  the  Survey  of  India 

Department,  1882-96.  fol.  Calcutta,  1884-97 

:  Catalogue  of  stars  for  the  epoch  Jan.  i,  1892  .  .   .  compiled 

under  the  direction  of  Col.  H.  K.  Thuillier  •  •  •  ^7  Col.  G. 
Strahan.  fol.  Dehra  Diin,  1893 

:  The  total  solar  eclipse,  Jan.   22,   1898,  as  photographed  at 

Dumraon,  Shahabad  district,  Bengal,  by  T.  A.  Pope  .  .  . 
under  the  direction  of  Major-Gen.  C.  Strahan. 

fol.  Calcutta,  1898 

Indian  Engineering :  Vol.  12-21.  fol.  Calcutta,  1892-98 

Indian  Meteorological  Memoirs  :  published  under  the  direction 
of  John  Eliot.  Vol.  7,  parts  i,  2.  Meteorological  observations 
recorded  at  the  Trevandrum  Observatory,  1853-64. 

fol.  Siuda,  1894 

International  Polar  Commission : 

Mittheilungen,  Heft  6,  7.  4to.  St.  Petersburg,  1884-91 

International  Polar  Expeditions : 

:  Observations  .   .  .    1882-83.    ^^rt  Rae.     4to.  London,  1886 

:  Exploration  Internationale  des  regions  polaires,  1882-83  ^^' 

1883-84.  Expedition  polaire  Finlandaise  ;  Observations 
faites  aux  stations  de  Sodankylii  et  de  Kultala,  par  S. 
Lemstrom  et  E.  Biese.  I.  Meteorologie.  II.  Magnetisme 
terrestre.     Tomes  i,  2.  4to.  Helsingfors,  1 886-8 7 

:  Die    Internationale    Polarforschung,    1882-83.       Beobacht- 

ungs-Ergebnisse  der  norwegischen  Polarstation  Bossekop  in 
Alten.  .  .  .  Herausgegeben  von  Aksel  S.  Steen.  I.  His- 
torische  Einleitung  ;  Astronomic  ;  Meteorologie.  II.  Erd- 
magnetismus  ;  Nordlicht.  4to.  Christiania,  1887-S8 

Inwards  (Richard) : 

:  *Description    of     a     compensating    pendulum    with    some 

suggested  impi'ovements.  8vo.  London,  1S86 
:  *0n  some  phenomena  of  the  upper  air.        8vo.  London,  1S94 


Inwards  CRiehavd)— coyitinued. 

:  *Turner's  representations  of  lightning.        8vo.  London,  1896 

:  *Meteorological  observatories.  8vo.  London,  i8g6 

Iowa,  Weather  and  Crop  Service : 

:  Monthly  Review.     Vol.  6-8.  4to.  Des  Moines,  1895-97 

:  Annual  Report  for  the  year  1S96.        8vo.  Des  Moines,  1897 

Israel- Holtzwart : 

:  Elemente    der    theorischen    Astronomie,    fiir    Studierende 

bearbeitet.  .  .  .  Erste  Abtheilung  :  Theorie  der  elliptischen 
Bewegung  und  der  Bahnbestimmung. 

8vo.  Wiesbaden,  1885 

:  Supplement.  8vo.  Wiesbaden,  1887 

:  Abhandlungen  aus  der  mathematischen  Astronomie. 

8vo.  Halle,  1890 
Jaci  (Antonio  Maria) : 

La  longitudine  in  mare   ovvero  nuova  aggiunta  all'  orizonte 
della  longitudine.  sm.  4to.  Messina,  181 3 

With  MS.  translation. 

Jacobi  (Carl  Gustav  Jacob) : 

:  Fundamenta  nova  theoriae  functionum  ellipticarum. 

4to.  Regiomonti,  1829 

:  Canon   arithmeticus,    sive   tabulpe    quibus    exhibentur    pro 

singulis  numeris  primis  vel  primorum  potestatibus  infra 
1000  numeri  ad  datos  numeros  pertinentes. 

4to.  Berolini,  1839 

Jacoby  (Harold) : 

:  The    Rutherfurd    photographic     measures    of     stars,    and 

reduction  of  stellar  photographs.  (Contributions  fi'om  the 
Observatory  of  Columbia  College,  New  York.  Nos.  3-5, 
10,  II.)  8vo.  New  York,  1892-97 

:  *Note  on  the  permanence  of  the  Rutherfurd  photographic 

measures.  4to.  New  York,  1896 

Jacquinot  (Dominique) : 

L'vsage  de  I'Astrolabe,  avec  vn  petit  traicte  de  la  sphere  .   . 
Plus  est  adiouste  vne  amplification  de  l'vsage  de  I'Astrolabe 
par  laques  Bassentin  Ecossois.  8vo.  Paris,  1598 

Jalarbuch  der  Astronomie  und  Geophysik,  herausgegeben  von 
Hermann  J.  Klein.     Jahrgang  2-8.      1892-97. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1893-98 
Jamiesou  (Alexander) : 

A  manual  of  map-making  and  mechanical  geography. 

i2mo.  London,  Edinburgh  and  Dublin,  1846 

Janssen  (Jules) : 

*Compte  rendu  d'une  ascension  scientifique  au  mont  Blanc. 

4to.  Paris,  1890 
Japan  Seismological  Society : 

:  Transactions.     Vol.  7-16. 

8vo.  Tokio  and  Yokohama,  1884-92 

:  Seismological  Journal.    Vol.  i.  8vo.  Yokohama,  1893 


Jeans  (H.  W.) : 

Handbook  for  the  stars  :  containing  rules  for  finding  the 
names  and  positions  of  all  the  stars  of  the  first  and  second 
magnitudes.     4th  Edition,  revised  by  W.  R.  Martin. 

8vo.  London,  1SS8 

Jefferson's  Isle  of  Man  Almanac  and  Tide  Tables,  for  1890. 

8vo.  Isle  of  Man,  1889 

Jenkins  (Benjamin  G.) : 

Tellustria  :  a  method  for  determining  astronomically  the  varia- 
tions in  the  temperature  and  pressure  of  the  atmosphere. 

8vo.  London,  1894 

Jervis  (Guglielmo) : 

•  :  '■■■Delle  cause  dei  movimenti  tellurici,  e  dei  possibile  ripari,  con 

riguardo  speciale  al  terremoto  Alpino,  1887. 

8vo.  Torino,  1887 

:  *I  tesori  sotterranei  dell'  Italia  [notice  par  A.  Revel]. 

8vo.  Lausanne,  1887 

Jervis  (Thomas  Best) : 

New  cycloidal  projection  ...  by  which  entire  continents  may 
be  represented  with  the  least  distortion  [specimen  map]. 

Jerwood  (James) : 

*0n  the  application  of  weight  to  test  the  figure  of  the  earth. 

8vo.  [Exeter],  1869 

Jesse  (O.) : 

*Untersuchungen  uber  die  sogenannten  leuchtenden  Wolken. 

8vo.  Berlin,  1891 

Johnson  (Amy) : 

Sunshine.  8vo.  London,  1892 

Johnson  (Richard  Coward) : 

*The  new  astronomy  :  an  account  of  astro-photography. 

8vo.  Liverpool,  1894 
Johnson  (Samuel  J.) : 

:  Eclipses  visible  in  England  from  the  year  A.D.  538  to  the  year 

A.D.  2500.  .  .  .  All  solar  eclipses  from  A.D.  1200  to  A.D. 
2200,  with  the  addition  of  lunar  eclipses  from  1750  to  2000. 
Large  eclipses  from  A.D.  2200  to  A.D.  2500.  .  .  projections 
made  for  London.     [MS.]  fol.  1887 

:  Eclipses  and  transits  in  future  years. 

8vo.  London  and  Oxford,  1889 

:  Historical    and    future     eclipses ;    with    notes    on    planets, 

double  stars,  and  other  celestial  matters.     New  Edition. 

8vo.  London  and  Oxford,  1896 

Jones  (George  "William): 

Logarithmic  Tables  .  .  .   Fourth  edition. 

8vo.  London  and  Ithaca,  1893 


Jonqviiore  (^Alfred) : 

Ueber    einige    Triinsceiuloute    welche  bei    der    wied(n'liolton 

Integration    rationaler   Fiinktionen  auftreten.      luaugural- 

Dissertation.  8vo.  Bern,  1889 

Jordan  (W.) : 

Grundziige  der  astronomischen  Zeit-  und  Ortsbestinimiing. 

8vo.  Berlin,  1885 

Joiibert  (C.) : 

Sur  les  equations  qui  se  rencontrent  dans  la  theorie  de  la  trans- 
formation des  fonctions  elliptiques.  (Paris,  Theses  Fac.  Sci., 
No.  381.)  4to.  Paris,  1876 

Journal  of  Science  [continuation   of   the   Quarterly   Journal   of 
Science],  edited  by  W.  Ci'ookes.     Third  series.     Vol.  6,  7. 

8vo.  London,  1884-85 

Junius  (Ulricus) : 

Novaj  et  accuratne  motuum  coelestium  ephemerides  ad  annum  k 
nativitate  Jesu  Christi  1701  (1702,  1703). 

3  parts  in  i  vol.  4to.  Lipsiie  (1702) 

Kahlbaum  (Georg  W.  A.) : 

Aus  der  Vorgeschichte  der  Hpectralanalyse.     (Vortrag.) 

8vo.  Basel,  18S8 

Kaiser  (Frederik) : 

De  Steirenliemel.  Vierde  druk,  bewerkt  door  J.  A.  C. 
Oudemans.  2  vols.  8vo.  Deventer,  1884-88 

With  a  planisiJhere. 

Kalocsa,  Haynald-Observatoriuna  : 

:  Bericht'^  .  .   .  iiber  die  daselbst  in   den  ersten  fiinf  Juliren 

ausgefiUirten  Arbeiten,  von  Carl  Braun.  4to.  JMiinster,  1886 
:  Kozlemenyei  a  termeszettudomanyok  s  foleg  a   czillagaszat 

korebol.     I.  Protuberantiae   solares  ;    II.  Maculae   s(jlares  : 

III.    Meteorologica.      IV.     Protuberancziiii,     1886.       Kozli 

Hiininger  Adolf,  es  Fenyi  Gyula. 

8vo.  Budapest  and  Kalocza,  1886-88 

:  Publicationen,  Heft  5-7 

8vo.  Kalocsa  und  Budapest,  1891-96 

5.  Meteorologische  Beobachtiingen,  1886-88.     J.  F^nyi. 

6.  Protuberanzen  bcobachtet  iiii  .Fahre  1887.     J.  F(inyi. 

7.  Meteorologische  Beobachtungeu  angestellt  zu  Boronia  in  Siid-Africa 

von  L.  Menyhartli,  1S91-92.     Herausgegeben  von  J.  Fc'nyi. 

Kam  (N.  M.) : 

Catalog  von  Sternen  deren  ( )rtei'  durch  selbststiindige  Meridian- 
Beobachtungen  bestirnnit  worden  sind,  aus  Band  i  bis  66 
der  Astronomischen  Nachrichten,  reducirt  auf  1855*0. 

4to.  Amsterdam,  1885 
Kammermann  (A.): 

■ :  *Sur  quelques  particularities  de  I'hiver  1894-95. 

^8vo.  Geneve,  1895 
■ :  See  aho  Geneva,  Observatoire. 


Karlsruhe,  Grossherzoglicho  Sternwarte : 

Veroffentlichungen,   herausgegeben  von  AV.  Valentiner.     Hefl 
1-5,  4to.  Karlsruhe,  1884-96 

Kasan,    Observatoire    Astronomique    de    I'Universite    Im- 
p6riale  : 

:  Observations    des    etoiles    de    la   zone  entre   75"   et  80"^   de 

Declinaison    boreale,    executees  .   .  .  sous    la    direction    de 
Marian  Kowalski  (et  D.  Doubiago).     Tome  1,2. 

Svo.  and  4to.  Kasan,  1885-87 

:  Publications,  1-8  Svo.  and  4to.  Kasan,  1893-97 

1.  Ephemerides  of  the  Sun  and  Moon,  1894.     [Eussian.] 

2.  Transit  Observations,  and  catalogue  of  declinations  of  202  stars. 

A.  J\I.  Kowalsky.     [Russian.] 

3.  Veranderlichkeit  der  Polhohe,  I.,  1S92-93.     A.  M.  Kowalsky. 

4.  Observations  of  Perseids.     M.  A.  Gratscbew.     [Russian.] 

5.  Ephemerides  of  the  Sun  and  Moon,  1S96.     [Russian.] 

6.  Veriinderlichkeit  der  Polhohe,  II.,  1S93-95. 

8.  Constant  of  Aberration.     M.  A.  Gratschew.     [Russian.] 

:  Report,  1895-96.     [Russian.]  Svo.  Kasan,  1896-97 

Kasan,  University  Impdriale : 

Uchenuiya  Zapiski,  .   .   .    1882-9S.  Svo.  Kasan,  1882-98 

Keeler  (James  Edward) : 

:  *0n  the  motions  of  the  planetary  nebula  in  the  line  of  sight. 

Svo.  San  Francisco,  1890 

:  *Die  Jupiteroberflache  im  Jahre  1879.         Svo.  Berlin,  1890 

:  *E]ementary  principles  governing  the  efficiency  of  spectro- 
scopes for  astronomical  purposes. 

Svo.  Xorthfield,  Minn.,  1891 

:  *The  star  spectroscope  of  the  Lick  Observatory. 

Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 

;  *The  spectroscope  of  the  Alleghany  Observatory. 

Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1S93 

:  *Visual  observations  of  the  spectrum  of  /3  Lyrte  :  note  on  the 

spectrum  of  P  Cygni.  Svo.  Nortli field,  Minn.,  1893 

:  *0n  the  spectra  of  the  Orion  nebula  and  the  Orion  star. 

Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1S94 

■ :  *Spectroscopic    observations    of    nebula?    made    at    Mount 

Hamilton,    California,    with    the    36-inch    refractor    of    the 
Lick  Observatory.  4to.  1894 

:  *A   spectroscopic    proof   of    the    meteoric    constitution    of 

Saturn's  rings.  Svo.  Chicago,  1895 

:  *Conditions  affecting  the  form  of  lines  in  the  spectrum  of 

Saturn.  Svo.  Chicago,  1895 

Kelvin  (Lord) : 

;  Mathematical  and  physical  papers. 

Svo.  Cambridge,  1882-90 
:  Anniversary  Address  (Royal  Society).         Svo.  London,  1S92 

Kemplay  (Christopher): 

Comets  :    their  constitution  &  phases  ;    being  an   attempt  to 
explain  the  phenomena  on  known  principles  of  physical  laws 

Svo.  London  and  Leeds,  1859 



Kennedy  (Claudius) : 

A  few  chapters  in  Astronomy.  Svo.  London,  1894 

Kepler  (Joannes) : 

:  Dioptrice,  sev  demonstratio  eorum  qme  visui    &  visibilibus 

propter  Conspicilla  non  ita  pridem  inventa  accidunt.  Prpe- 
raissse  Epistolse  Galilsei  .  .  .  item  Examen  prtefationis  loannis 
Pense  Galli  in  optica  Euclidis. 

4to.  Avgvstae  Vindelicorvm,  161 1 

:  Kova  stereometria  doliorvm  vinariorvm,  in  primis  Austriaci, 

figurre  omnium  aptissimte  .  .  .  accessit  stereometria^  Archi- 
medeae  supplementum.  fol.  Lineii,  16 15 

Kepler  (Joannes)  und  David  Fabricius : 

Vom  neuen  Stern  (1604).  Facsimiled  ruck  mit  einem  Nach- 
worte  ;  herausgegeben  von  Gerhai'd  Berthold. 

Svo.  jSTorden  und  Norderney,  1897 

Kepler  (Joannes)  und  Herwart  von  Hohenburg : 

*Ungedruckte  wissenschaftliche  Correspondenz  .  .  .  1599. 
Erganzung  zu  Kepleri  Omnia  Opera,  ed.  Chr.  Frisch.  Nach 
den  MSS.  zu  Miinchen  urd  Pulkowa  edirt  von  C.  Anschiitz. 

8vo.  Prag,  18S6 
Kevr  Observatory: 

Report  of  the  Kew  Observatory  Committee  of  the  Royal 
Society,  1884-97.  Svo.  London,  1884-98 

See  also  Scott  (R.  H.) 

Khandrikov  (M.) : 

Observations  of  the  total  solar  eclipse  1887  Aug.  iS,  made  at 
Blasgodat  on  the  eastern  slope  of  the  Oural.     [Russian]. 

Svo.  1887 

Kharkow,  see  Charko-w. 

Kiel,  Konigliche  Sternwarte : 

Publicationen,  2-9.  4to.  Kiel,  1882-94 

2.  E.  Lamp.    Das  Aequinoctium  fiir  i86o'0. 

3.  H.  Kreutz.     Der  grosse  Septembercomet,  1882  II. 

4.  Anhang  zu  den  Zonenbeobachtungen.     Helsingfora  und  Gotha. 

5.  H.  Kloock.     Tafel  fiir  das  dritte  Glied  der  Praecession. 

6.  H.  Kreutz.     Der  grosse  Septembercomet,  1882  II.     II.  Theil. 

7.  E.  Lamp.     Der  Brorsen'sche  Comet.     I.  Theil. 

8.  F.  Kriiger.     Catalog  der  farbigen  Sterne. 

9.  H.   Kreutz.     Bahn  des  Cometen   1873  ^-J   Bahnbestimmung  des 

Planeten  (226)  Weringia. 

Kimura  (H.) : 

Preliminary  report  on  the  variation  of  latitude  at  Tokyo. 
[Publ.  Earthquake  Investigation  Committee,  No.  1-2.] 

4to.  Tokyo,  1S97-9S 

Kindermann  (Eberhard  Christian) : 

Astronomische  Beschreibung  und  Nachricht  von  dem  Cometen 
1746,  und  denen  noch  kommenden,  welche  in  denen  innen 
besagten  Jahren  erscheinen  werden.  4to.  Dreszden,  1746 



Kinns  (Samuel) : 

:  Moses  and  geology,  or  the  harmony  of  the  Bible  with  science. 

Tenth  thousand.  8vo.  London,  1SS7 
:  Graven  in  the  rock.  8vo.  London,  1893 

Kireher  (Athanasius) : 

Ars  magna  Ivcis  et  vmbrae  in  decern  libros  digesta. 

fol.  Romao,  1646 

Kirkwood  (Daniel) : 

■•'Tlie  limits  of  stability   of  neltulous  planets,  and  the  conse- 
quences resulting  from  their  mutual  relations. 

8vo.  Philadelphia,  18S4 

Kleiber  (Joseph) : 

:  *0n  '  random  scattering '  of  points  on  a  surface. 

8vo.  London,  1887 

:  Predstojashtcheje  polnoje  solnethnoje  zatmenije  7   Argusta 

1887  goda.  8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1887 

:  Co  znaczy  zacmienie  slonca  .  .  .   7(19)  Sierpnia  1887  roku. 

i2mo.  Warszawie,  1887 

:  On    the    determination    of    orbits    of    meteor-streams     [in 

Russian],  with  an  abstract  in  English. 

8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1891 

Klein  (Hermann  J.) : 

:  Astronomische   Abende  :    allegemein    verstandliche    Untei'- 

haltungen    iiber  Geschichte  und  Ergebnisse   der    Hinmiels- 

Erforschung.     Dritte  .  .  ,  Auflage.  8vo.  Leipzig  (1890) 
:  Katechismus     der     Astronoraie  ;    Belehrungen     iiber     den 

gestirnten    Himmel,    die    Erde    und  den  Kalender.     Achte 

Auflage.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1893 
:  Star  Atlas,  containing  maps  of  all  the  stars  from    i   to  6-5 

magnitude  between  the  north  pole  and  34°  South  declination 

.  .  .  Translated  ...  by  Edmund  McClure. 

fol.  London,  1893 
:  Jahrbuch   der   Astronomie   und  Geophysik.  Jahrgang   3-8, 

1892-1897.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1893-98 

Kliigel  (Georg  Sim.) : 

*Commentatio  de  perturbationibus  corporum  coelestium  facilius 
et  concinnius  evolvendis.  4to. 

Kluk-Kluezyeki  (V.  P.) : 

Umsturz  irrthiimlicher  Schullehren  des  heutigen   Standes  der 
Wissenschaften,  II.,  Verlogenheit  der  Gravitationsgesetze. 

8vo.  Krakau,  1888 

Knott  (George) : 

Astronomical     observations.       (Journals,      etc.  ;     ledgers      of 
23  variable  stars  ;  measures  of  double  stars.)    M.S. 

41  vols.  8vo.  and  4to. 

Variable  Star  observations  printed  in  Mem.  ll.A.S.,  vol.  52. 

Knowledge:  an  illustrated  Magazine  of  Science,  Vol.  6-21. 

4to.  London,  1884-98 




Koenen  (A.  von)  uiid  Wilhelm  Schur  : 

*Uebei'  die  Auswahl  der  Punkte  bei  Clottingen,  an  welcheii  bel 
Probe-Pendebnessungen  Diffei-enzen  in  der  Intensitat  der 
Schwere  zu  erwarten  waren  ;  und  ueber  die  Ergebnisse  der 
ersten  Pendebnessungen.  Svo.  Gottingen,  1S95 

Koerber  (Felix) : 

Ueber  den  Conieten  1S65  I.     Inaugural- Dissertation. 

Svo.  Breslau,  18S7 
Kolhausen  ( Johann  Christoph) : 

Couieta  generalis  cum  speciali,  oder  Cometen-Konig,  weldier 
im  1664  und  1665  Jahr  am  Hinnnel  erschienen. 

4to.  Niirnberg  [1665] 
Konig  (G.) : 

PareziaHs  differenczialegyenlatek.  Svo.  Budapest,  1885 

Konigsberg,  Konigliche  Universitats-Sternwarte : 

Astronomisclie  Beobachtungen,  von  E.  Luther.  Band  37. 

fob  Konigsberg,  1882-86 

Konkoly  (Nicolaus  von) : 

:  Practische  Anleitung  zur  Himmelsphotographie,  nebst  einer 

kurzgefassten    Anleitung    zur    modernen    photographischen 
Operation,  und  der  Spectralphotographie  im  Cabinet. 

Svo.  Halle  a.  S.,  1SS7 

:  *Das  Objectioprisma  und  die  Nachweisbarkeit  leuchtender 

Punkte  auf  der  Mondoberflache  mit  Hilfe  der  Photographie. 

Svo.  Wien,  18S8 
:  *Die  Kon.   uiig.   Reichsanstalt   fiir  Meteorologie  und  Erd- 

magnetismus  in  Budapest,  und  das  Kon.  ung.  meteorologisclie 
und  physicalische  Observatorium  in  0-Gyalla. 

4to.  Budapest,  1898 
See  also  Budapest  ;  0-Gyalla. 

Kostinsky  (S.) : 

:  *Sur  les  variations  de  la  latitude  de  Poulkovo  observees  au 

grand   instrument    des    passages,    etabli    dans    le   premier 
vertical.  4to.  8t.-Petersbourg,  1893 

:  *Sur  la  parallaxe  de  /3  Cassiopeise. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1894 
Kostinsky  (S.)  et  Alexis  Hansky : 

*L'eclipse    totale   du    soleil    du     27    juillet    (8    aout)     1896; 
observations  a  Malya  Karmakouly,  Nouvelle-Zemble. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1897 
Kovesligethy  (Rudolf  von) : 

Grundziige  einer  theoretischen  Spektralanalyse. 

4to.  Halle,  1890 
Kramer  (August) : 

Allgemeine  Tlieorie  der  zwei-  und  dreiteiligen  astronomischen 
Fernror-Objective.  Svo.  Berlin,  1885 

Krieger  (Job.  Wep.) : 

Mond-Atlas,  entworfen   nach  den   Beobachtungen  an  der  Pia- 
Sternwarte  in  Triest.     Band  i.  fol.  Triest,  1S98 


Krueger  (Adalbert):  see  Helsingfors  uuci  Uotlia. 
V.  Zuflfner'sche  Sternwarte  in  Wien  (Ottakring) : 

Publicationen  .  .  .  herausgegeben  von  Norbert  Herz  (and 
Leo  de  Ball).  Band  1-4.  4to.  A\'ien,  1889  y6 

Kiistner  (F.) : 

*Neue  Methode  zur  Bestimmung  der  Aberrations-Constante, 
nebst  Untersuchungen  iiber  die  VerJinderlichkeit  der  Pol- 
hohe.  4to.  Berlin,  1888 

La  Caille  (Nicolas  Loviis  de) : 

Tabular  Solares,  quas  e  uovissirais  suis  observationibus  deduxit 
N.  L.  de  la  C  4to.  Parisiis,  1758 

Lacoine  (Emile) : 

Tables  de  concordance  des  dates  des  calendriers  Arabe,  Copte, 
Gregorien,  Israelite,  Julicn,  Republieain,  etc.,  etaljlies  d'apres 
une  nouvelle  methode.  8vo.  Paris,  1891 

Lagrange  (Ch.) : 

^Exposition  critique  de  la  methode  de  Wronski  pour  la 
resolution  des  problemes  de  mecanique  celeste.  Premiere 
partie.  4 to.  Bruxelles,  1882 

•Lagrange  (Joseph  Louis  de) : 

CEuvres  .  .  .  publiees  par  les  soins  de  J.  A.  Serret  (et  G, 
Darboux).      Tome  14.  4to.  Paris,  1892 

La  Hire  (Philippe  de) : 

Astronomische  Tabellen  .  .  .  mit  eiiier  neuen,  ausfiihrlichen 
und  deutlichen  Besehreibung  vor  alle  astronomische  Rech- 
nungen.  ...  In  teutscher  Sprache  heraus  gegeben  von 
J.  .  .  A.  .  .  Klimm.  4to.  Niirnberg,  1725 

Laing  (F.  H.) : 

An  attempt  to  assign  the  square  roots  of  negative  powers,  or 
what  is  V  — I  ?  8vo.  London,  1863 

Lalande  (Jos.  J6r6me  le  Francois  de) : 

^'Observations  des  taches  et  de  la  liI)ration  de  la  lune,  pour 
preuver  le  mouvement  des  nojuds  de  I'equateur  lunaire. 

4to.  Paris. 
Lambert  (Jean  Henri) : 

Insigniores  orbitae  cometarum  proprietates. 

8vo.  Augustae  Vindelicorum,  1761 

Lamey  (Mayeul) : 

•  :  *Memoire   sur  I'egalite    de    rotation   et   de    revolution   des 

satellites  du  systeme  solaire.  8vo.  Chambery,  1878 

:  *Les  satellites  de  Mars.  8vo.  Grignon,  1880 

:  *Note   sur  les   influences   thermomutriques   attribuees    aux 

asteoroides  meteoriques.  8'"o.  Paris,  1880 

:  *L'attraction  universelle  de  Newton  et  St.  Thouias  d'Aquin. 

8vo.  Pau,  1882 
:  *N"otesur  le  passage  de  Venus  sur  le  soleil  observe  a  Grignon 

(Cote-d'or)  le  6  decembre  1882.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1883 


Lamey  ('M.aj6ui)—co7iiinnccL 

:  *Memoire  sur  le  regime  de  circulation  de  la  masse  fluide  du 

soleil.  8vo.  Cliambery,  1884 
;  *Note  sur  la  decouverte  du  systeme  geologique  eruptif  de  la 

planute  Mars.  8vo.  Autun,  1884 
:  *Sur  les  apparences  physiques  de  la  planete  Uranus,  en  mars, 

avril  et  mai  1885.  4*0.  Paris,  1885 
:  *Sur  la  constatation  de  nouveaux  anneaux  de  Saturne,  situes 

au  dela  de  ceux  deja  connus.  Svo   Grignon,  1888 
:  *Sur  le  mode  de  formation  des  mers  lunaires  par  la  chute 

probable  de  masses  meteoriques.  8vo.  Grignon,  1893 

Lancaster  (Albert) : 

;  Liste   gent'rale   des   Observatoires   et  des    astronomes,    des 

Societes  et  des  Revues  astronomiques,   i2mo.  Bruxelles,  1886 

:  Ditto,  seconde  edition.  i2mo.  Bruxelles,  18S7 

:  Ditto,  troisieme  edition.  i2mo.  Bruxelles,  1890 

:  Notes  biograpbiques  sur  J.  C.  Houzeau.    Svo.  Bruxelles,  1889 

See  also  Houzeau  et  Lancaster. 

Langley  (Edward  M.)  : 

A  treatise  on  computation  :  an  account  of  the  chief  methods, 
for  contracting  and  abbreviating  arithmetical  calculations. 

Svo.  London,  1895 
Langley  (Samuel  Pierpont) : 

:  *Memoir  on  the  experimental  determination  of  wave-lengths 

in  the  invisible  prismatic  spectrum.     4to.  Washington,  1884 

:  *(  )n  the  amount  of  the  atmospheric  absorption. 

Svo.  New  Haven,  1884 

:  ^Researches  on  solar  heat  and  its  absorption  by  the  earth's- 

atmosphere  :  a  report  of  the  Mount  Whitney  Expedition. 

4to.  Washington,  1884 

:  *Sur  les  spectres  invisibles.  Svo.  Paris,  1S86 

:  '^Sur  les  longueurs  d'onde  jusqu'ici  non  reconnues. 

4to.  Paris,  1886 

:  *0n  hitherto  unrecognised  wave-lengths. 

Svo.  New  Haven,  1886 

:  The  new  astronomy.  4to.  Boston,  1888 

:  *The  history  of  a  doctrine   [caloric,  etc.].     (Address  before 

the  American  Association.)  Svo.  Salem,  Mass.,  1888 

:  *Energy  and  vision.  Svo.  New  Haven,  1888 

:  *Ditto.  4to.  Washington,  1892 

:   *Recherches    expe'rimentales    aerodynamiques    et    donnees 

d'experience.  4to.  Paris,  1891 

:  ■••■'Experiments  in  aerodynamics.  4to.  Washington,  1891 

:  "*The  internal  work  of  the  wind.  4to.  Washington,  1893 

:  *Nouvelles  recherches  sur  la  region  infra-rouge  du  spectre 

solaire.      _  4to.  Paris,  1894 

:  *Description  du  vol  mecanique.  4to.  Paris,  1896 

:  *Memoir  of  George  Brown  Goode,  1S51-96. 

Svo.  Washington,  1897 

:  *The  astrophysical  observatory.  Svo.  Washington,  1897 

:   *The  Bolometer.  Svo.  New  Haven,  1898 


Langley  (Samuel  Pierpont)  and  Prank  W.  Very : 

• ■  :  *The  temperature  of  the  Moon,  from  researches  made  at  the 

Allegheny  Observatory.  4to.  Washington,  1889 

:  *The  temperature  of  the  Moon,  from  studies  at  the  Alle- 
gheny Observatory.  8vo.  New  Haven,  1889 

:  *The   solar  and  the  lunar  spectrum  ;  from    studies  at   the 

Allegheny  Observatory.  4to.  Washington  [1889] 

:  *0n  the  cheapest  form  of  light  ;  from  studies  at  the  Alle- 
gheny Observatory.  8vo.  New  Haven,  1890 

Langley  (Samuel  Pierpont),  C.  A.  Young,  and  E.  C.  Pickering : 
*Pritchard's  wedge  photometer.  4to.  Cambridge  [1886] 

Laplace  (Pierre  Simon,  Marquis  de) : 

CEuvres  completes  .  .  .  publit'es  sous  les  auspices  de 
I'Academie  des  Sciences.     Tome  6-12.       4to.  Paris,  1884-98 

Larkin  (Henry) : 

Elliptical  orbits  :  their  distinctive  mechanical  characteristics 
and  their  possible  origin.  8vo.  London,  1895 

Larss^n  (Robert) : 

*Ueber  die  Bahn  des  Kometen  1877  VI. 

8vo.  Stockholm,  1887 

Laska  (V.) : 

*Zur  Bahnbestimmung.  8vo.  Prag,  1893 

Leadbetter  (Charles) : 

Astronomy  ;  or  the  true  system  of  the  planets  demonstrated. 

4to.  London,  1727 

Leander  McCormick  Observatory  :  see  Virginia  University. 

Leavenworth  (P.  P.): 

:  *Paral]ax  of  Lalande  ii96  =  South  503.  8vo. 

:  Measures  of  double  stars,  see  Haverford  College  Observa- 

Leber  (Maximilian  de) : 

Tabularum  ad  faciliorem  et  breviorem,  in  Georgii  Vegae 
'  Thesauri  Logarithmorum  '  magnis  canonibus,  interpolationis 
computationem  utilium,  Trias.  4to.  Vindobonae  [1896] 

Lebeuf  (A.) : 

*Sur  une  nouvelle  demonstration  des  polynomes  Hansen- 
Tisserand  ;  applications.  4to.  Paris. 

Le  Boyer  (J.) : 

Traite  complet  du  calendrier,  considere  sous  les  rapports  astro- 
nomique,  commercial  et  historique,  dans  lequel  on  trouve  les 
ephemerides  de  tous  les  peuples  et  de  tons  les  tems. 

8vo.  Nantes,  1822 

Lecky  (Squire  Stratford  Thornton) : 

'  Wrinkles '  in  practical  navigation.  Revised  and  enlarged 
edition.  8vo.  London,  1884 


Le  Clere  (Pierre) : 

Besclireibung  einer  Himmelskarte  .  .  .  aus  dem  franzosischen 
.  .  .  iibersezet  .  .  und  mit  einem  Vorrede  welche  die 
Geschichte  der  Stern verzeichnisse  .  .  .  beriihret  vermehret, 
vonG.  F.  Kordenbusch.  4to.  Niirnberg,  1778 

Leeds  Astronomical  Society : 

Report  (Journal)  and  Transactions,  1893-96. 

8vo.  Leeds,  1894-97 

Leeds  Philosophical  and  Literary  Society  : 

Annual  report,  18S3-93.  8vo.  Leeds,  1884-93 

Leghorn,  Istituti  Teenico  e  Wautico,  e  Regia  Scuola  di  costru- 
zioni  navali : 
Annali,  Serie  II.,  vol.  1-7.  8vo.  Livorno,  1885-90 

Leiden,  Sternwarte : 

:  Annalen  ;  hei'ausgegeben  von  H.  G.  van  de  Sande  Bakhuyzen. 

Band  5,  6.  4to.  Haag,  1890 
:  Catalogus   van    de    Boeken   aanwezig    in    de    Bibliotheek. 

Supp.  3.  8vo.  s'Gravenhage,  1893 
:  Verslagvan  den  Staat  der  Sterrenwacht  te  Leiden,  1871-96, 

uitgebracht  door  H.  G.  van  de  Sande  Bakhuyzen. 

8vo.  Amsterdam  en  Leiden,  1872-96 

Leipzig,  Astronomische  Gesellschaft : 

:  Vierteljahrsschrift,  Jahrgang  19-32.     8vo.  Leipzig,  1884-98 

:  General-Register  der  Jahrgange  1-25  (Supplementheft,  Jahrg.  29). 

:  P  blicationen,  18-21.  4to.  Leipzig,  1886-96 

18.  H.  Eomberg,  Genaherte  (Jrter  der  Fixsterne. 

19.  C.  V.  L.  Charlier,  Anwendung  der  Sternphotographie  zu  Hellig- 

keitsmessungen  der  Sterne. 

20.  W.  F.  Wislicenus,  Tafehi  zur  Bestimmung  der  Auf-  und  Untergange 

der  Gestirne. 

21.  H.  Gylden,  Hiilfstafeln  zur  Berechnung  der  Hauptungleichheiten 

in  den  absoluten  Bewegungstheorien  der  kleinen  Planeten. 

UCl    Xi-OUl  V./J.i\JAJ-lXCVllt;XX     V,1  tOt>lX0^1i,OH.U    J       C^lOUO     JH-UUllCXlUiJ.^     J 


der  Sterne   bis   zur  neunten   Grosse  zwischen  80° 

nordlicher  und  2°  siidlicher  Declination  fiir  das  Aequinoc- 

tium  1875.                                                   4to.  Leipzig,  1890-97 

3.  Zone 

+  65°  bis  +  70^.     Chrisliania. 

4-      „ 

+  55°  bis  +  65°.     Helsingfors  und  Gotha. 

6.      „ 

+  40^  bis  +  50".     Bonn. 

9-      .. 

+  25°  bis  +  30"^.     Cambridge. 

10.      „ 

+  20°  bis  +  25°.     Berlin. 

II.      „ 

+  15^  bis  +  20''.     Berlin. 

14-      M 

+  i''    bis  -t-  5".      Albany. 

Leipzig,  Fiirstlich  Jablonowski'sche  Gesellschaft : 

:  Jahresbericht,  1892-97.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1892-97 

:  Preisschi'iften,  26-32.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1886-96 

Leipzig,    Koniglich-Sachsische     Gesellschaft    der    Wissen- 
schaften : 

:  Abhandlungen  der  niathematisch-physischen  Classe.     Band 

13-24.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1884-98 


Leipzig,  Koniglich-Sachsisehe  Gesellschaft  der  Wissen- 
sehaften — contimied. 

:  Berichte  liber  die  Verliandlungen  ;  in.athematisch-pliysische 

Classe,  1S82-97.     Band  34-49.  8vo.  Leipzig,  18S2 

:   Register  zu  den  Jahrgiingen  1846-85   der  Berichte  iiber  die 

Verliandlungen,  und  zu  den  Bunden  1-12  der  Abhandlungen 
der  matheinatisch-physischen  Classe.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1S89 

Leitzmann  (Hermann): 

*Ueber  Storungserscheinungen  bei  astronomischer  Registrirung, 
Abth.  I.  8vo.  Leipzig. 

Lemstrom  (S.) : 

L'aurore  boreale  :  etude  gt'nerale  des  phenoniriies  produits  par 
les  courants  electriques  de  1 'atmosphere.  8vo.  Paris,  18S6 

Lersch  (B.  Mas; : 

•  :  *Uber   symnietrische    Zahlen-Verhjiltnisse    in    den    beiden 

Planeten-Gruppen.  8vo. 

:  *Notizen  iiber  Konietenerscheinungen  in  friiheren  Jahrhun- 

derten.  8vo.  Wien,  1884 

:  Ueber  die  symmetrischen  A'erhaltnisse  des  Planeten-Systems. 

8vo.  Koln  und  Leipzig,  1885 

Letronne  (  —  ) : 

Observations  critiques  et  archt'ologiques  sur  robjet  des  repre- 
sentations zodiacales  qui  nous  restent  de  I'antiquite  ;  a 
I'occasion  d'un  zodiaque  Egyptien  point  dans  une  caisse  de 
momie  .  .  .  du  temps  de  Trajan.  8vo.  Paris,  1S24 

Leuschner  (Armin  Otto) : 

Beitriige  zur  Kometenbahnbestimmung.  Inaugural -Disserta- 
tion. 4to.  Berlin,  1897 

liOveau  (G.): 

:  *Theorie  du  mouvement  de  Vesta  (suite  et  fin). 

4to.  Paris,  1892 

• •  :  *Tables  du  mouvement  de  Vesta  fondees  sur  la  comparaison 

de  la  theorie  avec  les  observations.  4to.  Paris,  [1897] 

Le  Verrier  (Urbain  Jean  Joseph) : 

:  *Recherches  Astronomiques.     Tome  1-14. 

4to.  Paris,  185 5- 18 78 
:  *Considerations  sur  le  progres  de  la  theorie  du  systeme  solaire 

et  planetaire.  4to.  Paris,  1867 

:  *Eclipse  totale  du  soleil  le  18  aout  186S.        4to.  Paris,  1868 

:  *Les  trepidations  du  sol  n'  alterent  pas  les  observations  faites 

a  rObservatoire  de  Paris.  4to.  Paris,  1869 

:  *Sur  la  constitution  du  soleil.  4to.  Paris,  1869 

:  *Theorie  nouvelle  du   mouvement  de  la  planete    Neptune. 

Remarques   sur   I'ensemble  des  theories  des   huit   planetes 

principales.  4to.  Paris,  1874 

Iievitzky  (G-.) : 

*Ergebnisse  der  auf  der  Charkower  Universitiitssternwarte  mit 
den  V.  Rebeur'scheii  Horizontalpendel  angestellten  Beobach- 
tungen.  8vo.  Charkow,  1896 


Leybourn  (William "i : 

:  Panorganon,  or  a  Universal  Instrument ;  performing  all  such 

conclusions  geometrical  and  astronomical  as  are  usually- 
wrought  by  the  globes,  spheres,  sectors,  quadrants,  plani- 
spheres, or  other  the  like  instruments  yet  in  being,  with  ease 
and  exactness.  4to.  London,  1672 

:  Dialing  :  plain,  concave,  convex,  projective,  reflective,  refrac- 
tive ;  shewing  how  to  make  all  such  dials,  and  to  adorn  them 
with  all  useful  furniture,  relating  to  the  course  of  the  Sun 
.  .  .  Comprised  in  xi.  distinct  tractates.      fol.  London,  1682 

Leyst  (Ernst): 

*Uber  den  Magnetismus  der  Planeten. 

4to.  St.  Petersburg,  1894 
Lieetus  (Fortunius) : 

De  Terra  vnico  centre  motvs  singularum  cseli  particularum  dis- 
putationes.  4to.  Vtini,  1 6 1 1 

Lick  Observatory  of  the  University  of  California : 

;  Report  ...  of  observations  made  on  Mt.  Hamilton   with 

reference  to   the  location  of   Lick   Observatory,   by   S.   W. 

Burnham.  4to.  Chicago,  1884 

:  Publications,  prepared  ,  .  .  by  E.  S.  Holden.     Vol.  1-3. 

4to.  Sacramento,  1887-94 

Vol.  I.  Description  of  Observatory,  Eeduction  tables,  &c. 

2.  S.  W.  Burnham.     Double  star  observations,  1888-92. 

3.  L.  Weinek,  Selenographieal  studies  ;  C.   S.  Hastings,  Report 

on  glasses ;  G.  H.  Tittmann,   Glass  scale  ;    J.  E.  Keeler, 
Spectroscopic  observations  of  nebuljB. 

:  Contributions  .  .  No.  1-5.  8vo.  Sacramento,  1889-95 

1.  EeiDorts  on  observations  of  the  total  eclipse  of  the  Sun,  Jan,  i,  1889. 

2.  Eeports  on  observations  of  the  total  eclipse  of  the  Sun,  Dec.  21-22, 

1889,  and  total  eclipse  of  the  Moon,  July  22,  1888;  catalogue  of 

3.  J.  M.  Scliaeberle.     Terrestrial  atmospheric  absorption  of  photo- 

graphic rays. 

4.  J.  M.  Schaeberle.     Total  ecUpse  of  the  Sun,  April  16,  1893. 

5.  Meteors  and  sunsets  observed  in  1893,  1^94'  ^.nd  1895. 

See  also  Barnard  (E.  E.)  ;  Burnham  (S.  W.)  ;  Holden  (E.  S.), 
Keeler  (J.  E.) 

Lieblein  (Robert)  und  Ladislaus  Weinek: 

*Provisorische  Ptesultate  aus  den  fortlaufenden  Polhohen-Mes- 
sungen  an  der  K.K.  Sternwarte  zu  Prag,  18S9-92. 

4to.  Prag,  1897 

Ligowski  (W.): 

Sammlung  fiinfstelliger  logarithmischer,  trigonometrischer  und 
nautischer  Tafeln,  nebst  Erklarungen  und  Formeln  der 
Astronomie.      Zweite  Auflage.  8vo.  Kiel,  1892 

Lilje  (^Carl  August) : 

Die  Gesetze  der  Ptotationselemente  der  Himmelskorper. 

Svo.  Stockholm,  1897 


Lindelof  (L.) : 

*Trajectoire  d'un  corps  assujetti  a  se  mouvoir  sur  la  surface  de 
la  terre  sur  I'influence  de  la  rotation  terrestre. 

4to.  Helsingfors,  1S87 
Lindemann  (Eduard) : 

:  *Helligkeitsmessungen  der  BesseFschen  Plejadensterue. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1884 

:  Photometrische  Bestimmung  der  Grossenclassen  der  Bonner 

Durchmusterung.     (Supp.  II.  aux  Obs.  de  Poulkowa). 

fol.  St.-Petersbourg,  1889 
Lindenau  (Bernard  von) : 

:  Tables  barometriques  pour  faciliterle  calculdesnivellements  et 

des  mesures  de  hauteurs  par  le  barometre.     8vo.  Gotha,  1809 

:  *Versuch  einer  neuen  Bestimmung  der  Nutations-  und  Aber- 

rations-Constanten  aus  beobachteten  Geraden-Aufsteisun^en 
des  Polaris.  4to.  Berlin,  1843 

Lisbon,  Academia  Real  das  Seiencias  : 

:  Jornal    de    Seiencias    mathematicas,    physicas   e   naturaes, 

JSTo.  30-48.  8vo.  Lisboa,  1881-88 

:  Segunda  serie,  tomo  1-3.  8vo.  Lisboa,  1890-95 

:  Memorias.     Classe   de    seiencias   mathematicas,    physicas    e 

naturaes,  Nova  serie.     Tomo  6,  parte  2.        4to.  Lisboa,  1887 
Lisbon,  Real  Observatorio  Astronomico  : 

Observations     meridiennes     de     la     planete     Mars     pendant 

rOpi^osition  de  1892.  4to.  Lisbonne,  1895 

Liverpool  Astronomical  Society : 

:  Abstracts  of  Proceedings.     Vol.  2,  1883-84. 

8vo.  Liverpool,  1884 

:  Journal.     Vol.  3-8.  8vo.  Liverpool,  1884-89 

:  Transactions,  No.  4.  8vo.  Liverpool,  1884 

Liverpool  Astronomical  Society's  Observatory  : 

Publications,  No.  1,  2.  8vo.  Liverpool,  1887 

Liverpool  Literary  and  Philosophical  Society  : 

Proceedings,  1883-97.     No.  38-51.        8vo.  Liverpool,  1SS4-97 
Vol.  50  contains  index  to  vols.  I-50. 

Liverpool  Observatory : 

:   Report   of   the    Director  .  .  .  and   Meteorological   Results, 

1884-96.  8vo.  Liverpool,  1889-97 

:  Extracts  from  the  report  of  the  Director,  and  meteorological 

results  deduced  from  observations  taken  .  .  .  1889-93. 

8vo.  Liverpool,  1893-94 
Liversidge  (Archibald) : 

*President's  address  (Roy.  8oc.  of  N.  S.  Wales). 

Svo.  Sydney,  1886 
Lobkowitz  (Joannes  Caramuel) : 

:  Perpendiculorum     inconstantia,     ab     Alexandro     Calignono 

nobili  Delphinate  excogitata,  a  Petro  Gassendo  bona  fide 
tradita,  &  pulchro  commentario  exornata,  a  J  .  .  C  .  .  L  .  .  , 
examinata  &  falsa  reperta.  icmo.  Lovanii,  1643 


Lobkowitz  (Joannes  Caramuel)— co«/nn;e(/. 

:  ISTovem  stellte  circa  Jovem,  circa  Saturnum  sex,  circa  Martem 

non-null^,  a  P.  Antonio  Reita  detecta?  it  satellitibus 
adjudicate.  De  primis  (&  si  mavelis  de  universis)  D.  Petri 
Gassendi  judicium.  D.  Joannis  Caramuel  Lobkowitz  ejusdem 
judicii  censura.  121110.  Lovanii,  1643 

Lockyer  (Joseph  Norman) : 

Elementary  lessons  in  Astronomy.  8vo.  London,  1868 

Ditto,  New  edition.  8vo.  London,  1894 

The  chemistry  of  the  sun.  8vo.  London,  1887 

The  meteoric  hypothesis  :  a  statement  of  the  results  of  a 
spectroscopic  inquiry  into  the  origin  of  cosmical  systems. 

8vo.  London,  1890 

:  The  dawn  of  astronomy  :  a  study  of  the  temple- worship  and 

mythology  of  the  ancient  Egyptians.  4to.  London,  1894 

:  *The  total  eclipse  of  the  Sun,  April  16,  1893.     Report  and 

discussion  of  the  observations  relating  to  solar  physics. 

8vo.  London,  1896 

:  Recent  and  coming  eclipses  ;  being  notes  on  the  total  solar 

eclipses  of  1893,  1896,  and  1898.  8vo.  London,  1897 

:  The  Sun's  place  in  nature.  Svo.  London,  1897 

Lockyer  (Wm.  Jas.  Stewart) : 

Resultate  aus  den  Beobachtungen  des  ^■eranderlichen  Sternes 
17  Aquilse.     Inaugural-Dissertation.         4to.  Gottingen,  1897 

Lodge  (Oliver  Joseph) : 

:  *Aberration  problems  ;  a  discussion  concerning  the  motion 

of  the  ether  near  the  earth,  and  concerning  the  connexion 
between  ether  and  gross  matter  ;  with  some  new  experi- 
ments. 4to.  London,  1893 

:  The  pioneers  of  science.  Svo.  London,  1893 

LoBwy  (Maurice) : 

:  Rapport  sur  les  Observatoires  Astronomiques  de  Province. 

1882-95.  8vo.  Paris,  1883-96 

:  *Description  d'un  nouveau  systeme  de  telescope. 

8vo.  Paris,  1884 
;  *Etudes  diverses  sur  les  niethodes  d'observation  et  de   re- 
duction des  observations  nieridiennes.  4to.  Paris,  1885 

:  *Nouvelles  mt'thodes  pour  la  determination  complete  de  la 

refraction.  4to.  Paris,  1886 

:  *Nouvelles  methodes  pour  la  determination  de  la  constante 

de  I'aberration.  4to.  Paris,  1887 

:  *Notice  sur  les  travaux  de  M.  Oppolzer.         Svo.  Paris,  1887 

:  *Methode   pour   la    determination    des    coordonnees   equa- 

toriales  des  centres  des  cliches  constituant  la  carte  du  ciel. 

4to.  Paris,  1891 
:  *Recherches  sur  la  determination  des  constantes  des  cliches 

photographiques  du  ciel.  4to.  Paris,  1893 
:  *Sur  la  construction  de  la  carte  du  ciel.  4to.  Paris,  1S93 

Loewy  (Maurice),  G.  Leveaii,  et  H.  Renan : 

*Etude   de   la    flexion   horizoiitale   de    la   lunette   du    Cerclc 
mc'ridien  Bischoffsheini  de  rObservatoire  de  Paris. 

4to.  Paris,  1887 
Lcewy  (Maurice)  et  P.  Puiseux : 

:  *Sur  les  photographies  de  la  lune   obtenues  aii  grand  equa- 
torial coude  de  rObscrvatoire  de  Paris.  4to.  Paris,  1894 

■ :  Atlas  photographique  de  la  lune,  publie  par  FObservatoire 

do  Paris.      Fasc.  i,  2.  fol.  Paris,  1896-97 

:  Memoire  sur  la  constitution  del'ecorcelunaire.    Fasc.  i,  2. 

4to.  Paris,  1896-97 

Loewy  (Maurice)  et  V.  Puiseux : 

:  *Theories    nouvelles    de    I'Equatorial    Coude,    et    des    equa- 

toriaux  en  general.  4to.  Paris,  1888 

:  *Etude    du    systenie    optique    forme    par    radjonction    d'un 

miroir  fixe  ou  mobile  a  une  lunette  equatoriale.     Theorie  du 
double  miroir  applique  a  la  mesure  precise  des  distances. 

4to.  Paris,  1890 
Loggan  (Edward)  : 

The   latitude    and    course   corrector ;    with    many    useful   im- 
provements in  navigation.  8vo.  London,  1851 

Lohse  (Oswald) : 

:  *Beobachtungen   und    Untersuchungen  liber    die    physische 

Beschaflfenheit  der  Planeten  Jupiter  und  Mars. 

4to.  Potsdam,  1882 

:  *Abbildungen  von  Sonnenflecken,  nebst  Bemerkungen  iiber 

astronomische  Zcichnungen  und  deren  Vervielfaltigung. 

4to.  Potsdam,  1883 

:  *Beschreibung  eines  Spectrographen  mit  Fliissigkeitsprisma. 

4to.  Berlin,  1885 

:  *Ueber   die    photographische    Aufnahrae    des  Sternhaufens 

xPersei.  4to.  Kiel,  1885 

:  *Ueber  Stellarphotographie.  4to.  Kiel,  1886 

:  *  [Various  notes  on  pliotography.]  8vo.  v.d. 

London,  Board  of  Trade  : 

• :  Descriptive  list  of  standards    of   weight  and    measure    (by 

H.  J.  Chaney).  fol.  London,  1892 
:   Report  of  proceedings  and  business  under  the  Weights  and 

Measures  Act  (1878),  1884-86.  fol.  London,  1884-86 

London,  British  Astronomical  Association : 

- — -  :  Journal.     Vol.  1  —  8.  8vo.  London,  1890-98 

:  Memoirs.     Vol.  1-6.  8vo.  London,  1893-98 

London,  British  Horological  Institute : 

Horological  Journal.      Vol.  27-40.  8 vo.  London,  1884-98 

London,  Camera  Club  : 

Journal.     Vol.  1-12.  4to.  London,  1886-98 

London,  Committee  ou  Solar  Physics : 

:  Report  i,  2.  Svo.  London,  1882- 89 


London,  Committee  on  Solar  Vhysics—cojitinued. 

:  Measures  of  positions  and  areas  of  Sun  spots  and  faculee  on 

photographs  taken  at  Greenwich,  Dehra  Dun,  and  Melbourne  ; 
with  the  deduced  heliographic  longitudes  and  latitudes, 
1878-81.  4to.  London,  1891 

London,  Geological  Society : 

Quarterly  Journal.     Vol.  40-54.  8vo.  London,  1884-98 

London,  India : 

Catalogue  of  the  Library. 

2  vols.  &,  supplement,  8vo.  London,  1888-95 

London,  Mathematical  Society : 

*Obituary  notices  (A.  Cayley,  Sir  J.  Cockle,  A.  C.  Ranyard). 

8vo.  London,  1895 
London,  Meteorological  Ofl3.ce : 

:  Weekly  weather  report,  third  series.     Vol.  1-15. 

4to.  London,  1884-98 
:  Quarterly   weather    report.       Kew    series,     1876-80,    with 

ajDpendices  and  plates.  4to.  London,  1884-91 

:  Monthly  weather  report,  1884-87.         4to.  London,  1884-91 

• :  Hourly  readings  from  the  self-recording  instruments  at  the 

four  observatories  under  the  Meteorological  Council,  1 883-86. 

4to.  London,  1884-89 
:  Meteorological  observations  at  stations  of  the  second  order, 

1880-94.  4to.  London,  1885-97 
:  Report  of  the  Meteorological  Council  to  the  Royal  Society, 

1884-97.  8vo.  London,  1885-97 
:  Principles  of  forecasting  by  means  of  weather  charts,  by  R. 

Abercromby.  8vo.  London,  1885 
:  Report  of  the  fourth  meeting  of  the  International  Meteoro- 
logical Committee.     Ziirich,  1888.                8vo.  London,  1889 
:  Report   of    the   International    Meteorological    Conference, 

Munich,  1891.  8vo.  London,  1893 
:  Report   of    the   International    Meteorological    Committee, 

Upsala,  1894.  8vo.  London,  1895 
:  Report    of    the   International    Meteorological    Conference, 

Paris,  1896.  8vo.  London,  1897 
:  Meteorological   Observations   at   the  Foreign  and  Colonial 

stations  of   the   Royal    Engineers    and   the  Army  Medical 

Department,  1852-86.  4to.  London,  1890 
:  Meteorological  Observations  made  at  Sanchez  (Samana  Bay), 

St.  Domingo,  1886-88,  by  .  .  W.  Reid.      4to.  London,  1890 
:  Harmonic  Analysis  of  hourly  observations  of  air  temperature 

and  pressure  at  Bi'itish  Observatories.         4to.  London,  1891 

:  Ten  years'  sunshine  in  the  British  Isles,  1881-90. 

8vo.  London,  1891 
:  Hourly  means  of  the  readings  obtained  at  the  four  (five) 

observatories  under  the  Meteorological  Council,  1 88  7-94. 

4to.  London,  1891-97 

:  Rainfall  tables  of  the  British  Islands,  1866-90. 

8vo.  London,  1897 


London,  Nautical  Almanac  and  Astronomical  Ephemeris: 

:   1 888- 1 901,  for  the  Meridian  of  the   Royal   Observatory  at 

Greenwich.  Svo.  London  ,1884-97 

:  Ditto,  Part    i,  containing  such  portions  as  are  essential  for 

navigation,  1896-1901.  8vo.  London,  1892-97 

:  Appendix  .  .   .  1900,  containing  continuation  of  tables  I.  & 

III.  of  Damoiseau's  Tables  of  Jupiter's  satellites  for  the  years 
1900-1910.  Svo.  London,  1896 

:  Circular.     No.  14-17.  8vo.  London,  1893-98 

:  Tables  used  .  .   .  for  the  calculation  of  occultations  of  .stars 

,  .  .  together  with  special  tables  adapted  for  the  Royal  Obser- 
vatories at  Greenwich  and  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope. 

fol.  London,  1896 

London,  Patent  Office: 

Abridgments  of  specifications.     Class  97,  Philosophical  instru- 
ments,    1877-88.  8vo.  London,  1893-96 

London,  Physical  Society : 

Proceedings.     Vol.  6-15.  8vo.  London,  1884-88. 

London,  Royal  Asiatic  Society  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  : 
Journal.     New  series.     Vol.  17-19.  Svo.  London,  18S4-87 

London,  Royal  Astronomical  Society  : 

■ :  Memoirs.      Vol.  4S-51.  4to.  London,  1885-95 

:  Monthly  Notices  ;  containing  papers,  abstracts  of  papers,  and 

reports  of  the  proceedings  of  the  Society,   1884-98.     Vol. 

45-58.  Svo.  London,  1885-98 

London,  Roval  Geographical  Society : 

:  Proceedings  .   .  .  and  monthly  record  of  geography.     New 

monthly  series.     Vol.  6-14.  Svo.  London,  1884-92 

:  The  Geographical  Journal.     Vol.  1-6. 

Svo.  London,  1893-98 
:  Year  Book  and  Record,  1898.  Svo.  London,  1S98 

London,  Royal  Institution  of  Great  Britain  : 

Proceedings,  1885-97.     Vol.  11-15.  Svo.  London,  1SS5-98 

London,  Royal  Meteorological  Society  : 

:  Quarterly  Journal,  18S5-98.     Vol.  11-24. 

Svo.  London,  1S85-9S 

:  The  Meteorological  Record.     Monthly  results  of  observations 

made  at  the  stations  of  the  Royal  Meteorological  Society, 
with  remarks  on  the  weather,  1 8S3-9  7  .  .  .  by  W.  Marriott. 
Vol.  11-17.  Svo.  London,  18S4-98 

:  Hints    to    meteorological  observers,    with    instructions    for 

taking  observations,  and  tables  for  their  reduction.  Prepared 
...  by  William  Marriott.  Svo.  London,  1S87 

:  Ditto,  new  edition.  Svo.  London,  1897 

London,  Royal  Photographic   Society  of  Great  Britain  : 
Journal  and  Transactions,  new  series.     Vol.  922. 

Svo.  London,  1884-9S 


London,  Royal  Society  : 

■:  Philosophical  Ti-cansactions,  1883-S6.     Vol.  173-177. 

4to.  London,  1884-87 

:  Ditto.       Series    A    [mathematical    and    physical    papers], 

1887-95.     ^0^-  17S-186.  4to.  London,  1888-96 

:  Proceedings,  1883-98.     Vol.  36-63.      8vo.  London,  1884-98 

:  The  Ptecord  of  the  Royal  Society.  8vo.  London,  1897 

:  Year  Book,  1896-98.  8vo.  London,  1897-98 

—  :  Catalogue  of  scientific  papers,  1874-83.     Vol.  9-1 1, 

4to.  London,  1891-96 

London,  Royal  United  Service  Institution  : 

Journal.     Vol.  27-42.  8vo.  London,  1884-98 

London,  Society  of  Arts  : 

Journal.     Vol.  32-46.  8vo.  London,  1884-98 

Longomontanus  (Christianus  Sevei'inus) : 

Introductio  in  theatrum  astronomicum.     [Inaugural  Disserta- 
tion.] 4to.  Havnite,  1639 

Loomis  (Elias) : 

:  Contributions  to  meteorology.     Revised  edition,  chapter  1-3. 

4to.  New  Haven,  1885-89 
:  Life,  see  Newton  (IL  A.) 

Lopez  (A.  de  Castro) : 

• :    Le  soleil  ;    comment  se  forme  sa  lumicre  ;  ce  qu'elle  est ; 

I'ether  ;  taches  et  eruptions  solaires  ;  magnetisme  terrestre  ; 

aurores  boreales.  8vo.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1886 

— ■ —  :  '  L'identite  des   comrtes   periodiques  est    une    illusion    des 

astronomes.'     Memoire  ccrit  en  Portugais  et  en  Fran(^'ais. 

8vo.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1889 
Lord  (Henry  C.) : 

*The  spectroscope  of  the  Emerson  McMillin  Observatory  (Ohio 

State  University).  8vo.  Chicago,  1896 

Lorentzen  (G.)  : 

*Ueber  die  Untersuchung  der  Scalen  eines  Heliometers.     II 

4to.  Kiel,  1894 
Lorenzoni  (Giuseppe) : 

:  Relazione    sulle    esperienze   istituite    nel    R.    Osservatorio 

astronomico  di  Padova  in  agosto  1885  e  febbraio  1886  per 
determinare  la  lunghezza  del  pendolo  semplice  a  secondi. 
(Associazione  Geodetica  Internazionale.  R.  Commissione 
Italiana.)  4to.  Roma,  1888 

:  *Nuovo  esame  delle  condizioni  del  supporto  nelle  esperienze 

fatte  a  Padova  nel  1885-86  per  determinare  la  lunghezza 
del  pendolo  a  secondi.  8vo.  Venezia,  1893 

:  *Determinazione  relativa  della  gravita  terrestre  negli  Osser- 

A^atori  di  Vienna,  di  Parigi,  e  di  Padova,  .  .  .  colla  coopera- 
zione  dei  Col.  di  Sterneck  e  Comm.  DefTorges. 

8vo.  Venezia,  1893 


Lorenzoni  (GiusG'pipe)— continued. 

:  ••  Deterniinazione  relativa  della  gravita  terresti-e  a  Padova, 

a  Milano,  ed  a  Roma,  fatta  nell'  autunno  1893. 

8vo.  Venezia,  1S94 
:  *L'  effetto  della  flessione  del    pcudolo   sul  tempo  della  sua 

oscillazione.  8vo.  Venezia,  i8y6 

Lorenzoni  (Giuseppe),  A.  Abetti,  ed  A.  di  Legge  : 

Differenze  di  longitudine  fra  Roma,  Padova,  ed  Arcetri, 
determinate  .  .  .  1 88 2 -84  (R.  Commissione  Geodetica 
Italiana).  4to.  Padova,  1891 

Xjovering  (Joseph) :    Memorial  of.        Svo.  Cambridge,  jNIass.,  1892 

Lowell  (Percival) : 

:  Mars.  8vo.  Boston  and  New  York,  1S95 

■ :  Ditto.  8v().  London,  1896 

Ludendorff  (Hans): 

Die  Jupiter  Stiirungen  der  kleinen  Planeten  vom  Hecuba- 
Typus.     Inaugural-Dissertation.  4to.  Berlin,  1S97 

Lneders  (F.  G.  T.) : 

*List  of  six  hundred  and  eight  auroras  observed  at  Sauk  City. 

Svo.  Madison,  1884 
Lund,  Observatorium : 

Observations  des  etoiles  de  la  zone  entre  35°  et  40'  de  dt'cli- 
naison  boreale  .  .  .  reduites  a  I'equinoxe  moyen  de  i875"o, 
par  N.  C.  Duner  et  Folke  Engstnim. 

tome  I,  2,  4to.  Lund,  1889-96 

Lunt  (Joseph) : 

■•■■On  stellar  photography  with  a  3] -inch  refractor  ■without 
driving-clock.  Svo.  London,  1895 

Luther  (Eduard) : 

Gediichtnisrede,  von  J.  Franz.  4to.  Konigsberg,  18S7 

Luther  (Wilhelm) : 

Tiber  die  Bahn  des  Planeten  Amalthea.  Inaugural-Disserta- 
tion. Sm).  Leipzig,  1883 

Luvini  (Jean) : 

Sept  etudes  sur  I'etat  spheroidal  ;  les  explosions  des  machines 
a  vapeur  ;  lestrombes;  lagrele  ;  I'electricite  atmospherique  ; 
la  refraction  laterale  ;  Tadht'sion  entre  les  liquides  et  les 
solides.     [French  and  Italian.]  Svo.  Turin,  18S4 

Lynn  (William  Thynne) : 

:  The  first  principles  of  natural  philosophy,  second  edition 

8\o.  Londan,  1884 

:  Celestial  motions  ;    a   handy  book   of  astronomy.     [3rd-gth 

editions.]  Svo.  liondon,  18S5-97 

:  Remarkable  comets  ;  a  brief  survey  of  the  most  interesting 

facts  in  the  history  of  cometary  astronomy.    [ist-6th  editions.] 

8^■o.  London,  1S93-98 


Lynn  (William  Thynne)— continued. 

. :  Remarkable   eclipses  ;    a   sketch   of    the    most    interesting 

circumstances  connected  with  the  observation  of  solar  and 
lunar  eclipses  both  in  ancient  and  modern  times. 

8vo.  London,  i8g6 

• :  Ditto,  2nd  edition.  8vo.  London,  1897 

Lyons,  Observatoire : 

:  Travaux  .   .   .  publies  par  Ch.  Andre. 

tome  2,  8vo.  Lyon,  1892 
F.  Gonnessiat.    Eecherches  snr  I'cquation  personnelle. 

See  also  Guillaume  (J.) 

Mabillon  (Jean): 

Iter  Germanicum  ;  et  J.  Launoii  de  scholis  celebi-ibus. 

8vo.  Hamburg!,  171 7 

McClean  (Frank) : 

:  Comparative  photographic  spectra  of  the  Sun  and  metals. 

Series  i.     The  j^latinum  group.     Series  2.     The  iron-copper 
grou^i.     {12  plates  in  portfolio.) 

— —  :  Comparative  photographic  spectra  of  the  high  Sun  and  low 
Sun,  from  H  to  A.     Sections  1-13    (five  plates  in  portfolio). 

:  *Comparison  of  oxygen  with  the  extra  lines  in  the  spectra  of 

the  helium  stars,  />  (5rucis,  ttc.  ;  also  summary  of  the  spectra 
of  southern  stars  to  the  37?  magnitude  and  their  distribution. 

8vo.  London,  1898 

:  *Comparative  photographic  spectra  of  stars  to  the  3^  magni- 
tude. 4to.  London,  1898 

McCurrick  (Laurence): 

The  planetary  distances.  8vo.  London,  1883 

Macdonald  (William  Eae):  iiee  Napier  (J.). 

Macfarlane  (Alexander): 

— ■  :  *The  imaginary  of   Algebra  ;    l:)eing  a  continuation  of    the 

paper  '  Principles  of  the  algebra  of  physics.' 

8vo.  Salem,  Mass.,  1892 

:  The  fundamental  theorems  of  analysis  generalized  for  space. 

8vo.  Boston,  U.S.A.,  1893 
McLaren  (Lord): 

*Tables  for  facilitating  the  computation  of  differential  refrac- 
tion in  position  angle  and  distance.       4to.  Edinburgh  [1887] 

McLeod  (C.  H.),  and  W.  A.  Rogers: 

The  Longitude  of  the  McGill  College  Observatory  [Montreal]. 

4to.  Montreal,  1886 

Madison,  Washburn  Observatory  of  the  University  of  Wis- 
consin : 

:  Publications.     Vol.  2-10.     8vo.  and  4to.     Madison,  1884-96 

:  Catalogue  of  the  Woodman  astronomical  library.     Part  i,  to 

June  1884.  8vo, 


Madler  (Johann  Heinrieh  von): 

:  Ueber  die  Fixsterne  ini  Allgemeinen  unci  die  Doppelstorne 

insbesondere.  Svo.  Berlin,  1 849 

:  Der  Himmel  :  gemeinfassliche  Darstellung  des  Wichtigsteii 

aus  der  Sternkunde.  4to.  Hamburg,  i86y 

Madras,  Government  Observatory: 

:  ]\[agnetical  Obser\ations  made  .  ,  .  under  the  superintend- 
ence of  W.  S.  Jacob,  in  the  years  1S51-55. 

4to.  Madras,  1884 

:  Results  of  observations  of   the  fixed  stars  made  with   the 

meridian  circle  ...  in  the  years  1862-1887,  "nder  the 
direction  of  N.  R.  Pogson.  (By  C.  Michie  Smith.)  Vol. 
1-8.  .  4to.  Madras,  1887-94 

Madras :  Report  on  the  recent  determination  of  the  longitude  of, 
by  Capt.  S.  G.  Burrard,  under  the  direction  of  Lieut.-Col. 
St.  G.  C.  Gore.  fol.  Calcutta,  1897 

Madrid,  Observatorio : 

Anuario,  auo  18,  1880.  Svo.  Madrid,  1S79 

Observaciones  meteortjlugicas,  1S79-95.  Svo.  Madrid,  1881-96 
Resumen  de  las  observaciones  meteorologicas  ef ectuadas  en  la 
Peninsula,  1876-94.  Svo,  Madrid,  1879-96 

Madrid,  Real  Academia  de  Ciencias: 

:  Anuario.      18S8-98.  i6mo.  Madrid,  1888-98 

• :  Memorias.     Tomo  11-17.  4to.  Madrid,  1887-97 

:  Revista  de  los  progresos  de  las  ciencias  exactas,  fisicas  y 

naturales.     Tomo  21,  22.  Svo.  Madrid,  1886-89 

Maginus  (Joannes  Antonius) : 

Ephemeridvm  ccelestivm  motvvm  continvatio,  ab  anno  Domini 
1608,  vsque  ad  annum  1630,  iuxta  Copernici  obseruationes 
accuratissime  supputatarum,  ad  longitudinem  inclytj<?  Vene- 
tiarum  vrbis.  Cum  supplemento  isagogicarum  ephemeridum. 
Editio  secunda.  4to.  Francof orti,  1610 

Mahmoud  EfFeiidi: 

*Memoire  sur  le  calendrier  Arabe  avant  I'Islamisme,  et  sur  la 
naissance  et  I'age  du  prophete  Mohammad. 

Svo.  Paris,  1S58 
Mailly  (D^douard): 

■ :  Itineraires  et  souvenirs  de  voyages,  precedes  d'une  autobio- 

graphie.  Svo.  Bruxelles,  1891 
:  Life,  see  Terby  (F.). 

Mairan  (Jean  Jacques  Dortons  de) : 

■'•■'Traite  physique  et  historique  de  I'Aurore  Bon'ale  .  .  .  Seconde 
Edition,  revue,  k,  augmentee  de  j^lU'^iers  eclaircissemens. 
(Paris,  Mem.  Acad,  des  Sciences,  1731.)         4to.  Paris,  1754 

Mallen  (Rafael) : 

Nuevos  inetodos  astronomicos  y  regla  geodesica  de  longitud 
invariable.  Svo.  Mexico,  1884 

II  2 


Manchester  Literary  and  Philosophical  Society: 

:  Memoirs,  third  series.     Vol.  8-10.        8vo.  London,  1884-87 

-:  Proceedings.     Vol.  23,  24.  8vo.  Manchester,  18S4-85 

:  Memoirs  and  Proceedings,  fourth  series.     A^ol.  i-io. 

8vo.  Manchester,  1888-96 
:  Ditto.     Vol.  42,  43.  8yo.  Manchester,  1897-98 

Manfredi  (Eustachio) : 

Introductio  in  Ephemerides,  cum  opportunis  tabulis  .  .  .  Editio 
altera,  in  qua  exempla,  qute  sub  prseceptis  proponuntur  ad 
Ephemei'ides  ex  anno  1751  in  annum  1762  novissime  suppu- 
tatas,  accommodata  sunt.  4to.  Bononise,  1750 

Manila,  Observatorio  Meteorologico : 

:  Observaciones  (Boletin  mensual)  .  .  .    1890-97. 

fol.  Manila,  1890-97 

:  Baguios  o  tifones  de  1894,  por  J.  Algue.       fol.  Manila,  1895 

:  La  seismologia  en  Filipinas,  por  M.  Saderra  Maso. 

4to.  Manila,  1895 
Manilius  (Marcus) : 

Astronomicwn  libri  quinque.  losephvs  Scaliger  recensvit,  ac 
pristino  ordini  suo  restit'iit.  Eiusdem  los.  Scaliger  commen- 
tarius  in  eosdem  libros  .  .   .  Cum  notis  F.  Ivni  Bitvrigis. 

8vo.  Heidelbergfe,  1590 
Marchen  (Caspar): 

Astronomischer  Discours  von  grossen  Conjunetionibus  Plane- 

tarum,  absonderlich  der  hochstmercklichen  Zusammenkunfft 

aller  7  Planeten  in  dem  feurigen  Zeichen  des  Schiitzens  .  .   . 

1662.  4to.  Rostock,  1663 

Marcuse  (Adolf) : 

:     Resultate     der    fortgesetzten    Berliner   Beobachtungsreihe 

betrefFend  die  Veranderlichkeit  der  Polhuhen. 

4to.  Berlin,  1890 

:  *Ueber  die  Untersuchungen  von  Mr.  Chandler  betreffend  die 

Veranderlichkeit  der  Breiten.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1893 

:  *Bemerkungen  zu  dem   Bericht  der  Herren  Schnauder  und 

Dr.    Hecker  iiber  die  am   photographischen    Zenithtelescop 
erhaltenen  Resultate.  4to.  Berlin,  1896 

:  *Ueber  die  photographische  Bestimmungsweise  der  Polhohe. 

4to.  Kiel,  1896 

:  *Ueber  die  photographische  Bestinnnungsweise  der  Polhoehe, 

und  mit  dem  photographischen  Zenithtelescop  bisher  gewon- 
nenen  Resultate.  4to.  Neuchatel,  1896 

:  Bericht  iiber  die  Wahl  der  Stationen  fiir  den  internationalen 

Polhohendienst.  4to.  Neuchatel,  1897 

:  *Photographische  Bestimmungen  der  Polhohe. 

4to.  Berlin,  1897 
:  *Beitrage  zur  nautischen  Astronomic.  8vo.  1897 

Markree  Observatory,  see  Doberck  (W.) 

Markwick  (Ernest  Elliott) : 

Drawings  and  observations  of  Sun-spots  made  at  Pietermaritz- 
burg.  Natal,  during  the  year  1883  [MS.].  folio 


Marriott  CWilliam) : 

•  :  Hints  to  meteorological  observers,  witli  instructions  for  taking 

obser\ations,  and  tables  for  their  reduction. 

8vo.  London,  1887 
:  Ditto,  new  edition.  8vo.  London,  1897 

See  also  London,  Royal  Meteorological  Society. 

Marseilles,  Soci6t6  Scientifique  Flammarion : 

Bulletin,  1886,  18S8,  1894.  8vo.  Marseille,  1887-95 

Marsh  (J.) : 

The  astrarium  improved  ;  or  views  of  the  principal  iixed  stars 
and  constellations.  4to.  London,  1822 

Martin  (Paul) : 

Untersuchungen  iiber  die  wahrscheinlichste  Bahn  des  Cometen 
1825  I.,  und  iiber  seine  IdentitJit  mit  dem  Cometen  1790  III. 
Inaugural-Dissertation.  4to.  Gottingen,  1893 

Mascari  (A.) : 

:  *Sulla  frequenza  delle  macchie  solari  osservate  nel    Regie 

Osservatorio  di  Catania,  1893,   1895-96. 

4to.  Roma,  1894-96 
:  *Osservazioni  del  pianeta  Venere,  fatte  negli  anni  1892-95 

all'  Osservatorio  di  Catania  e  sul  M.  Etna.       4to.  Kiel,  1895 
:  *Protuberanze  solari  osservate  nel  R.  Osservatorio  di  Catania, 

1896.  4to.  Roma,  1897 

:  *A  summary  of  the  solar  observations  made  in  1896  at  the 

Astrophysical  Observatory  of  Catania.        8vo.  Chicago,  1897 

Mascart  (E.) : 

:  *Rechevches   sur   le   spectre    solaire    ultra-violet,  et   sur  la 

detennination  des  longueurs  d'onde.  8vo.  Paris,  1864 

:  Traitu  d'Optique.  3  vols.  8vo.  Paris,  1889-93 

Matton  (Louis  Pierre) : 

Appendice  a  la  quadrature  du  cercle.  Division  du  cercle  en 
moyenne  et  extreme  raison.  Spirales  escargotiques  et  ovu- 
laires.     [Lithographed.]  4to.  Lyon,  1881 

Maunder  (Edward  Walter) : 

:  *  The  motions  of  stars  in  the  line  of  sight. 

8vo.  London,  1885 
■ :  *The  recent  eclipse  [1S98  Jan.  22].  8vo.  London,  1898 

Maupertuis  (Pierre  Louis  Moreau  de) : 

:  *Sur  les  loix  de  I'attraction.  4to.  Paris,  1732 

:  A  dissertation  on  the  different  figures  of  the  celestial  bodies. 

8vo.  London,  1735 
Appended  to  Keill's  Examination  of  Burnet's  Theory. 

■ :  Essay  de  Cosmologie.  8vo.  1750 

Mauritius,  Royal  Alfred  Observatory : 

:  Annual  Report  of  the  Director,  1887-96.  fol.  Mauritius. 

■ :  Meteorological  results,  1887-96.  fol.  Mauritius,  1888-98 


Maurolycus  (Franciscus) : 

Arithmeticorum  libri  dvo,  nvnc  primvm  in  Ivcem  editi. 

4to.  Venetijs,  1575 

Maurus  ( ) : 

Annotationi  sopra  la  lettione  della  SjDera  del  Sacro  Bosco. 

4to.  Firenze,  1550 

Maxwell  (James  Clerk) : 

Scientific  papers  .  .  .  edited  by  W.  D.  Niven. 

2  vols.  4to.  Cambridge,  1890 

Mayer  (Andreas) ;  et  Epliraim  Oloflf : 

Phaenomena  solis  a  hna  d.  I.  Martii  tecti  et  Ivnae  per 
vmbram  tellvris  d.  xvi.  Martii  obscvratae.  [Inaugural- 
Dissertation.]  4to.  Yittembergae,  1737 

Mayer  (Robert) :  see  Diihring  (E.) 

Mayer  (Tobias) : 

Sternverzeichniss,  nach  den  Beobachtungen  auf  der  Gottinger 
Sternwarte  in  den  Jahren  1756  bis  1760,  neu  bearbeitet  von 
A.  Auwers.  4to.  Leipzig,  1894 

Mee  (Arthur) : 

:  Observational  Astronomy  ;  a  book  for  beginners,  to  which 

is  added  a  l^rief  memoir  of  the  Rev.  Prebendary  Webb. 

4to.  Cardiff,  1S93 
:  Ditto,  second  edition.  4to.  Cardiff,  1897 

Melbourne  Observatory : 

:  Results  of  astronomical  observations  made  ...  in  the  years 

1876-84,  under  the  direction  of  R.  L.  J.  Ellery.     Vol.  6,  7. 

8vo.  Melbourne,  1884-88 

:  Record  of  results  of  observations  in  meteorology,  terrestx'ial 

magnetism,  &c.,  &c.,  taken  .  .  .  under  the  superintendence 
of  R.  L.  J.  Ellery  (and  P.  Baracchi),  1884-97. 

8vo.  Melbourne,  1884-97 

:  Observations  of  the  southern  nebulje  made  with  the  great 

Melbourne  telescope  from  1869  to  1885,  under  the  direction 
of  R.  L.  J.  Ellery.     Part  i.  fol.  Melbourne,  1885 

:  Second  Melbourne  general   catalogue  of   1 2 1 1  stars  for  the 

epoch  1880,  deduced  from  observations  extending  from 
1871-0  to  1884-7,  made  .  .  .  under  the  direction  of  R.  L.  J. 
Ellery  .  .  .  Reduced  and  prepared  for  publication  by 
E.  J.  White.  4to.  Melbourne,  1889 

:  Report  of  the  Board  of  Visitors  ;  together  with  the  report 

of  the  Government  Astronomer,  1884-97.        ^^1.  Melboui'ne. 

Melbourne,  Royal  Society  of  Victoria  : 

:  Transactions  and  Proceedings.     Vol.  20-24. 

8vo.  Melbourne,  1884-87 

:  Transactions.     Vol.  i.  4to.  Melbourne,  1888-89 

:  Proceedings,  new  series.     Vol.  2-10. 

8vo.  Melbourne,  1890-97 

Meldola  (Raphael),  and  William  White  : 

Report  on  the  East  Anglian  earthquake  of  April  22nd,  1884. 

8vo.  London,  1885 
Mendizabal  Tamborrel  (Joaquin  de): 

■ :  Tesis  lelda  en  el  examen  profesional  de  ingeniero  geografo, 

sustentado  en  la  Escuela  Nacional  de  Ingenieros  [orbit  of 
comet ;  diffraction  ;  velocity  of  light  ;  transit  of  Yenus]. 

8vo.  Mexico,  1884 

:  Tables  des  logarithmes  a  huit  decimales  des  nombres  de  i  a 

125000,  et  des  fonctions  gonionu'triques  sinus,  tangente, 
cosinus  et  cotangente  de  centimiligone  en  centimiligone,  et 
de  microgone  en  microgone  pour  les  25000  premiers  micro- 
gones,  et  avec  sept  decimales  pour  tous  les  autres  microgones. 

folio,  Paris,  1891 

:  Questionnaire  pour  la  reforme  du  ealendrier. 

8vo.  Mexico,  n.d. 
Mercurius  (Joannes) : 

Divisiu  vocabvli  astronomia'  ivxta  niethodvm  dialecticam,  ex 
uarijs  hinc  inde  collecta  receptioruin  mathematices  peritorum 
scriptis,  in  usum  studiosa^  iuuentutis  Heydelbergensis.    .   .  . 

8vo.  Heydelberga^,  1548 
Merfleld  (C.  J.) : 

*Determination  of  the  orbit  elements  of  Comet  f  1896 
(Perrine).  8vo.  Sydney,  1897 

Merriman  (Mansfield) : 

*Final  formulas  for  the  algebraic  solution  of  quartic  equations. 

Svo.  New  York,  1892 
Messer  (Jacob) : 

Stern- Atlas  fiir  Himmelsbeobachtungeu.  Darstellung  aller  bis 
zum  35  Grade  siidlicher  Declination  mit  blossen  Augen 
sichtbaren  Sterne.  8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1888 

Messerschmitt  (J.  B.) : 

Ueber  ditluse  Reflexion.     Inaugural-Dissertation. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1888 
Meucci  (P.) : 

II  globo  celeste  Arabico  del  secolo  xi.,  eslstente  nel  gabinetto 
degli  strumenti  .   .  .  del  R.  Istituto.  4to.  Firenze,  1878 

Meudon,  Observatoire  d'Astronomie  Physique  de  Paris  : 

Annales,  publiees  par  J.  Janssen.     Tome  i.        4to.  Paris,  1896 
Description  de  I'Observatoii-e  :  Photographie  solaire. 

Mexico,  Sociedad  Cientifica  '  Antonio  Alzate  ' : 

Memorias.     Tomo  1-5.  Svo.  Mexico,  1886-92 

Meyer  (M.  Wilhelm) : 

:  Illustrirter  Leitfaden  der   Astronomie,  Physik  und  Mikro- 

skopie.  8vo.  Berlin,  1892 
:  Die  physische  Beschaflenheit   des  Planeten  Mars    und  die 

Frage  seiner  Bewohnbarkeit.  8vo.  Berlin,  1894 

:  Das  \Yeltgebaude  :  Ein  gemeinverstiindliche  Himmelskunde. 

8vo.  Leipzig  und  Wien,  1898 


Meyer  (Wilhelm) : 

*Le  Systeiue  de  Saturne  :  Determination  des  dimensions  et 
des  anneaux  de  la  planete,  des  orbites  de  six  satellites  et  de 
la  masse  de  Satuvne,  d'apres  des  observations  faites  a  Geneve 
.  .  .   iSSi.  4to.  Geneve,  1884 

Meyne  (Matthias) : 

Von  aller  geschlecht  der  Cometen,  jeder  zeit,  wan  die  ersclieine 
zugebrauchen,  und  von  dessen  wirckungen,  der  uns  zu 
Dantzigk  den  12  Novembris  dieses  1577  Jar  erschienen  ist. 

4to.  Dantzigk,  15 78 
Michelson  (Albert  A.) : 

*0n  the  application  of  interference  methods  to  spectroscopic 
measurements.  4to.  Washington,  1892 

Michie  (P.  S.),  and  P.  S.  Harlow : 

Practical  astronomy.  8vo.  New  York,  1893. 

Milan,  Reale  Osservatorio  di  Brera : 

Pubblicazioni,  24-38.  fol.  Milano,  1883-93 

24.  G.  Celoria,  G.  Lorenzoni  e  A.  Nobile,  Differenze  di  longitucline  -^ 
Milano,  Padova,  Napoli  e  Genova. 

25.  L.  Billotti,  Teoria  degli  stiumenti  ottici. 

26.  M.  Kajna,  Variazioni  diurne  del  magiietismo  terrestre. 

27.  C.  Fornioni,  Osservazioni  meteorologiche,  1882. 

28.  A.  Venturi,  Semplificazione  nel  calcolo  delle  perturbazioni. 

29.  G.  Ccloiia,  Differenze  di  longitudine  ;  Milano,  Nizza,  Parigi. 

30.  F.  Poiro,  Latitudine  di  Termoli. 

31.  M.  Eajna,  Aziniut  assoluto  del  Monte  Palanzone. 

32.  F.  Borletti,  Triangolazioni  della  citta  di  Milano. 

33.  G.  V.  Schiaparelli,  Osservazioni  sulle  stelle  doppie. 

34.  G.  V.  Schiaparelli,  Distribuzione  apparente  delle  stelle. 

35.  M.  r>ajna,  Confronti  e  verificazioni  d'  azimut  assoluti. 

36.  F.  Porro,  Differenza  di  longitudine;  Milano  e  Torino. 

37.  E.  Pini,  Clima  di  Milano. 

38.  L.  de  Marcbi,  Teoria  dei  Cicloni. 

Miller  (Robert  Kalley) : 

The  romance  of  astronomy.     Third  edition.     Svo.  London,  1882- 

Miller  (Samuel  Henry) : 

Prize  essay  on  evaporation.  4to.  Utrecht,  1878 

Millosevich  (Elia) : 

:  *Annotazioni  di  C.  H.  F.  Peters  alia  revisione  delle  '  Anony- 
mous Boreali '  del  Catalogo  di  Yarnall.  4to.  Roma,  1885 

■ :  *Orl)ita  definitiva  della  Cometa  1888  III.     4to.  Roma,  1889 

:  *Suir  anno  che  serve  di  origine  delle  Olimpiadi. 

4to.  Roma,  1893 
Mills  (John) : 

■ :  Lessons  on  elementary  physiographic  astronomy. 

8vo.  London,  1889 
:  Advanced  physiography  (Physiographic  astronomy). 

Svo.  London,  1890- 


Milne  (John)  and  W.  K.  Burton : 

The  great  earthquake  in  Japan,  1S9T.     8ecoiid  edition. 

obi.  foL,  Yokohama,   ii.d. 

Mirinny  (L.): 

:  Aperc^u  eleinentaire  abrugu  dc  I'hcliogenese,  ou  de  ki  foi-ina- 

tion  des  systemes  soLaires.  i2mo.  Paris,  1887 

:  Ditto.     Annexe  (note  a  propos  des  '  canaux '  de  Mars. 

i2mo.  Paris,  1S8S 
:  Ditto.      Tableau  general  abrege.  12 mo.  Paris,  [889 

Mitchel  (Ormsby  Macknight) : 

:'  The  planetary  and   stellar  worlds  ;  a  popular   exposition   of 

the  great  discoveries  and  theories  of  modern  astronomy. 

8vo.  Glasgow,  lul. 
;  The  planetary  and  stellar  worlds.  8vo.  London,  it.<l. 

Fiinfstellige  Logarithmen-Tafebi  zum  Schulgebrauche. 

MocJnick  (Franzs  von) 

thmen-Tafebi  zum  Schulge 

8vo.  Wien,  1S77 
Mohammad  Al  Achsasi  Al  Moviakket : 

Calendarium  [17th-century   Aral)ic    manuscript,  containing    a 
catalogue  of  112  stars].  sm.  4to. 

Molesworth  (Guilford)  and  J.  Emerson  Dowson  : 

Decimal  coinage,  weights  and  measures  popularly  explained. 

8vo.  London,  i8yo 
Moletius  (Joseph) : 

:    Ephemerides    .   .   .    annis    viginti   inseruientes,   incipientes- 

que  ab  anno  1564,  &  desinentes  ad  annum  1584;  ad  meri- 
dianum  inclytie  Yenetiarum  Urbis  exacte  supputatte. 

4to.  Yenetiis,  1564 

—  :  Tabulae  Gregorianae,  Motuum  Octaufe  Sphseraj  ac  Lumina- 

rium  ad  vsum  Calendarij  Ecclesiastici,  &  ad  Yrbis  Romte 
Mei'idianum  supputatie  .  .  .  Adiecti  svnt  libri  dvo  de  corri- 
gendo  calendario,  &  de  vsu  Compvti  Ecclesiastici. 

4to.  Yenetiis,  1580 

Moncalieri,    Osservatorio  Centrale  del  Real  Collegio  Carlo 
Alberto  : 

• :  Bollettino  decadico,  anno  13-14,  1883-85. 

fol.  Torino,  18S4  86 

:  Bollettino  mensuale.     Serie  2.     Yol.  4-18. 

4to.  Torino,  1S84-98 

:  Per  la  storia  della  meteorologica  in  Italia.     Primi   appunti 

del  P.  G.  Boffito.  8vo.  Torino,  189S 

1.  La  Metoorologia  nella  Dirina  Commcdia. 

2.  Bollettino  bibliogratico  iistro-meteorologico,  1897. 

Monforte  (Antonio  di) : 

De  Syderum   intervallis,    &   magnitudinibus    opusculum  ;    cus 
accessit  ejusdem  tractatus  de  problcmatum  determinatione. 

4to.  Neapoli,  1699 


Monmeja  (  —  ): 

Nouvelle  theorie  meteorologique  et  cosmographique.     Resumee. 

8vo.  Yilleneuve-sur  Lot,  n.d. 
Monnichmeyer  (Carl) : 

Eine  genaherte  Berechnung  der  absoluten  Stijrungen  der 
Themis  durch  Jupiter.     Inaugural-Dissertation. 

8vo.  Kiel,  1886 
Montigny  (Ch.): 

:  *De    I'accord    entre   les    indications   des    couleurs    dans   la 

scintillation  des  etoiles  et  les  variations  atmosplieriques. 

8vo.  Bruxelles,  1885 

:  *De  I'influence  de  I'etat  de  ratmosphere  sur  I'apparition  des 

couleurs  dans  la  scintillation  des  etoiles  au  point  de  vue  de 
la  prevision  du  temps.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1884 

Montpellier,  Academie  des  Sciences  et  Lettres : 

:  jMemoires  de  la  section  des  sciences.     Tome  11. 

4to.  Montpellier,  1892 
:  Ditto.     Serie  2.     Tome  i,  2.  8vo.  Montpellier,  1893-96 

Montsoiiris,  Observatoire  Astronomique  : 

Annuaire  .   .  .    1SS6-S9.  i2nio.  Paris. 

Moore  (Francis) : 

Vox  Stellarum  :  or,  a  loyal  almanack,  for  1805- 1864. 

12  mo.  London. 
Moore  (W.  Usborne) : 

Report  on  an  experimental  telegraphic  meridian  distance  be- 
tween Adelaide  and  Port  Darwin,  to  test  the  relative  merits 
of  sextant  and  transit  instrument  for  purposes  connected 
with  hydrographieal  surveying.  fol.  London,  1894 

Moore  (W.  Usborne),  J.  F.  Parry,  and  Charles  Todd : 

Longitude  of  Broome  (Roebuck  Bay),  Freemantle  and  Albany, 

Western    Australia,    determined    by    means   of    telegraphic 

signals  exchanged  with  Adelaide  Observatory  .  .  .    1890-91, 

tfec.  fol.  London,  1891 

Morinus  [Morin]  (Joannes  Baptista): 

Astronomia,  jam  a  fvndamentis  integre  et  exacte  restitvta. 
Complectens  xi  partes  hactenus  optata-  scientie  longitv- 
dinvm  coelestium  nec-non  terrestrium.  4to.  Parisiis,  1640 

Morland  (Samuel) : 

:  The   description    and  use  of   two  arithmetick  instruments, 

together  with  a  short  ti-eatise  ...  of  arithmetick,  as  like- 
wise a  perpetual  almanack  and  several  useful  tables. 

3  parts  in  one  vol.  12 mo.  London,  1673 

:  The   poor  man's  Dyal,  with  an  instrument  to  set  it  :  made 

applicable  to  any  place  in  England,  Scotland,  Ireland,  kc. 

4to.  London,  1689  (reprinted  1886) 
Morrison  (R.  J.) : 

The  New  Principia  ;  or  true  system  of  astronomy,  in  which  the 
Earth  is  proved  to  be  the  stationary  centre  of  the  solar 
system,  and  the  Sun  is  shewn  to  be  only  365,006-5  miles 
from  the  earth.     Second  edition.  8vo.  London  (1872) 

Morrison  Observatory  :  see  (xiasgow,  Missouri. 
Morton  (E.  J.  C.) : 

Heroes  of  science  :  astronomers.  8vo.  London  [18S2] 

Moscow,  Observatoire : 

:  Annales,  publiees  par  Tli.  iJredichin.     Vol.  10,  part  i. 

4to.  Moscou,  1884 

:  Ditto,  publiees  par  Th.  Bredichin  (et  W.  Ceraski),  deuxieme 

serie.     Vol.  1-3.  4to.  Moscou,  1886-96 

Moscow,  Soci6t6  Imperiale  des  Naturalistes : 

:  Bulletin,  publie  sous  la  rt'daction  du  Dr.  Renard  (Ch.  Linde- 

mann  et  M.  Menzbier),  1884-97.  8vo.  Moscou,  1885-97 

:  Annales.     Beilage  :  nieteorologische  Bet)baehtungeu   ausge- 

fiihrt  am  metenrologisclien  Observatorium  der  Landwirth- 
schaftlichen  Akademie,  tS85-9o.     ol)l.  fob  Moskau,  1885-91 

Moseley  (Henry) : 

Astro-theology.     .Second  edition.  8^0.  London,  185 1 

Moser  (Ch.) : 

Uber  Gebilde,  welche  durcli  Fixation  einer  spharischen  Curve 
und  Fortbewegung  des  Projectionscentrums  entstehen.  In- 
augural-Dissertation. 8vo,  Bern,  1887 

Mouchez  (.Ernest) : 

:*'  La  photographie  astronomiijue  a  I'Observatoire  de  Paris. 

i2mo.  Paris,  1S87 
:  Discours  pi'ononces  aux  obseques  de.  4to.  Paris,  1892 

Moxon  (Joseph) : 

:  A  tutor  to  Astronomy  and  Geography  ;  or  an  easie  and  speedy 

way  to  know  the  use  of  Ijotli  the  globes,  celestial  and  terres- 
trial.    In  six  books.     Third  edition.  4to.  London,  1674 

:  Ditto,  fourth  edition.  4to.  London,  1686 

Mudie  (Robert) : 

Astronomy  for  schools,  families,  and  private  learners. 

i2mo.  London,  1836 
Mukhopadhyay  (Asutosh) : 

:  Appendix  to  mathematical  questions  and  solutions  from  the 

'  Educational  Times.'  8vo.  London,  n.d. 

:  An  elementary  treatise  on  the  geometry  of  conies. 

8vo.  London,  1893 
Mukhtar  Pasha  (Ahmed) : 

:  The  Reform  of  the  Calendar  [in  Turkish].  fol. 

:  Ditto.     Translated  by  Sir  J.  W.  Redhouse.     (MS.) 

sm.  4to. 
Miiller  (Eriedrich) : 

Cometologife  libri  tres  de  natura  cometarum,  qualem  elapsi  1664 
anni  Decemb.  est  enixus,  &  prsesentis  1665  anni  Februarius 
extinxit.  4to.  Giess;e  Hassorum,  1665 

Miiller  (G.) : 

Die  Photometrie  der  Gestivue.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1897 


Muller  (Joannes) : 

Yranologia,   seu  Coeli   stellarvmque   physica    contemplatio    [4 
Inaugural  Dissertations].  4*0.  Witteberg:e,  162 1 

Miinger  (Fritz) : 

Die  einformigen  Kurven.     Inaugural-Dissertation. 

8vo.  Bern,  1894 

Munich,     Koniglich-bayerisehe     Akademie      der     Wissen- 
schaften : 

:  Abhandlungen  der  matliematisch-pliysikalischen  Classe.  Band 

i^-ig.  4to.  Miinchen,  1884-98 

:  Sitzujigsberichte    der    mathematisch-physikalischen    Classe. 

188397.     Band  14-27.  8vo.  Munchen,  1883-97 
:  Inhaltsverzeichniss,  1875-85.  8vo.  Miinchen,  1886 

Munich,  Konigliche  Sternwarte  : 

:  Annalen  :  Hupplementband  10,  14.     8vo.  Miinchen,  1871-84 

Band  10.  Astronomisch-geodatische  Bestimmungen. 

14.  Nachtrage  zu  den  Beobachtungen  der  Sternwarte. 

:  Neue  Annalen  .  .   .  Herausgegeben  von  H.  Seeliger.     Band 

I,  2.  4to.  Miinchen,  1S90-91 

Band  i.  Erstes   Miinchencr     Sternverzeichniss    von    330S2    Sternen. 
H.  Seeliger  und  J.  Bauschinger. 
2.  Zweites  Miinchener    Sternverzeichniss   von    13200   Sternen. 
J.  Bauschinger. 

:  *Meteorologische    (und    magnetische)    Beobachtungen  .  .  . 

1884-90.     Herausgegeben  von  H.  Seeliger.       4to.  Miinchen. 

Munster  (Sebastian) : 

Rvdimenta  niathematica.  Hrec  in  duos  digeruntur  libros, 
quorum  prior  geometrite  ti-adit  principia  .  .  .  Posterior  uero 
onmigenuui  horologioruni  docet  delineationes. 

fol.  Basilese,  1551 

Murphy  (P.) : 

Rudiments  of  the  primary  forces  of  gravity,  magnetism,  and 
electricity,  in  their  agency  on  the  heavenly  bodies. 

8vo.  London,  1830 

Napier  [Neperus]  (John),  Baron  of  Merchistoun : 

The  construction  of  tlie  wonderful  canon  of  Logarithms  .  .  . 
Translated  from  Latin  into  English,  with  notes  and  a  cata- 
logue of  the  various  editions  of  Napier's  works,  by  W.  R. 
Macdonald.  4to.  Edinburgh  and  London,  1889 

Naples,  R.  Osservatorio  di  Capodimonte : 

:  *  Determinazioni  assolutc  della  componente  orizzontale  della 

forza  magnetica  terrestre,  1889-92.     F.  Contarino. 

4to.  Napoli,  1890-93 

:  *Riassunti  decadici  e  mensili   delle  osservazioni  meteoriche, 

1889,  1899,  1892.     F.  Contarino  e  F.  Brioschi. 

4to.  Napoli,  1891-93 


Naples,  R.  Osservatoi'io  di  Capodimonte  -con7/)me^. 

:    *Deteriiunazioni    assolute    clella     declinazione    magnetica, 

1890-91.     F.  Angelitti.  4to.  Napoli,  1891-93 
:  *I)eterminazioni  assolute  della  inclinazione  magnetica,  1889- 

91.      F.  Angelitti.  4*0.  Napoli,  1892 
:    *Variazioni   della    declinazione    magnetica,     1890-91.      F. 

Angelitti.  4*0.  Xapoli,  1893-94 
:  Osservazioni  meteoriche,  1889-91,  1893.  4tu.  Napoli. 

See  aho  Angelitti  (F.)  ;  Fergola  (E.)  ;  Nobile  (A.) 

Naples,  Societa  Eeale  (Accademia  dalle  Scienze):  __ 

:  Atti  deir   Accademia  dellc  Scienze  fisiche  e  matematiche. 

Serie  2.     Vol.  1-8.  4*0-  Napoli,  18S8-97 
:  Rendiconto  dell'  Accademia  delle  Scienze  fisiche  e  matema- 
tiche, 1882-86.  4to.  Napoli,  1883-86 

:  Ditto,  Serie  2.     Vol.  1-8.  4*0.  Napoli,  1887-94 

:  Ditto,  Serie  3.     Vol.  1-4.  8vo.  Napoli,  1895-98 

Natal  Observatory  : 

Report  of  the  Superintendent,  1884-96.     fol.  Durban,  1885-97 

National  Atlas,  the,  containing  topographical  maps  of  the  ITnite<l 
States  and  of  tlie  dominion  of  Canada,  with  plans  of  cities 
and  general  maps  of  the  world.  fol.  Philadelphia,  1885 

Nature.     A  weekly  illustrated   Journal  of  Science.     Vol.   30-58. 

4to.  London,  18S4-98 

Naturforseher  (der) :  Wochenblatt  zur  Verbreitung  der  Fort- 
.schritte  in  den  Naturwissenschaften  :  herausgegeben  von 
W.  Sklarek.     Jahrgang  17-21.  4*0.  Berlin,  1884-88 

Naturwissenschaftliehe  Rundschau.  Wcichentliche  Berichte 
iiber  die  Fortschritte  auf  dem  Gesammtgebiete  der  Naturwissen- 
schaften.    Herausgegeben  von  W.  Sklarek.     Jahrgang  i -13. 

4to.  Braunschweig,  1886-98 

Naturwissenschaftliehe  Wochensehrift,  redigiert  von  H.  Po- 
tonie.     Band  1-4.  4*0-  Berlin,  1888-90 

Neison  (Edmund) : 

Astronomy  :  a  simple  introduction  to  a  noble  science. 

8vo.  London,  1886 
Nelson  (Edward  Milles) : 

The  theory  of  telescopic  vision.  8vo.  London,  1893 

Nelthropp  (H.  L.): 

A  treatise  on  watch-work,  past  and  present. 

8vo.  London,  1873 
Neubarth  (Christoph): 
.,,  Astrologische  Bedancken  ul)er  die  zween  neulich   entstandene 
erschreckliche  Comet-Sterne  (1664-65).     4to.  Breslaw  [1665] 

Neuchatel,  Observatoire : 

Catalogue  detoiles  lunaires,  par  J.  Hiltiker. 

4to.  Neuchatel,  1S91 

Neuchatel,  Soci6t6  des  Sciences  Natiirelles : 

Bulletin,  1884-86.     Tome  14   16.  8vo.  Neuchatel,  1SS4-SS 

I  lO 

Neumann  (C.) : 

Die  Haupt-  und  Brenn-Punkte  eines  Linsen-Systemes  :  elemen- 
tare  Darstellung  der  durch  3Iobius,  Gauss  und  Bessel 
begi'iindeten  Theorie.     Zweite  Auflage.       8vo.  Leipzig,  1893 

Newcomb  (Simon)  : 

:  Populare  Astronomie  ;  deutsche  vermehrte  Ausgabe,    bear- 

beitet  durch  R.  Engelmann.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1881 

:  Ditto.     Zweite  vermehrte  Auflage,  herausgegeben  von  H.  C. 

Vogel.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1892 

:  *0n   the   motion    of   Hyperion  :    a    new    case   in    celestial 

mechanics.  4to.  Washington,  1884 

:  *Mea3ures   of   the   velocity    of  light  (in  air  and  refracting 

media)  made  .  .  .  during  the  years  1880-82. 

4to.  Washington,  1885 

:  The  elements  of  the  four  inner  planets  and  the  fundamental 

constants    of   astronomy.       (Supplement    to    the    American 
Ephemei-is  for  1897.)  8vo.  Washington,  1895 

:  The  problems  of  astronomy.     [Inaugural  Address.] 

8vo.  Lancaster,  Pa.,  1897 

:  *A  new  determination  of  tue  processional  motion. 

4to.  Boston,  1897' 
See  also  Washington,  Bureau  of  Navigation. 

New  Haven,  Connecticut  Academy  of  Arts  and  Sciences  : 

Transactions.     Vol.  6-9.  8vo.  New  Haven,  1884-95 

New  Haven,  Yale  University  Observatory : 

Transactions.     Vol.  i,  part  1.  4to.  New  Haven,  1887 

W.  L.  Elkin,  Determination  of  the   relative  positions   of  the  principal 
stars  in  the  group  of  the  Pleiades. 

Newlands  (John  A.  R.) : 

On  the  discoveiy  of  the  periodic  law,  and  on  relations  among  the 
atomic  weights.  8vo.  London,  1884 

New  South  Wales,  Trigonometrical  Survey  : 

Stations  determined  astronomically,  1891.       8vo.  Sydney,  1892 
Newton  (Hubert  Anson) : 

:  *0n  the  etfect  upon  the  earth's  velocity  produced  by  small 

bodies  passing  near  the  earth.  8vo.  New  Haven,  1885 

:  *The  story  of  Biela's  comet.  8vo.  New  Haven,  1886 

:  *The  Biela  meteors  of  November  27,  1885. 

8vo.  New  Haven,  1886 

:  *The    meteorites,    the    meteors,     and    the    shooting    stars 

(Address  before  the  American  Association). 

8vo.  Salem,  Mass.,  1886 

:  "''Upon  the  relation  which  the  former  orbits  of  those  meteorites 

that  are  in  our  collections,  and  that  were  seen  to  fall,  had  to 
the  earth's  orbit.  8vo.  New  Haven,  1888 

:  Elias  Loomis,  181 1-89.  8vo.  New  Haven,  1890 

:  *0n  the  capture  of  comets  by  planets,  especially  their  capture 

by  Jupiter.  8vo.  New  Haven,  1891 

:   -Biela's  comet.  Svo.  Philadelphia,  1893 

:   ■•■'Fireball  of  January  13th,  1893.  Svo.  New  Haven,  1893 

1 1 1 

Newton  (Isaac)': 

:  Philosophiic  naturalis  priiicipia  mathematica.     Editio  tertia. 

4to.  Londini,  1726 

:  Principia,  reprinted  [from  the  third  edition,  1726]  for  Sir  W. 

Thomson  and  H.  Blackburn.  4to.  Glasgow,  1S71 

:  The  chronology  of  ancient  kingdoms  amended. 

4to.  London,  i  728 

:  The  method  of  fluxions  and  infinite  series,  with  its  applica- 
tion to  the  geometry  of  curve- lines.  Translated  from  the 
author's  original  Latin  ...  to  which  is  subjoin'd  a  2:)erpetual 
comment  upon  the  whole  work  .  .   by  John  Colson. 

4to.  London,  1736 

:  Tractatus  do  quadratura  curvarum,  in  usum  studioste  juven- 

tutis  mathematictc  explicationibus  illustratus  a  Daniele 
Melandei'.  4to.  Upsalia^,  1762 

:  Principia,  see  Brougham  and  Routh. 

— —  :  Life,  .see  Fontanelle  (B.) 

Newton  (John): 

:  Tabula?  mathematica?,  or  tables  of  the  naturall  -sine.s,  tangents 

and  secants,  and  the  Logarithms  of  the  sines  and  tangents  to 
every  degree  and  hundred  part  of  a  degree  in  the  quadrant  ; 
their  common  radius  being  10,000,000. 

1 2 mo.  London,  1654 

:  Astronomia  Bintannica,  exhibiting  the  doctrine  of  the  Sphere 

and  theox"y  of  the  planets  decimally,  by  ti'igonometry  and  by 
tables  ;  fitted  for  the  meridian  of  London,  according  to  the 
Copernican  systeme,  as  it  is  illustrated  by  Bullialdus,  and 
the  easie  way  of  calculation,  lately  pulilished  Ijy  Doctor 
Wai'd.  4to.  London,  1657 

New  York  (American)  Mathematical  Society: 

:  Bulletin.     Vol.  1-3.  8vo.  New  York,  1891-94 

:  Ditto,  2nd  Series,  vol.  i.  Svo.  New  York,  i  894 

New  York,  Columbia  College  Observatory: 

Conti'ibutiuns,  3-8,  10,  11.         Svo.  tt  4tD.  New  York,  1892-97 

3.  H.  Jacoby.  The  Eutherfurd  photographic  measures  of  the  Pleiades. 

4.  H.  Jacoby,  The  Rutherfurd  photographic  measures  of  stars  aboul 

j3  Cygni. 

5.  H.  Jacoby,  The  parallaxes  of  n  and  0  Cassiopeife. 

6.  H.  S.  Davis,  The  parallax  of  ■>;  Cassiopeia^  from   the   lUitherfnrd 

photographic  measures. 

7.  H.  S.  Davis,  The  Rutherfurd  photographic  measures  of  62   star.-,- 

about  t)  Cassiopeia;. 
S.  Rees,  Jacoby  and  Davis,  Variation  of  Latitude  at  New  York.    Part  I. 

H.  S.  Davis,  Declinations  and  proper  motions  of  56  stars. 
10,  II.  H.  Jacoby,  On  the  reduction  of  stellar  photographs  ;  and  on  the 

permanence  of  the  Eutherfurd  photographic  plates. 

Nice,  Observatoire  (fondation  R.  Bischoflfsheim) : 

:  Annales  .   .   .   publices  par  le  Bureau  des  Longitudes,  par  M. 

Perrotin.     Tome  2-6.  4to.  Paris,  1887-97 

With  atlas  to  tome  3  (Thollon,  uouveau  dessin  du  spectre  solaire). 

I  12 

Nice,  Observatoire  (fondation  R.  BischofTsheim)— continued. 
:  Souvenir  de  la  Conference  Geodesique,  session  1887   [volume 

of  photographs  of  the  Observatory,  &c.]  fol.  [1S87] 
:  Monographie  de  I'Observatoire  de  Nice,  par  Charles  Garnier. 

(Portfolio  of  drawings  and  plans.)  fol.  Paris,  1892 

Niceron  (Joannes  Franciscus): 

Thavmatvrgvs  opticvs,  sev  admiranda  optices,  .  .  .  catoptrices, 

dioptrices.   .   .   .   Pars    prima,    de  iis    qufe    spectant    ad 

visionem  directam.  fol.  Lvteti;e  Parisiorvm,  1646 

]Nricholl  (John  Pringle) : 

The  planet  Neptune  :  an  exposition  and  history. 

8vo.  Edinburgh,  1848 
Niessl  (Gustav  von) : 

:  *Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Bahnverhaltnisse  des  Meteoriten 

von  Orgueil  in  Frank reich  am  14  Mai  1864.  8vo.  Briinn 

:  *Ueber  die  Bahn  des  Meteores  vom  5  September  1868 

8vo.  Briinn 

— - — :  *Bahnbestiramungeiner  am  13  Juli  1879  in  Mahren,  Bohmen 

und  Schlesien  beobachteten  Feuerkugel.  8vo.  Briinn 

:   -^Theoretische  Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Verschiebuugen  der 

Radiationspunkte  aufgelosi'^r  Meteorstrome.     8vo.  Wien,  1 88 1 
:  *Einige  Versuche  iiber  Dauerschatzungen.  8vo.  Briinn 

— —  :  -'Bahnbestimmung  des  grossen  Meteores  vom  13  Miirz  1883. 

Svo.  Wien,  1883 

:  *Ueber  die  astronomischen  Verhaltnisse  bei  dem  Meteoriten- 

falle  von  Mocs  in  Sieljenbiirgen  am  3  Februar  1882. 

8vo.  Wien,  18S4 

:  *Bahnbestimmung  des  Meteor's  vom  17  Juni  1885. 

8vo.  Wien,  1S86 

:  *Bahnbestimmung  einiger  in  der  letzteren  Zeit  beobachteten 

Meteore.  Svo.  Briinn,  1887 

■ — —  :  *Bahnbestiramung  des  Meteors  vom  21  April  1887. 

8vo.  Wien,  1887 

:  *Bahnbestimmung  des  Meteors  vom  23  October  1887. 

Svo.  Wien,  1888 

•  :  *XJeber  das  Meteor  vom  22  April  1888.  4to.  Wien,  1889 

—  ;  *Bestimmung  der  Bahnverhaltnisse  einiger  Meteore. 

Svo.  Briinn,  1889 
TsTiesten  (L.) : 

^Observations  sur  I'aspect  physique  de  la  planete  jNIars  .  .  . 
1879-80,  1881-82.  4to.  Bruxelles,  1890 

INijIand  (Albert  Antonie) : 

Uitmeting  van  den  Sterrenhoop  (i.  C.  4410,  zoovvel  door 
rechtstreeksche  waarneming,  als  op  fotografische  platen. 
[Inaugural  Dissertation.]  4to.  Utrecht,  1897 

Nobllo  ( Arminio) : 

■ :  *Ricerche  numeriche  suUa  latitudine  del  R.   Osservatorio  di 

Capodin)onte.      Parte  1-3.  4to.  Napoli,  1S85-90 

:  II  cerchio  meridiano  Reichembach-Heurtaux  del  R.  Osserva- 
torio di  Capodimonte.  4to.  Napoli,  1888 


ITobile  (Arniinio)—con(haicd. 

:  *Rifle.ssioni  geodetiche.  4to.  Napoli,  i88g 

:  *Risultate  delle  osservazioni    meridiane   della    2^  nieta  del 

1890.  4to.  Napoli,  1891 

:  *Riflessioni  sulla  variazione  a  corto  periodo  della  latitudine. 

4to.  Napoli,  1893 

:  *Saggio  di  osservazioni  meridiane  correlative  per  correggere 

le  refrazioni,  fatte  da  A.  Nobile  a  Capodimonte  e  J.  Thome 
a  Cordoba.  4to.  Napoli,  1893 
:  Ascensioni  Rette    determinate   siraultanoaniente  a  Capodi- 
monte ed  a  Cordoba  (Repubblica  Argentina). 

fol.  Xapoli,  1894 

:  *Risultate  di  talune  osservazioni  di  distanze  zenitali. 

4to.  Napoli,  1894 
:  *Saggio    di    determinazione    diretta    della    costante    di    una 

linea  geodetica  nell'  ellissoide  di  rivoluzione  scliiucciato,  date 

le  coordinate  di  due  punti.  4to.  Napoli,  1894 

— —  :  *  Studio    iniziale    del    collimatore    del    cerchio    meridiano 

Reichembach-Heurtaux.  4to.  Napoli,  1894 

— :    *Abbreviazione  del  calcolo  di  una  linea  geodetica,  quando  si 

voglia  solo  una  buona  approssimazione.  8vo.  Napoli,  1895 
:  *Considerazione  sul  numero  della  costante  dell'  aberrazione 

annua  delle  stelle.  4to.  Napoli,  1895 
:  *Osservazioni  di  ascensioni  rette,  1893.  4to.  Napoli,  1895 

Noble  (William) : 

Hours  with  a  three-inch  telescope.  8vo.  London,  1S86 

ITolthius  (Andreas) : 

Observatio  und  Beschreibung  des  Cometen,  weloher  im 
Novembri  und  Decembri  des  77,  und  noch  in  Januario  dieses 
78  Jharsz  erschienen.  4to.  Erffunlt  (1578) 

Normand  (J.  A.) 

Formules  de  navigation  stellaire.  4to.  Paris,  1S88 

Northfield,  Minnesota,  Carleton  College  Observatory: 

Publications,  I.  4to.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1890 

H.  C.  Wilson.  Catalogue  of  644  coni]5arison  stars  observed  .  .  . 
1887-89,  and  prepared  for  publication  under  the  direction  of  \V.  W. 

Norwegian  North  Atlantic  Expedition,  1876-78. 

Part  11-23.  4^0-  Christiania,  18S4  97 

Novello  (J.  Alfred-) : 

24  o'clock.  A  few  words  on  the  advantages  of  a  distinct  name 
for  each  hour  of  the  day.  8vo.  London,  1850  62 

Nyr^n  (Magnus) : 

:  *L' Aberration  de  etoiles  fixes.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1883 

:  *Untersuchung  der  Repsold'schen  Theilung  des   Pulkowaer 

Verticalkreises.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1886 

:  *Deduction   des   dt'clinaisons   moyennes    du    catalogue    dos 

etoiles  principales  (Observatoire  de  Poulkova). 

fol.  St.-Petcrsbourg,  18S8 



Nyr6n  (Magnns)— continued. 

. :  *Variations  de  la  latitude  de  Poulkovo  observees  au  grand 

cercle  vertical  dans  les  annees  1882-91. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1893 

Observatory  (the):  a  monthly  review  of  astronomy,  edited  by 
E.  W.  Maunder  (A.  M.  W.  Downing,  T.  Lewis,  H.  H. 
Turner,  A.  A.  Common,  H.  P.  Hollis).     Vol.  7-21. 

8vo.  London,  1884-98 

Ode  (Jacob) : 

Principia  i^hilosophiaj  naturalis  in  usum  scholarum  privatarum 
conscripta,  et  captui  studios*  juventutis  accommodata. 

2  parts,  4to.  Trajecti  ad  Rhenum,  1726-27 

Odessa.  Observatoire : 

Observations  des  protuberances  solaires  faites  .  .  .   1892-93. 

8vo.  Odessa,  1895 

O-Gryalla,  Astrophysikalisehes  (und  Meteorologisches)  Obser- 
vatorium : 

:  Beobachtungen  .    .    .  herausgegeben  von  N.  von  Konkoly. 

Band  6~i6.  4*0-  Halle,  1884-94 
-:  Beobachtungen  .  .  .   1894-95.     Band    17,    18:  neue   Folge, 

Band  I,  2.     [Hungarian  and  German.] 

4to.  Budapest,  1895-96 

O-Gyalla,     Meteorologiscli-magnetisches      Central-Observa- 
torium : 

:  Beobachtungen,  .  .  .   1893-98.  4to.  Budapest,  1893-98 

See  also  Budapest ;  Konkoly  (N.). 

Olbers  (Wilhelm) : 

Sein  Leben  und  seine  Werke  .  ,  .  herausgegeben  von  C. 
Schilling.     Band  i,  gesammelte  Werke.        8vo.  Berlin,  1894 

Olearius  (Adam): 

Kurtze  Erinnerung  und  Bericht  von  der  grossen  und  erschreck- 
lichen  Sonnenfinsterniss,  so  dieses  1630  Jahrs  den  letzten 
Maji  bey  uns  zu  Leipzig  umb  halbweg  7  Uhr  nach  Mittag 
sich  sehen  lesset  4to.  Leipzig  [1630] 

Oliver  (Andrew) : 

Essai   sur   les   cometes  ....  avec  des    observations    &    des 

reflections    sur    le   soleil   &    sur  les    planetes   du    premier 

ordre  .  .  .  traduit  de  I'Anglois.  8vo.  Amsterdam,  1777 

Oliver  (J.  A.  Westwood) : 

Sunspottery  ;  or  what  do  we  owe  to  the  Sun  ?  A  popular 
examination  of  the  cycle  theory  of  the  weather,  famines, 
pestilences,  commercial  panics,  &c.  8vo.  London,  18S3 

Oliver  (J.  A.  Westwood)  [and  others]  : 

Astronomy  for  amateurs  :  a  practical  manual  of  telescopic 
research  in  all  latitudes,  adapted  to  the  powers  of  moderate 
instruments.     Edited  by  J.  A.  W  .  .  .  0  .  . 

8vo.  London,  18S8 


Olsen  (Ole  Theodore) : 

The  Fisherman's  Nautical  Almanac,  1S85-88. 

8vo.  Grimsby,  18S4-87 
Oppolzer  (Theodor  von): 

:  Ueber  Aberration.  8vo.  Wien,  1883 

:  tJber   den  Zusammenhang  der  Refraction   niit  der  Tempe- 

raturvertheilung  in  der  Atmosphiire.  8vo.  Wien,  1884 

:  *Uber  die  Auflosung  des  Kepler'schen  Problems. 

4to.  Wien,  1884 

:  Ueber  historische  Finsternisse.  8vo.  Wien,  1884 

:  Ueber  die  Sothisperiode  und  das  Siriusjahr  der  Aegypter. 

8vo.  Wien,  1885 

:  Ueber  Weltzeit.  8vo.  Wien,  1885 

:  *Bahnbestimmung  des  Planeten  (237)  Colestina. 

8vo.  Wien,  1886 

:  Ueber  die  Bestimmung  der  Schwei-kraft.        8vo.  Wien,  1886 

:  Traite  de  la  determination  des  orbites  des  cometes  et  des 

planetes.  Edition  francaise,  publiee  d'apres  la  deuxieme 
edition  allemande  par  Ernest  Pasquier.  Vol.  i .  4to.  Paris,  1886 
*Uber  die  astronomische  Refraction.  4to.  Wien,  1886 

*Ent\vurf  einer  Mondtheorie.  4to.  Wien,  1886 

Canon  der  Finsternisse  (Vienna,  Denkschr.  der  K.  Akad., 
Bd.  52).  4to.  Wien,  1887 

*Zum   Entwurf  einer  Mondtheorie  gehorende  Entwicklung 

der  Differentialquotienten.     Vollendet  .  .  von  R.  Schram. 

4to.  Wien,  1888 

:  ♦Notice  sur  les  travaux  de,  par  M.  Lcewy.      8vo  Paris,  1887 

See  also  Schram  (R.) 

Orchard  (Thomas  N.) : 

The  astronomy  of  Milton's  '  Paradise  Lost.' 

8vo.  London,  1S96 

Ord  (Harry  St.  George) : 

Account  of  a  visit  to  the  king  ai  Siam  ...  in  August  1868 
[with  drawings  of  the  solar  eclipse].         8vo.  Singapore,  1868 

Oresme  (Nicole) : 

Le  traicte  de  la  sphere  :  translate  de  latin  en  francois  par 
maistre  Nicole  Oresme,  tres  docte  et  renomme  philosophe. 

4to.  Paris,  n.d.  [cir.  1520J 
A  translation  of  the  Sphere  of  Sacrobosco. 

Origanus  (David) : 

Explicatio  astronomica  et  astrologica  magnte  eclipsis  0,  qua? 
secundum  naturam  anno  hoc  1598  currente  .  .  .  apparebit. 
Cui  prasmissa  est  brevis  descriptio  tenebraruni,  quse  supra 
naturam,  divina  virtute,  factor  sunt  tempore  Passionis 
Christi.  4to.  1598 

Orleans  (Cherubin  d') : 

La  dioptriqve  ocvlaire,  ov  la  theoriqve,  la  positive,  et  la 
mechaniqve  de  I'ocvlaire  dioptriqve  en  tovtes  ses  especes. 

fol.  Paris,  16  71 


Ori'  ( M.  A.)  : 

Southern  stars  :    a  guide  to  the  constellations  visible  in   the 
southern  hemisphere.  i6mo.  London  [1896] 

Ossian-Bonnet  (...): 

Astronouiie    sphcrique :    notes   sur  le   cours  professe    pendant 
I'annee  1887  .  .  .  rcdigees  par  Blondin  et  Guillet.       fasc.  i. 

8vo.  Paris,  1889 
Ottawa,  Meteorological  Office : 

Report   of    the   meteorological    service   of    the    Dominion    of 
Canada.      1882-95.  ^vo.  and  4to.  Ottawa,  1882-97 

Oudemans  ( Johann  Abraham  Christian) : 

:  Handleiding  voor  tijds-,  breedte-,  en  azimuthbepaling  mit  het 

universal-instrument,  samengesteld  ten  dienste  der  triangu- 

latie  van  Java  en  Sumatra.  8vo.  1884 
:  Die  Triangulation  von  Java,  ausgefidirt  vom  Personal  des 

geographischen     Dienstes     in     Niederlandisch     Ost-Indien. 

Abtheilui:ig  3-5.  4to.  Haag,  1891-97 

Oxford,  Radcliffe  Library : 

Catalogue  of  Transactions  of  Societies,  Periodicals  and  Memoirs. 

8vo.  Oxford,  1887 
Oxford,  Radcliffe  Observatory: 

:  Results  of  astronomical  and  meteorological  observations  made 

...  in   the   years    1881-89  under   the    superintendence   of 
E.  J.  Stone.     Vol.  39-46.     •     •  4to.  Oxford,  1884-96 

:  Catalogue  of  6424  stars  for  the  epoch  1890  ;  formed  from 

observations  )nade  .  .  .  during  the  years  1880-1893,  under 
the  superintendence  of  E.  J.  Stone.  4to.  Oxford,  1S94 

Oxford  University  Observatory : 

:  Astronomical  observations  made  .  .   .  under  the  direction  of 

C.  Pritchard.  8vo.  Oxford,  1878  92 

No.  I.  Observations  of  double  stars,  Ac. 

2.  Uranometria  nova  Oxoniensis. 

3.  Researches  on  stellar  parallax  by  the  aid  of  photography. 

4.  Do.  do.  Part  ii. 

:  Annual  report  of  the  Savilian  Professor  of  Astronomy,  1S87,. 

1896-97.  4to.  &  8vo.  Oxford 

Ozanam  (Jacques) : 

Dictionnaire  mathematique,  ou  idee  generale  des  mathematiques. 

4to.  Paris,  1691 
Pacific,  Astronomical  Society  of  the  : 

Publications,  vol.  i-io.  8vo.  San  Francisco,  1889  98 

Packer  (David) : 

*The  new  astro-photography.  8vo.  London,  1896 

Padua,  Osservatorio,  s^e  Abetti(A.) ;  Ciscato(G.)  ;  Lorenzoni  (G.) 
Padua,  R.  Universita : 

— :  Per  il  terzo  centenario  dalla  inaugurazione  dell'  insegnamento 

di  Galileo  Galilei  nello  Studio  di  Padova.    4to.  Firenze,   1892 

:  Onoi-anze  a  Galileo  Galilei  nel  terzo  centenario   dalla   sua 

prelezione  .  .  Narrazione  e  Documenti.       4to.  Padova,  1896 


Paduanius  (Joannes) : 

De  temporvm  compvtatione  et  divisione  .  .   Editio  secvnda. 

4to.  Veroiijv",  1586 

Paisley  Philosophical  Institution  : 

Report  of  meteorological  ol)ser\ations  taken  at  Coats  Observa- 
tory, Paisley,  1886-87.  8\o. 

Palermo,  Reale  Osservatorio : 

:  BoUettino  Meteorologico,  1891.  fol.  Palermo,  1892 

— —  :  Pubblicazioni,  Anno  1883-88.  Vol.  3,  4.  Direttore  G. 
Cacciatore  (ed  A.  Pucco).  4to.  Palermo,  1887-89 

See  also  E.icc5  (A.) 

Palmer  (H.  S.) 

The  Ordnance  Survey  of  the   Kingdom  ;  its  olyects,   mode  of 
execution,  history,  and  present  condition.   8v(>.  London,  1873 

Palmer  (John)  : 

The  Planetary  Instrument,  or  the  description  and   use  of  the 
theories  of  the  planets.  4to.  n.d. 

Pannekoek  (A.)  et  C.  Easton  : 

Zones  galactiques  de  A.  ^larth  [2  charts]. 

Papken  ( Jeremia) : 

Discursus  astronomico-ustrologicus  de  eclipsi  solis  magna  Maj. 
d.  III.  Anni  currentis  mdccxv.  futura. 

4to.  Gryphiswaldiye,  17  15 

Pardies  (Ignace  Gaston) : 

:  Globi  coelestis  in  tabulas  planas  redacti  descriptio  .  .  .  Opus 

postumum.     Ed.  secunda.  fol.   [no  place  nor  datej 

Fh-st  published  in  1674  :  contains  paths  of  comets  to  1682. 

Paris,  Aead6mie  des  Sciences  (Institut  de  France) : 

:  Comptes  Rendus  hebdomadaires  des  seances.     Tome  99-126. 

4to.  Paris,  1884-98 

:  Lois,     Statuts    et    Rrglements     concernant    les    anciennes 

Academies  et  I'lnstitut  de  1635  a  1889  .  .  Collection 
publiee  ....  par  L.  Aucoc.  8vo.  Paris,  1889 

:  Recueil  de  Memoires,  rapports  et  documents  relatifs  a  I'obser- 

vation  du  passage  de  Venus  sur  le  soleil. 

3  vols,  (in  6  parts),  4to.  Pai'is,  1 87 7-82 

Paris,  Bureau  des  Longitudes  : 

:  Annales  du  Bureau  des  Longitudes  :  travaux  faits  a  I'Obser- 

vatoire  astronomique  de  Montsouris  (et  memoires  di\ers). 
Tome  3,  4.  4to.  Paris,  1883-90 

:  Ephemerides  des  etoiles  de  culmination  lunaire  et  de  longi- 
tude, 1884-98.     Par  M.  Ltt'wy.  4to.  Paris,  1883-97 

:  Annuaire,  1885-98.  i2mo.  Paris,  1884-97 

:  Connaissance  des  Temps,  ou  des  mouveraents  celestes,  pour  le 

meridien  de  Paris,  a  I'usage  des  astronomes  et  des  navi- 
gateurs,  1886-99.  ^^'O-  P'T-i'is  1884-96 


Paris,  Bureau  des  IjongitvLdes—contimied. 

: Extrait  .  .  .  k  I'usage  des  ecoles  d'hydrographie  et  des 

marins  du  commerce,  1889-98.  Svo.  Paris,  1887-96 

:  Annuaire  de  I'Observatoire  de  Montsouris,  1886-89. 

i2mo.  Paris 

Paris,  Comit6  International  des  Poids  et  Mesures : 

:  Comptes-Rendus   des   sOances   de     la   premiere    Conference 

Generale  .  .    1889.  4to.  Paris,   1890 

:  deuxieme  Conference  Generale  .  .  .   1895. 

4to.  Paris,  1896 

:  Proc^s-verbaux  des  seances,  1884-97.        Svo.  Paris,  1885-97 

:  Travaux  et  memoires  du  Bureau  International.     Tome  3-1 1. 

4to.  Paris,  1884-95 
:  Rapport  aux  Gouvernements  signataires  de  la  Convention  du 

Metre.     13-16.  4to.  Paris,  1890-92 

Paris,  Conference  Internationale  des  Etoiles  Fondamentales 

Proces-Verbaux.  4to.  Paris,  1896 

Paris,  Congr^s  Astrophotographique  International : 

:  Proces-verbaux  des  seances  generales.  4to.  Paris,  1887 

:  Bulletin  du  Comite  International  permanent  pour  I'ex^cution 

photographique  de  la  carte  du  Ciel.     Tome  i,  2. 

4to.  Paris,  1888-95 

:  Reunion   du    Comite    International    Permanent  .  .  .   1889, 

1 89 1,  1896.  4to.  Paris,  1889-96 

:  Commentaires  des  decisions  prises  par  les  Conferences  Inter- 
nationales qui  se  reunirent  a  I'Observatoire  de  Paris  en  1887, 
1889,  et  1891,  pour  I'execution  photographique  d'une  carte 
du  ciel  ;  par  Ch.  Tivpied.  4to.  Paris,  1892 

Paris,  D6p6t  G6n6ral  de  la  Marine : 

:  Annales  hydrographiques.     Serie  2.      1885-96. 

Svo.  Paris,  1885-96 

:  Tables  et  types  de  calculs  de  4'article  intitule  '  les  problemes 

de  navigation  et  la  carte  marine.'  Svo.  Paris,  1S95 

Paris,  Ecole  Polytechnique  : 

Journal,  Cahier  55-64.  4to.  Paris,  1885-94 

Serie  2.     Cahier  1,  2.  4to.  Paris,  1895-97 

Catalogue  de  la  Bibliotheque.  Svo.  Paris,  188 1 

Paris,  Observatoire : 

:  Travaux  des  treize  dernieres  annees  :  abstention  fatale  de 

I'Administration    supeiieure.     Execution  des   projets   de  la 
ville  de  Paris,  par  U.  J.  J.  Le  Verrier.  4to.  Paris  [n.d.] 

Question  de  I'Observatoire.     Opinion  de  M.  Le  Verrier. 

4to.  Paris,  1869 
*Question  de  I'Observatoire.     Replique  de  M.  Le  Terrier. 

4to.  Paris  [1869] 
Annales  .  .  .  publiees  sous  la  direction  de  M.  le  Contre- 
Amiral  Mouchez  (F.  Tisserand,  M.  Lcewy).  Memoires.  Tome 
18-22.  4to.  Paris,  1885-96 


Paris,  Ohservatoire— continued. 

Tome  1 8.  Callandreau,  Variations  seculaires  des  Elements  des  orbites  ; 

Kadau,  Tables  de  I'integral  \p(Z-=e    /     e        dt\    Tisse- 

rand,  fonction  perturbatrice ;  Eadau,  Developpement  de 
I'expression  (1-2  a  2  + a-)-'- ;  Gogou,  sur  une  objection  de 
M.  Stockwell  contra  la  th6orie  de  la  lune  de  Delaunay ; 
Lcewy  et  Oppolzer,  Difference  de  longitude  entre  Paris  et 
Br6genz  ;  Tisserand,  Probl^me  des  trois  corps ;  Obrecht, 
Eclipses  des  satellities  de  Jupiter;  Haretu,  Invariabilit6 
des  grands  axes  des  orbites  planetaires. 

19.  Purigaud,  Determination  deserreurs  de  division  d"un  cercle  ; 

Boquet,  Developpement  de  la  fonction  perturbatrice ; 
Bigourdan,  Equation  personnelle ;  Bossert,  Observations 
des  cometes  ;  Callandreau,  Figure  des  planetes ;  Hamy, 
Figure  des  corps  celestes ;  Eadau,  Effractions  astro- 
nomiques  :  Eginitis,  Stabilite  du  systeme  solaire. 

20.  Loewy    et    Puiseux,    Systeme  optique  d'une   lunette  astro- 

nomique  et  d'un  double  miroir  plan  ;  Callandreau,  Theorie 
descometes  periodiques  ;  Leveau,  Mouvement  de  Vesta. 

21.  Bossert,  Catalogue  de  3950  etoiles;  Eadau,  Inegalites  plane- 

taires du  mouvement  de  la  lune  ;  Klumpke,  Anneaux  de 
Saturne ;  Puiseux,  Description  du  grand  equatorial  coude  ; 
Bigourdan,  Sur  la  mesure  micrometrique  des  petites 
distances  angulaires,  Ac, ;  Inventaire  des  manuscrits  de  la 
bibliotheque  de  I'Observatoire. 

22.  Leveau,  Tables  de  Vesta  ;  Callandreau,  Sur  quelques  cas  de 

commensurabilite  des  moyens  mouvements  dans  le 
systeme  solaire  ;  Puiseux,  Origine  probable  des  formations 

:  Annales  .  ,   .  publiees  sous  la   direction    de  M.   le   Contre- 

Amiral  Mouchez   (F.   Tisserand,  M.   Loewy).     Observations, 
1881-88.  ^  4to.  Paris,  1885-96 

:  Catalogue  de  I'Observatoire  de  Paris.     Etoiles  observees  aux 

instruments  meridiens  de  1837  a  1881.    o^  a  i8^    Tome  1-3. 

4to.  Paris,  1887-96 

:  Catalogue  de  I'Observatoire  de  Paris.     Positions  observees 

des  etoiles,  183 7-1 881.     o^  a  I8^     Tome  1-3. 

4to.  Paris,  1887-96 

:  Atlas  photographique  de  la  lune  .  .  .  execute  par  M.  Lcewy 

et  P.  Puiseux.     Fasc.  i,  2.  fol.  Paris,  1896-97 

: Memoiresurla  constitution del'ecorcelunaire.  Fasc.  i,  2. 

4to.  Paris,  1896-97 

:  Rapport  annuel  sur  I'etat  de  I'Observatoire,  1884-96  .  .  .par 

E.  Mouchez  (F.  Tisserand,  M.  Lcewy.)       4to.  Paris,  1885-97 
Paris,  Service  G^ographique  de  PArm^e : 

:  Nouvelles  Tables  de  Logarithmes  a  cinq  decimales  pour  les 

lignes  trigonometriques,  dans  les  deux  systemes  de  la  division 
centesimale  et  de  la  division  sexagesimale  du  quadrant ;  et 
pour  les  nombres  de  i  a  12000,  suivies  des  memes  tables  h. 
quatre  decimales  et  de  diverges  tables  et  formules  usuelles. 

8vo.  Paris,  1889 


Paris,  Service  G-^ograpliique  de  rArm6e—co7itumed. 

:  Tables  des  Logarithmes  a  huit  decimales  des  nombres  entiers 

de  I  a  120,000,  et  des  sinus  et  tangentes  de  dix  secondes  en 
dix  secondes  d'arc,  dans  le  systeme  de  la  division  centesimale 
du  quadrant.     Publiees  par  ordre  du  Ministre  de  la  Guerre. 

large  4to.  Paris,  1891 

Paris,  Soci6t6  Astronomique  de  France: 

:  Bulletin,  1887-94.     Annee  1-8.  8vo.  Paris,  1888-94 

:  Bulletin  .  .   .  et  i-evue  mensuelle  d'astronomie,  de  meteoro- 

logie,  et  de  physique  du  globe,  1895-98.     Annee  9-12. 

8vo.  Paris,  1895-98 
:  Discours  prononce  a  la  seance  generale  annuelle,  1888,  par 

C.  Flammarion.  Svo.  Paris,  1888 

Paris,  Soci6te  Prancjaise  de  Physique  : 

Collection  de   memoires   relatifs  a   la   physique.     Tome    4,    5. 
Memoires  sur  le  pendule.  8vo.  Paris,  1889-91 

Paris,  Soci6t6  Math^matique  de  France : 

Bulletin.     Tome  12-26.  Svo.  Paris,  1884-98 

Paris,  Soci^te  Pliilomatliique : 

Bulletin.     Serie  7.     Tome  8-1 1.  Svo.  Paris,  1884-87 

Serie  8.     Tome  1-9.  Svo.  Paris,  1889-97 

Table  generale,  1836-88,  Svo.  Paris,  1895 

Memoires  publit's  ...  a  I'occasion  du  centenaire  de  sa  fon- 
dation,  1 788-1888.  4to.  Paris,  1888 

Parker  (George  W.) : 

Elements  of  astronomy,  with  numerous  examples  and  examina- 
tion papers.  Svo.  London  [Dublin],  1S94 

Parkhurst  (Henry  M.) : 

Astronomical    tables,    comprising  logarithms   from    3    to    100 
decimal  places,  and  other  useful  tables  :  final  edition. 

i2mo.  New  York  City,  1889 
Parsey  (Arthur) : 

The  science  of  vision,  or  natural  perspective.     Second  edition. 

Svo.  London,  1S40 

Partridge  (the  spirit  of)  ;  or   the  astrologer's  pocket  companion 

and  general  magazine  ;  including  the  fii'st  part  of  Partridge's 

Opus    Reformatum   .  .  .    Observations     on    the   new    planet 

Herschel  [&c.]  Svo.  London,  1825 

Peal  (S.  E.) : 

• :  A  theory  of  lunar  surfacing.     (MS.)  4to. 

:  *The  canals  of  Mars.  Svo. 

Pearce  (Alfred  J.) : 

The  text-book  of  Astrology.  2  vols.  Svo.  London,  1S79-89 

Pearson's  General  tide  tables  and  Nautical  Almanac  for  1890. 
.   .  .  The  astronomical  part  and  tide  tables  by  E.  Roberts. 

Svo.  Hartlepool,  1S89 

I  2  I 

Pock,  William : 

:  The  comprehensive  astronomical  map,  gi\ing  all   the  more 

important  stars  that  are  visil)le  from  Ureenwieh  or  from 
any  place  in  higher  latitude  north  than  50  degrees. 

Edinburgh,  n.d. 

:  The  apparent  movements  of  the  planets  and   the  principal 

astronomical  phenomena  for  the  year  18S6,  illustrated  with 
charts  .  .   .  8vo.  Edinburgh,  1886 

:  The  observer's  atlas  of  the  heavens,  containing  catalogues  of 

the  accurate  positions,  magnitudes,  &.Q.,  of  over  1400  double 
stars,  star  clusters,  nebula',  variable  stars,  radiant  points  of 
meteor  systems,  tc,  together  with  30  star  charts. 

fol.  London  and  Edinburgh,  189S 

Peek  (Cuthbert  E.) : 

:  Rousdon  Observatory,  Devon  :  Astronomical  Observations, 

1882-85.  4^^"  I-'Oi^'^on,  1 886 

:  Meteorological  Observations,  1SS4-87. 

4to,  London,  1885-88 

Pengelly  (J.) : 

The  earth  and  its  surroundings.  Svo.  n.d. 

Penrose  (Francis  Cranmer) : 

:  *0n  the  results  of  an  examination  of  the  oi-ientations  of  a 

number  of  Greek  temples,  with  a  view  to  connect  these 
angles  with  the  amplitudes  of  certain  stars  at  the  time  the 
temples  were  founded,  and  an  endeavour  to  derive  therefrom 
the  dates  of  their  foundation.  4to.  London,  1893 

:  *- Supplement.  4to.  London,  1897 

Perigal  (Henry) : 

Phases  of  Perigal's  retrogressive  kinematic  parabola,  derived 
from  the  circle.  i6mo.  London,  1894 

Perlachius  (Andreas) : 

Commentaria  ephemeridvm  .  .  .  ad  vsum  studiusorum  ita 
fideliter  conscripta,  vt  quisq;  absq;  Prjeceptore,  ex  sola 
lectione  integram  inde  artem  consequi  possit. 

4to.  Vienna)  Austria^,  155 
Perry  (Stephen  Joseph) : 

:  *Phenomena  observed  upon  the  solar  surface  from   1S81   to 

1884,  at  Stonyhurst  Obser\atory.  8vo.  London,  n.d. 

:  Life,  see  Cortie  (A.  L.). 

Peters  (C.  P.  W.) : 

*Bestimmung  der  Bahn  des  Doppelsterns  6 1  Cygni. 

4to.  Kiel,  1SS6 
Peters  (Christian  Heinrich  Friedrich): 

:  *0n  Flamsteed's  stars  '  observed,  but  not  existing.' 

4to.  Washington,  1886 

:  *Corrigenda  in  various  star  catalogues. 

4to.  Washington,  1886 
:  [Biographical  notice  of].  Svo.     [1890] 


Petrelius  (A.): 

*Tabeller  for  berakning  af  barometriska  hojdmatningar. 

8vo.  Helsingfors,  1890 

Peucer  (Caspar) : 

:  Elementa  doctrince  de  circvlis  coelestibvs,   et   primo   motv, 

recognita  et  correcta.  8vo.  Vitebergse,  1558 

:  Ditto.  8vo.  Vitebergse,  1563 

:  Hypotheses    astronomicse,    sev    theorise    planetarvm.       Ex 

Ptolemsei  et  aliorum  veterum  doctrina  ad  obseruationes 
Nicolai  Copernici,  &,  canones  motuum  ab  eo  conditos  accom- 
modatse.  8vo.  Witebergse,  1571 

Pfauzius  (Christoph),  et  Christian  Saalbach : 

Eclipsin  Terrse,  ex  principiis  prjecipue  arithmeticis  &-  geometricis 
deductam.     J^Inaiigural-Dissertation.]  4to.  Lipsise,  1674 

PhiladelpMa,  American  Philosophical  Society : 

:  Proceedings,  1884-97.     ^o\.  21-36. 

8vo.  Philadelphia,  1884-97 

:  Transactions.     New  Series,  vol.  16-19. 

4to.  Philadelphia,  1883-96 

:  Subject  register  of  papers  published  in  the  Transactions  and 

Proceedings.  8vo.  Philadelphia,  1881-89 

Philadelphia,  Franklin  Institute : 

:  Journal.     Third  series.     Vol.  88  to  (whole  series)  Vol.  145. 

8vo.  Philadelphia,  1884-98 

■ :  Index  to  the  120  volumes  from  1826  to  1885. 

8vo.  Philadelphia,  1890 
Phillips  (John) : 

*0n  the  telescopic  appearance  of  the  planet  Mars. 

8vo.  London,  1863 
(Phillips,  W.  H.) : 

Discovery  and  evidence  of  the  single  serpentine  course  of  the 
moon  round  the  sun  and  the  earth.  8vo.  London,  1883 

Philomenus  (Petrus) : 

In  algorismum  vulgarem  Johannisde  Sacrobosco  commentarius 
.  .  .  edidit  M.  Curtze.  8vo.  Hauniae,  1897 

Philosophical  Magazine : 

The  London,  Edinburgh,  and  Dublin  Philosophical  Magazine 

and  Journal  of  Science.     Conducted  by  Sir  R.   Kane,   Lord 

Kelvin,    W.    Francis,    (G.    F.     Fitzgerald).       Fifth    series. 

Vol.  18-46.  8vo.  London,  1884-98 

Phinella,  see  Finella. 

Pichereau  (A.  P.) : 

Tangentialliters  and  tangentiallites  :  a  modern  discussion. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1S94 
Pickering  (Edward  Charles) : 

:  *Heights  of  the  White  Mountains.  8vo. 

:  ^Possibility  of  errors  in  scientific  researches  due  to  thought- 

ti'ansference.  8vo. 

:  ^Observations  of  variable  stars,  1883-86. 

8vo.  Boston,  1884-87 


Pickering  (Edward  Ch.&rles)—coiitimied. 

:  *Light  of  comparison  stars  for  Vesta. 

8vo.  New  Haven,  1884 

:  *A  photographic  study  of  the  nebula  of  Orion. 

8vo.  Boston,  1885 
:   *A  new  form  of  polarimeter.  8vo.  Boston  [1885 

:   *Accurate  mountain  heights.  8vo.  [1885 

:  *Atraospheric  refraction.  8vo.  Cambridge,  1886 

:  *Comparison  of  maps  of  the  ultra  violet  spectrum. 

8vo.  New  Haven,  1886 
:  *An  investigation  in  stellar  photography  conducted  at  the 

Harvard  College  Observatory.  4to.  Cambridge,  1886 

:  A  plan  for  the  extension  of  astronomical  research. 

8vo.  Cambridge,  18S6 

:  *A  new  form  of  stellar  photometer.  8vo.  Chicago,  1895 

:  *Light  curves  of  variable  stars  determined  photometrically 

(and  new  variable  starrs).  8vo.  Chicago,  1896 

:  *The  Algol  variable  B.D. +  17°,  4367.        8vo.  Chicago,  1896 

:  *Spectra  of  bright  southern  stars.  8vo.  Chicago,  1897 

Navigation  in  fog.  8vo.  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1897 

/See  also  Harvard  College  Observatory. 
Pickering  (William  Henry) : 

:  *A  method  of  measuring  the  absolute  sensitiveness  of  photo- 
graphic dry  plates.  8vo.  Boston,  1884 

:  *The  total  solar  eclipse  of  1886.  4to.  New  York,  1887 

:  *The  Arequipa  observations  of  Mars  and  Jupiter. 

8vo.  San  Francisco,  1894 

:  *The   forms    of    the    discs   of   Jupiter's   satellites ;  Recent 

observations   of   the   satellites   of   Jupiter  ;    The    canals  of 
Mars  ;  Schiaparelli's  latest  views  regarding  Mars. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

:  *Telescope  mountings  and  domes.  8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1894 

:  *The  Harvard  Observatory  in  Peru. 

8vo.  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1894 
Pidoux  (J.) : 

*Des  mouvements  periodiques  du  sol.  8vo.  Geneve,  1892 

Pierce  (George  Winslow) : 

The  life-romance  of  an  algebraist.  8vo.  Boston,  1891 

Pihl  (Oluf  Andreas  L.) : 

:  The  stellar  cluster  x  Persei  micrometically  surveyed. 

4to.  Christiania,  1891 

:  On    occulting   micrometers   and  their   value   as   applied    to 

exact  astronomical  measurements.  4to.  Christiania,  1893 

Pinnington  (G.) : 

:  The   distances    of   the   moon,    the    planets,    and    the    sun, 

deduced  theoretically.  8vo.  Chester,  1886 

:  On  the  weight  and  density  of  the  Earth.  8vo.  n.d. 

Pitatus  (Petrus) : 

Almanach  novvm  ...  ad  annos  vndecim  incipiens  ab  anno 
Christi  MDLii.,  vsque  ad  annum  mdlxii  ....  Omnibus 
diligentissime  recognitis  et  emendatis.         4to.  Venetiis,  1552 


Pitiscus  (Bartholomseus) : 

Trigonometri.-e,  siue  de  climensione  triangulorum  libri  qvinqve, 
item  problematvm  variorv,  nempe  geoda'ticorum  altimetri- 
corum,  geographicoi^um.  gnomonicorum  et  astronomicorum 
libri  decern.  4to.  Augustie  Vindelicorum,  1600 

Pittei  (Costantino) : 

Dell'  origine,  diffusione,  e  perfezionamento  del  sistema  metrico 
decimale.  8vo.  Firenze,  1892 

Pizzetti  (Paolo): 

Gli  odierni  studii  sulla  figura  della  terra.         8vo.  Geneva,  1893 

[Planets,  Conjunction  of] : 

De  platica  conjunctione  omnium  planetarum  ;  das  ist,  Eine 
kurtze  Beschreibung  der  ZusammenkunfFt  aller  Planeten 
...   II  Decembris  1662.  4to  Augspurg,  n.d. 

Plassmann  (J.) : 

:  Beobachtungen     veranderlicher     Sterne  .  .  .  mit     Erliiute- 

rungen  und  Notizen  iiber  die  Helligkeit  der  Planeten  Yenus 
und  Uranus  und  anderer  Sterne.     Theil  1-4. 

Svo.  Miiiister,  Koln,  und  Warendorf  1888-95 

:  *Zweites  Yerzeichniss  von  Meteorbahnen.       Svo.  Koln,  1891 

Playfair  (John) : 

Outlines  of  Natural  Philosophy,  being  heads  of  lectures  de- 
livered in  the  University  of  Edinburgh.  Yol.  i,  third 
edition  :  vol.  2,  second  edition. 

2  vols.  8vo.  Edinburgh,  18 19-16 
Poche  (Guillaume) : 

Origine  des  forces  de  la  nature  ;  nouvelle  theorie,  remplac^ant 
celle  de  I'attraction.  i2mo.  Paris  (Besan9on),  n.d. 

Poggendorff's  Biographiscli-literarisches  Handworterbuch 

.  .  .    Band  3  (1858-1883),  herausgegeben  von  B.  W.  Feddersen 
und  A.  J.  von  Oettingen.  4to.  Leipzig,  1897-98 

Pogson  (13'orman  Robert) : 

:  Discoveries,  observations,  calculations,  »tc.,  made  successively 

at  London,  Oxford,  Hartwell,  and  Madras,  1847-82. 

8vo.  Madras,  1882 

•  :  Telegraphic    determinations   of   the   difference  of  longitude 

between  Karachi,  Avanshi,  Roorkee,  Pondicherry,  Colombo, 
Jaffna,  Muddapur  and  Singapore,  and  the  Government 
Observatory,  Madras.  4to.  Madras,  1884 

Poineare  (Henri) : 

Les  methodes  nouvelles  de  la  mecanique  crleste. 

3  vols.  8vo.  Paris,  1S92-99 

Tome  I.  Solutions  p^riodiques  ;  non-existence  des  int^grales  uniformes ; 
solutions  asymptotiques. 

2.  Methodes  de  Newcomb,  Gylden,  Lindstedt  et  Bohlin. 

3.  Invariants  integraux  ;    Solutions   periodiques    du    2me.  genre ; 

Solutions  doublement  asymptotiques. 

Poisson  (Simon  Denis) : 

*Memoire  sur  le  mouvement  de  la  lune  autour  de  la  terre. 

4to.  Paris  [1833] 

Pola,  Hydrographisches  Amt  der  K.  und  K.  Kriegs-Marine  : 

—  :   Veroffentlicliungen,  No.  1--5.  4t().  Pola,  1897-98 

■ — — •  :  MeteorologischeBeobafhtungen  ;  Polaund  Sebenico,  1895-98. 

obi.  fol.  Wien,  1895-98 

Polehampton  (E.),  and  J.  M.  Good  : 

Gallery  of  Nature  and  Art,  vol.  i.  Astronomy  and  Geology. 
New  edition.  8vo.  London,  1821 

Polenus  (Joannes) : 

Epistolarum  matliematicarum  fasciculus.  4to.  Patavii,  1729 

(De  idercurio  in  Sole ;  de  Solis  defectu,  Ac.) 

Pontanus  (Joannes  Jovianus) : 

:  Opera  [title  wanting].  Svo.  Venetiis  (Aldus),  1505 

:  De  rebvscci;lestibuslibri  xiiii.     Eiu.sdem  de  luna  fragmentum. 

4to.  Basile;e,  1530 
Pont^coulant  (Philippe  Gustavo  Doulcet  de),: 

*Memoire  sur  la  partie  des  coefficiens  des  gi-andes  int-galites  de 
Jupiter  et  de  Saturne,  qui  dependent  du  carre  des  forces 
perturbatrices.  4to.  Paris  [1829] 

Poor  (Charles  Lane) : 

The  action  of  Jupiter  upon  Comet  Y.  1889.  A  thesis  submitted 
to  the  Johns  Hopkins  University.  4to.  Baltimore,  1892 

Pope  (T.  A.) : 

The  total  solar  eclipse,  Jan.  22,  1898,  as  photographed  at 
Dumraon,  Shahabad  District,  Bengal.  fol.  Calcutta,  1898 

Popular  Astronomy  .  .  .  edited  i)y  W.  W.  Payne  and  Charlotte 
H.  Willard  (and  H.  C.  Wilson).     Vol.  16. 

Svo.  Noi'thfield,  Minn.,  1893-98 
Porro  (Francesco) : 

:  *Determinazione  della  latitudine  della  stazione  astronomica 

di  Termoli,  mediante  passaggi  di  stelle  al  primo  verticale. 

8\'o.  Torino,  18S7 

:  *Osservazioni  delle  comete  Finlay  e  Barnard-Hartwig  fatte 

air  equatoriale  di  ^lerz  dell'  Osservatorio  di  Torino.  [3  papers.] 

Svo.  Torino,  1887 

:  *Intorno  all'  ecclisse  totals  di  luna  del  28  Gennaio  1888. 

Svo.  Torino,  1S88 

:  *Sulla  differenza  di  longitudino  fra  gli  Osservatorii  astronomici 

di  Milano  e  di  Torino.  Svo.  Torino,  18S9 
:  *Sulle    determinazioni    di    latitudine    eseguite    negli    anni 

1888-90,     air     Osservatorio     di     Torino.        Comunicazione 

preliminare.  Svo.  Torino,  1S90 

:  Sulla  Stella  variabile  U  Orionis  (Chandler  2100). 

Svo.  Torino,  1890 
■ :  *Suir  estensione  della   legge   di  Newton   ai  sistemi  stellari 

l)iiiarii.  Svo.  Palermo,  1891 


Porter  (J.  G.),  see  Cincinnati  Observatory. 

Postel  (Guillaume) : 

De    cosmographica    disciplina,    et    signorura    coelestium    vera 
configuratione  libri  ii. 

2  parts.      i6mo.  Lugduni  Batavorum,  1636 

Potsdam,  Astrophysikalisches  Observatorium : 

:  Publicationen  ;  herausgegeben  von  H.  C.  Vogel.     Band  4-1 1. 

{Observatory.)  4^0.  Potsdam,  1885-98 

Band  4.  Vogel,  Beobachtungen  mit  dem  grossen  Refractor ;  Kempf, 
Meteorologische  Beobachtungen ;  Miiller,  Einfluss  der 
Temperatur  auf  die  Brechung  des  Lichtes  ;  Sporer,  Sonnen- 
flecken,  18S0-84;  Wilsing,  Rotationsbewegung  der  Sonne; 
Lohse,  Beschreibung  des  Heliographen. 

5.  Miiller    u.    Kempf,   Wellenlangen    von    Linien    im    Sonnen- 

spectrum ; 

6.  Kempf,     Polhohe     des     Observatoriums ;     Wilsing,    Mittlere 

Dichtigkeit  der  Erde;  Kempf,  Meteorologische  Beobach- 
tungen ; 

7.  Vogel,  Eigenbewegung  der  Sterne  im  Visionsradius ;  Scheiner, 

Spectra  der  helleren  Sterne. 

8.  Miiller,  Photometrische  und  spectroskopische  Beobachtungen; 

Lohse,  Beobachtungen  von  Mars ;  Kempf,  Nebelflecken 
und  Sternhaufen  ;  Miiller,  Helligkeitsbestimmungen  der 

9.  Miiller  u.  Kempf,  Photometrische  Durchmusterung  des  nord- 

lichen  Himmels. 
ID.  Sp5rer,    Sonnenfiecken,     1885-93  '■>     Kempf,    Meteorologische 

II.  Lohse,  Beobachtungen  von  Mars;  Scheiner,  Ausmessung  des 

Orionnebels;   Wilsing,  Parallaxe  und  Eigenbewegung  von 

61  Cygni  ;  Beobachtungen  veriinderlicher  Sterne,  1881-85; 

Miiller  und  Kempf,  Absorjotion   des   Sternenlichts   in   der 


:  Die  Koniglicnen  Observatorien  fiir  Astrophysik,  Meteorologie 

und  Geodasie  bei  Potsdam  ;  aus  amtlichem  Anlass  heraus- 
gegeben von  den  betheiligten  Directoren.      8vo.  Berlin,  i8go 

Potsdam,  Konigl.  Preuss.  Geodatisclies  Institut,  see  Berlin. 

Poynting  (J.  H.) : 

The  mean  density  of  the  Earth  ;  an  essay  to  which  the  Adams 
Prize  was  adjudged  in  1893  ^"^  ^^^  University  of  Cambridge. 

8vo.  London,  1894 
Prague,  K.K.  Sternwarte : 

:  Astronomische,  magnetische  und  meteorologische  Beobach- 
tungen im  Jahre  1883.  4to.  Prag,  1884  ' 

:    Magnetische  und  meteorologische  Beobachtungen,   1884-96. 

Jahrgang  45-57-  4^0.  Prag,  1885-97 

:  Astronomische     Beobaclitungen  .     .    .     1884,      enthaltend 

Originalzeichnungen  des  Mondes  .  .  .  von  L.  Weinek.  Ap- 
pendix zum  45  .Jahrgang.  4to.  Prag,  1886 


Prague,  KK.  Sternwarte— continued. 

:  Astronomische  Beobachtungen.     Appendix  zum  46-48  Jalir- 

gang.  4to.  Prag,  1890 
:  Ditto.     Appendix  zum  49-52  Jahrgang.  4to.  Prag,  1893 

Pratt  (Henry  P.  A.) : 

:  On   orbital    motion  :  the   outlines  of  a  system  of   physical 

astronomy.  8vo.  London,  1863 
:  An  analysis  of  astronomical  motion.  8vo.  London,  1895 

Praxis  Astronomise    utriusque  ut  et    geographic,     exercita    per 
usum  globi  coelestis  &  terrestris  turn  &:  planetolabii. 

4to.  Amstelodami,  n.d. 
Prescot  (Bartholomew) : 

The  motion  of  the  Sun  in  the  eliptic,  proved  to  be  uniform  in  a 
circular  orbit ;  and  tables  of  the  equations,  directly  and 
accurately  calculated  from  the  true  distances  ;  with  prelimin- 
ary observations  on  the  fallacy  of  the  solar  system. 

Svo.  London  [Liverpool],  1825 

Preston  (E.  D.),  and  George  Davidson  : 

*The  constant  of  aberration  as  determined  from  observations  of 
latitude  at  San  Francisco,  California. 

Svo.  Washington,  1895 
Preston  (Thomas)  : 

The  theory  of  light.  Svo.  London,  1890 

Prince  (Charles  Leeson) : 

:  Observations   upon   the   topography  and   climate   of  Crow- 

borough  Hill,  Sussex,  together  with  other  subjects  of  collate- 
ral interest.  Svo.  Lewes,  1S85 

:  *An   analysis    of   forty   years'    consecutive  observations    of 

storms  in  the  county  of  Sussex.  Svo.  London,  18S7 

Prinz  (W.) : 

:  Agrandissements  de  photographies  lunaires  [3  plates]. 

fol.  1894 

:  Photographie  des  deformations  du  soleil  couchant. 

4to.  [1S96] 

:  *Esquisses    selenologiques,    II.       Generalites   sur   certaines 

manifestations  eruptives  terrestres  d'application  possible  u  la 
selenologie.  Svo.  Bruxelles,  1897 

Pritehard  (Charles): 

:  Observations  of  the  total  solar  eclipse,  July   18,    1S60,  from 

near  Gujuli,  north  Spain.      (MS.)  fol. 

:  Optical  tables  (MS.)  fol. 

See  also  Oxford,  University  Observatory. 

Pritehard  (Ada),  J.  J.  S.  Perowne,  and  H.  H.  Turner : 

Char-les  Pritehard.  Memoirs  of  his  life,  compiled  bv  his 
daughter  Ada  Pritchai-d  ;  with  an  account  of  his  theological 
work  by  the  Lord  Bishop  of  Worcester,  and  of  his  astrono- 
mical work  by  H.  H.  Turner.  Svo.  London,  1897 


Pritcliett  (Henry  S.)  : 

Ueber  die  Verfiusterungeu  der  Saturntrabanten.      Inaugural- 
Dissertation.  4to-  Miinchen,  1S95 

Proctor  (Richard  Anthony) : 

:  Nouvel  atlas  celeste,  coinpreiiant  quatorze    cartes,    precede 

d'une  introduction  sur  IV'tude  (les  constellations  .  .  .  Traduit 
de  I'Anglais  sur  la  G'"  edition  par  Philippe  Gerigny. 

8vo.  Paris,  1886 

:  The  southern  skies  :    a  plain  and  easy  guide  to  the  constel- 
lations (if  the  Southern  Hemisphere.  4to.  London,  18S9 

Proctor  (Richard  Anthony)  and  A.  Cowper  Ranyard: 

Old  and  new  astronomy.  4to.  London,  1888 

Prowe  (Leopold)  : 

:  Zur  Biographie  von  Nioolaus  Copernicus  ...  I.  Ueber  die 

Thorner  Familien  Koppernigk  und  Watzelrode.  II.  Ueber 
die  Zeit  der  Geburt  und  des  Todcs  von  Nicolaus  Copernicus. 

4to.  Thorn,  1853 

:  Nicolaus  Copernicus  in  seinen  Beziehungen  zu  dcm  Herzoge 

Albrecht  von  Preussen.  Vortrag  gehalten  .  .  .  am  19 
Februar  1855.  8vo.  Thorn,  1855 

:  De  Nicolai  Copernici  patria.  4to.  Thoruni,  i860 

:  *Die    Abhangigkeit    des    Copernicus    von    den    Gedankeu 

griechischer  Philosophen  und  Astronomen.  8vo.  Thorn,  1865 

:  Xicolaus  Coppernicus.     Band  1  :  das  Leben.     Theil  i,  2. 

8vo.  Berlin,  1S83 

Prusol  (Joshua)  [J.  Sproul] : 

Dreams  of    my    solitude    on    the  life    and    mechanism    of    the 
heavens  and  their  liosts.  8vo.  Edinburgh,  1878 

Ptolemy  (Claudius) : 

:  Clavdii  Ptolemaei  Phelvdiensis  Alexandrini  Almagestvm  sev 

magnae  constrvctionis  matliematicae  opvs  plane  divinvm 
latina  donatvm  lingv;i  ab  Georgio  Trapezvntio  .  .  .  per 
Lvcam  (xavrievm  .   .   .  recognitvm.  fol.  Yenetiis,  15 28 

:  Mathematical    constructionis    liber    primus   gra^ce    (Jc    latine 

fditus.  Additai  explicationes  aliquot  locorum  ab  Erasmo 
Rheinholt.  8vo.  Wittebergae,  1549 

:  Claudij    Ptolemaei,     de    praedictionibus    Astronomicis,    cui 

titulum  fecerunt  Quadripartitfi  .  .  .  Pliilippo  Melanthone 
interprete.  8vo.  Basileae  [1553] 

■ :    KXav8(ou    HTuXep.aiov   HrjXmxTLeo}';    TcTpdfitfiXo'i    ori'i'Ta^is    7r/iOS 

Si'pov  a8i\(f)6i\     Tou  ai'Tov  KapTro?,  irphs  Tov  avrov  ^vpov. 

8vo.  Basileae,  1553 

:  Beobachtung  und  Beschreibung  der  Gestirne  .  .  .  von  J.  E. 

Bode.  8vo.  Berlin  und  Stettin,  1795 

:  L'  ottica  di  Claudio  Tolomeo  da  Eugenio,  ammiraglio  di  Sicilia, 

scrittore  del  secolo  xii,  ridotta  in  Latino  sovra  la  traduzione 
Araba  di  un  testo  Greco  imperfetto  .  .  .  pubblicata  da 
Gilberto  Govi.  8vo.  Torino,  1885 

:  The  Geography  of  Ptolemy  elucidated,  by  T.  G.  Rylands. 

4to.  Dublin,  1893 


Ptolemy  (Claudms)  et  Proclus : 

K/Vai;otoii  ]  I  ToAe/xatou  Wo^eVet?  .  .  .  TTypotht'ses  et  eponues 
des  planctes  de  C.  Ptolemce,  et  liypotyposes  de  Proclus 
Diadoclius  [Gr.  &  Fr.]  .  .  .  suivies  de  trois  mumoires  .  .  . 
de  M.  Ideler,  sur  les  coniioissances  astrononiiques  des 
Chaldeens,  sur  le  cycle  do  Mt'ton,  et  sur  I'ere  Persiquo  ;  et 
precedees  d'un  discours  pn'liniinaire,  et  de  deux  dissertations 
sur  les  raois  Macedoniens  et  sur  le  calendrier  Judaique  par 
M.  I'Abbe  ITalma.  4to.  Paris,  1820 

Puebla,  Colegio  Catolico  : 

:   Observaciones  meteorologicas,  afio  de  1879.  ^o^-  Puebla 

:  Resumen  de  las  observaciones  meteorol('»gicas,  1889. 

8vo.  Puebla,  1890 
Puga  (Guillermo  B.  y) : 

'•■Descripcion  del  Observatorio  astronomico  N.  de  Tacubaya. 

8vo.  Mexico,  1893 
Puissant  (Louis) : 

*Nouvelle  ni('thode  analytique  pour  determiner  les  effets  de 
I'aberration  sur  la  position  des  astres.  4to.  Paris,  1814 

Pxilkowa,  Observatoire  Central-Nicolas : 

:  Observations  de  Poulkova,  public'es  par  Otto  Struve.     Vol.  8, 

10,  12,  14.  4to.  8t.-Petersbourg,  1889-93 

Vol.  8.  Catalogue  des  utoiles  dcduits  des  observations  publiees  dans  le? 
volumes  6  et  7. 
ID.  Mesures  micrometriques  dV-toiles  doubles. 
II.  Bearbeitung     der     Kectascensionsljestimmungen     fiir     1865-0 

(A.  Wagner)  ;  Observations  faites  ;\  !a  lunette  meridienne. 
14.  Deduction  des  declinaisons  moyennes  du  catalogue  des  dtoiles 
principales  pour  1865-0  (M.  Nyren) ;  Observations  faites  au 
cercle  vertical,  1871-75. 

• :  Publications  de    .    .   .    sous  la  direction  de  Th.   Bredikhine. 

Serie  2.     Vol.  i,  2.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1893-96 
Vol.  I,  2.  Observations  faites  au  cercle  vertical  (M.  Njren). 
:  Supplement  aux  Observations  de  Pulkowa,  1-3. 

fol.  St.-Petersbourg,  1881-91 

1.  H.  Struve,  Beobachtungen  der  Satin-nstrabanten. 

2.  E.  Lindeniann,  Grossenclassen  der  Bonner  Durchmusterung. 

3.  H.  Romberg,  Catalog  von  5634  Sternen. 

:  Jahresbericht,  1883-96.  St.  Petersburg,  18S4-96 

1S94-96  in  IiURsian. 

:  Beschreibung  des  3o-z6lligen  Befractors  nnd  des  astroi^hy- 

sikalischen  Laboratoriums.  (Zum  50-jahrigen  Bestehn  der 
Nicolai-Hauptsternwarte).  fol.  St.  Petersburg,  1889 

See  also  Backlund  (O.) 

PuUen  (T.  F.)  and  W.  H.  Finlay  : 

Telegraphic  determinations  of  longitudes  on  the  west  coast  of 
Africa  .  .  .  from  observations  by  ...  T.  F.  P.  .  .  and 
.  .  .  W.  H.  F.  .  .  ;  made  and  reduced  under  the  direction 
of  D.  Gill.  fol.  London,  1891 



Purbaeh  (Georg)  [and  othei's] : 

Theoricae  novte  planetarvm  .  .  .  Francisci  Mavrolyci  compvtus 
ecclesiasticus,  siue  de  ratione  anni.  Henrici  Glareani 
Helvetii  de  geographia,  vel  rudimentorum  mathematicorum 
liber  vnus.  Svo.  Coloniae  Agrippinae,  1581 

Queensland  Branch  of  the  Geographical  Society  of  Austral- 

Proceedings  and  Transactions,  1S85-96.      Vol.  i-ii. 

Svo.  Brisbane,  1886-96 
Radau  (R.) : 

■'■'Recherches  concernant  les  inrgalites  planetaires  du  mouve- 
ment  de  la  lune.  4to.  Paris  [1892] 

Radcliffe  (Charles  Bland) : 

A  new  departure  in  science  .  .  .  being  a  second  edition  of  a 
new  chapter  in  the  story  of  nature.  Svo.  London,  1886 

Radinus  (Thomas) : 

Sideralis  abyssus.  4to.  Ticini  [15 11] 

Rajna  (Michele) : 

:  *Sul  metodo  graiico  nel  calcolo  delle  eclissi  solari. 

Svo.  Milano,  1891 

:  *Sulle  eclissi  solari  del  6  Gingno  1891  e  del  16  Aprile  1S93. 

Svo.  Milano,  1S91 

■ :  *Osservazioui  fatte  nella  R.  Specola  di  Brera  durante  I'eclisse 

di  luna  del  15  novembre  1S91,  Svo.  Milano,  iSgi 

• :  *Suir  escursione  cliurna  della  declinazione  magnetica  a  Milano 

in  relazione  col  periodo  delle  niacchie  solari.     [2  Memoirs.] 

Svo.  Milano,  1892-95 

:  *Suir  apparato  esauiinatore  di  livelle  eostruito  .  .  .  nel  1889 

per  il  R.  Osservatorio  Astronomico  di  Milano. 

Svo.  Milano,  1895 
Rambaut  (Arthur  A.) : 

■ :  *0n  the  possibility  of  determining  the  distance  of  a  double 

star  by  measures  of  the  relative  velocities  of  the  components 
in  the  line  of  sight.  Svo.  Dublin,  1S86 

:  *0n  a  mechanical  method    of    converting   hour-angle    and 

declination  into  altitude  and  azimuth,  and   of  solving  other 
problems  in  spherical  tiigonometry.  Svo.  Dublin,  18S7 

:  *0n  the  shape  of  the  eartli's  shadow  projected  on  the  moon's 

disc  during  the  partial  phases  of  an  eclipse. 

Svo.  Dublin,  1S88 

:  *A  new  determination  of  the  latitude  of  Dunsink   Observa- 
tory. 4to.  Dublin,  18S9 

• :  *]Srote  on  the  conjunction  of  Saturn  and  ]Mars  on   19  Sept. 

1889.  _  "  Svo.  Dublin,  18S9 

:  ■•■■On  a  geometrical   method   of   finding  the    most    probable 

apparent  orbit  of  a  double  star.  Svo.  Dublin,  1891 

;  *0n  the  distortion  of  photographic  star  images  due  to  re- 
fraction. Svo.  Dublin,  1893 

Rambaut  (Arthur  A.)— continued. 

:  *0n  the  position  of  Encke's  comet  as  deduced   from   plioto- 

graphs  taken  by  Mr.  W.  E.  Wilson.  8vo.  Dublin,  1S95 

:  *0n  the  rotation-period  of  the  'garnet'  spot  on  Jupiter. 

8vo.  Dublin,  1S96 

Rambaut  (Arthur  A.)  and  W.  E.  Wilson : 

*The  absorption  of  heat  in  the  solar  atmosphere. 

8vo.  Dublin,  1S92 
Ranyard  (Arthur  Cowper) : 

:  Old  and  new  astronomy,  see  Proctor  (R.A.). 

:  New  form  of   mounting   for   reflectors,   see    Hale  (G.    E.), 

AVadsworth  (F.  L.  O.). 

Raper  (Henry) : 

The  practice  of  navigation  and  nautical  astronomy.  Nineteenth 
edition.  8vo.  London,  1891 

Rasch  (Johann) : 

Cometen  Buech.  Von  deni  newen  Stern  des  73.  vnnd  von  den 
Cometen  des  77.  vnnd  81.  Jars,  auch  von  alien  aiuleren 
Cometen  vnnd  newen  Stern  erscheinungen  .  .  . 

4to.  Wien  [1582 J 
Rayet  (G.): 

:  Memoire  sur  les  raies  brillantes  du  spectre  de  ratmospht're 

solaire  et   sur   la   constitution   physique   du    soleil.     (These 
presentee  a  la  Faculte  des  Sciences,  Paris).     4to.  Paris,  1871 

:  "^Observations    pluviometriques    et    therm ometriques   faites 

dans  le  Departeinent  de  la  Gironde,   1884-97.     (Appendices 
aux  Memoires  de  la  Societe  des  Sciences  de  Bordeaux.  ) 

8vo.  Bordeaux,  1884-97 

:  Notes  sur  I'histoire  de  la  photographie  astronomique. 

8vo.  Paris,  1S87 

Reade  (T.  Mellard),  and  Fred    F    Greensted : 

*A  theory  to  account  for  the  airless  and  waterless  condition  of 
the  Moon.  8vo.  Liverpool,  1888 

Recorde  (Robert) : 

The  Castle  of  Knowledge.  4to.  London,  1556 

Rees  (John  Krom): 

*Lewis  Morris  Rutherford  Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1892 

See  also  New  York,  Columbia  College. 

Regiomontanus  (Johann  MliUer) : 

Tabule  Directionu  profectionirque  famosissimi  viri  Magistri 
Joannis  Germani  de  Regio  monte  in  Natiuitatibus  multuui 
vtiles  :  Una  cum  Tabella  sinus  recti.  Nuperrime  emendate 
(fc  complete  que  luculentissime  impresse.     4to.  Venetijs,  1504 

Repertoire    Bibliographique   des    Sciences   Mathematiques. 

Index  .  .  .  public     par      la      Commission      permanente      du 

Repertoire.  8vo.  Paris,  1893 



Repsold  (Johann  A.) : 

:  *Beschreibung    des    Durchgangsrohres   im    ersten    Vertical. 

Beschreibung  des  Heliometers.  4to.  Wien,  1896 

:  Neue  Mikrometer  von  A.  Repsold  &  Sohne.     4to.  Kiel,  1896 

:  Vermehrte  Nachrichten  iiber  die  Familie  Repsold. 

8vo.  Hamburg,  1896 
:  *Ueber  J.  G.  Repsold's  Heliotrope.  4to.  Berlin,  1897 

Kesal  (H.) : 

Traite  elementaire  de  mecanique  celeste  .  .  .  deuxieme  edition. 

4to.  Paris,  1884 
Ricco  (Annibale) : 
:  *Osservazioni  astrofisiclie  solari  eseguite  nel  R.  Osservatorio 

di  Palermo,  1883  92.  4to.  Roma,  1883-93 
:  *Grande  protuberanza  solare  dal   16  al   19  settembre  1885, 

e  sua  rapida  scompai'sa.  4to.  Roma,  1885 

. :  *Osservazioni    astrofisiclie   del   pianeta    Giove   eseguite   nel 

Regio    Osservatorio    di    Palermo.     Nota    II.     Opposizione 

1883-84.  4to.  Roma,  1885 
:  *Suir  ultimo  e  recente  massimo  delle  macchie  e  protuberanze 

solari.  4to.  Roma,  1885 

— ■ —  :  *Riassunto  delle  osservazioni  dei  crepuscoli  rossi.     Nota  1-3. 

4to.  Roma,  1885-86 
:  *Dimensioni  e  posizioni  delle  protuberanze  solari  negli  anni 

1882-84.  4to.  Roma,  1886 
:  *  Variations     periodiques    en    latitude     des     protuberances 

solaires.  4to.  Paris,  1891 
:  *Eclissi  di   luna  del    15  novembre    1891  ;   14-15  settembre 

1894  ;  5  settembre  1895.  4*°-  Roma,  1891-95 
:  *Eclisse  solare  del  16  aprile  1S93  ;  osservazioni  fatte  nel  R. 

Osservatorio  di  Catania.  4to.  Roma,  1893 
:  *Osservazioni  astrofisiche  solari  eseguite  nel  R.  Osservatorio 

di  Catania  nel  1892.  Statistica  delle  macchie.  8vo,  1893 
— —  :  *Sui  movimenti  microcosmici.  4to.  Roma,  1893 
:  *La  laA^a  incandescente    nel   cratere    centrale    dell'  Etna  e 

fenomeni  geodinamici  concomitanti.  4to.  Roma,  1894 

—  :  *Sulla  percezione  pivi  rapida  delle  stelle  piii  luminose. 

4to.  Roma,  1894 
:  *Sulla  relazione  fra  le  perturbazioni  magneticlie  e  le  macchie 

solari.  4to.  Roma,  1894 

:  *Air  Osservatorio  Etneo.  8vo.  Catania,  1895 

:  *Fotografie  della  grande  nebulosa  di  Orione. 

4to.  Roma,  1895 

:  *Photograph  of  the  nebula  near  42  Orionis. 

8vo.  Chicago,  1895 
:  *Righe  spettrali  atmosferiche  osservate  suU'  Etna,  a  Nicolosi, 

in  Catania.  4to.  Roma,  1896 

:  *Gli  Osservatorii  di  Catania  e  dell"  Etna.       4to.  Roma,  1897 

:  *Sul  lavoro  della  stazione  Internazionale  all'  Osservatorio  di 

Catania  per  la  carta  fotografica  del  cielo.       4to.  Roma,  1897 

:  *Stato  del  cratere  centrale  dell'  Etna,  1895-97. 

8vo.  Modena,  1897 

^  JO 

Riccd  (Annib&le)—contin7ie(l. 

:  *Sulla    teoria  di  Wilson    relativa    al    livello   delle   macchie 

solari.  8vo  1897 

Ricco  (Annibale)  e  G.  Saija: 

:  *Osservazioni   termometrielie    eseguite   nel   R.    Osservatorio 

Etneo.  Bvo.  Catania,  1894 

:  *Saggio  di  meteorologia  dell'  Etna.  4to.  Roma,  1896 

:  "*Risultati   delle  osservazioni   nieteorologiche  fatte   1892-96 

air  Osservatorio  di  Catania.  4to.  Catania. 

Richter  (Christopher) : 

Berichtendes  Send-Schreiben  vom  Cometen  so  im  Christmonat 
des  1664  Christen- Jahres  erschienen.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1665 

Richter  (Johannes) : 

Meridionalis  Nvncivs  :  das  ist  ein  Wunder-seltzamer  Siidischer 
Crinit-  oder  Comet-Stern  .  .  .    1664.  4to.  [Lipsiae,  1665] 

Riefler  (S.) : 

Die   Pracisions-Uhren    mit   vollkommen   freiem  Echappement 
und  neuem  Quecksilber-Compensationspendel. 

4to.  Munclien,  1S94 

Riem  (Johann) : 

Ueber  eine  friihere  Erscheinung  des  Kometen    1881  III.  Teb- 
butt ;  im  Anschluss  an  die  chinesischen  Annalen  dargestellt. 

8vo.  Gottingen,  1896 

Rigaud  (Stephen  J.) : 

A  defence  of  Halley  against  the  charge  of  religious  infidelity. 

8vo.  Ox  1844 

Riggenbach  (Albert) : 

:  Beobachtungen  iiber  die  Dammerung,  insbesondere  liber  das 

Purpurlicht    und    seine     Beziehungen     zum     Bishop'scheii 
Sonnenring.     Habilitationsschrift.  8vo.  Basel,  1SS6 

:  Die    bei    Regenmessungen     wiinschbare     und     erreichbare 

Genauigkeit.  8vo.  Basel,  1888 

:  Resultate  aus  112-jahrigen  Gewitterbeobachtungen  in  Basel. 

8vo.  Basel,  18S9 

:  Die   unperiodischen   Witterungserscheinungen    auf    Grund 

iii-jahriger  Aufzeichnungen  der  Niederschlagstage. 

8vo.  Basel,  1890 

:  Collectanea  zur  Basler  Witterungeschichte.     4to.  Basel,  1891 

" :  Witter ungs-Uebersicht,   1890-93.  8vo.  Basel,  1891-93 

:  Die  Geschichte  der  metorologischen  Beobachtungen  in  Basel. 

4to.  Basel,  1892 

:  *Die  mitteleuropaische  Zeit  und  ihre  Vorgeschichte. 

8vo.  Basel,  1893 

■ Ergebnisse  siebenjahriger  Niederschlags-Registrierungen    in 

Basel.  .ito.  Karlsruhe,  1898 


Hio  do  Janeiro,  Commissao  Explorada  do  Planalto  Central  do 
Brazil : 
Relatorio  .  .  .  por  L.  Cruls. 

4to.  (Atlas,  folio),  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1894 

Rio  de  Janeiro,  (Imperial)  Observatorio  : 

:  Annales  .  .  .  publit'es  par  L.  Cruls.     Tome  2-4. 

4to.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1883-89 

;  Revista  do  Observatorio.     Anno  1-6,  1886-91.  ^ 

4to.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1886-91 

:  Annuario,  1885-97.  8vo.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1884-96 

— —  :  Esbogo  de  uma  climatologia  do  Brazil.     H.  Morize. 

4to.  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1S91 
Histeen  (A.  D.) : 

Collection  of  measures  of  70  Ophiuchi.       8vo.  Hartford,  Conn. 

Ritchey  (G.  W.) : 

*A  support  system  for  specula.  8vo.  Chicago,  1897 

(Rivard) : 

Tafel  der  Sinusse,  Tangenten  und  Sekanten,  mit  ihren 
Logarithmen,  nebst  den  Logarithmen  der  natiirlichen  Zahlen 
von  I  bis  20000  (herausgegeben  von  L.  Unterberger). 

8vo.  Wien,  1777 

Kizzo  (G.  B.) : 

:  *Di  un  notevole  tipo  isobarieo  Subalpino.     8vo.  Torino,  1891 

:  *Variazioni  prodotte  dal  calore  in  alcuni  spettri  d'  assorbi- 

mento.  8vo.  Torino,  1891 

:  *Suir  estensione  della  legge  di  Kirchhoff  intorno  alia  reai- 

zione  fra  1'  assorbimento  e  1'  emissione  della  luce. 

8vo.  Torino,  1894 

— :  *La  durata  dello  splendere  del  sole  sull'  orizzonte  di  Torino. 

8vo.  Torino,  1896 

Roberts  (Isaac) : 

— —  :  ^Nebula  and  nova  in  Andromeda.  8vo.  Liverpool,  1885 

— :  A  selection  of  photographs  of  stars,  star  clusters,  and  nebulte, 

together  with  information  concerning  the  instruments  and 
the  methods  employed  in  the  pursuit  of  celestial  photo- 
graphy. 4to.  London  [1894] 

Rochester,  New  York,  Warner  Observatory  : 
History  and  work.     1S83-86.     Vol.  i. 

8vo.  Rochester,  N.Y.,  1887 
Rogers  (J.) : 

A  dissertation  on  the  knowledge  of  the  ancients  in  astronomy 
and  optical  instruments;  [&c.]  8vo.  London,  1755 

Rogers  (William  AO  : 

*Catalogue  of  1 2 1 3  stars  observed  at  the  Astronomical  Obser- 
vatory of  Harvard  College  .  .  .  during  the  years  1870  to 
1879.  .  .  .  4to.  Cambridge,  1884 

See  also  Harvard  College  Observatory. 
Rogers  (William  A.),  and  C.  H.  McLeod  : 

The  Longitude  of  the  McGill  College  Obser\'atory  [Montreal]. 

4to.  Montreal,  1886 


Eohault  ( ) : 

A  treatise  of   meclianicks  .  .  .    done  out  of  French  ...  by 
Thomas  Watts.  8vo.  London,  1716 

Romanus  (Adrian) : 

Speculum    astronomicum,    sive   organum    forma    mappaj     ex- 
pressum.  4to.  Lovanii,  1606 

Romberg  (Hermann) : 

:  Genaherte  (Jrter  der  Fixterne  von  welchen  in  der  Astrono- 

mischen  Nachrichten,  Band  67  bis  112,  selbststtindigeBeobach- 
tungen  angefiihrt  sind,  fiirdie  Epochs  1855  hergeleitet.   .  .  . 

4to.  Leipzig,  1866 
See  also  Pulkowa,  Observatoire. 

Rome,  Aceademia  Pontifieia  de'  nuovi  Lincei: 

Atti.    Anno  35-51  (1882-9S).  4to.  Roma,  1883-98 

Rome,  Collegio  Romano) : 

Eclisse   solare    del    di    xi.   Febl)rajo  mdccciv.,    osservata  nella 
Specola  Astronomica  dell'  Universita  Gregoriana. 

4to.  Roma 
Rome,  Pontifieia  Universita  Gregoriana  : 

Vol.  21-28.  fol.  Roma,  1884-89 

Rome,  Reale  Aecademia  dei  Lincei : 

:  Atti.     Serie  3  :  Memorie  della  classe  di  scienze  tisiche,  mate- 

matiche  e  naturali.     Vol.  14-19.  4to.  Roma,  1883-84 

Serie  4.     Vol.  1-6.  4to.  Roma,  1885-89 

Atti.    Serie  4.    Rendiconti.    Vol.  1-7.     4to.  Roma,  1884-91 
Serie  5.     Vol.  1-7.  4to.  Roma,  1892-98 

Rome,  R.  Osservatorio  del  Campidoglio  : 

*  Osservazioni     meteorulogiehe     fatte    .    .    .    dal     Luglio     al 
Dicembre  1884.  4to.  Roma,  1885 

• :  *Catalogo  delle  ascensioni  rette  media  pel  i89o'o  di  2438  stelle 

comprese  fra  1'  equatore  ed  il  parallelo    So*^  nord  ;  e  di  45 
stelle  australi  ...  da  A.  di  Legge  e  F.  Giacomelli. 

4to.  Roma,  1894 
Rome,  Societa  degli  Spettroscopisti  Italiani : 

Memorie  .  .  .   Raccolte    e  publjlicate   per    cura  del    Prof.    P. 
Tacchini.     Vol.  13-27.  4to.  Roma,  1884-98 

Rome,  Specola  Vaticana : 

Pubblicazioni,  vol.  1-4.  4to.  Roma  e  Torino,  1S91-94 

See  aho  Denza  (F.) 

Rome,     U£B.cio     centrale     Meteorologico      e     Geodinamico 
Italiano : 

Annali,  Serie  2.     Vol.  4-16.  4to.  Roma,  1884-96 

Roscoe  (Henry  E.) : 

Spectrum    Analysis    .    .    .    fourth    edition    ...    by    Arthur 
Schuster.  Svo.  London,  1885 

Rosenberger  (Ferdinand) : 

Isaac  Newton  und  seine  physikalischen  Principien  ;  eiu  Haupt- 
stiick  aus  der  Entwickelungsgeschichte  der  modernen  Physik. 

8vo.  Leipzig,  1895 


Kosse  (Earl  of) : 

*The  radiant  heat  from  the  :Mooa  during  the  progress  of  an 
eclipse.  8vo.  London,  1895 

Rotch  (A.  Lawrence) : 

Results  of  meteorological  observations  made  at  the  Blue  Hill 
Meteorological  Observatory,  Readville,  Mass.,  1886. 

4to.  Boston,  1887 
Kousdon  Observatory,  Devon : 

Astronomical  Observations,  1882-85.     Meteorological  Observa- 
tions for  the  year  1885-88.  4to.  London,  1886  89 
Routh  (E.  J.) :  Newton's  Principia,  see  Brougham  and  Routh. 

Riidiger  (Christian  Friedrich) : 

:  Analysis  trigonometrica  commoda  atque  facilis  problematis 

astronomici,  data  ascensione  recta  et  declinatione  cuiuslibet 
stellae,  longitudinem  eius  et  latitudinem  atque  vicissim  deter- 
minare.     [Inaugural  Dissertation.]  4to.  Lipsiae,  1790 

:  Darstellung  der  neuen  Methode  des  Herrn  du  Sejour  Sonnen- 

und  Mondfinsternisse  .  .  .  zu  berechnen,  nebst  einem 
Entwurf  der  8onnenfinstei'niss  am  31  Januar  1794  nach 
Lambert.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1794 

:  Astronomische     Anzeige    und    Beschreibung    der     grossen 

tSonnenfinsterniss  .  .  11  Februar  1804  .  .  .  auch  der  selbigev 
vorausgehenden  Mondtinsterniss.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1804 

Rugby  School  Natural  History  Society  : 

Report.     1884-97. 

{Society.)  8vo.  Rugby,  1885-98 

Russell  (Henry  Chamberlaine) : 

■:  *]Srew  double  stars.  8vo.  Sydney,  1884 

:  *Anniversary  Address  (Roy.  Soc.  of  N.  S.  Wales). 

8vo.  Sydney,  1885 
:  *Local  variations  and  vibrations  of  the  earth's  surface. 

8vo.  Sydney,  1886 
:  *0n  the  increasing  magnitude  of  7;  Argus.    8vo.  Sydney,  1888 

:  *Astronomical    and   meteorulogical  workers  in  New  South 

AVales,  1778-1860.  8vo.  Sydney,  1888 
:  *The   progress   of    astronomical   photography    (Presidential 

Address,  Australasian  Association).  8vo.  Sydney,  1888 

• :  *Proposed  method  of  recording  variations  in  the  direction  of 

the  vertical.  8vo.  Sydney,  1888 

:  *0n  a  new  self-recording  thermometer.        8vo.  Sydney,  188S 

• :  *The  storm  of  21st  Sept.  188S  ;  The  thunderstorm  of  26th 

Oct.    1888  ;  A  cyclonic  storm    or   tornado   in   the   Gwydir 

district.  8vo.  Sydney,  1888-91 
:  *President's  address  at  the  tirst  meeting  of  the  Australasian 

Association.  8vo.  Sydney,  1889 
:  Photographs  of  the  Milky  Way  and  Nubeculje,  taken  at  the 

Sydney  Observatory.  fol.  Sydney,  1890 
:  ^'Preparations    now    being    made   in    Sydney    Obser^•atory 

for  the  photographic  chai't  of  the  heavens. 

8vo.  Sydney,  1891 


Russell  (Henry  Chamberlaine)— co;ii!i;ntec?. 

:  Results  of  double  star  measures  made  at  Sydney  Observa- 
tory. 8vo.  Sydney,  1891 

:  Description  of  the  star  camera  at  the  Sydney  Observatory. 

4to.  Sydney,  1892 

:   Observations  of  the   transit   of  Venus,  9   December   1874  ;. 

made  at  stations  in  New  South  Wales  .  .  .  under  the: 
direction  of  H.C.R.  .  .  .  4to.  Sydney,  1892 

:  ^'President's  Address  (Roy.  Soc  of  N.  S.  Wales). 

8vo.  Sydney,  1S92 

:  A  chart  of  [southern]  circumpolar  stars.     [With  description 

8vo.]  Sydney,  1894 

:  *The  meteor  of  June  27th,  1894.  8vo.  Sydney,  1894 

:  *Recent  measures  of  double  stars  made  at  Sydney,  1891-95. 

4to.  Kiel,  1894  96 

:  *Design  for  a  photographic  transit  circle. 

Svo.  Brisbane,  1895 
See  also  Ellery,  Russell  and  Todd. 

Russell  (Samuel  Marcus) : 

Discussion  of  astronomical  records  in  ancient  Chinese  Books. 

Rutherfurd  (Lewis  Morris),    see   New    York,  Columbia    College 
Observatory  ;  Rees  (J.  K.). 

Rydzewski  (A.): 

*Sur  quelques  applications  de  I'Hodographe  de  Hamilton. 

Svo.  Paris,  1S9S 
Rylands  (Thomas  Glazebrook) : 

The  Geography  of  Ptolemy  elucidated.  4to.  Dublin,  1893 

Sacrobosco  or  Sacrobusto  (Joannes  de) : 

:  Opus  Sphericum   magistri   Joanis   de   Sacro   busto   natione- 

angli  magistrique  Parrhisiensis,  tiguris  verissime  exculptis  et 
interptatoe  familiari  ad  comoditate  desiderantiii  iuciidissima 
Artis  Astronomice  callere  pncipia  pulcherrime  &  iterata 
recognitOe  illustratu.  4to.  Colonia^,  1508- 

:  Sphaera  Mundi.  4to.  Venetiis,  1519 

:  Annotationi  sopra  la  lettione  della  Spera  del  Sacro  Bosco  .  .  . 

authore  M.  Mauro  Fiorentino.  4to.  Firenze,  1550 

;  Sph;era   loannis  de  Sacro  Bosco    emendata  .  .   .    Interserta 

eiiam  sunt  FAi-x  A'ineti  Santonis  egregia  scholia  in  eandeni 
spha^ram  .  .  .  et  Petri  Nonii  .  .  demonstratione.  .  . 

Svo.  Antwerpiae,  1566 

:  Sphicra    loannis   de    Sacro    Bosco   emendata.     Elije    Vineti 

Santonis  scholia  in  eandem  Sphieram  .  .  .  adiunximus  huic 
libro  compendium  in  spha-ram  per  Pierium  Valerianum 
Bellunensem  ;  et  Petri  Nonij  Salaciensis  demonstrationem 
.  .  .  de  ina^quali  climatum  latitudine.  .  .   . 

Svo.  Venetiis,  1586 

:  Sphaera    loannis    de    Sacrobosco    emendata.     Elite   Vineti 

Santonis   scholia  in  eande  spha-ra,  ab  ipso  authore  restituta 


Sacrobosco  or  Sacrobusto  (Joannes  de)—contimicd. 

.  .   Adiunxiiaus   huic  libro  compendium    in  Splia?ram  per 
P.  Valerianum  .   .   .  et  Petri  Nonii  .   .   .  demonstrationera. 

8vo.  Colonise,  1591 

;  Petri  Philomeni  de  Dacia  in  algorismum  vulgarem  Johannis 

de  Sacrobosco  commentarius  :  una  cum  algorismo  ipso  edidit 
et  prefatus  est  M.  Curtze.  8vo.  Hauniae,  1897 

See  also  Oresme  (N.) 
Safford  (Truman  Henry) : 

:  The  Williams  College  catalogue  of  north  polar  stars,  Right 

Ascension  for  1885-0.  4to.  Williamstown,  Mass.,  1888 

:  The    development    of    astronomy    in     the    United    States. 

(Anniversary  Address,  Observatory  of  Williams  College.) 

8vo.  Williamstown,  Mass.,  1888 

St.  Louis,  Washington  University  : 

The  total  eclipse  of  the  Sun,  January  i,  1889.  A  report  of  the 
observations  made  by  the  Washington  University  eclipse 
party,  at  Xorman,  California.  4to.  Cambridge,  1891 

St-  Petersburg,  Academie  Impdriale  des  Sciences : 

Bulletin.     Tome  29-36.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1884-93 

Serie  5.     Tome  1-7.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1894-97 

Memories,  Serie  7.     Tome  32,  No.  3 — Tome  42,  No.    10. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1888-94 
: Serie  8.     Tome  5,  No.  11.        4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1897 

[The  astronomical  papers  only.] 

St.  Petersburg  Observatoire  de  I'Universite  Imp^riale  : 

Bibliotheca     Speculae     Imperialis     Literarum     Universitatis. 
Catalogus  librorum.  8vo.  Petropoli,  1888 

St.  Petersburg,  Society  Astronomique  B-usse: 

Izvyestiya  [Bulletin],  1892-97.       8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1892-97 

Salet  (Georges): 

Traite  elementaire  de  Spectroscopie.  Fasc.  i. 

sq.  8vo.  Paris,  1888 
Sanchez  (Alberto) : 

La  cornoide.  8vo.  San  Salvador,  1895 

San  Fernando,  Institute  y  Observatorio  de  Marina  : 

■ •  :  Almanaque  Nautieo  .  .  .  Calculado  de  orden  de  la  superio- 

ridad.   1886-99.  4to.  Barcelona  y  Madrid,  1884-97 

:  Anales    .    .     .     seccion    2.       Observaciones    meteorologicas, 

1883-85.  fol.  San  Fernando,  1884-86 

:  Catalogo  de  la  Biblioteca.  4to.  San  Fernando,  1889 

San  Francisco,  Astronomical  Society  of  the  Pacific  : 

Publications,  vol.  i-io.  8vo.  San  Francisco,  1889-98 

Santbech  (Daniel): 

Problematvm    Astronomicorvm    et    geometricorvm     sectiones 
septem.  fol.  Basile*,  1561 

Santiago  de  Chile,  Observatorio  Astronomico : 
Observaciones  meteorolqjicas,  1873-84. 

8vo.  Santiago,  1884-85 


Sarrus  (F.) : 

*Description  d'un  astrolabe  construit  a  Maroc  en  I'an  1208. 

4to.  Strasboui'g,  1S52 

Saunier  (Claudius): 

:  The  watchmakers'  hand-book.     English  edition,  ti'anslated, 

revised,  and  considerably  augmented,  by  Julien  Tripplin  and 
Edward  Rigg.  Svo.  Loudon,  1882 

:  Treatise  on  modern  horology  in  theory  and  practice,  Trans- 
lated from  the  French  ...  by  Julien  Tripplin  and  Edward 
Rigg.     Second  edition.  Svo.  London,  n.d. 

Sawyer  (Edwin  F.): 

:  *Some  account  of  a  new  catalogue  of  southern  stars. 

Svo.  Salem,  1S86 

:  *Catalo2;ue  of  the  magnitudes  of  southern  stars. 

4to.  Camliridge  [Mass.],  1S93 
Saya  (G.): 

*Nuova    proiezione   polare  per  planisferi  celesti,  e  sue  appli- 
cazioni.  4to.  Roma,  1896 

Schaeberle  (John  Martin) : 

:  *Lateral  astronomical  refraction.         Svo.  New  Haven,  1884 

:  *A  mechanical  theory  of  the  solar  corona. 

Svo,  Sacramento,  iSgi 

:  '^'Preliminary   note   on   terrestrial    atmospheric    absorption 

of  the  photograi^hic  rays  of  light,  and  magnitudes  of  Nova 
Aurigse  corrected  for  absorption.  4to.  Boston,  1892 
:  ''-'Description  of  the  forty-foot  telescope  of  the  Lick  Observa- 
tory eclipse  expedition.                  Svo.  ISTorthfield,  Minn.,  1893 

:  *Preliminary  note  on  a  mechanical  theory  of  comets. 

4to.  jMjston,  1893 

:  *The  region  of  the  Lacus  Solis  on  Mars. 

Svo.  ISTorthfield.  Minn.,  1894 

:  *Mechanical  causes  of  the  formation,  motion  and  periodicity 

of  the  Sun-spots.  Svo.  Northtield,  Minn.,  1S94 

:  '*Description  of  a  new  Cassegrainian  telescope,  equatorially 

mounted,  having  an  equivalent  focal  length  of  250  feet, 

Svo.  San  Francisco,  1895 

:  ''''Planetary  photography  with  a  reflecting  telescope. 

Svo.  Northtield,  Minn.,  1896 

:   '''Five  papers  on  aberration  of  paraljolic  mirrors,  itc. 

4to.  Boston,  1896-98 

:  *Theoretical    cause   of    the   failure   of    parabolic    reflecting 

telescopes  of  large  aperture.         Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1897 

:  *0n  the  definition  and  intensity  of  a  star's  image  in  the  field 

of  view  of  a  parabolic  reflecting  telescope. 

Svo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1S98 
Schanz  (Dr.) : 

Die  astronomischen  Anschauungen  des  Nicolaus  von  Cusa  und 
seiner  Zeit.     [University  Programme.]      4to.  Rottweil,  1S73 

Schaubach  (^  Johann  Konrad) : 

Geschichte  der  griechischen  Astronomic  bis  auf  Eratosthenes. 

Svo.  Gottingen,  1S02 


Seheiner  (Julius) : 

:  Untersuchungen  viber   den  Lichtwechsel   Algols,   nach  den 

Maniiheimer  Beobachtuiigen  ^  on  Professor  Schonfeld  in  dea 
Jahren  1869-75.  8vo.  Bonn,  1882 

:  Die  Spectralanalyse  der  Gestirne  .  .  .   Mit  einem  Vorworte 

von  H.  C.  Vogel.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1890 
:  A  treatise  on  Astronomical  Spectroscopy  ;  being  a  transla- 
tion of  '  Die  Spectralanalyse  der  Gestirne  .  .  .'  translated, 
revised  and  enlarged,  with  the  cooperation  of  the  Author,  by 
Edwin  B.  Frost.                          8vo.  Boston  and  London,  1894 

:  Die  Photographic  der  Gestirne. 

8vo.  (Atlas  folio),  Leipzig,  1897 
Schellen  (Heinrich)  : 

Spectrum  Analysis  in  its  application  to  teiTestrial  sul)stances 
and  the  physical  constitution  of  the  heavenly  bodies  .  .  . 
Second  edition  (edited,  with  notes,  by  Capt.  W.  de  W. 
Abney).  8vo.  London,  1S85 

Sclienkel  (Hans) : 

Kritisch-historische  Untersuchung  iiber  die  Theorie  der  Gam- 
niafunction  und  Euler'schen  Integrale.  Inaugural-Disserta- 
tion. 8vo.  Uster-Ziirich,  1 894 

Schiaparelli  (Giovanni  Virginio) : 

:  *Osservazioni  astronomiche  e  fisiche  sull'  asse  di  rotazione  e 

sulla  topografia  del  pianeta  Mai'te  (1881-82)  .  . .  Memoria  III. 

4to.  Roma,  1886 

• :  *Osservazioni  sulle  stelle  doppie,  serie  prima,  fol.  Milano,  1888 

:  De  la  rotation  de  la  terre  sous  I'influence  des  actions  geo- 

logiques.  8vo.  St.-Petersbourg,  1889 
:  *(Jsservazioni  astronomiche  e  fisiche  sull'  asse  di  rotazione  e 

sulla  topografia  del  pianeta  Marte  (1883-84).      Memoria  IV. 

4to.  Roma,  1896 

:  *Rubra  canicula  ;  considerazioni  sulla  mutazione  di  colore 

che  si  dice  avvenuta  in  Sirio.  8vo.  Rovereto,  1896-97 

:  *Osservazioni  astronomiche  e  fisiche  sull'  asse  di  rotazione  e 

sulla  topografia  del  pianeta  Marte  (opposizione  del  1886). 
Memoria  V.  4to.  Roma,  1897 

Sp.e  also  ]\Iilan,  R.  Osservatorio  di  Brera. 

Schickhard  (Willielm) : 

Beschreibung  desz  Wunder  Zaichens,  welches  Montags  dem 
25  Januarij  .  .  dieses  eingehenden  1630  Jahrs  .  .  gesehen 
worden.  4to.  1630 

Schilling  (C.) :  see  Olbers,  W. 

Schiotz  (O.  E.): 

Resultate  der  im  Sonnuer  1893  in  dem  ndrdlichsten  Theilo 
Norwegens  ausgefiihrten  Pendelbeobachtungen,  nebst  einer 
Untersuchung  iiber  den  Einfluss  von  Bodenerschutterungen 
auf  die  Schwingungszeit  eines  Pendels.  (Norwegische  Com- 
mission der  Europaischen  Gradmessung.) 

Svo.  Kristiania,  1894 


Schmidt  (August)  : 

Die    Strahlenbrecliuiiu    auf    die    Sonne  ;     eiii     geometrischer 
Beitrag  zur  Sonnenjiliyiiik.  Svo.  Stuttgart,  1891 

Schobloch  (Anton) : 

•'•Definitive  Bahnbestimmung  des  Cometen  1870  IT. 

4to.  Kie),  1896 

Schonborn  (Bartolemseus) : 

:  Compvtvs,  -sel  calendarivni  astrononiicvni,  continens  prajcipv- 

arvm  partivm  temporis  descriptiones.     Svo.  Witebergse,  1567 

:  Compvtvs    astronomicus,     in     qvo     pnecipvarvin     partivm 

ten)poris  descriptiones,  a  niotu  co*lestiuni  corporum  deductte, 
vna  cum  forma  calendarij  vsitata,  exponuntur. 

8vo.  Witebergpe,  1579 

Schoner  (Joannes) : 

:  Globi  stelliferi,  sive  sphaerae  stellarum  fixaru  usus,  &  explica- 

tiones,  quibus  quicquid  de  prime  mobili  deraonstrari  solet,  id 
uniuersum  prope  continetur,  Directionum  aute  ipsarum  quas 
uocant,  ratio  accuratiss.  est  exposita.   4to.  Norinibergje,  1533 

:  De   Ivdiciis  Nativitatvm  libri   tres.  .  .  .   Item  praefatio  D. 

Philippi  Melanthonis.  fol.  Norimberga?,  1545 

Schonfeld  (Eduard) : 

:  Bonner  Sternkarten,  zvveite  Serie  :   Atlas  der  Himmelszone 

z'wischen  1°  und  23°  siidlicher  Declination,  fiir  den  Anfang 
des  Jahres  1855  .  .  .  Auf  der  Koniglichen  Stern warte  zu 
Bonn  bearbeitet.  .   .   .  fol.  Bonn,  1887 

See  also  Bonn,  Sternwarte. 

Schorr  (Richard) : 

:  Untersuchungen    iiber   die    Bewegungsverluiltnisse    in    dem 

dreifachen    Sternsysteme    ^    Scorpii.       Inaugural-Disserta- 
tion. 4to.  Miinchen,  18S9 
- — —  :  *Beobachtungen     von     Cometen     und     kleinen     Planeten 
angestellt  auf  der  Sternwarte  zu  Hamburg,  1882-96. 

4to.  Kiel,  1893-97 
Schott  (Gaspar) : 

:  Pantometrvm  Kircherianvm,  ad  Serenissimvm  Christianvra 

dvcem  Megapolitanvm  explicatum. 

4to.  [Mecklenburg],  1668 

:  Cursus    Mathematicus,    absoluta    omnium    mathematicarum 

disciplinarum  Encyclopaedia,  in  Libros  xxviii.  digesta. 

fol.  Francofurti  ad  Moeaum,  1699 

Schram  (Robert): 

:  *Reductionstafeln  fiu-  den  Oppolzer'schen  Finsterniss- Canon, 

zum  iJbergang  auf  die  Ginzel'schen  empirischen  Cori-ec- 
tionen.  4to.  Wien,  1889 

:  *Auslandisclie  Stimmen  iiber  die  Adria-Zeit. 

Svo.  Wien,  n.d. 

:  *Adria-Zeit.  i2mo.  Wien,  1889 

— ■■ —  :  *The  actual  state  of  the  standard  time  question. 

Svo.  London,  1S90 

:  La  zona  oraria  dell'  Adriatico.  i6mo.  Trieste,  1890 


Schram  (ILohert)—contlnticd. 

:  Ueber     das      Stundenzonen-System     der      amerikanischen 

Eisenbahnen.  4*0-  Wien,  1890 

See  also  Seweil  (R.) 

Schreckenfuchs  (Erasmus  Oswaldtis) : 

Comraentaria  in  ISTouas  Theoricas  Planetarum  Georgii 
Purbachii,  quas  etiam  brevibvs  tabvlis  pro  eliciendis  turn 
medijs  turn  ueris  motibus  omnium  Planetarum,  Item  tabulis 
coniunctionum  &  oppositionum  ao  eclipsium  luminarium  ad 
summum  illustrauit,  lucemq.  maximam  ijs  adiecit. 

fol.  Basilea?,  1556 

Schroeder  (Hugo) : 

Die  Elemente  der  photographischen  Optik,  enthaltend  eine 
gemeinverstandliehe  Darstellung  der  Einrichtung  photo- 
graphischer  Linsensysteme,  sowie  Angabe  liber  Priifung 
derselben.  8vo.  Berlin,  1891 

Schubert  (E.) : 

:  Tables    of    Melpomene    .    .    .    computed  for  the   American 

Ephemeris  and  Nautical  Almanac.       4to.  Washington,  i860 
:  Tables    of    Eunomia    .     .     .    computed   for   the   American 

Ephemeris  and  Nautical  Almanaer       4to.  Washington,  1866 

Sehulhof  (L.) : 

:  *Recherches  sur  I'orlnte  de  la  comete  1873  ^'^H-     (Coggia- 

Winnecke).  8vo.  Paris,  1886 

:  *Sur  les  grandes  perturbations  des  cometes  periodiques. 

8vo.  Paris,  1891 
Schultz  (Hermann) : 

*'Mikrometrische  Bestimmung  einiger  teleskopischen  Stern- 
haufen.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1886 

Schultz-Steinheil  (C.  A.): 

^Definite  Bahnelemente  des  Kometen  1840  IV. 

4to.  Stockholm,  1890 

Sehur  (Wilhelm) : 

:  *Untersuchungen  iiber  den  Verlauf  der  systematischen  Cor- 

rectionen  bei  den  Messungen  kleiner  Distanzen  am  Helio- 
meter.  4to.  Kiel,  1893-97 

:  *Ueber  den  von  Prof.  Newcomb  gemachten  Vorschlag  die 

Oppositionen  der  grossen  Planeten  an  Heliometern  zu  beo- 
bachten.  4to.  Kiel,  1894 

:  *Bestimmung  der  Parallaxe  des  Sterns  i//"'  (56)  Aurigse. 

4to.  Kiel,  1894 

:  *Untersuchungen    iiber    die    Bahn    des    Doppelsterns     70 

Ophiuchi.     Zweite  Abhandlung.  4to  Kiel,  1894 

:  *Beobachtungen    der    veriinderlichen    Sterne    8    Cephei,  77 

Aquike  und  /3  Lyra\  4to.  Kiel,  1895 

:  *Weitere    Mittheilung    iiber    die   Ergebnisse    von    Pendel- 

messungen  bei  Gottingen.  4to.  Gottingen,  1895 

:  *Heliometer  [from  Valentiner's  '  Handworterbuch  der  Astro- 
nomic'].  Svo.  Breslau,  1897 


Schur  (Wilhelra)— continued. 

:  *Ueber  die  Abplattung  des  Planeten  INlars. 

8vo.  Gottingen,  1S97 

:  >See  also  Gcittingen,  K.  Sternwartc. 

Schurig  (Richard) : 

Tabula?  caelestes,  continentes  omnes  stellas  caeli  borealis,  nec- 
non  australis  nudis  oculis  couspicuas.  Himmels- Atlas, 
enthaltend  alle  mit  blossen  Augen  sichtbareii  Sterne  beider 
Heiiiispliaeren.  fol.  Leipzig,  1886 

S[chwartz]  (C.  G.) : 

Memoire  explicatif  sur  la  sphere  Caucasienne,  et  specialement 
svir  le  zodiaque,  on  Ton  prouv'e  que  ce  dernier  monument, 
sous  quelque  forme  qu'il  puisse  se  presenter,  doit  etre  juge 
indigne  de  toute  attention  de  la  part  des  Astronomes  et  des- 
Archeologues.  4to.  Paris,  181 3 

Schwarz  (L.) : 

Eine  Studie  auf  dem  Gebiete  der  practischen  Astronomie. 

4to.  Dorpat,  1S89 
Schwedoflf  (Theodor)  : 

*Les  mouvements  cycloniques.  Svo.  Paris,  1S87 

Schweizer  (Gr.) : 

:  *Uber  den  im  August  1S47  in  Moskau  entdeckten  Kometen. 

Svo.  Moscau,  1S49 

:  *Ueber  das  Sternschwanken.  Svo.  Moskau,  1858 

:  *TJeber  die  in  der  iSTaehe  der  Sonnenraender  beobachteten 

Flecken  und  Fackeln  vor  und  nach  der  totalen  SonnenBnster- 
niss  des  18  Juli  i860.  8vo.  Moskau,  i860 

:  *Ueber  den  grossen  Juli-Kometen  des  Jahres  1861. 

8vo.  Moskau,  1862 

:  *Beobachtungen  des  Kometen  II.  1862.     Svo.  Moskau,  1863 

Schwoerer  (Emile) : 

*Le  milieu  interstellaire  et  la  physique  moderne. 

Svo.  Paris,  1SS9 
Science:    an  illustrated  Journal.     Vol.  4- 7. 

4to.  Cambridge,  U.S.,  18S5-86 

Science  Observer  (the).     -iSTo.  47~5o- 

Svo.  Boston  (Mass.),  18S4-87 
Scott  (Robert  H.) : 

*The  History  of  the  Kew  Observatory,  Richmond,  Surrey. 

Svo.  London,  1SS5 
Scott  (Robert  H.),  and  Richard  H.  Curtis  : 

*  On  the  working  of  the  harmonic  analyser  at  the  Meteorologi- 
cal Office.  Svo.  London,  1886 

Searle  (Arthur) : 

:  *The  phases  of  the  moon.  Svo.  Boston,  1884 

:  *The  apparent  position  of  the  zodiacal  light. 

4to.  Cambridge  [U.S.],  1S85 

:  ^'Atmospheric  economy  of  solar  radiation. 

Svo.  Boston  [1S88] 


Sedillot  (L.  P.  E.  Am6dee) : 

:  *Recherches  nouvelles  pour  servir  a  I'histoire  des  sciences 

mathumatiques  chez  les  Orientaux.  4to.  Paris,  1837 

:  Prolegomenes  des  tables  astronomiques  d'Oloug-Beg,  public's 

avec  notes  et  variantes,  et  precedes  d'une  introduction. 

Svo.  Paris,  1847 

:  Prolegomenes  des  tables  astronomiques  d'Oloug-Beg.     Tra- 
duction et  commentaire.  Svo.  Paris,  1853 

See  (Thomas  Jefferson  Jackson) : 

:  On  the  law  of  attraction  in  the  stellar  systems  :  a  method 

proposed  V)y  which  the  spectroscope  can  be  applied  rigorously 
to  test  the  universality  of  the  law  of  Newton. 

4to.  Berlin,  1890 

:  Die   Entwickelung  der   Doppelstern-Systeme.       Inaugural- 
Dissertation.  4to.  Berlin,  1893 

:  Researches  on  the  evolution  of  the  stellar  systems.     Yol.  i. 

On   the  universality   of  the   law  of  gravitation  and  on  the 
orbits  and  general  characteristics  of  binary  stars. 

4to.  Lynn.,  Mass.,  1896 

Seeliger  (Hugo) : 

:  *Ueber  die  Vertheilung  usr  Sterne  auf  der  nordlichen  Halb- 

kugel  nach  der  Bonner  Durchmusterung. 

Svo.  Miinchen,  1884 

:  *Bemerkungen  zu  Zullner's  '  Photometrischen  Untersuchun- 

gen.'  Svo.  Leipzig,  1886 

:  *Ueber  den  Einfluss  dioptrischer  Fehler  des  Auges  auf  das 

Resultat  astrononiischer  IMessungen.  4to.  Miinchen,  1886 

:  *Ueber  die  Vertheilung  der  8terne  auf  der  siidlichen  Halb- 

kugel  nach  Schonfeld's  Durchmusterung. 

Svo.  Miinchen,  1886 

:  *Zur  Theorie  der  Beleuchtung  der  grossen  Planeten,   insbe- 

sondere  des  Saturn.  4to.  Miinchen,  18S7 

:  *rortgesetzte  Untersuchungen  iiber  das  mehrfache    Stern- 
system  4  Cancri.  4to.  Miinchen,  188S 

■ :  *Zur  Photometrie  zerstreut  reflectirender  Substanzen. 

Svo.  Miinchen,  1888 

:  *Ueber  optische  L^'ngleichheiten  in  der  Bewegung  der  Doppel- 

sterne.  Svo.  Miinchen,  1889 

:  *Ueber    die    interpolatorische    Darstellung    einer    Function 

durch  eine  nach  Kugelfunctionen  fortschreitende  Reihe. 

Svo.  Miinchen,  1S90 

:  ^Notiz  iiber  die  Strahlenbrechung  in  der  Atmospluire  :  Ueber 

die  Extinction  des  Lichtes  in  der  Atniosphare. 

Svo.  Miinchen.  1891 

:  *Ueber     Zusammeiistusse    und    Theilungen    planetarischer 

Massen.  4to.  Miinchen,  1S91 

:   Ueber   allgemeine    Probleme    der    Meehanik    des    Himmels 

(Festrede).  4to.  Miinchen,  1S92 

:  *Theorie  der  Beleuchtung  staubformiger  kosmischer  Massen, 

insbesondere  des  Saturnringes.  4to.  Miinchen,  1893 

:   -'Ueber  den  vierfachen  Stern  (  Cancri.     Svo.  ^Miinchen,  1S94 


Seeliger  ('H.xigo)—contiinied. 

:  *Maxwell  unci  Hirn's  Untersuchuiigen  iiher  die  Constitution 

cles  Saturnringes.  Svo.  Miinchen,  1894 

:  *Uber  das  Newton'sche  Gravitationsgesetz. 

Svo.  Miinchen,  i8g6 

:  ■*Die  scheinbare  Vergrosserung  des  Erdschattens  bei  i\Iond- 

Unsternissen.  4to.  Miinchen,  1S96 

See  also  Munich,  K.  Sternwarte. 

Segner  (Johann  Andreas  von)  : 

Astronomische  Vorlesungen  :  eine  deutliche  Anweisung  zur 
griindlichen  Kenntniss  des  Hinimels. 

2  vols.  4to.  Halle,  1775-76 
Sellers  (Richard  Pickering) : 

*The  orbit  of  the  double  star  k  5014.  Svo.  Sydney,  1893 

Service  (John) : 

A  biographical  sketch  of  James  Dunlop. 

Svo.  Edinburgli  &  London,  1890 
Servus  (H.) 

Die  Ueschichte  des  Fernrohrs  bis  auf  die  neueste  Zeit. 

Svo.  Berlin,  1SS6 

Sewell  (Robert),  and  Sankara  Baikrishna  Dikshit : 

The  Indian  Calendar  ;  with  tables  for  the  conversion  of  Hindu 
and  Muhammadan  into  a.d.  dates,  and  vice  versa.  With 
tables  of  eclipses  visible  in  India,  by  Robert  .Schram. 

4to.  London,  1896 
Sharp  (Abraham),  Life,  see  Cudworth  (W.) 

Shdanow  (Alexandre) : 

:  *Recherches  sur  I'orbite  intermediaire  de  la  Coniete  de  Faye 

dans  la  proximite  de  Jupiter  en  1S41. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1S85 
:  '-^Recherches  sur  le  mouvement  de  la  lune  autour  de  la  terre 

d'apres  la  theorie  de  M.  Gylden.  4to.  .Stockholm,  1S85 

Shidhanta  Saraswati  (B.) : 

The  Surya  Sidhanta  [Sanscrit  treatise  on  astronomy].  Trans- 
lated into  Bengali.  Svo. 

Shortland  (Peter  Frederick) : 

Nautical  Surveying.  Svo.  London,  1S90 

Shortrede  (Robert) : 

Azimuth  and  hour  angle  for  latitude  and  declination,  or  tables 
for  finding  azimuth  at  sea  by  means  of  the  hour  angle  .  .  . 
together  with  a  great  circle  sailing  table.  I  With  title  and 
explanation  of  tables  in  French  and  English.] 

Svo.  London  [1868] 
Shveytser  (B.) : 

*0n  the  annular  eclipse  of  the  sun,  1867  March  6  [Russian]. 

Svo.  Moscow,  1867 
Sichart  (  —  von) : 

Kalendar  fur  ulle  Jahre.  n.d. 



Sidereal  Messenger  (the),  or  monthly  review  of  astronomy.    Con- 
ducted by  W.  W.  Payne.     Vol.  3-10. 

8vo.  Northfield,  Minn.,  1884-91 
Continued  as  '  Astronomy  and  Astrophysics.' 

Siemens  (Werner  von) : 

*0u  the  general  system  of  winds  on  the  earth. 

Svo.  London,  1890 
Simus  (Nicolaus) : 

Theorictc    planetarvm    in   compendivm    redactpe,    et    plvribus 
figuris  auctse.  8vo.  Basilese,  1555 

Singletoa  (M.  T.) : 

Gravitation  and  cosmological  law  :  a  mathematical  demonstra- 
tion of  the  secret  of  gravitation  and  attendant  phenomena. 

Svo.  Atalanta,  Ga.,  1895 

Sirius :  Zeitschrift  fiir  populare  Astronomie.     Herausgegeben  von 
Hermann  J.  Klein.     Band   18-31  (neue  Folge,  Band   13-26). 

Svo.  Leipzig,  1S85-98 
Skwortzow  (J.) : 

Soleil,  terre,  et  electricite  :  un  chapitre  de  la  theorie  nouvelle  de 
I'univers.  Svo.  KharkoW;  1S98 

Slater  (John  Samiiel) : 

Description  of  an  improved  Armillary  Sphere. 

Svo.  London,  1S90 
Smellie  (Thomas  D.) : 

Ocean  and  air  currents.  Svo.  Glasgow,  1885 

Smethurst  (Gamaliel) : 

Tables  of  time.  1 2mo.  London,  n.d. 

Smith  (C.  Michie) :  see  Madras,  Government,  Observatory. 

Smith  (Henry  John  Stephen) : 

Collected  Mathematical  papers  ;  edited  by  J.  W.  L.  Glaisher. 
With  a  mathematical  introduction  by  the  editor ;  [and] 
biographical  sketches.  2  vols.  4to.  Oxford,  1S94 

Smith  (James  Alexander) : 

The  Pythagorean  ratios  :  an  arithmetically  exact  system  of 
geometrical  analysis  ;  some  features  of  the  conic  sections, 
and  an  extension  of  the  Diophantine  analysis. 

Svo.  London,  1886 
Smith  (John  Alexander) : 

*Notice  of  a  mass  of  meteoric  iron  found  at  Newstead,  Rox- 
burghshire .  .  .  and  chemical  analysis  .  .  by  Murray 
Thomson.  Svo.  Edinburgh,  1862 

Smyth  (Charles  Piazzi) : 

:  *The   visual,    grating    and    glass-lens    solar    spectrum,    as 

observed  in  the  year  1884.     (Abstract.) 

Svo.  Edinburgh. 

• :  *Recent  photographs  of  stars.  Svo.  Edinburgh. 

:  *Abstract  of   paper  on  micrometrical  measures  of  gaseous 

spectra.  Svo.  Edinburgh. 

:  *Note  on  Sir  David  Brewster's  line  Y,   in  the  infra-red  of 

the  solar  spectrum.  4to.  Edinburgh,  1SS3 


Smyth  (William  Henry) : 

Double  star  measures,  made  at  Bedford  and  Hartwell,  1832-36, 
1857-58  :  original  M8.  Observations.     (Separate  slieets.) 

Smythies  (Jolin  Kinnersley) : 

Problems  on  the  motion  of  atoms.  4to.  London,  18S5 

Societa  Italiana  delle  Scienze  : 

Memorie  di  matematica  e  di  fisica.    8erie  3.     Tomo  6-g. 

4to.  Napoli,  1887-93 
Societa  Meteorologica  Italiana  : 

L'  astronomia,  la  fisica  terrestre  e  la  meteorologia  alia  Esposi- 
zione  Generale  Italiana  in  Torino,  1884.       8vo.  Torino,  18S5 

Society  for  the  Dififasion  of  Useful  Knowledge  : 

The   stars    in   six   maps   on    the   gnomonic    projection.     New 
edition,  with  explanatory  notes  by  James  Glaisher. 

fol.  London,  1883 
Socolow  (Serge) : 

:  Nouvelles  recherches  astronomiques.  8vo.  Moscou,  1896 

:  Des   planetes   se   trouvant    vi'aisemblablement    au    dela    de 

Mercure  et  de  Neptune.  8vo.  Moscou,  1897 

Sohncke  (L.) : 

Ueber  die  Bedeutung  wissenschaftlicher  Ballonfahrten. 

4to.  Mlinchen,  1894 
Solar  Physics,  Committee,  see  London. 
Soiichon  (Abel) : 

Tiaite  d'Astronomie  theorique,  contenant  I'exposition  du   calcul 
des  perturbations  planetaires  et  lunaires. 

8vo.  Paris,  1891  [1S90] 
Souillart  (Cyrille) : 

:  *Theorie  analytique  des  mouvements  des  satellites  de  Jupiter. 

Seconde  partie  :  reduction  des  formules  en  nombres. 

4to.  Paris,  1SS7 
The  first  part  published  in  Mem.  K.  A.  S.,  voh  45. 

:  *8ur   certains   termes  complementaires  des  expressions  des 

latitudes,  dans  la  tlu'orie  des  satellites  de  Jupiter. 

8vo.  Paris,  1894 

:  *Sur  le  degre  d'approximation  que   comporte  le    calcul  des 

latitudes  dans  la  theorie  des  satellites  de  Jupiter  ;  importance 
des  termes  du  troisieme  degre.  8vo.  Paris,  1895 

Spence  (John) : 

The  wonders  of  the  heavens.  8vo.  London,  1897 

Spencer  (Herbert) : 

:  Essays  :  scientific,  political,  and  speculative. 

3  vols.     8vo.  London,  1883-88 

:  *  Against  the  metric  system.  8vo.  London,  1896 

.  The  nebular  hypothesis.     Revised  edition     8vo.  London,  «.(?. 

SpJtaler  (Rudolf) : 

:   *Balmbestimmung  des  Koraeten  1851  in.     (Brorsen.) 

4to.  Wien,  1894 

:  *Die  Ursache  der  Breitenschwankungen.        4to.  "VYien,  1S97 

L  2 


Splciss  (Stephen): 

Jiejlaufi'tiger  Bericht  von  clem  jezigcn  Cometstemen,  wie 
soldier  in  disem  zu  end  laufFenden  1664  Jahr,  bej  anfang 
desz  Christmonats  .  .  .  beobachtet  worden.  4to.  [1665] 

Spoerer  (Gustav  Frid.  Wilh.) 

■■■Uebcr  die  Periodicitat  der  Soniieutieckcn  seit  dem  Jahi^e  1618, 
vornehmlich  in  Bezug  auf  die  lieliographische  Breite 
devselben.  4^0.  Halle,  1S89 

Bee  also  Potsdam,  Astrophys.  Obsei'vatorium. 

Staudai'd  Time : 

Acts  to  amend  the  Standard  Time  Act  of  1894  in  New  Soutli 
Wales.  fol.  Sydney,  1895-96 

Standards  of  stellar  magnitudes,  Committee  on : 

*Report,  1-3.  8vo. 

Stanley  (William  Ford) : 

Notes  on  the  nebular  theory,  in  relation  to  stellar,  solar, 
planetary,  cometary,  and  geological  phenomena. 

8vo.  London,  1895 

Starratt  (William) : 

The  doctrine  of  pi'ojectiles  demonstrated  and  apply 'd  ...  to 
which  is  added  the  description  and  use  of  a  new  mathe- 
matical instrument.  Svo.  Dublin,  1746 

[Steele  (John)]  : 

Thoughts  on  natural  philosophy.  Part  2.  Friction  hypo- 
thesis. 4to.  Norwich,  1892 

Steinhauser  (Anton) : 

Anhang  zu  alien  deutschen  Ausgaben  von  Logarithraen- 
Tafeln ;  enthaltend  zwei  Hiilfstafehi  zur  Berechnung 
eilfstelliger  Logarithmen  zu  gegebenen  Zahleii,  und  umgekehrt 
zur  Auftindung  der  Zahlen  aus  eilfstellijfen  Logarithmen. 

8vo.  Wien,  1857 
Steinheil  (Adolph)  und  Ernst  Voit : 

Handbuch  der  angewandten  Opiik.    Band  i.     Svo.  Leipzig,  189 1 

Stevenson  (Robert) : 

Elasticity  a  mode  of  motion  ;  being  a  popular  description  of  a 

new  and  important  discovery  in  science. 

Svo.  San  Francisco,  1S95 
Stewart  (Matthew): 

Tracts  physical  and  mathematical,  containing  an  explication  of 
several  important  points  in  physical  astronomy,  and  a  new 
method  for  ascertaining  the  sun's  distance  from  the  earth  by 
the  theory  of  gravity.  Svo.  Edinburgh,  1761 

Stev/art  (Thos.  J.) : 

Climatology  of  Pennsylvania,  1S88.  Svo.  Harrisburg,  18S9 

Stockholm,  Kongliga  Svenska  Vetenskaps  Akademie  : 

:  Handlingar.     Ny  Foljd.     Bandet  18,  19. 

4to.  Stockholm,  18S0  -Si 


Stockholm,  KongligaSvenska  Vetenskaps  Akademie  -continued. 

;  Biliaag  till  .   .   .   Handlingar.     Ai'deliiiug  i.      JJandet  6-22. 

8vo.  (Stockholm,  1880-97 

:  ()fvcn\sigt  af  .   .  .  Forhandlingar.     Argangeu  38-53. 

8vo.  Stockholm,  1882-97 

:  Lefnadsteckningar.     Baudot  3.  8vo.  .Stockholm,  1891 

:  Forteckning  iifver  innehallet  i  Kongl.  Svenska  Vetenskaps - 

Akademiens  Skrifter,  1826-83.  <^^o-  •Stockholm,  1884 

Stockholm,  Observatorium : 

Astronomiska  lakttagelser    och  Undersokningar  .   .   .   utuivna 
af  H.  Gylden.     Bandet  2-5.  410.  Stockholm,  1883-96 

Stoffler  [Stoefflerus,  Stoefflerinus]  (Johann) : 

:  Vetervm  Ephemeridvm    opvs,  loannis    Stoeffleri    Ivstingon. 

Academuy  Tvbiugensis  olim  Mathematici  clarissimi,  ab  anno 
Christi  1499  iLsque  in  annum  1544.  4to.  Tvbinga',  1549 

:  Elvcidatio  fabi'icJB  vsvsqve  Astrolabil.  8vo.  Parisiis,  1570 

Stone  (Edward  James),  i^ee  Oxford,  Radcliffe  Observatory. 

Stone  (Edward  James)  and  H,  H.  Turner  : 

Tables  for  facilitating  the  computation   of  star-constants  ;  as 
arranged  by  E.  .T.  S.,  modified  and  I'evised  by  H.  H.  T. 

4to.  London,  1S97 

Stone  (Ormond) : 

:  *0n  the  orbit  of  Hyperion.  4to.  Charlottesville,  Va.,  1SS7 

:  *  Motions  of  tlie  solar  system.  (Address  before  the  American 

Association.)  8vo.  Salem,  Mass.,  1S88 

Stoney  (G.  Johnstone) : 

*The  story  of  the  November  meteors.  Svo.  London  [1879] 
*  Argon  :  a  suggestion.  8vo.  London,  1895 

*Microscopic  vision.  8vo.  London,  1896 

*0f  atmospheres  upon  planets  and  satellites. 

4to.  Dublin,  1897 

Stonyhiirst  College  Observatory : 

Results  of  meteorological  and  inagnetical  and  solar  obser\'ations. 
By  S.  J.  Perry  (and  W.  Sidgrea\es).    1884-97. 

Sao.  Roehampton  (cfe  Clitheroe),  18S5-9S 

Stourdza  (Prince  Grigori) : 

Les  lois  fondamentales  de  I'univers.  Svo.  Paris,  1891 

Strassburg,  Kaiserliche  Universitats-Sternwarte  : 

Annalen  .  .  .  herausgegeben  von  E.  Becker.     Band  i. 

4to.  Karlsruhe,  1896 

Strassmaier  (J,  N.)  and  J.  Epping: 

*Astronomische.s  aus  Babylon  ;  oder  das  Wissen  der  Chaldiier 
iiber  den  gestirnten  HimmeL  Svo.  Freiburg,  1889 

Stratonoff  (W.) : 

*Sur  le  mouAcment  dcs  facules  solaires. 

4to.  St.=Petersbourg,  1897 


Streete  (Thomas) : 

Astronomia  Carolina,  nova  theoria  motuum  coelestium  .  .  , 
in  latinam  linguam  transtulit  J.  G.  Doppelmeyr  ,  ,  A: 
appendicis  loco  addidit  Tabulas  Rudolphinas  a  Joh.  Baptista 
Morino.  4to.  ISToribergaj,  1705 

Strehl  (Karl) : 

Theorie  des  Fernrohrs  auf  Grund  der  Beugung  des  Lichts. 
Theii  I.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1894 

Stromgren  (Elis) : 

*Berechnung  der  Bahn  des  Kometen  1S90  11. 

4to.  Lund,  1896 
Stroobant  (Paul): 

:   •■■8ur  I'agrandissement  apparent  des  constellations,  du  soleil, 

et  de  la  lune,  a  I'horizon.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1885 

■ :  *Etude  sur  le  satellite  enigmatique  de  Venus,  avec  les  textes- 

originaux  relatant  les  observations  de  cet  astre. 

4to.  Bruxelles,  1887 
Struve  (Friedrieh  Georg  Wilhelm): 

:  Mensura?  micrometricte  ;  taken  with  the  Dorpat  telescope, 

1824-37.     [MS.  abridgment.]  fol. 

:  JNIensune     micrometrica\       [MS.     copy,    with     notes     and 

diagrams  :  o'^  to  14''.]  4to. 

Struve  (Hermann) : 

:  *Uber  die  allgemeine  Beugungshgur  in  Fernrohren. 

4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1886 

:  *Beobachtungen     des     Neptunstrabanten     am     30-zolligen 

Pulkowaer  Refractor.  4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1894 

Struve  (Ludwig): 

:  *Bestimmung  der  Constante  der  Praecession  und  der  eigenen 

Bewegung  des  Sonnensystems.         4to.  St.-Petersbourg,  1887 
:  Bestimmung    des  Mondhalbmessers   aus   den    wahrend  der 

totalen  JNIondfinsterniss  1884  October  4  beobachteten  Stern- 

bedeckungen.  4to.  Dorpat,  1S86 

Struve  (Otto) : 

:  Die  Beschliisse  der  Washingtoner  Meridianconferenz. 

8vo.  St.  Petersburg,  1885 
:  Tabulae  quantitatum  Besselianarum  pro  annis  1885  ad   1894 

computatae.  Svo.  Petropoli,  1885-89 
:  Sammlung     der     Beobachtungen     von      Sternbedeckungen 

wahrend  der  totalen  Mondfinsterniss  1884  October  4. 

4to.  St.  Petersburg,  1885 

:  Ditto,  wahrend  der  totalen  Mondiinsterniss  1888  Januar  28. 

4to.  St.  Petersburg,  1889 

:  Die  Photographie  im  Dienste  der  Astronomie. 

8vo.  St.  Petersburg    18S6 
Stuart  (A.  J.) : 

The  world  and  the  Hood  ;  a  new  theory  described  in  popular 

language.  "'     Svo.  Shankliu,  1891 

Stumpe  (Oscar) : 

*Uber  die  Bewegung  des  Sonnensystems.  4to.  Kiel,  1890 


Sturm  (Jo.  Christoph) : 

Cometa  nvpervs  an,  et  qva?,  mala  terris  aut  illaturus  ipsemet 
influxu  physico,  aut  aliunde  justo  Dei  judicio  inferenda 
portendere  saltern  &  prajsigniiicare,  credendus  sit  1  [In- 
augural Dissertation].  4to.  Altdorfi,  1681 

Sun,  eclipses  of  the  : 

Collection  of  letters,  papers,  drawings,  &c.,  relating  to  ancient 
eclipses  ;  l)y  G.  B.  Airy,  J.  W.  Bosanquet,  etc.,  mounted  in 
one  volume.  folio 

Sun,  eclipse  of,  1630 : 

Astrologische  Bedencken  von  der  erschrocklichen,  gantz 
Europa  gefahrlichen,  Land  unnd  Leut  betrohlichen,  ins 
gemein  hochschad lichen  Wiirckung,  der  Sonnen  Finsternuss, 
1630.  4to.  1630 

Sun,  eclipse  of,  1661 : 

Eclipsis  Solaris,  Oeniponti  sub  elevatione  poli  47  gr.  15  min., 
die  30  Martij,  ante  meridiem  anno  1661   .  .  .  observata. 

fol.  Oeniponti,  1661 
Sun,  eclipse  of,  1706  : 

Astrophili  Send-Schreiben,  einige  die  letztere  grosse  Sonnen- 
Finsternusz  Anno  1706,  den  12  Maji  vormittags,  angehende 
Puncten  betreffend,  an  einen  seiner  guten  Freunden. 

4to.  Franckfurt  und  Leipzig,  1706 

Sun,  total  eclipse  of,  1870  December  22 : 

Collection  of  letters  relating  to  the  eclipse  expedition.     [MH.] 

2  vols.  8vo. 

Sun,  total  eclipse  of,  1885  September  9 : 

Observations  made  in  New  Zealand,  collected  by  J.  McKerrow, 
Surveyor  General.     [MS.]  fol. 

Sun,  total  eclipse  of,  1896  August  9  : 

Newspaper  extracts,  letters,  ifec.  relating  to  the  expedition  to 
Norway.  fol.  1896 

Surya  Siddhanta : 

^Translation  of  the,  by  Bapii  Deva  Sastri,  and  of  the  Siddhanta 
Siromani  by  Lancelot  Wilkinson  .  .  .  from  the  Sanskrit. 

8vo.  Calcutta,  1861 

Switzerland,  Schweiserische  geodatische  Commission  : 

:  (Internationale  Erdmessung).     Das  Schweizerische  Dreieck- 

netz.     Band  2-7.  4to.  Ziirich,  1885-97 

:  Le  reseau  de  triangulation  Suisse  .  .  .  vol.  3  :  la  mensui^a- 

tion  des  bases,  par  A.  Hirsch  &  J.  Dumur. 

4to.  Lausanne,  1888 
Sydney  Observatory : 

■ :  Results  of  rain  and  river  (and  evapoi'ation)  observations  made 

in  New  South  Wales  dui'ing  1883-90. 

8vo.  Sydney,  1884-92 

:  Results  of  meteorological  observations  made  in  New  South 

Wales,  1885-89,  under  the  direction  of  H.  C.  Russell. 

8vo.  Sydney,  1887-91 


Sydney  OhserYatory— continued. 

.  Photographs  of  the  Milky  Way  and  Nubeculse,  taken  .  .  . 

1S90.  °  4to.  Sydney  1890 

:  Results  of  double  star  measures  made  .  .  .  under  the  direc- 
tion of  H.  C.  Russell.  Svo.  Sydney,  1S91 

:  Description  of  the  star  camera  of  the  Sydney  Observatory 

(by  H.  C.  Russell).  fol.  Sydney,  1892 

Sydney,  Royal  Society  of  New  South  Wales : 

:  Journal  and  Proceeding.s,  1883-96.     Vol.  17-30. 

Svo.  Sydney,  1884-97 

:  Catalogue   of   scientific    books    in    the    Library.      Part,    i  ; 

general  Catalogue.  8vo.  Sydney,  1889 

Sykes  (Arthur  Ashley) : 

:  A  defence  of  the  dissertation  on  the  Eclipse  mentioned  by 

Phlegon.  8vo.  London,  1733 

:  A  second  defence  of  the  dissertation  upon  the  eclipse  men- 
tioned by  Phlegon  ;  wherein  Mr.  Chapman's  objections,  and 
those  of  the  A.  of  the  letter  to  Dr.  Sykes,  are  particularly 
considered.  8vo.  London,  1734 
See  also  Chapman  (J.) 

Tacchini  (Pietro) : 

„  :  *Meteorologia  solare.  4*0.  Roma,  1885 

:  Eclissi  totali  di  Sole  del  dicembre   1870,  del  maggio  1882  e 

1883,  e  deir  agosto  1886  e  1887  :  relazioni  e  note. 

Svo.  Roma,  1S88 

Tacubaya,  Observatorio  Astronomico  Nacional : 

:  Anuario.      1S84-9S.  i2mo.  Mexico,  1885-97 

■ :  Boletin.     Tomo  12.  4to.  Mexico,  1890-97 

Tait  (Peter  Guthrie) : 

Light.     Second  edition.  Svo.  Edinburgh,  18S9 

Tannery  (Paul) : 

Recherches  sv\r  I'histoire  de  I'Astronomie  ancienne. 

Svo.  Paris,  1S93 
Tarrant  (Kenneth  J.) : 

*Micrometrical  measures  of  double  stars,  1885-86. 

4to.  Kiel,  1 888 

Tashkent,  Astronomical  and  Physical  Observatory : 

Zapiski.     [Memoirs.]     Vol.  i,  2.  4to.  Moscow,  18S5-88 

Tasmania,  Royal  Society : 

:  Papers  and  proceedings,  1S82-97.  Svo.  Hobart,  18S3-98 

:  Catalogue  of  the  Librarv.  Svo.  Tasmania,  18S5 

Taylor  (Lucy) : 

Astronomers  and  their  observations.  Svo.  London  [1895J 

Tebar  (J.  Mufioz) : 

*Estrellas  fugaces,  bulidos  y  aerolitos.  Svo.  Caracas,  1891 

Tebbutt  (John) : 

:  Results    of  meteorological  observations  made  at   Windsor, 

New  South  Wales,  1882-90. 

fol.  Parramatta  and  Sydney,  1886-91 
:  Report  of  Mr.  Tebbutt's  Observatory,  Windsor,  New  SoutJi 

Wales,  1888-97.  8vo.  Sydney,  1890-98 
:  *Results  of  observations  of  comets  VI.    and   YII.,    1886,  at 

Windsor,  N.S.W.  8vo.  Sydney,  1887 
:  *Results  of  the  o))servations  of  Comets  Fabry,  Barnard,  and 

Brooks  (No.  i),  1886,  at  Windsor,  New  South  Wales. 

8vo.  Sydney,  1887 
:  *Results  of  observations    of    comets    I.    and    II.,    1888,    at 

Windsor,  N.S.W.  8vo.  Sydney,  1888 

:  *0n  the  high  tides  of  June  15-17  [1889]. 

8vo.  Sydney,  1889 
:  *The  conjunction  of  Venus  and  Jupiter,  February  6,  1892, 

as  a  test  of  the  ^^owers  of  unassisted  vision. 

8vo.  London,  1892 
:  *0n  the   probability    of   extraordinarily    high    spring  tides 

about  the  December  solstice  of  1893.  8vo.  Sydney,  1893 
:  ^Results  of  observations  of   comet    VI.   (Brooks),    1892,  at 

Windsor,  New  South  Wales.  8vo.  Sydney,  1893 

:  *0d  the  comet  in  the  constellation  Andromeda. 

8vo.  Sydney,  1S93 

:  *Results  of  observations  of  Wolf's  comet  (II.),  1891,  Swift's 

comet  (L),  1892,  and  Winnecke's  periodical  comet,   1892,  at 
Windsor,  New  South  Wales.  8vo.  Sydney,  1893 

:  *Observations  and  orbit-elements  of  comet  Gale,  1894. 

8vo.  Sydney,  1894 

:  History    and    description    of    IMr.    Tebbutt's    Observatory, 

Windsor,  New  South  Wales.  8vo.  Sydney.  1897 

Tejera  (Miguel) : 

Origen  v  constitucicai  mecanica  del  mundo. 

8vo.  Barcelona,  1889 
Tempel  (Wilhelm) : 

*Uber  Nebelflecken  ;  nach  Beobachtungen  angestellt  in  den 
Jahren  1876-79  mit  dem  Refractor  von  Amici  auf  der 
konigl.  Stern warte  zu  Arcetri  bei  Florenz.       4to.  Prag,  1885 

Tempelhoff(G.  F.): 

:  Genaue   Berechnung  der  Sonnenfinsternisse  und  Bedeckung 

der  Fixsterne  vom  Monde.  8vo.  Berlin,  1772 
:  Essai  sur  la  solution  du  probleme  :  determiner  I'orbite  de  la 

comete  par  trois  observations.  4to.  Utrecht,  1780 

Terby  (Francois) : 

:   *Observations    des    etoiles    filantes    pcriodiques,     faites    a 

Louvain,  aout  et  novembre  1882,  et  aout  1883. 

8vo.  Bruxelles,  1883 

■ :  *Phenomenes  des  satellites  de  Jupiter  pendant  la  nuit  du  14 

octobre,    et    passage   du   satellite   TIL   pendant  celle  du   19 
novembre  1883.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1883 


Terby  {Franqois)— continued. 

:  *,Sur  les  fausses  apparences   d'Aui'ore  Boreale  observees  en 

novembre  1883.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1883 

:  ■•■■Note   sur   la    comete   de    1S12   (Pons-Brooks),  observee  a 

Louvain  en  1883-84.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1884 

:  ••'Sur  les  phenomeiies  crepusculaires  des  mois  de  novembre 

et  de  decembre  1883.  Svo.  Bruxelles,  1884 

:  *]Srote  sur  la  pluie  d'etoiles  filantes  du  27  novembre,  et  sur 

un  phenomene  lumineux  enigmatique  observe  le  28  novembre 
1885.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1885 

:  *Note  relative  a  la  gemination  des  canaux  de  Mars. 

8vo.  Bruxelles,  1885 

:  *Etudes  sur   I'aspect   physique    de   la  planete  Jupiter  .  .  . 

1881-85.     (Ft.  1-3.)  4to.  Bruxelles,  1885-93 
:  *Sur  une  observation  de  .Saturne  ;  aspect   de  Titan  en  pas- 
sage ;  nouveau  passage  de  Titan.         8vo.  Bruxelles,  1887-92 

:   -^Ensemble  des  observations  physiques  de  la  planete  Mars. 

4to.  Bruxelles,  1889 

:  ®Bandes  et  taches  de  Jupiter  [5  notes]. 

Svo.  Bruxelles,  1889-91 

:  *Faits  demontrant  la   permanence    des   taches   sombres  de 

Venus  et  la  lenteur  de  leur  mouvement  de  rotation. 

8vo.  Bruxelles,  1890 

— —  :  *Sur  la  frequence  des  etoiles  filantes  pendant  les  nuits  des  9 

et  10  aout  1890.  8vo.  Bruxelles,  1890 

:  *Sur  de  nouvelles  observations  des  canaux  de  Mars  [&c.]. 

Svo.  Bruxelles,  1890-93 

:  *Rapport  sur  une  nou^•elle  methode  astrophotometrique  par 

E.  Lagrange  et  P.  Stroobant.  Svo.  Bruxelles,  1892 

:  *Sur    les     halos    remarquables    .     .      1S92  ;     Observations 

astronomiques  et  magnetiques  executees  sur  le  territoire  de 
I'Etat  Independent  du  Congo.  Svo.  Bruxelles,  1S92-93 

• :  *A  propos  d'une  recente  communication  de  M.  W.  Prinz  sur 

les  photographies  lunaires.  Svo.  Bruxelles,  1895 

:  *Notice  sur  Nicolas  Edouard  Mailly.       Svo.  Bruxelles,  1898 

Tesar  (Fr.) : 

Analysis  gravitatis  terrestris  [Czech  &  Latin]. 

4to.  Prague,  1888 
Thalen  (Rob.) : 

■•■Sur  le  spectre  du  fer  obtenu  a  I'aide  de  Tare  electrique. 

4to.  TJpsal,  1885 
Theodoricus  (Sebastian)  ; 

Novse  qva?stiones  spha?ricfe  ;  hoc  est,  de  circvlis  ccelestibus  & 
primo  mobili,  in  gratiam  studiosre  iuuentutis  scriptre. 

Svo.  Witebergit^,  1591 
Theon  (of  Smyrna) : 

.  .  .  Twv  Kara  fjiaOrjfxaTLKov  ^prjaLi-iwv  ets  tj]v  IIAaTwi'OS 
ardyvoicrn'.  .  .  .  Exposition  des  connaissances  mathematiques 
utiles  pour  la  lecture  de  Platon,  traduite  pour  la  premiere 
fois  du  grec  en  francais  par  J.  Dupuis.  Epilogue  :  le 
nonibre  de  Platon.         '  Svo.  Paris,  1892 


ThieleCT.  N.): 

:   *Bahnberegniiig    fur    planeter    vid    en    modifikatioii    af    do 

Kejiplerske  love.  8vo.  Stockholm,  1884 

:  *Bestimmung    der    Langen-Differenz    zwischen    Lund    und 

Kopenhagen,  auf  telegraphischem  Wage  ausgefiihrt  ini  Jahre 
1S79  von  N.  C.  Duner  und  T.  N.  Thiele.         4to.  Lund,  1885 

:  Om     nutidens     reform     af     den     iakttagende     astronomi. 

[University  Programme.]  4to.  Kjobenliavn,  1893 

:  *Recherches  numt'riques  concernant  des  solutions  periodiques 

d'un  cas  special  du  probleme  des  trois  corps.     III. 

4to.  Kiel,  1895 
Tliilo  (Ludwig) : 

Dissertatio  de  niaculis  soils.     [Inaugural  Dissertation.] 

4to.  Francofui'ti  ad  Mtenum,  1828 
Thollon  (L.)  : 

Nouveau  dessin  du  Spectre  Solaire.  [Atlas  to  '  Annales  de 
rObservatoire  de  Nice,'  tome  3.]  fol.  Paris,  1 890 

Thomas  (Cyrus)  : 

*The  Maya  year.  Svo.  Washington,  1894 

Thompson  i^Charles  W.) : 

Manual  of  the  sextant  ;  containing  instructions  for  its  use  in 
determining .  time,  latitude,  longitude,  and  the  variation  of 
the  compass.  Svo.  London,  1887 

Thomson  (J.  P.) : 

Universal  time  measurement.  8vo.  Brisbane,  1891 

Thomson  ( Murray) : 

"*Cheraical  analysis  of  the  mass  of  meteoric  iron  (found  in 
Newstead,  Roxburghshire).  Svo.  Edinburgh,  1862 

Thorn,  Coppernicus-Verein  fiir  Wissenschaft  und  Kimst : 
Mittheilungen,  Heft  i,  2,  4,  6. 

Svo.  Leipzig  und  Thorn,  1878-87 

Thornthwaite  (William  Henry) : 

Hints  on  reflecting  and  refracting  telescopes  and  their  acces- 
sories. Svo.  London,  1895 

Tiflis,  Physikalisches  Observatorium : 

:  Meteorologische    Beobachtungen,    1SS3-90.     Herausgegeben 

von  J.  Mielberg  (und  E.  Stelling).  4to.  Titiis,  1S84-91 

:  Magnetische  Beobachtungen,  1SS3-90.     Herausgegeben  von 

J.  Mielberg  (und  E.  Stelling).  4^0.  Tiflis,  1S85-91 

:  Beobachtungen  der  Temperatur  des  Erdbodens  .   .   .   18S4-90. 

Herausgegeben  von  J.  Mielberg  (und  E.  Stelling). 

4to.  Tiflis,  18S6-96 

:  Beobachtungen  .  .   .   1891-95,  herausgegeben  von  J.    Miel- 
berg (und  E.  Stelling).  4^0.  Tiflis,  1893-97 

Tillberg  (Gustav  S.) : 

Dissertatio   de  eclipsi  solis,    die  xi.   Februarii   anni   mdccciv. 
Gryphiswaldia;  observanda.      [Inaugural  Dissertation.] 

4to.  Gryphiswaldia^,  1S03 


Tinter  (W.),  Spharisclie  Astronomie,  see  Herr  und  Tinter. 

Tischner  (August) : 

:  The  fixed  idea  of  astronomical  theory.         Svo.  Leii^zig,  1885 

:  Ein  nicht  erklartes  Phanonicn  bei  totalen  Sonnenfinsternissen. 

Svo.  Leipzig,  1887 
Le  mouvement  de  ]a  lumiere.  Svo,  Leipzig,  1892 

Le  pouvoir  grossissant  do  ratmos2:)here.        Svo.  Leipzig,  1892 
Le  mouvement  universel.  Svo.  Leipzig,  1S93 

Les  astronomes.  Svo.  Leipzig,  1S93 

L'astronomie  et  les  astronomes.  Svo.  Leipzig,  1893 

Le  systeme  solaire  se  mouvant.  Svo.  Leipzig,  1894 

Le  phenomene  fondamental  du  systtine  solaire. 

Svo.  Leipzig,  1895 

Tisserand  (P61ix  FraiiQois) : 

:  *Sur  une  equation  difFerentielle  du  second  ordre  qui  joue  un 

role  important  dans  la  mecanique  celeste.   I.   4to.  Paris,  1888 

:  Traite  de  Mecanique  Celeste.         4  vols.     4to.  Paris,  1889-96 

Tome  I.  Perturbations  cles  planetes  cl'apres  la  methode  de  la  variation 
des  constantes  arbiiraires. 

2.  Theorie  de  la  figure  des  corps  celestes  et  de  leur  mouvement 

de  rotation. 

3.  Ensemble  des  theories  relatives  au  mouvement  de  la  lune. 

4.  Theories  des  satellites  de  Jupiter  et  de  Saturne.     Perturba- 

tions des  petites  plant'tes. 

Todd  (Charles): 

:  Meteorological  work  in  South  Australia  :  a  re^•ie^v. 

Svo.  Adelaide  [1894] 
See  also  Ellery,  Russell  and  Todd. 

Todd  (David  P.) : 

:  *0n  the    use    of  tlie  electric    telegraph    during   total    solar 

eclipses.  Svo.  Boston,  1881 

:  *0n  the  solar  parallax  as  derived  from  the  American  photo- 
graphs of  the  transit  of  A^enus,  1874,  December  8-9. 

4to.  Dublin,  1881 

:  *Ditto.  Svo.  New  Haven,  1881 

:  *A  comparison  of  Leverrier's  tables  of  Uranus  and  ISTeptuue 

with  those  by  Newcomb  of  the  same  planets. 

4to.  Dublin,  18S3 

:  *An  account  of  observations  of  the  transit  of  Venus,  1882, 

made  at  the  Lick  Observatory.  Svo.  New  HaA-en,  188^ 
:  American  Eclipse  Expedition  to  Japan,  1887.     Preliminary- 
Report  (unofficial)  on  the  total  solar  eclipse  of  18S7. 

Svo.  Amherst,  Mass.,  t8S8 

:  *Structure  of  the  Corona.     [Note  accompanying  photographs 

taken  during  the  total  eclipse  of  1S89  Jan.  i.l 

4to.  Washington,  1889 

•  :  U.S.   Scientific  Expedition  to  West  Africa,  1889.     Bulletin 

no-  12.  4to.  U.S.  s.s.  Pensacola,  1889 
:  A  new  astronomy.  8vo.  New  York,  1897 



Todd  (Emma  G ) : 

Discoveries  of  misconceptions  regarding  the  properties  of  matter 
within  the  science  of  chemistry.  Svo.  San  Francisco,  189S 

Todd  (Mabel  Loomis) : 

Total  ecHpses  of  the  8un.  Svo.  Boston,  1894 

Toennies  (Friedrich  Wilhelm) : 

Quomodo  ex  observatione  occultationis  stellae  fixae  a  luna 
eflfectae  longitude  geographica  loci  observationis  computetur 
.  .  atque  calculum  conjunctionis  Veneris  cum  Regulo  annf> 
181 7.     [Inaugural  Dissertation.]  4to.  Berolini,  1816 

Tokyo,  Imperial  University  of  Japan  : 

:  Appendix  to  Memoir  No.   5   (measurement  of   the  force  of 

gravity,  and  magnetic  constants).  4to.  Tokio,  1885 

• :  Abhandlungen,  No.  12.     Leukoskop  ;  seine  Anwendung  und 

seine  Theorie,  von  Diro  Kitao.  4to.  Tokio,  1885 

Tomlinson  (Lewis) : 

Recreations  in  astronomy.     Third  Edition. 

8vo.  London,  1846 

Toronto,  Astronomical  and  Physical  Society : 

Transactions,  1890-97.  S^'0.  Toronto,  1S91-9S 

Toronto,  Canadian  Institute  : 

• ■  :  Proceedings.     .Series  3.     Vol.  3-5.  8vo.  Toronto,  1883-90 

:  Annual  Report,  1886-94.  8vo.  Toronto,  1888-94 

:  Transactions.     Vol.  1-5.  Svo.  Toronto,  1890-96 

Toronto  University: 

Papers  read  before  the  Mathematical  and  Physical  Society, 
1890-92.  8vo.  Toronto,  1891-92 

Toulouse,  Academic  des  Sciences,  Inscriptions,   et  Belles- 
lettres  : 

:  Memoires,  8me.  Serie.  Tome  6-10.        8vo.  Toulouse,  1884-88 

: gme  Serie.     Tome  1-8.  8vo.  Toulouse,  1889-97 


Toulouse,  Observatoire  Astronomique,  Magn^tique  et  M6t6o- 
rologique : 

Annales  .   .  .  renfermant  une  partie  des  travaux  executes  d© 
1879-1881,  sous  la  direction  de  B.  Baillaud.     Tome  2. 

4to.  Toulouse,  1S86 

G.  Bigourdan,  Histoire  de  rastronomie  a  Toulouse  ;  B.  Baillaud,  Cal' 

cul  numerique  des  integi'ales  definies,  Developpement  de  la  ionction 

perturbatrice  ;  Orbites  des  cinq  satellites  interieurs  de  Saturne.  [ifcc.] 

Toulouse,  Soei6t6  de  Geographic  : 

Rapport  de  la  Commission  Speciale  sur  la  division  dccimale  du 
temps  et  des  angles.  8vo.  Toulouse,  1897 

Towne  (G61ioD) : 

Traite  d'astronomie  pratique  pour  tous.  8vo.  Paris,  1890 

i  Traxler,  R.  P.] 

The  principles  of  mechanics  as  applied  to  the  solar  system. 

8vu.  San  Francisco,  18S9 


Trepied  (Charles) : 

Conimentaires  des  decisions  prises  par  les  Conferences  Inter- 
nationales .  .  .  1887,  18S9,  et  1891,  pour  I'execution  photo- 
graphique  d'une  Carte  du  ciel.  4to.  Paris,  1892 

Treu  or  Trew  (Abdias) : 

:  Denckv/iirdige    und    mehrentheils    neue  observationes  von 

»rossen  Conjunctionibus  und  Oppositionibus  .  .  so  wol  auch 
von  neuen  Sternen  und  Cometen.  4to.  Niirnberg,  1653 

,  :  Observationes    des    jiingst     erschienenen    Cometen,    sambt 

Muthmassung  von  dessen  Wiirckung  und  Bedeutung. 

4to.  Niirnberg,  1653 

:  Griindliche  und  zu  Erorterung  vieler  schweren   Punckten 

in  der  gantzen  Stern-  und  Natur-Kunst  dienliche  Beschreib- 
ung  des  jiingst  zu  End  des  Jahrs  1664  und  im  Anfang  1665 
erschienenen  Cometen.  4to.  Niirnberg,  1665 

Trevandrum  Observatory : 

Indian  meteorological  Memoirs  .  .  .  published  under  the 
direction  of  J.  Eliot.     Vol.  7.  4to.  Simla,  1894 

Trieste,  Astronomisch-meteorologisclies  Observatorium  : 

Astronomisch-Nautische  Ephemeriden  .  .  .  1888-95.  Deutsche 
Ausgabe  .  .  unter  Redaction  von  F.  Anton.     Jahrgang  1-8. 

8vo.  Triest,  1886-93 

Trieste,  I.  R.  Accademia  di  Commercio  e  Nautica : 
Effemeridi  Astronomico-Nautiche,  per  1'  anno  1887. 

8vo.  Trieste,  1885 
Tringali  (Emmanuele) : 

*La  tempei^atura  del  suolo  all'  Osservatorio  di  Catania  .  . 
1892-96.  4to.  Catania,  1897 

Tripplin  (Julien) : 

Watch  and  clock  making  in  1889,  being  an  account  and  com- 
parison of  the  exhibits  in  the  Horological  section  of  the 
French  International  Exhibition.  8vo.  London,  1890 

Trouvelot  (Etienne  Leopold) : 

*The  veiled  solar  spots.  Svo.  London,  1884 

*Pemarquable  protuberance  solaire.  4to.  Paris,  1885 

*"Sur  la  structure  intime  de  I'enveloppe  solaire. 

8vo.  Paris,  1885 
*La  planete  Saturne  en  1885.  4to.  Paris,  1885 

*Observation  d'un  essaim  de  corpuscules  noirs  passant  de- 
vant  le  Soleil.  4to.  Paris,  1885 

*Remarquables  protuberances  solaires  diametralement 
opposees.  4to.  Paris,  1885 

*Murs  enigmatiques  observes  a  la  surface  de  la  lune. 

Svo.  Paris,  1885 
"•■'Sur  la  variabilite  desanneaux  de  Saturne.  8vo.  Paris,  1S85 
■■'Phenomene  lumineux  extraordinaire  observe  sur  le  soleil. 

4to.  Paris,  1891 
*Observations  sur  les  planetes  Venus  et  Mercure. 

Svo,  Paris  [1892] 


Truro,  Royal  Institution  of  Cornwall : 

Journal,  vol.  9-13.  8vo.  Truro,  1889-98 

Truxtun  (Thomas) : 

Remarks,  instructions,  and  examples  relating  to  the  latitude  it 
longitude  ;  also  to  the  variation  of  the  compass,  &c.  &c. 

fol.  Philadelphia,  1794 

Tschermak  (Gustav) : 

Die  mikroscopische  Beschaffenheit  der  Meteoriten,  erliiutert 
durch  photographische  Abbildungen. 

3  parts,  fol.  Stuttgart,  1883-S5 

Tschumi  (Johann) : 

Ein  Beitrag  zur  Geschichte  und  Discussion  der  Cycloiden. 
Inaugural-Dissertation.  8vo.  Bern,  1S92 

Turin,  Obsorvatoire  de  rAcad^mie  : 

Annales  ,  .  .  par  le  Profeseur  Vassalli-Eandi.  1809  (2 me 
semestre),  18 10,  181 1.  4to.  Turin 

Turin,  Osservatorio  Astronomico  della  Regia  Universita : 

:  *Pubblicazioni,  1879-97.  8vo.  Torino,  1879-98 

:  Bollettino  meteorologico,  1883-87.     Anno  18-22. 

obi.  fol.  Torino,  1884-88 

:  *Effemeridi  del  sole  e  della  luna,  1888,  1894,  1896,  1898. 

8vo.  Torino,  1887-97 

:  *Osservazioni  meteorologiche  fatte  1888-97. 

8vo.  Torino,  1890-98 

:  Pubblicazioni,  No.  1-4.  4^0-  Torino,  1892-96 

See  also  Porro  (F.) 

Turin,  Reale  Accademia  delle  Scienze : 

:  Atti.     Vol.  20-33.  ^^°-  Torino,  1884-98 

:  jNIemorie.     Serie  seconda.     Tomo  36-47. 

4to.  Torino,  1885-97 

Turner  (Herbert  Hall),  see  Pritchard. 

Turner  (Herbert  Hall)  and  E.  J.  Stone  : 

Tables  for  facilitating  the  computation  of  star-constants. 

4to.  London,  1897 

TyclLO  Brahe,  Life,  see  Ball  (R.  S.)  ;  Dreyer  (J.  L.  E.). 

Tyerman  (Thomas  F.)  : 

:  The  moon's  rotation  examined  by  the  Newtonian  theory  of 

gravitation.  8vo.  Oxford,  1S85 

:  The  Asteroids  and  the  theory  of  their  formation. 

8vo.  Oxford,  1886 

Ulloa  (Antonio  de) : 

El  eclipse  de  80I,  con  el  anillo  refractorio  de  sus  rayos,  laluz  de 
este  astro,  vista  del  traves  del  cuerpo  de  la  Luna,  6  antorcha 
solar  ensu  disco,  observado  en  el  oceano  ...  el  24  de  Junio 
1778.  4*0.  ^ladrid,  1779 


TTlugh  Beigh : 

:  Prolegomt'iies  des  tables  astronomiques  d'Oloug-Beg,  publit's 

avec  notes  et  variantes,  et  prececk's  d'une  introduction,  par 
L.  P.  E.  A.  Sedillot.  8vo.  Paris,  1847 

:  Prolegomenes  des  tables  astronomiques  d'Oloug-Beg.     Tra- 
duction et  commentaire,  par  L.  P.  E.  A.  Sedillot. 

8vo.  Paris,  1853 

United  Kingdom,  Ordnance  Survey  : 

:  On  the  rectangular  tangential  projectioa  of  the  sphere  and 

spheroid,  with  tables  of  the  quantities  requisite  for  the 
construction  of  maps  on  that  projection  .  .  .  By  Col.  Sir  H. 
James.  fol.  London,  1S68 
:  Account  of  the  methods  and  processes  adopted  for  the  pro- 
duction of  the  maps  of  the  Ordnance  Survey. 

4to.  London,  1S75 
See  also  Palmer  (H.  S.)  ;  White  (T.  P.) 

Unitei  States  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  : 

:  Bulletin,  No.  4-36.  4to.  k  Svo.  Washington,  1888-97 

:  Report  of  the  Superintendent  .  .  .  showing  the  progress  of 

the  work  during  the  years  1883-96. 

4to.  &  8vo.  Washington,  18S3-97 

:  Appendices  : — 

1883.  G.  Davidson,  Transit  of  Mercury,  1881  ;  C.  A.  Schott, 
Transit  of  Venus,  1882 ;  E.  D.  Preston,  Total  solar 
eclipse,  1883;  G.  Davidson,  Mean  places  of  time 
and  circumpolar  stars  ;  C.  S.  Peirce,  Determinations  of 

18S4.  E.  Smith,  determinations  of  gravity. 

1 886.  Annular  eclipse,  Marcli  5,  1S86. 

1887.  Bibliography  of  geodesy. 

1 888.  Differentia]  method  of  computing  the  apparent  placesof  stars 

for  latitude  determinations. 
1890.  Determinations  of  gravity  and  magnetic  elements. 
1892.  Transit  of  Mercury,  May  9,  1891. 
1S93.  Variation  of  latitude  at  San  Francisco. 

1895.  Transit  of  Mercury,  Nov.  10,  1894. 

1896.  E.  S.  Preston,  Determination  of  the  constant  of  aberration; 

W.  W.  Duffield,  Logarithms  ;  their  nature,  computation 
and  uses,  with  logarithmic  tables  to  10  places  of 

Unterweger  (J.) : 

:  *Zur  Kometenstatistik.  8vo.  Wien,  1886 

• :  * :  zweite  Mittheilung.  Svo.  Wien,  1887 

Up degraff  (Milton) : 

■ :  ^Latitude,  longitude,  and  height  above  sea  level  [ttc]  of  the 

Laws  Observatory  of  the  L^niversity  of  the  State  of 
Missouri.  8vo.  St.  Louis,  1894 

:  *riexureof  telescopes.  Svo.  St.  Louis,  1896 


Upsala,  Kongl.  Vetenskaps-Societet : 

:  Nova  Acta  Regu«  Sociotatis  Seioiitiarum.  Series  3.    Vol.  12-17. 

4to.  llpsalite,  1884   96 

:  Catalogue  methodique  des  Acta  et  Nova  Acta,  1744- 

1889.  4to.  Upsala,  1889 

Valentiner  (Wilhelm) : 

:  Der   gestirnte    Himmel  :    eine   gemeinverstandliche    Astro- 

nomie.  8vo.  Stuttgart,  1887 

:  Handworterbuch  der  Astronomie.     Lieferung  1    16. 

8vo.  Breslau,  1895-98 
Valla  (Georgius) : 

Preclarissinii  viri  Georgii  valle  Comentationes  in  Ptoloniei 
quadripartitu,  inq.  Cicerouis  Partitione,  et  Tusculuiias 
questioes,  ac  plinij  naturalis  historie  Libium  secundu. 

fol.  Venetiis,  1502 
Valle  (Felipe) : 

Nuevo  '  Zenital  Reflector  '  y  '  Prismas  Zenitales.' 

8vo.  Mexico,  1895 
Varaha  Mihira : 

The  Pafichasiddhantiktl  :  the  astronomical  work  of  Varaha 
Mihira.  The  text,  edited  with  an  original  commentary  in 
Sanskrit  and  an  English  translation  and  introduction  by 
G.  Thibaut  and  IMahamahopadhyaya  Sudhakara  Dvivedi. 

4to.  Benares,  1889 
Vecchi  (Domenico  de') : 

Opuscoli  astronomici.  4to.  Firenze,  18 10 

Veeder  (M.  A.) : 

:  *The  Zodiacal  light.  8vo.  Rochester,  N.Y.,  1891 

:  ^Thunderstorms.  8vo.  Rochester,  N.Y.,  1893 

Vega(G.):  Logarithms:  see  Leber  (M.  de). 

Ventosa  (Vicente) : 

*La  direction  des  vents  superieurs  determinee  par  les  ondula- 
tions  du  bord  des  astres.  8vo  Bruxelles,  1890 

Venus  (Transit  of),  1769  : 

Collectio  omnium  observationum  quae  occasione  Transitus 
Veneris  per  Solem  a.  mdcclxix.  jussu  Augustae  per 
imperium  Russicum  institutae  fuerunt,  una  cum  theoria 
indeque  deductis  conclusionibus.  4to.  Petropoli,  1770 

Venus  (Transit  of),  1874  : 

Russische  Expeditionen.     Abtheilung  i,  2. 

4to.  St.  Petersburg,  1877-91 

1.  Th.  Wittiam  :  Contactbeobachtungen  :  geographische  Coordinaten. 

2.  B.  Hasselberg  ;  Bearbeitung  der  photographischen  Aufnahmen. 

Venus  (Transit  of),  1882  : 

Report  of  the  Committee  appointed  by  the  British  (rovernmen 
to  superintend  the  arrangements  to  be  made  for  the  sending 
of  expeditions  at  the  Government  expense,  and  securing  co- 
operation with  the  Government  expeditions. 

fol.  London,  1887 


Venus  Transits  of,  1874-82  : 

Uericlit  iilxir  die  deutschen  Beobachtungen,  im  Auftrage  der 
Commission  fiir  die  Beobachtung  des  Venus-Durchgangs. 
Herausgegeben  von  A.  Auwers.     Band  2-6. 

4to.  Berlin,  1887-96 
Very  (Frank  W.) : 

:  Prize  essay  on  the  distribution  of  the  moon's  heat,   and  its 

variation  with  the  phase.  4to.  The  Hague,  1891 

:  *The  hail  storm  of  May  20,  1893.  8vo.  Boston,  1893 

:  *Hail-storms.  8vo.  Pittsburgh,  1894 

See  also  Langley  and  Very. 

Vicente  (Vicente) : 

*Metodo  para  determinar  la  direccion  del  viento  por  las 
ondulaciones  del  borde  de  los  astros.        8vo.  Barcelona,  1890 

Vienna,  Kaiserliche  Akademie  der  Wissenschaften  : 

:  Denkschriften    .    .     .     Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche 

Classe.     Band  47-63.  4to.  Wien,  1883-96 

Vol.  52.  Th.  von  Oppolzer,  Canon  der  Finsternisse. 
61  contains  Eegister  zu  den  Banden  44-60. 

:  Sitzungsberichte  der   raathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen 

Classe.     Abtheilung  2a.     (Mathematik,  Astronomie,  Physik, 
Meteorologie,  Mechanik),  1884-95.     Band  87-105. 

8vo.  Wien,  1884-96 

; Abtheilung  2b.     (Chemie),  1888-94,     Band  97-103 

8vo.  Wien,  1888-94 
: Register  zu  den  Banden  91-96.  8vo.   Wien,  1888 

Vienna,  K.K.  Gradmessungs-Bureau : 

Publicationen :  Astronomische  Arbeiten  .  .  ausgefiihrt 
unter  der  Leitung  von  Th.  von  Oppolzer  .  .  .  herausgegeben 
von  E.  Weiss  und  R.  Schram.  Band  1-9.  Langenbestini- 
niungen.  4to.  Wien,  1889-97 

Vienna,  K.K.  Universitats-Sternwarte : 

:  Annalen  .  .  .  herausgegeben  von  Ed.  Weiss.      Band  2-12. 

4to.  Wien,  1884-96 

Supplementband  i.  Katalog  der  Argelander'schen  Zonen 

vom   15  bis  31    Grade    siidlicher    Declination,    in    mittleren 
Positionen  fiir  1850-0.     Herausgegeben  von  E.  Weiss. 

8vo.  Wien,  1890 
:  Sternkarten  1-4,  von  J.  Palisa. 

Vienna,  K.  und  K.  Militar-Geographisches  Institut : 
Die  Astronomisch-geodatischen  Arbeiten,  Band  10,  11. 

4to.  Wien,  1897 

Vienna, K.undK.Reichs-Kriegs-Ministerium,  Marine-Section: 

Relative   Schwerebestimmungen    durch     Pendelbeobachtungen 
ausgefiihrt  .  .  .  in  den  Jahren  1892   94.  8vo.  Wien,  1895 



Vienna.  Oesterreichische  Gradmcssungs-Comniission : 

:  Verhandlungen  :  Protokolle  iibcr  die  Sitzungen,  1885-95. 

8vo.  Wien,  1889  -05 

:  Astronomische  Arbeiten  :  Bestimmuiij^  der  Polh()he  unci  des 

Azimutes    .     .     .     ausgefuhrt     und    herausgegeljen    von    W. 
Tinter.  4to.  Wien,  1891-95 

Vienna,  von  Kufifner'sche  Sternwarte  : 

Publicationen.    Plerausgegeben  von  Norbert  Herz  (und  Leo  de 
Ball).     Band  1-4.  4to.  Wien,  1889-96 

Vince  (Samuel) : 

The  elements  of  astronomy  ;  designed  for  the  use  of  students 
in  the  University.     Second  edition.        8vo.  Cambridge,  1801 

Vine  (James  George) : 

An  explanation  of  the  constitution  of  the  Ether,  of  the  con- 
stitution of  matter  ;  and  on  the  cause  of  universal  gravita- 
tion. 8vo.  London  [1891] 
VioUe  (J.) : 

*De  la  temperature  du  soleil.  Svo.  Paris,  1876 

Virdung  (Joannes) : 

Tabulse  resolute  de  svppvtandis  sidervm  motibvs. 

4to.  Norimbergoe,  1542 
Virginia  University,  Leander  McCormick  Observatory  : 

:  Report  of  the  director  [Ormond  Stone],  1886-88.  Svo. 

:  Publications,  vol.  i,  part  1-7.     8vo.  Charlottesville,  1883-96 

Vol.  I.  part  I.  Transit  of  Venus,  1S82. 

2.  Tail  of  Comet  1S82  II. 

3.  Nebula  of  Orion,  1885. 

4.  Double  stars,  1885-86. 

5.  Durchmusterung,  -23''. 

6.  Southern  nebuke. 

7.  Nebula  of  Orion. 
Vizagapatam,  G.  V.  Juggarow  Observatory : 
:  Results  of  meteorological  observations,  1S83-94. 

Svo.  Calcutta  and  Vizagapatam,  1S84-96 

:  Report  on  the  condition  and  progress  of  the  .   .  .  observatory, 

including  the  results  of  observations  for  the  year  1895-96. 

Svo.  Calcutta,  1896-97 
Vogel  (Heinrieh  Carl) : 

*The  Prussian  solar  eclipse.  Svo.  New  York,  1887 

Vogel  (Hermann  Carl) : 

:  *Ueber  die  Bedeutung  der  Photographie  zur  Beobachtung 

von  Nebelflecken.  4to.  Kiel,  1888 

:  *Ueber  die  Methoden  zur  Bestimmung    der  chi'omatischen 

Abweichung  von  Fernrohrobjectiven.  4to.  Kiel,  18S8 

:  *Uber    die    Bestimmung   der    Bewegung   von    Sternen    im 

Visionsradius  durch  spectrographische  Beobachtung. 

Svo.  Berlin,  1SS8 
*Ueber  das  Stern  a  Virginis.  Svo.  Berlin,  1890 

*Uber  den  neuen  Stern  im  Fuhrmann.  4to.  Berlin,  1893 

*Uber  das  Spectrum  von  />  Lyne.  Svo.  Berlin,  1894 

u  2 

1 64 

Vogel  (Hermann  Carl)— contijincd. 

:  *Neuere  Untersuchungen  iiber  die  Spectra  der  Planeten. 

8vo.  Berlin,  1895 

:  *Uber  das  Vorkommen   der  Linien  des  Cleveitgasspectrums 

in  den  Sternspectren,  und  iiber  die  Classification  der  Sterne 
vom  ersten  Spectraltypus.  8vo.  Berlin,  1895 

■ :  *  iiber  das  Spectrum  von  Mira  Ceti.  8vo.  Berlin,  1896 

:  *Die  Lichtabsorption  als  maassgebender  Factor  bei  der  Wahl 

del-  Dimension  des  Objectivs  fiir  den  grossen   Refractor  des 
Potsdamer  Observatoriums.  8vo.  Berlin,  1896 

:  *Einige   Bemerkungen   iiber   den  Kirchhoff'schen    Spectral - 

apparat.  8vo.  Berlin,  1898 

Wadsworth  (F.  L.  O.) : 

:  ^"Astronomical  photography.  8vo.  London,  1897 

:  *New  form  of  mounting  for  reflecting  telescopes  devised  by 

the  late  A.  C.  Ranyard.  8vo.  Chicago,  1897 
:  *Note  on  an  error  in  the  expression  for  the  intensity  of 

illumination  at  the  focal  plane  of  a  telescope  due  to  an   in- 
finitely extended  luminous  area.  4to.  Boston,  1897 
:  *0n   the   conditions  of  maximum  efticiency   in   astrophoto- 

graphic  work.     I.  8vo.  Chicago,  1897 
:  *0n   the  conditions  which  determine    the    ultimate  optical 

efficiency  of  methods  for  observing  small  rotations  [etc.]. 

8vo.  London,  1897 
:  *0n  the  effect  of  the  size  of  an  objective  on  the  visibility  of 

linear  markings  on  the  planets.  4to.  Boston,  1897 

:  *0n  the  photography  of  planetary  surfaces  [ttc.]. 

8vo.  London,  1897 
:  *0n  the  resolving  power  of  telescopes  and  spectroscopes  for 

lines  of  finite  width.  4to.  Roma,  1897 
:  *Thermal    measurements   with  the    bolometer    by  the  zero 

methol  8vo.  Chicago,  1897 
:   *The  application  of  the  interferometer  to  the  measurement 

of  small  angular  deflections  of  a  suspended  system. 

8vo.  New  York,  1897 
:  *Notes  on  the  use  of  the  grating  in  stellar  spectroscopic 

work.  8vo.  Chicago,  1898 

Wagner  (Carl) : 

Beitrage  zur  Entwicklung  der  Bessel'schen  Funktion,  I.   Art. 

Inaugural-Dissertation.  8vo.  Bern,  1894 

Wakelin  (T.) : 

The  mechanical  principles  of  a  theory  of  gravitation  briefly 

indicated.  8vo.  Wellington,  N.Z.,  1889 

Walbeck  (Heinrich  Johann) : 

*De    forma    et    magnitudine    telluris,    ex    dimensis    arcubus 

meridiani  definiendis.  8vo.  Helsingfors,  1S91 

Wales,  Astronomical  Society  of: 

:  Journal.     Vol.  1-3.  i6mo.  Cardiflf,  1895-97 

Continued  as 

:  The    Camlnian    Natural    Observer.     New    Series.     Vol.    i. 

i2mo.  Caz'dift",  1898 


Walser  (Hermann) : 

*Verauderungen  der  Eixloberflaclie  im  Umkreis  des  Kautons 
Ziirich  seit  der  Mitte  des  17  Jahrhunderts.  Inaugural- 
Dissertation.  8vo.  Bern,  1896 

Walther  (Johann  Michael): 

De  coloribus  macularum  solarium.     [Inaugural  Dissertation.] 

4to.  Vitembergte,  1728 

Walther  (Johann  Michael)  und  Georg  Kreitner: 

Dissertatio  prima  de  historia  macularum  solarium.  [Inaugural 
Dissertation.]  4to.  Vitembergaj,  1728 

Wanach  (Bernhard) : 

*Beobachtungen  am  Pulkowaer  Passageninstrument  im  ersten 
Vertical  in  den  Jahren  1890  91,  nebst  Ableitung  der 
Polhohenanderung.  8vo.  Kristiauia  og  Kjobenhavn,  1893 

Washburn  Observatory  of  the  University  of  Wisconsin : 

:  Publications.     Vol.  2-10.        8vo.  and  4to.  Madison,  1884-96 

:  Catalogue  of  the  Woodman  astronomical  library,  part  i.  8vo. 

See  also  Comstock  (G.  C.) 

Washington  : 

International  Conference  held  .  .  .  for  the  purpose  of  fixing  a 
Prime  Meridian  and  a  Universal  day,  October  1884. 
Protocols  of  the  Proceedings.  Bvo.  Washington,  1S84 

Washington,  Bureau  of  Navigation : 

:  Tables  of  Melponiene,  by  E.  Schubert. 

4to.  Washington,  i860 

:  Tables  of  Eunomia,  by  E.  Schubert.      4to.  Washington,  1866 

:  The  American  Ephemeris  and  Nautical  Almanac,  1884-99. 

8vo.  Washington,  1884-96 

:  Astronomical  papers  prepared  for  the  use  of  the  American 

Ephemeris  and  Nautical  Almanac.     Vol.  2-7. 

4to.  Washington,  1885-96 

Vol.  2,  pt.  3.  S.  Newcomb,  Measures  of  the  velocity  of  light. 

4.  A.     A.    Michelson,     Supplementary    measures    of     tlie 

velocities  of  white  and  coloured  light. 

5.  S.  Newcomb,   Discussion  of  observations  of  the  transits 

of  Venus  in  1761  and  1769. 

6.  S.  Newcomb,   North  polar   distances  observed    with  the 

Greenwich    and    Washington    transit    circles,   with    a 
determination  of  the  constant  of  nutation. 
Vol.  3,  pt.  I.  S.  Newcomb,    Development  of  the  perturbative    function 
and  its  derivatives. 

2.  G.  W.  Hill,  Inequalities  of  the  moon's  motion  produced 

by  the  figure  of  the  earth. 

3.  S.  Newcomb,    On    the  motion  of  Hyperion  :  a  new  case 

in  celestial  mechanics. 

1 66 

Washington  Bureau  of  Navigation— coniimtei. 

4.  G.  W.  Hill,   Lunar   inequalities   due   to   the   action    of 

Jupiter,  discovered  by  E.  Neison. 

5.  S.  Newcomb,   Periodic  perturbations   of  longitudes  and 

radii  vectores  of  four  inner  planets. 
Vol.  4.  G.  W.  Hill,  A  new  theory  of  Jupiter  and  Saturn. 

Vol.  5,  pt.  3.  S.  Newcomb,  Theory  of  the  inequalities  in  the  motion  o 

the  moon  produced  by  the  action  of  the  planets. 

4.  S.  Newcomb,  Secular  variations  of  the  orbits  of  the  four 

inner  planets. 

5.  S.  Newcomb,   On  the  mass  of  Jupiter  and   the  orbit  of 

Vol.  6,  pt.  I.  S.  Newcomb,   Tables   of  the  motion  of  the  earth  on  its 
axis  and  around  the  sun. 

2.  S.  Newcomb,  Tables  of  Mercury. 

3.  S.  Newcomb,  Tables  of  Venus. 
Vol.  7,  pt.  I.  G.  W.  Hill,  Tables  of  Jupiter. 

2.  G.  W.  Hill,  Tables  of  Saturn. 

The  American  Nautical  Almanac,  1889. 

8vo.  Washington,  1888 
:  The  Atlantic  coaster's  Nautical  Almanac,  1889-90. 

8vo.  Washington,  1888-89 
:  The  Pacific  coaster's  Nautical  Almanac,  1889-90. 

8vo.  Washington,  1888-89 

Washington,  National  Academy  of  Sciences : 

:  Memoirs,  vol.  2-7.  4to.  Washington,  1884-95 

:  Proceedings,  vol.  i,  pt.  2.  8vo.  Washington,  1884 

:  Report  for  the  yeai's  1883-85,  1889-95. 

8vo.  Washington,  1884-96 

Washington,  Philosophical  Society: 

Bulletin.     Vol  8-12.  8vo.  Washington,  1885-95 

Washington,  Smithsonian  Institution: 

:  Annual  Report  of  the  Board  of  Regents,  1883-95. 

8vo.  Washington,  1885-96 

:  Ditto  :  Report    on   the   United    States    National    Museum, 

1886-94.  8vo.  W^ashington,  1888-96 

:  Smithsonian  Contributions  to  Knowledge.     Vol.  24-32. 

4to.  Washington,  1885-96 

:  Smithsonian  Miscellaneous  Collections.     Vol.  28-37. 

8vo.  Washington,  1887-97 

:  Report  of  the  Secretary,  1893-96. 

8vo.  Washington,  1894-97 

■ :  Bureau  of  Ethnology  :  Annual  Report,   1883-91,  by  J.  W. 

Powell.  4to.  Washington,  1887-94 

:  The  Maya  year.    By  C.  Thomas.    Svo.  Washington,  1894 

• :  Meteorological  tables.  Svo.  Washington,  1893 

:  Geographical  Tables.  8vo.  Washington,  1894 

:  Physical  tallies.  8vo.  Washington,  1896 

:  A  recalculation  of  the  atomic  weights. 

8vo.  Washington,  1897 


Washington,  Smithsonian  Institution— con^in^i^rZ. 

:  Equipment  and  work  of  an  aero-physical  Observatory. 

8vo.  Washington,  1897 
:  An   account  of  .   .  its  origin,  history,  olyects,  and  achieve- 
ments, by  G.  Jirown  Goode.  8vo.  Washington,  1895 

:  Tlie  Smithsonian  Institution,    1846-96.     The  history  of  its 

first  half-century.     Edited  by  G.  Brown  Goode. 

8vo.  Washington,  1897 

Washington,  United  States  Hydrographic  Office  : 

Telegraphic  determination  of  longitudes  in  Mexico  and  Central 
America,  and  on  the  West  Coast  of  South  America,  by  C.  H. 
Davis,  J.  A.  Norris,  and  C.  Laird.        4to.  Washington,  1885 

Washington,  United  States  Naval  Observatory : 

:  Astronomical  (and  magnetical)  and  meteorological  observa- 
tions made  during  the  years  1880-90. 
:  Appendices  :  4to.  Washington,  1884-95 

1881.  I.  A.  Hall,  Orbits  of  Oberon  and  Titania. 
II.  A.  Hall,  Orbit  of  the  satellite  of  Neptune. 

1882.  I.  A.  Hall,  Orbit  of  lapetus. 

II.  Brown  c&  Winterhalter,  Annular  eclipse,  1885. 

III.  W.  Harkness,  On  the  flexure  of  meridian  instruments. 

1883.  I.  A.  Hall,  The  six  inner  satellites  of  Saturn. 
II.  A.  Hall,  Observations  for  stellar  parallax. 

III.  Observatory   temperature   room,   and    trials   of   chrono- 

meters, 1SS4, 1SS6. 
18S4       I.  M.  lYarnall,-  Catalogue  of   stars   observed   1845-77,  3rd 
edition,  by  E.  Frisby. 

1885.  I.  A.    G.    Winterhalter,    International    Astrophotographic 

Congress  and  visit  to  European  Observatories. 

II.  A.  Hall,  Saturn  and  its  ring,  1875-89. 

III.  W.    Harkness,    The     solar     parallax     and     its    related 

1886.  I.  J.  A.  Hoogewerff,  Magnetic  observations,  1888-89. 

1887.  I.  C.   C.    Marsh,    Eeport  on    Magnetic    Observatories    of 

II.  J.  A.  Hoogewerff,  Magnetic  observations,  1890. 

III.  J.  R.  Eastman,  Meteorological  observations  and  results, 


1888.  I.  A.  Hall,  Observations  of  double  stars,  part  2. 
II.  J.  A.  Hoogewerff,  Magnetic  observations,  1S91. 

1889.  I.  S.  J.  Brown,  Magnetic  observations,  1892,  and  meteoro- 

logical observations  and  results,  i8Sg. 

1890.  I.  Catalogue  of  16,748  southern  stars  from  Gilliss's  Zones. 
1894.      I.  C  .C.  Marsh,  Magnetic  observations,  1894. 

:  Report  of  the  Superintendent,  1884-97. 

8vo.  Washington,  1884-97 

:  Proposed  observations  at  the  opposition  of  Mars  in  1892. 

8vo.  Washington,  1892 


Washington,  United  States  Signal  Service 

:  Annual  Report,  1883-90.  8vo.  Washington,  1884-90 

:  Professional  papers,  No.  13-18.       4to.  Washington,  1884-85 

Washington  University  [St.  Louis,  Missouri] : 

The  total  eclipse  of  the  Sun,  January  i,  1889  :  a  report  of  the 
observations  made  by  the  Washington  University  Eclipse 
party  at  Norman,  California.  4to.  Cambridge,  1891 

Waterhouse  (James) : 

Annual  address  and  review  (Asiatic  Society  of  Bengal). 

8vo.  Calcutta,  1889 

Watson  (James  C.) : 

Theoretical  astronomy  relating  to  the  motions  of  the  heavenly 
bodies  revolving  around  the  sun  in  accordance  with  the  law  of 
universal  gravitation.  8vo.  Philadelphia,  1892 

Watts  (W.  Marshall) : 

:  Index  of  Spectra  .  .  with  an  introduction  on  the  methods  of 

measuring  and  mapping  spectra.     Revised  edition. 

8vo.  Mancnester,  i88g 

:  Ditto.     Appendix  B.  8vo.  Manchester,  1891 

:  Ditto.     Appendix  C.  8vo.  Manchester,  1892 

Webb  (Thomas  William) : 

Celestial  objects  for  common  telescopes.  Fifth  edition,  revised 
and  greatly  enlarged  by  T.  E.  Espin. 

2  vols.  8vo.  London,  1893-94 

Wegg-Prosser  (Francis  Richard) : 

Galileo  and  his  Judges.  8vo.  London,  1889 

Weilenmann  (A.) : 

*Nekrolog  auf  Prof.  Joh.  Rudolf  Wolf.  8vo.  Ziirich,  1894 

Weinek  (Ladislaus) : 

:  *Bemerkungen  iiber  seine  photographische  Mondvergrosser- 

ungen.  8vo.  Wien  [1894-97] 

:   Uber  das  feinere  selenographische  Detail  der  focalen  Mond- 

Photographien  der  Mt.  Hamiltoner  und  Pariser  Sternwarte. 

8vo.  [1897] 

:  Photogi-aphischer  Mond-Atlas,  vornehmlich  auf  Grund  von 

focalen  Negativen  der  Lick -Sternwarte,  im  Massstabe  eines 
Monddurchmessers  von  10  Fuss.     Heft  1-3. 

fol.  Prag,  1897-98 
See  also  Prague,  K.K.  Sternwarte. 

Weinek  (Ladislaus)  and  Robert  Lieblein  : 

*Provisorische  Resultate  aus  den  fortlaufenden  Polhohen- 
Messungen  an  der  K.K.  Stex-nwarte  zu  Prag,  1889-92. 

4to.  Prag,  1897 

Welper  (Eberhard)  : 

IJsus  Quadrantis  Astronomici  geometrici  :  das  ist,  Beschreib- 
ung  des  Gebrauchs  eines  astronomische  und  geometrischen 
Quadranten.  4to.  Niirnberg,  n.d. 

1 69 

Wessel  (Caspar)  :- 

Essai  sur  la  representation  analytique  de  la  direction. 

4to.   Copenhague,  1S97 

Westphal  (A.) : 

*Untersuchungen  iiber  den  selbstregistrirenden  Universalpcgel 
zu  Swinemiinde.  4to.  Berlin,  1895 

Weyer  (G.  D.  E.)  : 

:  Vorlesungen  iiber  nautische  Astronomic,  gehalten   an  der 

Konigl.  Marineschule  in  Kiel.  8vo.  Kiel,  1871 

:  *Die  indirekten  oder  genaherten  Auflosungen  fiir   das  Zwei- 

hohenproblem.  4to.  Berlin,  1884-85 

:  *Bericht  iiber  eine  neue  Abhandlung  des  Herrn  Prof.    A. 

Bono  in  Neapel  zur  nautischen  Bestimmung  der  Lange  durch 
Chronometer  mittelst  zweier  korrespondirenden  Sonnenhohen. 

4to.  Berlin,  1885 

:  *Beitrage  zur  Berechnung  der  Deviation  der  Hchitfskompasse, 

mit  Untersuchungen  iiber  die  altesten  Flinders'schen  Devia- 
tionsbeobachtungen.  4to.  Berlin,  1888 

:  *PrLi£ung  der  Poisson'schen  Deviationstheorie  fiir  die  SchiSs- 

kompasse  durch  Beobachtungen.  4to.  Berlin,  1889 

Weyher  (C.  L.) : 

Sur  les  tourbillons,  trombes,  tempetes,  et  spheres  tournantes  : 
etude  et  experiences  :  deuxieme  edition.         8vo.  Paris,  1889 

Whewell  (William) : 

:  On  the  free  motion  of  points,  and  on  universal  gravitation, 

including  the  principal  propositions  of  books  I.  and  III.  of 
the  Principia  ;  the  first  part  of  a  treatise  of  dynamics. 
Third  edition.  8vo.  Cambridge,  1836 

:  The  docti'ine  of  limits,  with  its  applications,  namely,  conic 

sections,  the  first  three  sections  of  Newton,  the  differential 
calculus.  8vo.  Cambridge,  1838 

Whipple  (George  Matthews) : 

*Note  on  the  verification  of  thermometers  at  the  freezing  point 
of  Mercury.  8vo.  London,  1886 

Whiston  (William) : 

The  astronomical  year  ;  or  an  account  of  the  many  remarkable 
celestial  phenomena  of  the  great  year  mdccxxxvi.,  par- 
ticularly of  the  late  comet,  which  was  foretold  by  Sir  Isaac 
Newton,  and  appeared  at  its  conclusion.     8vo.  London,  1737 

White  (Charles  J.) : 

The  elements  of  theoretical  and  descriptive  astronomy,  for  the 
use  of  colleges  and  academies.  i2mo.  New  York,  1890 

White  (T.  Pilkington) : 

The  Ordnance  Survey  of  the  United  Kingdom. 

8vo.  Edinburgh,  18S6 

White  (William) :  aee  Meldola  and  White. 


Whitney  (William  D.) : 

*0n  the  views  of  Biot  and  Weber  respecting  the  relations  of  the 
Hindu  and  Chinese  systems  of  asterisms  ;  with  an  addition, 
on  Miiller's  views  respecting  the  same  subject.  8vo.  1864 

Wickner  (Atodias) : 

Tab  via  ascensionvm  obliqvarum,  qvse  locvm  Solis  in  Zodiaco 
qvantitatem  Dierum  &  noctium,  ortum  &  occasum  Solis, 
ascensionis  item  &  descensionis  signorum  Zodiaci  tempora 
exactissime  .  .  .  demonstrat.  4to.  TvbingEe,  1561 

Wideburg  (Basil  Christian  Bernhard) : 

Astronomische  Betrachtung  der  grossen  Finsterniss,  welche 
sich  an  der  Sonnen  den  25sten  Julii  des  itztlaufenden 
i748sten  Jahres  ereignen  wird.  4to.  Jena,  1748 

Wilde  (Henry) : 

*0n  the  causes  of  the  phenomena  of  terrestrial   magnetism, 

and  on  some  electro-mechanism  for  exhibiting  the  secular 
changes  in  its  horizontal  and  vertical  components. 

4to.  [1890] 

:  *0n  the  origin  of  elemeniary  substances,  and  on  some  new 

relations  of  their  atomic  weights.     [English  and  French.] 

4to.  London,  1892 

:  *0n  the  evidence  afforded  by  Bode's  law  of  a  permanent 

contraction  of  the  radii  vectores  of  the  planetary  orbits. 

8vo.  Manchester,  1895 
:  *0n  the  multiple  proportions  of  the  atomic  weights  of  ele- 
mentary substances  in  relation  to  the  unit  of  hydrogen. 

8vo.  Manchester,  1895 

:  *0n  Helium   and  its  place  in  the   natural  classification  of 

elementary  substances.  8vo.  Manchester,  1896 

:  *0n  the  indefinite  quantitative  relations  of  the  physical  and 

chemical  forces.  8vo.  Manchester,  1896 

Willard  (E.) : 

Astronography  ;  or  astronomical  geography ;  with  the  use 
of  the  globes.     (Cassell's  Educational  Course.) 

8vo.  London  (1856) 
Williams  (Arthur  Stanley) : 

:  Zenographical    Fragments.       I.  The   motions    and   changes 

of  the  markings  on  Jupiter  in  the  apparition  of  1886-87. 

8vo.  London,  1889 

:  *Notes   of   a   preliminary    examination   of   photographs   of 

Jupiter  taken  at  the  Lick  Observatory  in  1891. 

8vo.  San  Francisco,  1892 

:   A  catalogue  of  the  magnitude  of   1081   stars  lying  between 

—  30°  decl.  and  the  south  pole,  from  observations  made  in  the 
years  1885-6.  8vo.  London,  1898 

Williams  College  Observatory : 

The  Williams  College  catalogue  of  north  polar  stars,  right 
ascension  for  1885-0.     By  T.  H.  Safford. 

4to.  Williamstown,  Mass.,  1888 


Williams  (Thomas) : 

Method  to  discover  the  difTerence  of  the  earth's  diameters  ;  .  .  . 
with  a  variety  of  new  tables  suited  to  the  suliject  ;  likewise 
a  method  for  fixing  an  universal  standard  for  weights  and 
measures.  8vo.  London,  1788 

Wilson  (William  E.) : 

*The  apparent  cometary  nature  of  the  spiral  nebula  in  Canes 
Venatici.  8vo.  Dublin,  1898 

Wilson  (William  E.)  and  P.  L.  Gray  : 

*Experiinental  investigations  on  the  effective  temperature  of 
the  sun,  made  at  Daramona,  Streete,  Co.  Westmeath. 

4to.  London,  1894 

Wi!son  (William  E.)  and  A.  A.  Rambaut: 

*The  absorption  of  heat  in  the  solar  atmosphere. 

8vo.  Dublin,  1892 

Winchell  (Alexander) : 

World-life,  or  comparative  geology.  8vo.  Chicago,  1883 

Wing  (Vincent)  and  William  Leybourn  : 

Urania  practica,  or  practical  astronomic,  in  vi.  parts  :  .  .  . 
unto  which  is  added  (for  the  benefit  of  sea-men)  diverse 
rules  and  tables  of  extraordinary  use  in  navigation. 

8vo.  London,  1649 
Winkelmann  (A.) : 

Handbuch  der  Physik.     Band  2.     Abth.  2,  Warme. 

8vo.  Breslau,  1896 
Winloek  (William  C.) : 

:  *An    account   of  the   progress  of  astronomy    in  the   years 

1885-92.  8vo.  Washington,  1886-93 

:  *Bibliography  of  astronomy  for  the  year  18S7. 

8vo.  Washington,  1888  . 
Winterhalter  (Albert  G.) : 

*The  International  Astrophotographic  Congress  ;  and  a  visit 
to  certain  European   Observatories  and  other  Institutions. 

4to.  Washington,  1889 
See  also  Brown  and  Winterhalter. 

Wislicenus  (Walter  P.) : 

:  Untersuchungen  iiber  den  absoluten  personlichen  Fehler  bei 

Durchgangsbeobachtungen.  4to.  Leipzig,  1888 
:  Astronomische  Chronologie  :  ein  Hiilfsbuch  fiir  Historiker, 

Archaologen  und  Astronomen.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1895 

Wittram  (Th.) : 

Tables  auxiliaires  pour  la  determination  de  I'heure  par  des 
hauteurs  correspondantes  de  difierentes  etoiles. 

8vo.  St. -Petersbourg,  1892 
Wittstein  (Theodor) : 

Logaritlimes  de  Gauss  a  sept  decimales,  pour  servir  a  trouver  le 
logarithms  de  la  somme  ou  de  la  difference  de  deux  nombres, 
leurs  logarithmes  etant  donnes.      [Fr.  and  German]. 

4to.  Hannover,  1866 


Wochentliche  Unterhaltungen  fiir  Dilettanten  und  Freunde  der 
Astronomie,  Geographie  und  Witterungskunde,  herausgegeben 
von  G.  A.  Jahn  (und  E.  Heis). 

II  vols.   8vo.  Leipzig  und  Halle,  1847-57 
Continued  as 

:  Wochenschrift  fiir  Astronomie,  Meteorologie  und  Geographie  : 

neue  Folge  der  '  Wochentliche  Unterhaltungen,'  redigirt  von 
E.  Heis  (und  H.  J.  Klein).     Jahrgang  1-25  ;  34. 

8vo.  Halle,  1858-91 

Wolf  (C.) : 

Astronomie  et  Geodesie  :  cours  professe  a  la  Sorbonne  .  .  . 
Redige  par  H.  Le  Barbier  et  P.  Bourguignon. 

8vo.  Paris,  1891 
Wolf  (Max) : 

:  *Photographische  Aufnahmen  von  kleinen  Planeten. 

4to.  Kiel,  1892 

:  *Die  Photographie  der  Planetoiden.  4to.  Kiel,  1895 

:  *Die    E-egulirung    des    Uhrwerkes   eines  photographisclien 

Fernrohres.  4to.  Berlin,  1895 

Wolf  (Rudolf)  : 

:  Handbuch  der  Astronomie  :  ihrer  Geschichte  und  Literatur. 

2  vols.  8vo.  Ziirich,  1890-92 

:  Life,  see  Graf  (J.  H.)  ;   Weilenmann  (A.)  ;  Wolfer  (A.). 

See  also  Astronomische  Mittheilungen. 

Wolfer  (A.) : 

:  *Heliographische  Oerter  von  Sonnenflecken  und  Fackeln. 

8vo.  Ziirich,  1887-90 

:  *Compte-rendu  des  travaux  de  R.  Wolf  dans  le  domaine  de 

la  physique  solaire.  8vo.  Geneve,  1891 

:  *Ueber  die  Hauptresultate  der  Untersuchungen  von   Prof. 

Wolf  in  Zurich  im  Gebiete  der  Sonnenphysik. 

4to.  Geneve,  1892 

:  *Nekrolog  von  Rudolf  Wolf.  8vo.  Leipzig,  1894 

:  *Zur  Bestimmung  der  Rotationszeit  der  Sonne. 

8vo.  Ziirich,  1896 
See  also  Astronomische  Mittheilungen. 

Wolflf  (Julius  Theodor) : 

Photometrische  Beobachtungen  an  Fixsternen  aus  den  Jahren 
1876  bis  1883.  4to.  Berlin,  1884 

Wood  (Joseph) : 

The  new  science  of  astronomy,  as  set  forth   in   chapter  xii.  of 
'The  analogies  of  being.'  8vo.  London,  1867 

Woodhouse  (Robert) : 

:  A  treatise  on  astronomy,  theoretical  and  practical,  vol.  i,  pt. 

I,  2  ;  new  edition.  8vo.  Cambridge,  1821-23 

• :  A    treatise   on  plane  and   spherical   trigonometry.     Second 

Edition.  8vo.  Cambridge,  1813 



Woods  (Thomas) : 

The  monster  telescopes  erected  by  the  Earl  of  Rosse,  Parsons- 
town,  with  an  account  of  the  manufacture  of  the  specnila,  !Uid 
full  descriptions  of  all  the  machinery  connected  with  these 
instruments.     Third  edition.  8vo.  Parsoustown,  1845 

Woolhouse  (W.  S.  B.)  : 

*0n  integration  by  means  of  selected  values  of  the  function. 

Svo.  London. 
Wright  c Thomas) : 

Clavis  Cfelestis  ;  being  the  explication  of  a  diagram  entituled  a 
synopsis  of  the  universe  ;  or,  the  visible  world  epitomized. 

4to.  London,  1742 
Wylie  (Alexander) : 

The  Mongol  astronomical  instruments  in  Peking  :  Eclipses 
recorded  in  Chinese  works  ;  List  of  fixed  stars  [with  names 
in  Chinese].  8vo.  Slmnghai,  1897 

Yale  University,  Astronomical  Observatory : 

:  (Report,  1884-97.  Svo.  New  Haven,  1S85-97 

:  Transactions,  vol.  i,  part  i.  4to.  New  Haven,  1887 

W.  L.  Elkin,  determination  of  the  relative  positions  of  the  principal 
stars  in  the  group  of  the  Pleiades. 

Year  Book  of  Photography  and  Photographic  News  Almanac  : 
Edited  by  T.  Bolas,  1886.  Svo.  London. 

Year  Book  of  Science.    Edited  by  T.  G.  Bonney.     1891-92. 

Svo.  Loudon,  1892-93 

Yerkes  Observatory,  University  of  Chicago : 

Bulletin.  No.  1-5.  Svo.  Chicago.  1896-9S 

Young  (Charles  A.) : 

:  *Theories  regarding  the  Sun's  Corona.  Svo. 

:  *Spectroscopic  notes.  Svo.  New  Haven,  18S3 

:  *Pending    problems     in    astronomy    (Address    before    the 

American  Association).  Svo.  Salem,  Mass.,  1885 

:  *Ten  years'  progress  in  astronomy,  1S76-S6. 

Svo.  New  York,  1886 

• :  *  Astronomical  Photography.  Svo.  New  York,  1S87 

:  A  text  book  of  general  astronomy  for  colleges  and  scientific 

schools.  Svo.  Boston,  1888 
:  The  elements  of  Astronomy  :  a  text   book   for  use  in  high 

schools  and  academies  ;  with  a  Uranography. 

Svo.  Boston  k  London,  1S90 
:  Lessons   in    Astronomy,    including   uranography.     A   brief 

introductory  course  without  mathematics  for  use  in  schools 

and  seminaries.  Svo.  Boston  &  London,  1891 
:  The  Sun.     New   and    revised  edition  (with    supplementary 

notes).  Svo.  New  York,  1896 

Zach  (Ant.  de) : 

*Oppositio    Urani,    observata   mense   Januarii   anni    1790,    in 
Observatorio  Gothano.  4to. 


Zanotti  (Eustachio) : 

:  La  meridiana  del  tempio  di  San  Petronio  rinnovata  1'  anno 

MDCCLXXVI  :  si  aggiunge  la  ristampa  del  libro  pubblicato 
r  anno  1695,  sopra  la  ristaurazione  della  meridiana  eseguita 
dai  celebri  matematici  Gio.  Domenico  Cassini  e  Domenico 
Guglielmini.  fol.  Bologna,  1779 

See  also  Bologna. 

Zeitschrift  fiir  Instrumentenkunde,  Jahrgang  5-1 8. 

4to.  Berlin,  1885-98 

Zeitschrift  fiir  populare  Mittheilungen  aus  dem  Gebiete  der 
Astrononiie  und  verwandter  Wissenschaften.  Herausgegeben 
von  C.  A.  F.  Peters.     Band  3.  8vo.  Altona,  1869 

Zenger  (Carl  Venceslas) ; 

:  *La  heliofotografia  comparada  con  los  grandes  movimientos 

atmosft^ricos  y  seismicos.  4to.  Barcelona,  1886 

. :  Die  Meteorologie  der  Sonne  und  das   Wetter-Prognose  des 

Jahres  1886.  8vo.  Prag,  1887 

:  *La  periode  solaire,  les  essaims  d'etoiles  filantes,  et  les  per- 
turbations niagnetiques.  8vo.  Paris  [1887] 

:  *La  dur^e  de  rotation  du  Soleil  comparee  k  celle  des  planetes, 

8vo.  Paris  [188S] 

:  *Die   periodischen  Wetterstiirze   des  Erdenjahres   in    ihrer 

Abhangigkeit  von  der  electrischen  Einwirkung  der  Sonne, 
und  die  Erdatmosphare  durchschneidender  Sternschnuppen- 
schwarme.  8vo.  Magdeburg,  1889 

:  ^L'induction  unipolaire  et  bipolaire  sur  une  sphere  tournante  ; 

les  lois  electrodynamiques  et  le  mouvement  planetaire  ;  la 
spectrographie  des  parties  invisibles  du  spectre  solaire  ;  les 
objectifs  catadioptriques,  appliques  a  la  photographie  celeste. 

4to.  Paris,  1889 

:  *L'ouragan  du  7  au  9  fevrier    1889  a  Prague  ;  Les   orages 

des  17  et  19  mai  1889  en  Boheme  ;  Les  orages  en  Boheme, 
1889  ;  Les  figures  electriques  dessinees  par  I'eclair  ;  Le 
blizzard  du  6  au  7  decembre  1892.  4to.  Paris,  1889-92 

:  Le  systeme  du  monde  electro-dynamique.       8vo.  Paris,  1893 

:  *L'electricite  consideree  conime  un  mouvement  tourbillon- 

naire.  4to.  Paris,  1894 

:  Die  Meteorologie  der  Sonne  und  das  Wetter  im  Jahre  1888  ; 

zugleich  Wetterprognose  fiir  das  Jalir  1898.     8vo.  Prag,  1898 

Zetzsche  (E.) : 

*Les   phenomenes   electriques,   et  leur  rapport  avec  les    phe- 
nomenes  cosmiques.  4to.  Prague,  1890 

ZoUner  (Jotiann  Carl  Friedrich) : 

:  *XJeber  die  Periodicitat  und  heliographische  Verbreitung  der 

Sonnenflecken.  8vo.  Leipzig,  187 1 

:  *  liber   das    Rotations-Gesetz   der   Sonne    und    der   grossen 

Planeten.  8vo.  Leipzig,  187 1 


Zona  (T.): 

:   *Osscrvazioni  suUa  latitufline  di  Catania.  Svo.  1895 

:  Latitudine    del     R.    Osservatorio    astronomico    di    Catania, 

determinata  nel  1894  col  metodo  di   Talcott.     (R.    Commis- 
sione  Geodetica  Italiana.)  4to.  Firenze,  1896 

Zuckermann  (B.) : 

Ueber  Sabbatjahrcyclus  und  Jobelperiode  :  ein  Beitrag  zur 
Archaologie  und  Chronologie  der  vor  und  nachexilischen 
Zeit,  mit  einer  angehjingten  Sabbatjahrstafel  [University 
Programme].  4to.  Breslau,  1857 

Zurich,  Naturforschende  Gesellschaft : 

:  Vierteljahrsschrift,  Jahrgang  26-42.       Svo.  Zurich,  1881-97 

:  Generalregister  der  Publikationen.  Svo.  Zurich,  1892 

Zurich,  Schweizerische  meteorologisehe  Centralanstalt : 

:  Annalen,  1883-95.     Jahrgang  20-32.  4to.  Ziirich 

:  Instruktionen    fiir    die    Beobachter    der    meteorologischen 

Stationen  der  Schweiz.     Zweite  Auflage.      4to.  Zurich,  1S93 

Zurich,  Sternwarte  des  eidg.  Polytechnikums  : 

Publicationen,  herausgegeben  von  A.  Wolfer.  Band  i  ;  Be- 
obachtungen  der  Sonnenoberflache  in  den  Jahren  1887-89, 
von  A.  Wolfer,  4to,  Zurich,  1897 




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